P.a.r.c. (C.R.A.P.) champions crowned

Unfortunately I have to bow out of this series as I'll be away on hols for the final two weekends. I'll monitor the results with interest.

It's been emotional! :)
Current number for this weekend.....March 30th

Division A - 12:00 GMT/UTC

Division B - 23:00 GMT/UTC

See 2nd post in the thread for list of planned racers.
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I am currently 50/50 with my attendance for Div B race this weekend. I may have to go down to London for some work, but I will find out for sure on Thursday evening and will confirm then.
I definitely can't make division A tomorrow. Could someone please get a replay for the races and or a photo of the result including mention of any disconnects. Thanks.
Results from the Camaro Race are as follows:

1. danbojte
2. e10rice
3. GTP_iainoflo
4. TRIS_73
5. Dark__Angel__
6. Greatsuperbig
7. The_King_Rocket
8. flygja

Untitled by iainoflo, on Flickr

And the results from the Miata TC race are as follows:

1. e10rice
2. GTP_iainoflo
3. The_King_Rocket
4. Dark__Angel__
5. flygja
6. TRIS_73

Untitled by iainoflo, on Flickr

danbojte and Greatsuperbig didn't participate in the Miata race because they didn't have the DLC.

No disconnects, everyone remained in the race the whole duration.
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Div B Camaro Z28 RM 69 at Cape Ring Inside 40 laps.

Parc div A wk3 Camaro z28 RM Cape Ring Inside 40 laps by Amazing Day Films, on Flickr

Div B Roadster TC at Grand Valley Reverse 18 laps

Parc div B wk3 Roadster TC Grand Valley reverse by Amazing Day Films, on Flickr

AllenDK29 participated in the Roadster race in a road going Miata (non points scoring - he doesn't have the DLC) with the same bhp at the suggestion of iwasere who joined us in wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine. If he hadn't had to stop part way through he probably wouldn't have come last either.
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Note that Daylight Saving is now in effect for the UK and Europe for next week.

So 12:00 GMT and 23:00 GMT are
13:00 and 00:00 BST (British Summer Time)

That does make it later for some - but changing the race by an hour (or half an hour) may make things more difficult for others.

Please let us know your preference and whether you are planning on racing. I think the options are probably leave things as they are or move one or both races by up to an hour.
I wouldn't mind go back 1 hour since i'm gmt +2. But it would probably be harder for more people to join then.
Maybe we should use London time instead of GMT, and then all stays as it was until now.
Of course I am. ;) On Winter I'm GMT+2. Now I'm GMT+3.

You see now? GMT remains a reference. London is now GMT+1.

Right - so you're saying we should just use GMT+1 as the new time for the races. i.e. 13.00 and 00.00 GMT?
I probably won't be un div A. Have ro be at work 13 gmt. Div B starts late (01 gmt), so not sure if I'll make that one either.
I probably won't be un div A. Have ro be at work 13 gmt. Div B starts late (01 gmt), so not sure if I'll make that one either.

Just to clarify Div. B still meets 23:00 but UK is now on daylight saving so UK time will be 00:00 and Europe where race starts 01:00. Come on Knukk, you've been much later before. You could always just do the 1st race.
That was an AWESOME race! Too bad there weren't more people in it. Looking forward to next event.
Division A - Lotus Elise RM '96 - Tsukuba - with the Chicane after Dunlop Bridge.

Race Results:

e10rice - 44:21.972
danbojte - 44:24.157
GTP_iainoflo 44:54.438
The_King_Rocket 44:58.766
Greatsuperbig - Connection issues, with only a few laps to go!

Division A - Acura NSX RM '91 - Autumn Ring Reverse

Race Results:

danbojte - 40:59.235
The_king_Rocket - 41:31.816 + 32.581
GTP_iainoflo - 42.29.998 + 1:30.763
e10rice - ------------
Greatsuperbig - connection problems

Division B - Elise RM '96 38 laps at Tsukuba


Division B - Acura NSX RM 28 laps at High Speed Ring Reverse


Final tables to follow
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