Patch NewsPS4 

This is poor business practice on Sony and Kunos, and you guys just carry on in their defense as if this is acceptable business practice.:crazy:

I'm not going to defend season passes being sold weeks before there is an incentive to buy them. Nor am I going to defend grumpy customers who buy them before said incentives are offered. You act like they pulled the plug on DLC without refunding passes.
Don't forget it's their first outing on consoles, and also the first time they have to deal with how Sony and MS operate with regards to DLC and patches.

They will learn from their experience and hopefully align releases better for the future.
Oh and how people crucified SMS. Im tired of the small team ,big team,small studio crap.Well let's just leave it as "another company hasn't promised what's on the cover"
It's a sad state of affairs in the console world. Hey,get used to it.
I know we will eventually get what was advertised, my issue is we were not given full disclosure.

Maybe Kunos doesn't have the full disclosure when Sony or MS approve the content.
Would it be better if they say exactly what the hold up is and would it make one feel a bit better at the expense of possibly ruining whatever agreement they have entered into?
I honestly was disappointed that i couldn't drive the MX-5 from the Japanese Pack but i wouldn't call it feeling like i have been conned or whatever. Let's see maybe we will all feel better tomorrow afternoon.
After the latest patch they are running out of things to bitch about, so we are gonna start seeing complaints like this now. Some folks aint happy unless there unhappy.
Xbox One still with no patch. Would guess they do it tomorrow or today during the day.

After the latest patch they are running out of things to bitch about, so we are gonna start seeing complaints like this now. Some folks aint happy unless there unhappy.

Game is still lacking so much, the complaints will write themselves. No worries ;)
Game is still lacking so much, the complaints will write themselves. No worries ;)

It's lacking a lot on the PC version too, and the complaints have already written themselves many times over. But in my experience, sim racers will never run out of stuff to bitch about, seems like some enjoy that more than the actual racing. :sly:
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But in my experience, sim racers will never run out of stuff to bitch about, seems like some enjoy that more than the actual racing. :sly:

I will tell you a quick story about one your very famous countrymen, the great Kenny Roberts. When he was in Europe for the first time a journalist asked him why did he always complain about his Yamaha and its lack of power and bad handling when he was winning everything anyway.

He answered, if I stop complaining they will stop trying to give me the best possible bike and just sit back and stop developing it.

I will let you draw your own conclusions ;-)
I will tell you a quick story about one your very famous countrymen, the great Kenny Roberts. When he was in Europe for the first time a journalist asked him why did he always complain about his Yamaha and its lack of power and bad handling when he was winning everything anyway.

He answered, if I stop complaining they will stop trying to give me the best possible bike and just sit back and stop developing it.

I will let you draw your own conclusions ;-)
Depends on how Kenny complained though :P

"OMG tyre pressure was not good, you are all a bunch of incompetent mechanics" or "I think the tyre pressure was off can you please take a look at it?"
Depends on how Kenny complained though :P

"OMG tyre pressure was not good, you are all a bunch of incompetent mechanics" or "I think the tyre pressure was off can you please take a look at it?"

Or "Hey, why did you build that street bike when I have no intention of racing it? What a stupid waste of resources, idiots!". :lol:

Racers complain about their equipment, sim racers complain about their games. Apparently it's in our DNA :P
The new difficulty levels are worth noting. I think if I'm able to be competitive on "Hard" my driving skills would be in keeping with a lot of racers. As it is, the "Medium" level is best for me in terms of having fun playing with the AI.

SO I am very happy with the level changes. And I also found with a good tune, I am "better" competing at the hard level.

The AI behavior seem to have a lot to do with the level of difficulty you dial in. On medium and hard, they are aggressive, buy you get rear ended and pushed off the track much less often. And being hit if you spin out inside track limits is all but gone from the game. So I give Kunos high grades for their effort. Finally, I use Thrustmaster T300RS and TH8A shifter.

I select H-shifter in the setup. I do not use auto clutch or blip. When I drive a car with paddle shift, I have not problem.
And if I drive a car with standard (H-gate) I have no problem. The game adjusts. The only glitch I see in this area is if you are driving with H-gate, and you shift into first gear prior to the start of race, the gear still shows neutral.
When the race starts, the gear changes to first. Not a big deal, but worth mention.

I hope they go after creating customized lobbies on-line with owner control. And along with that, it would be nice for members of lobby to have ability to chat via head phone/microphone, DS4 or ear piece. That would be huge.
The AI behavior seem to have a lot to do with the level of difficulty you dial in. On medium and hard, they are aggressive, buy you get rear ended and pushed off the track much less often.

Yes, the higher the AI difficulty the more aggressive they are. I believe Stefano has talked about adding an aggression slider to help balance things out.

I select H-shifter in the setup. I do not use auto clutch or blip. When I drive a car with paddle shift, I have not problem.
And if I drive a car with standard (H-gate) I have no problem. The game adjusts. The only glitch I see in this area is if you are driving with H-gate, and you shift into first gear prior to the start of race, the gear still shows neutral.
When the race starts, the gear changes to first. Not a big deal, but worth mention.[/quote]

This recently changed on the PC, they introduced false starts and if you select that option you can put your car in gear once the start lights pop up and even jump the start (for which you receive a penalty). One would presume that feature will be added to the console version at some point.
I wish I had blinders big enough to suggest this one patch fixes all, or even most, of the issues with this game.

I suppose it's a matter of priorities. Some are happy with the (admittedly fantastic) driving experience with a wheel, to the point the myriad other shortcomings aren't an issue. Unfortunately, I expect a bit more than that from modern games.

Haven't been able to check yet; does the one Alfa 155 livery still have the bizarre glitch where the front half of the car is gone?
I wish I had blinders big enough to suggest this one patch fixes all, or even most, of the issues with this game.

I suppose it's a matter of priorities. Some are happy with the (admittedly fantastic) driving experience with a wheel, to the point the myriad other shortcomings aren't an issue. Unfortunately, I expect a bit more than that from modern games.
I don't know what's going on within Kunos, but I would imagine that everything in this 1.03 patch aside from the screen tearing/framerate fixes was a bonus for us. Fixing those would be so high-priority that I wouldn't have held back releasing the patch for one minute after those fixes were validated and ready to ship.

With the major game-breakers corrected and their team presumably off of Red Alert, I am hopeful that we will get some game-improving updates with the rollout of the Porsche DLC packs. I would list some stuff off but it's all been beaten to death. Every gripe I come up with seems to be on the official forums already so all I can do is "like" those posts. The game needs some serious user-friendliness upgrades. PC guys will cry "coddled console baby" but seriously, nobody will play this game and it will die like this. I feel like I've learned the online ropes by now but the awkwardness of finally getting to the race is off-putting. It's no wonder there is nobody online.

I spent 10 minutes in the pits online yesterday after qualifying "ended" waiting for the race to begin. I'm not sure what finally triggered the race to begin, but half the room gave up waiting and left by then. Was the game waiting for some people to finish their present lap? It's the Norschleife... wtf. The race start sequence is nonsense, puts you on the grid then waits for you to go "back" to options menu and select drive, finally readying you for the race. Seems every other race there are guys left sitting on the grid for 20 sec until they figure out that the race started and how to get rolling. Pitting is a mess, nothing is automated. The selected pit options were bad so I fiddled with them for 10 seconds and still ended up without enough fuel to finish. This is the kind of stuff that sends all but the most dedicated sim racers packing without a second thought of ever returning.
PC guys will cry "coddled console baby"

At least on this forum, the only people I really see using that kind of language are console players claiming that this is what all PC players think of console players, which isn't true. Most PC players on here were console players not long ago and have no reason to think lesser of you guys.

Not picking on you or anything, I just see this trope get thrown around a lot and on GTP I just don't think it's accurate. On other forums, sure, you'll see that kind of language, but here we're just a bunch of former consoler racers trying to share info and explain why things are the way they are and what you can/cannot expect from AC. I spent 15 years as a console racer and would never look down on someone because they race on a console. 👍
Did some races at Black Cat County in the 458 GT2 today and it's a lot of fun. Not tried the long layout yet but the standard one is a pretty good track. Undulations! Less keen on the Short layout, which is actually longer than the standard. Reminds me of a kind of hill climb track. Still fun, but not as satisfying. I wouldn't mind some more fictional tracks appearing just to fill out the roster, as long as they're to a similar standard.
I spent 15 years as a console racer and would never look down on someone because they race on a console. 👍

I tried to race on a PC but, even with more power it still couldn't compete with the consoles lighter weight, lower center of gravity and far better aerodynamics. I was consistently .3 tenth quicker on the track with the console, just sayin'.
The 458 GT2 is this a car that come with the Ferrari pack later down to the road for consolo ?
It's the 488 GT3 that's in the upcoming Red Pack. You not have the 458? Can't remember if it was part of the prestige version or not.
At least on this forum, the only people I really see using that kind of language are console players claiming that this is what all PC players think of console players, which isn't true.
Yea really I agree. I have personally not been persecuted for being a whiny baby, but still consider myself as such :lol:
It's the 488 GT3 that's in the upcoming Red Pack. You not have the 458? Can't remember if it was part of the prestige version or not.
When I bought Assetto Corsa (pre order PS4 Europa/belgium ) 3 cars came with it but the 458 GT2 was not one of them .
So ....who has stolen this car from me I want it back ....if possible thank you peace and cheese ?
When I bought Assetto Corsa (pre order PS4 Europa/belgium ) 3 cars came with it but the 458 GT2 was not one of them .
So ....who has stolen this car from me I want it back ....if possible thank you peace and cheese ?
Looks like it wasn't part of the prestige edition either so you should have it, along with the 458 Italia and Stage 3 version.
Looks like it wasn't part of the prestige edition either so you should have it, along with the 458 Italia and Stage 3 version.
The 458 Italia and the Stage 3 I have ..any way no problem enough cars to race with thanks .