Our silence on one of the most persecuted people in the world

  • Thread starter KSaiyu

Come on man, it's the internet. That took me all of thirty seconds. If you're going to attempt to lie, at least make a decent effort. You may not call yourself a Christian, but you obviously at the very least identify with them strongly. As long as you talk like a Christian, swim like a Christian and quack like a Christian then I'm going to label you as a Christian, no matter what labels you want to try and put on yourself.

You can call yourself the Dalai Lama for all I care, but as long as you behave like a Christian you might as well be one.

Well, in 2008 @zzz_pt would have identified as Christian I suspect, before the big "I want to change my answer" in the God thread. Personally, I quite respect someone that moves on in their thinking but doesn't preoccupy themselves with poo-pooing what they previously held dear, and can keep a balanced view on it.

I really don't know if that describes @KSaiyu though.
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Well, in 2008 @zzz_pt would have identified as Christian I suspect, before the big "I want to change my answer" in the God thread. Personally, I quite respect someone that moves on in their thinking but doesn't preoccupy themselves with poo-pooing what they previously held dear, and can keep a balanced view on it.

I really don't know that describes @KSaiyu though.

I'm sure he/she/it doesn't call themselves a Christian now, as it's clear that even in 2008 it was dubious whether they would have. The relevant parts are "raised a Methodist" and so presumably has family of Christians, the other is the ongoing belief in the generalities of Christianity while rejecting the contradictions and bollocks that come along with it.

Examine KSaiyu's behaviour in this thread. He/she/it behaves as a Christian would, and so can be assumed to have significant emotional investment in Christianity. What KSaiyu calls themself is unimportant, their behaviour fits nicely into the box along with most of the other Christians in the thread.

Come on man, it's the internet. That took me all of thirty seconds. If you're going to attempt to lie, at least make a decent effort. You may not call yourself a Christian, but you obviously at the very least identify with them strongly. As long as you talk like a Christian, swim like a Christian and quack like a Christian then I'm going to label you as a Christian, no matter what labels you want to try and put on yourself.

You can call yourself the Dalai Lama for all I care, but as long as you behave like a Christian you might as well be one.
Hehehe, do you want to know what I put down in the box that says ethnicity in official records?

Make a thread about the Baha'i faith and see my response.

Or you could just, you know, ask me. But thanks for the label, who knew it's 2015 :rolleyes:

Why would that be so? Many of the Christian denominations take pretty dim views of the other denominations.

Besides, it'd take a strong measure of ignorance to try and deny that Christians can be self-righteous. We can start with the evidence in this thread.
Because your argument is based on attacking me as a Christian. Christians believe that when they eat bread and wine at communion that they are eating the body and blood of Jesus Christ. I believed that the last time I went to Church and ate communion (over a decade ago) I was eating a paper disc and downing some Vimto.

So, your argument is that because one Christian that you met was annoying, that means that you couldn't possibly be waving a flag for Christianity?

I've met hundreds of annoying atheists, but that doesn't say anything about whether I'm an atheist or not. Hell, I think Richard Dawkins is mostly a pompous, arrogant ass. Doe that mean that I can't possibly be an atheist?

I don't see how you think that this statement proves anything.
Because you seem to think that the reason for my thread is a hidden Christian agenda, and I'm incapable of calling out Christians due to this.

Please do, it's quite amusing.
It's probably best to drop the labels and attack the argument instead.

I'm sure he/she/it doesn't call themselves a Christian now, as it's clear that even in 2008 it was dubious whether they would have. The relevant parts are "raised a Methodist" and so presumably has family of Christians, the other is the ongoing belief in the generalities of Christianity while rejecting the contradictions and bollocks that come along with it..
Getting closer, but the last time I would have called myself a Methodist is when I was wearing a school uniform and having to cross my arms at the front of my chest because I wasn't Catholic enough to receive school communion.

If you did want to really know what I'd call myself for at least the past 10 years is whatever you call someone who appreciates all religions and takes the good bits out of them (probably explains my affinity to the Baha'is). I post a lot about Christianity and Islam because those are the two dominant religions affecting my life, both growing up and at present. It's all a product of exposure: the creators of South Park attack Judaism and Christianity more than the others since that is their world (with a little due to safety).
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It's probably best to drop the labels and attack the argument instead.

Not sure if serious.

I've pointed out repeatedly that your argument is unsupported for lack of data. You've repeatedly ignored that.

Until you actually fish out some data supporting your premise, you don't have an argument. There's nothing to attack.
Examine KSaiyu's behaviour in this thread. He/she/it behaves as a Christian would, and so can be assumed to have significant emotional investment in Christianity.

Wait, so all Christians behave the same? You guys have a name for that I believe...
So it's commercialisation with a caveat. Hardly equal.

I'm a business-owner in North West London. I want to sell plush dolls of Mohammad during Eid as I think they'll be quite popular with non-Muslims.


Is my life thereafter safe?
You didn't ask for equal, you inferred that commercialization of Islamic holidays didn't exist, it does. That you have had to reword to the point that we have a totally different claim kind of highlights how far off your original claim was.

I'm suggesting that there is no equivalent defender of the Christian faith as there is for the other 2 being discussed, and no homeland. The Jews have Israel and the ADL. Muslims have the Middle East, parts of Africa and parts of Asia plus whatever Muslim concern body is in whatever country (here we have a few, MCB being one of the most prominent.) Christians seem to have the Daily Mail and Fox News?
We have already been around this one before.

Christianity has plenty of lobby groups, what exactly do you think the Vatican city and the Pope does? What about the Anglican council?

Within the UK Christianity has such a position of privilege that it gets 26 seats in the Lords automatically (no other faith does) and gets publicly funded daily worship programs on the Radio and weekly ones on the TV (no other faith does).

As for centers of faith, again plenty exist. The centre of the Anglican community is based in the UK, Catholic have the Vatican and innumerable holy sites through out Europe as well as 34 Churches in Jerusalem.

Britain as we know it was founded as a Christian country. Of course we are going to have a majority Christian make up of a lot of institutions, which I imagine will decrease as the grip of the religion on Britain continues to cease. Will this happen in Israel or Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Indonesia/Pakistan/Yemen/Somalia/Nigeria/U.A.E/everywhere with a Muslim majority?
I'm well aware of the origins of the situation, that's not what I asked. I was questioning why the only religion in the UK to get automatic seats in the Lords doesn't indicate a position of privileged access and influence and instead actually shows persecution?

Not yet, but I'm guessing it's similar to The Times with Jews and The Guardian with Muslims.
Not even remotely close.

From what I remember during my time watching Fox News facts were never their priority.
It's only parts of Birmingham:

Vue apologises after families 'barred from cinema for not being Muslim'


That doesn't change the fact that Fox made the claim and illustrates the lengths they will go to in proclaiming a 'war on Christianity' in underway and its all down to the non-believers and Muslims.

That they will use inaccurate information only strengthens the point that plenty of people will go to any means to speak out for Christianity and attack anything they see as a threat to it.

What I want is the ability to complain, make fun of and make money off all religions equally. We are secular after all.

.......my hospital placement partner who left me high and dry and is now asking me to forge our logbooks together and a HCA at work who garnered 3 serious complaints in one day, and has cried religious and sexual discrimination to dodge further action and I have no idea if she's done either about me since I was approached by one of the patient's family's to provide a statement.
Citation required.

Commonly encountered with the Left.

Victims only matter as long as they are the right kind of victim.
So you counter a generalization with a generalization!
You didn't ask for equal, you inferred that commercialization of Islamic holidays didn't exist, it does. That you have had to reword to the point that we have a totally different claim kind of highlights how far off your original claim was.
Wait a minute, you took my quote but ignored the preceeding one:

Everything is up for lampooning when it comes to Christianity. As someone who believes in a secular society this should be not exclusive to one religion.

My agenda, plain and simple is to highlight that we don't treat all religions equally in my eyes. Not even close

We have already been around this one before.

Christianity has plenty of lobby groups, what exactly do you think the Vatican city and the Pope does? What about the Anglican council?

Within the UK Christianity has such a position of privilege that it gets 26 seats in the Lords automatically (no other faith does) and gets publicly funded daily worship programs on the Radio and weekly ones on the TV (no other faith does).

As for centers of faith, again plenty exist. The centre of the Anglican community is based in the UK, Catholic have the Vatican and innumerable holy sites through out Europe as well as 34 Churches in Jerusalem.
Yes there are centres of faith, but no homeland. The lobby groups are more toothless, hence the relative silence in comparison to "hate crimes" against the other 2 discussed.

I'm well aware of the origins of the situation, that's not what I asked. I was questioning why the only religion in the UK to get automatic seats in the Lords doesn't indicate a position of privileged access and influence and instead actually shows persecution?
And I'm sure this is going to be removed in years to come - this is the mark of a secular country. What it doesn't prove however is that Christianity isn't under persecution. Indeed we're talking about removing a tradition of our country instead of still addressing the title of the thread..

Not even remotely close.
I'm not sure. We've seen The Guardian's awful articles about Trojan Horse, the Rotherham sex scandal and the obvious "Charlie Hebdo was an attack on Islam too" pieces.

During this same period we also couldn't go a few hours without a story highlighting the rising anti-semitism across Europe in The Times.


That doesn't change the fact that Fox made the claim and illustrates the lengths they will go to in proclaiming a 'war on Christianity' in underway and its all down to the non-believers and Muslims.

That they will use inaccurate information only strengthens the point that plenty of people will go to any means to speak out for Christianity and attack anything they see as a threat to it.
It's all sides. I'm not sure how big the Chapel Hill shootings were around you but in my area there was an awareness campaign, usually under the banner 'Muslim Lives Matter'. The Guardian themselves showed ridiculous coverage for a murder thousands of miles away (search on their page for "Chapel Hill" and count the articles) and even went ahead with this piece: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/feb/13/muslim-doctor-prejudice-chapel-hill

All of this over what transpired to be a parking dispute.

Citation required.
Sure, I am now advised to communicate via email in case either progresses so I can send you redacted copies if you want via PM. This is my life now living, working and studying where I do.

So you counter a generalization with a generalization!
With the way arguments have been going recently can you dispute that.

Let's play a game:

1400 Muslim girls are revealed to have been trafficked and abused for years by a group of white men. They repeatedly went to the authorities only to be told that they were lying and to stop dressing in such and such a manner. Community workers were silenced and the council was complicit in covering up the scandal to stop white men going to jail.

3 girls leave the country to join the war in Ukraine. They sympathise with Putin and hate the West.

Would you think the reaction from the Left wouldn't be influenced by who the victims are?
1400 Muslim girls are revealed to have been trafficked and abused for years by a group of white men. They repeatedly went to the authorities only to be told that they were lying and to stop dressing in such and such a manner. Community workers were silenced and the council was complicit in covering up the scandal to stop white men going to jail.
Well, we launched a Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Abuse - a far-reaching Royal Commission charged with critically examining the role institutions from churches to private schools to the police to government departments played in addressing allegations of child sex abuse across decades. And it has the power to compel testimony, even if it means priests must break the seal of confession - the highest-ranking Archbishop had to do it. So far, its claimed a string of scalps, from ordained priests who colluded to cover up their crimes, through to the most prestigious school in the country whose reputation has been so tarnished that it will take a generation to recover from.

Would you think the reaction from the Left wouldn't be influenced by who the victims are?
Yes, it does matter to the Left as to who the victims are: they're victims, innocent and unable to defend themselves. And that's all the Left needs to know. I know you're angling to portray us as naïve idealogues who are ultimately hypocritical, but you're so transparent that it's actually pretty sad. So how about you try making arguments based on observable, quantifiable evidence rather than hypothetical situations that are written to play up to your flagrant biases.
Well, we launched a Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Abuse - a far-reaching Royal Commission charged with critically examining the role institutions from churches to private schools to the police to government departments played in addressing allegations of child sex abuse across decades. And it has the power to compel testimony, even if it means priests must break the seal of confession - the highest-ranking Archbishop had to do it. So far, its claimed a string of scalps, from ordained priests who colluded to cover up their crimes, through to the most prestigious school in the country whose reputation has been so tarnished that it will take a generation to recover from.

Yes, it does matter to the Left as to who the victims are: they're victims, innocent and unable to defend themselves. And that's all the Left needs to know. I know you're angling to portray us as naïve idealogues who are ultimately hypocritical, but you're so transparent that it's actually pretty sad. So how about you try making arguments based on observable, quantifiable evidence rather than hypothetical situations that are written to play up to your flagrant biases.
Then you will have to explain why NHS Wales is brewing a disaster close to the Mid Staffs scandal, why Trojan Horse happened in a Labour controlled area, and why Muslim grooming gangs affected Labour held areas.

Stop. Attacking. Me.

That is "actually pretty sad".
Well, in 2008 @zzz_pt would have identified as Christian I suspect, before the big "I want to change my answer" in the God thread. Personally, I quite respect someone that moves on in their thinking but doesn't preoccupy themselves with poo-pooing what they previously held dear, and can keep a balanced view on it.

I really don't know if that describes @KSaiyu though.

Thank you for reminding me of that great day. :) It was probably the most relevant change in my personal life. I'm not sure if you respect me or not though. Because it's a fact I don't care about what I previous believed because it was wrong and it's nonsense. I have no problems admitting I was wrong. And I had to post it in the God thread because I was arguing for God before.
Then you will have to explain why NHS Wales is brewing a disaster close to the Mid Staffs scandal, why Trojan Horse happened in a Labour controlled area, and why Muslim grooming gangs affected Labour held areas.

Stop. Attacking. Me.

That is "actually pretty sad".

Muslim grooming gangs?

Christians used to call them deportment schools. What term do they use for it these days?
Muslim grooming gangs?

Christians used to call them deportment schools. What term do they use for it these days?
It's the term for depraved groups of individuals who were above the law because of political correctness. And no, it's not "Asian" grooming gangs, we already dismissed that nonsense.
Pretty hard to do that when there's an entire page of you taking even the slightest criticism of your claims as a pretext to martyr yourself against imagined personal attacks.
I don't have a problem with valid criticism (see Scaff).

What I'm up against is illogical counter points, and a failure to confront mine.

And how is it imagined? Please read the post I quoted and say there isn't an ad hominem in there

EDIT: Fine. Reset. Which point is there an issue with? Or are we going with the NHS Wales crisis as anecdotal evidence
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It's the detail you leave out. You must have mentioned NHS Wales four times without telling us why. What does NHS Wales have to do with the most persecuted people(s) in the world?
It's the detail you leave out. You must have mentioned NHS Wales four times without telling us why. What does NHS Wales have to do with the most persecuted people(s) in the world?

He's the sole voice of understanding in the NHS, I presume that his SO15 duties are on hold for now.

In other news... what do you get if you fill a boat with Muslims and Christians? Grist, mill.
It's the detail you leave out. You must have mentioned NHS Wales four times without telling us why. What does NHS Wales have to do with the most persecuted people(s) in the world?
For it to make sense we have to back track:

Yes, it does matter to the Left as to who the victims are: they're victims, innocent and unable to defend themselves. And that's all the Left needs to know. I know you're angling to portray us as naïve idealogues who are ultimately hypocritical, but you're so transparent that it's actually pretty sad. So how about you try making arguments based on observable, quantifiable evidence rather than hypothetical situations that are written to play up to your flagrant biases.

To which I replied:

Then you will have to explain why NHS Wales is brewing a disaster close to the Mid Staffs scandal, why Trojan Horse happened in a Labour controlled area, and why Muslim grooming gangs affected Labour held areas.

To which I got:

Stop posting objectionable and unsubstantiated content, then.

Brush up on NHS Wales for anyone not OCD about the Health Service like I am:


The Sunday Times
Welsh hospital scandal ‘bigger than Mid Staffs’

POLICE are mounting what is believed to be the biggest single criminal investigation into the harm and neglect of patients at NHS hospitals.

Detectives have already charged three nurses with allegedly falsifying medical records and the wilful neglect of vulnerable patients. A further 17 nurses at Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMU) in south Wales have been suspended, of whom at least 10 are under police investigation.

This weekend the judgment of the NHS in England, which gave a job running a Northamptonshire hospital to the chief executive who was in charge of ABMU during much of the period under investigation, was called into question.

Richard Baker, a barrister who represented families at the inquiry into the appalling care and high death rates at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust, described the ABMU allegations and the number of nurses under investigation as “staggering” and added: “I would say the situation here is more serious than Stafford.”

In a nutshell, this is what I believe you can look forward to from the NHS if you give the keys to the Left. And it will drive a good many decent doctors out of the NHS for good.

He's the sole voice of understanding in the NHS, I presume that his SO15 duties are on hold for now.

I really wouldn't dude. You are about to see in the next few months what a Labour run NHS gets up to. As I've explained in one of these threads I'm already knee deep in goo dealing with someone falsifying medical records.

In other news... what do you get if you fill a boat with Muslims and Christians? Grist, mill.
Ahh. Now I hope people start to see the problems we face when such people are forced together in "civilised" society. It's a disaster waiting to happen, or already happening depending on your point of view.
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In other news... what do you get if you fill a boat with Muslims and Christians? Grist, mill.
Whoops. Better remember that probably had nothing to do with their faith, now let's preach tolerance and make sure we in Europe ensure those 15 poor, poor refugees will have a safe future. :rolleyes:
Commonly encountered with the Left.

Victims only matter as long as they are the right kind of victim.

Would you think the reaction from the Left wouldn't be influenced by who the victims are?

... stuff about NHS Wales...

In a nutshell, this is what I believe you can look forward to from the NHS if you give the keys to the Left. And it will drive a good many decent doctors out of the NHS for good.

What is with this constant painting the other side as "the Left"?

All you've got so far is some people who are objecting to your claims, and asking you to substantiate them. You're responding by getting up in arms, and babbling about the liberal boogie monster in the closet.
What is with this constant painting the other side as "the Left"?

All you've got so far is some people who are objecting to your claims, and asking you to substantiate them. You're responding by getting up in arms, and babbling about the liberal boogie monster in the closet.
It's not so much a boogie monster as a reality when you work for the NHS. And these are perfectly reasonable observations, so I ask what your point is?

And especially since a member was confronted with evidence of an atrocity taking place right now and his only response was "lulz Daily Fail".

Oh and I like the convenient airbrushing with some people "objecting to your claims" and asking for substantiation as if that's anywhere close to reality...

So far I am at the last count at least a bigot, "Islamaphobe" and so transparent that it's pretty sad. But do continue, I'm still waiting which claim in particular I'm having to substantiate. I'll be waiting a while as it seems only @Scaff can be bothered anymore to back up his opinions with logic.
Wait a minute, you took my quote but ignored the preceeding one:
Which you then illustrated with an example that "we are not even close to", are you seriously looking for an exact one to one match between various faiths in the degree of commercialized tat?

I only ask as that would be a ridiculous standard to try and set, the point you were making was quite clear, that people can't make money with commercialized products that use religion as a tool if that religion is Islam. The problem is that simply isn't true.

Now would you be so kind as to actually answer the questions around why you seem to think that commercial decisions by supermarkets over what they stock is persecution?

Yes there are centres of faith, but no homeland. The lobby groups are more toothless, hence the relative silence in comparison to "hate crimes" against the other 2 discussed.
The Vatican is toothless? Having a default religious lock-out in the Lords is toothless? The Vatican and the CofE are silent?

Are you seriously unaware enough to not know that US Christian pressure groups and the money they have are the reason why various Southern African nations came close to implementing the death penalty for LGBT groups last year?

And I'm sure this is going to be removed in years to come - this is the mark of a secular country. What it doesn't prove however is that Christianity isn't under persecution. Indeed we're talking about removing a tradition of our country instead of still addressing the title of the thread..
No we are talking about a lobby group that has direct access to the law making process within the UK by default, its not simply a tradition (unless you are unaware of how legislation gets passed in the UK), why exactly do you think its taken so long to get gay marriage through in the UK?

So far the example of overt Christian persecution you have proivided is that supermarkets can't be forced by the church to sell the churches own Easter eggs!

On the other hand they have automatic involvement in the UK's law making process, direct daily and weekly media access and are the state religion. All of which no other religion in the country has.

I'm not sure. We've seen The Guardian's awful articles about Trojan Horse, the Rotherham sex scandal and the obvious "Charlie Hebdo was an attack on Islam too" pieces.

During this same period we also couldn't go a few hours without a story highlighting the rising anti-semitism across Europe in The Times.
And if these news groups had not also ran significant pieces on the Christian persecution that is occuring around the world you might have a point, but they did.

It's all sides. I'm not sure how big the Chapel Hill shootings were around you but in my area there was an awareness campaign, usually under the banner 'Muslim Lives Matter'. The Guardian themselves showed ridiculous coverage for a murder thousands of miles away (search on their page for "Chapel Hill" and count the articles) and even went ahead with this piece: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/feb/13/muslim-doctor-prejudice-chapel-hill

All of this over what transpired to be a parking dispute.
Has the investigation on that one concluded and the court reached a verdict that provided full details on the evidence and cause or are you simply speculating?

As unless you have access to the investigation you are also engaging in the exact same level of speculation that you are complaining others are.

Sure, I am now advised to communicate via email in case either progresses so I can send you redacted copies if you want via PM. This is my life now living, working and studying where I do.
So you acknowledge that you are posting wide reaching claims that you are totally unable to verfiy and that the nature of those claims covers ongoing investigations and information that quite clearly should not be shared publicly.

Yet you have been asked politely not to do this, ignored the polite requests and were then told not to do it again....


....and yet you have once again done so. As such you leave no option but a formal warning, continue to do this and it will result in your membership ending.

With the way arguments have been going recently can you dispute that.

Let's play a game:

1400 Muslim girls are revealed to have been trafficked and abused for years by a group of white men. They repeatedly went to the authorities only to be told that they were lying and to stop dressing in such and such a manner. Community workers were silenced and the council was complicit in covering up the scandal to stop white men going to jail.

3 girls leave the country to join the war in Ukraine. They sympathise with Putin and hate the West.

Would you think the reaction from the Left wouldn't be influenced by who the victims are?
Would that result be from the whole of the left? A significant majority?


As such you countered a generalization with a generalization and then attempted to rationalize that with a generalization.

Either stop generalizing yourself or stop complaining about generalizations.
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Attack the points, or take a lesson in how to formulate and defend coherent arguments.
Why should I take the time and the effort to address each of your points individually when you so frequently resort to anecdotal evidence and hypothetical scenarios designed to prove your point rather than substantiate an argument? You have been asked repeatedly to stop doing this under the AUP, and yet you continue regardless
Are you seriously unaware enough to not know that US Christian pressure groups and the money they have are the reason why various Southern African nations came close to implementing the death penalty for LGBT groups last year?

That doesn't sound accurate to me, I know evangelicals from the U.S. have been going down there for years and speaking against homosexuality but they are the reason for African law? Discouragement, 'educational' information to discourage/correct, all those things I'm sure of, but not encouraging the death penalty. If anything I would say the U.S. government as well as U.S. human rights groups have done much more in fighting an anti gay movement that was already there.
That doesn't sound accurate to me, I know evangelicals from the U.S. have been going down there for years and speaking against homosexuality but they are the reason for African law? Discouragement, 'educational' information to discourage/correct, all those things I'm sure of, but not encouraging the death penalty.
Oh the evidence behind it is very compelling:


Did what they put into motion end up going further than they may have originally intended? Its possible, but that they were part of the key drive behind the changes in both the countries attitudes towards the LGBT community and the final laws seems to be supported.

If anything I would say the U.S. government as well as U.S. human rights groups have done much more in fighting an anti gay movement that was already there.
I would agree with that, but lets be honest a Democratic administration and US Human Rights groups being on the opposite side of a LGBT issue to evangelical Christians? That's not exactly surprising is it?
I had already read two of those articles and I heard about Scott Lively some time ago, but how much power and influence could he really have? I mean, the idea didn't need to be sold to some already in power and the hatred is nothing new, so some help with organization and money I can agree with. I think you are giving them too much credit however which is why I pointed out the amount of opposition.

I thought I would find something against Christians in this report...

No, the fact that we see Christian activists on one side and Obama on the other is not surprising, what would be surprising is if the two didn't nullify one another in their limited ability to influence a foreign government.

All of the Christian groups involved adamantly deny supporting a death penalty of course and I have to wonder why I never hear of any of them expressing that desire here in the U.S. Of course we do have that one crazy guy in California but that's not even close to the same.

With the instability in South Africa it's also no surprise to see extremist Muslims, terrorist groups such as al qaeda, and local terrorist organizations all against homosexuality. I wouldn't doubt an influence from Russia either.

One thing is for sure, Africa will become the new Middle East in the short years to come, all those resources and Governments siding with/going against, the west. Libya was the start, might sway off topic but Gaddafi, despite his record on human rights, was in favor of a united Africa independent from outside influence with a sound infrastructure. That is important to note because we're seeing what direction all human rights start going when a region is in conflict, especially when the region has the interest of super powers.