The new difficulty levels are worth noting. I think if I'm able to be competitive on "Hard" my driving skills would be in keeping with a lot of racers. As it is, the "Medium" level is best for me in terms of having fun playing with the AI.
SO I am very happy with the level changes. And I also found with a good tune, I am "better" competing at the hard level.
The AI behavior seem to have a lot to do with the level of difficulty you dial in. On medium and hard, they are aggressive, buy you get rear ended and pushed off the track much less often. And being hit if you spin out inside track limits is all but gone from the game. So I give Kunos high grades for their effort. Finally, I use Thrustmaster T300RS and TH8A shifter.
I select H-shifter in the setup. I do not use auto clutch or blip. When I drive a car with paddle shift, I have not problem.
And if I drive a car with standard (H-gate) I have no problem. The game adjusts. The only glitch I see in this area is if you are driving with H-gate, and you shift into first gear prior to the start of race, the gear still shows neutral.
When the race starts, the gear changes to first. Not a big deal, but worth mention.
I hope they go after creating customized lobbies on-line with owner control. And along with that, it would be nice for members of lobby to have ability to chat via head phone/microphone, DS4 or ear piece. That would be huge.