My race grids from yesterday
Times and my SR for those race entries:
17:30 SR 1
18:00 SR 31 +30
20:00 SR 47 +16
20:30 SR 47 +0
21:00 SR 61 +14
21:30 SR 74 +13
23:30 SR 75 +1
00:00 SR 75 +0
00:30 SR 86 +11
01:30 SR 85 -1
02:00 SR 99 +14
02:30 SR 99
It was all mixed DR again as much as the SR range would allow.
It looks like the maximum gain for the daily C was 14 or maybe 15 points. (never got the clean race bonus as once tapping a wall to avoid a player cancels it). So it probably was 15 points for 9 laps.
Now compare this to my Sarthe experience where it took about 20 races to fall to SR.E vs the 10 races it took to get back to SR.99 yesterday while racing exactly the same, getting roughly the same amount of penalties and bumps along the way. The rise up was also hampered by a disconnect which is the one race where I lose 1 SR.
However if the daily C would have had the same maximum points as the daily B (5 points) it would have looked something like this:
(I roughly estimate the boost of the total SR budget of 2.5x at SR.E, 2x at SR.D, 1.5* at SR.C and 1.25* at SR.B, 1x at A and S)
SR 1
SR 6 (1 -> 31 budget 15 * 2.5 = 37, got 30, thus lost 7, new budget 12 - 7 = 5)
SR 10 (31 -> 47 budget 15 * 1.5 = 22, got 16, thus lost 8, new budget 12 - 8 = 4)
SR 2 (47 -> 47 budget 15 * 1.25 = 18, lost 18 points, new budget 10 - 18 = -8)
SR 10 (47 -> 61 budget 18, got 14, thus lost 4, new budget 12 - 4 = 8)
SR 19 (61 -> 74 budget 15, got 13, thus lost 1 new budget 10 - 1 = 9)
SR 15 (74 -> 75 budget 15, got 1, thus lost 14, new budget 10 - 14 = -4)
SR 10 (75 -> 75 budget15, got 0, thus lost 15, new budget 10 - 15 = -5)
SR 21 (75 -> 86 budget 15, got 11, thus lost 4, new budget 10 - 4 = 11)
SR 12 (86 -> 85 budget 15, got -1, thus lost 16, new budget 7 - 16 = -9)
SR 21 (85 -> 99 budget 15, got 14, thus lost 1, new budget 10 - 1 = 9)
So yeah, I would have still have barely been SR.C!
With my earlier proposal to standardize the daily C budget to 8 I would have ended a bit higher yet still in the lower SR ranges.
Without proper fault detection it would be very hard to get back up! There were 2 penalties I could have avoided by making sure I would not get boxed in yet the rest were all either getting hit or tapping an unavoidable accident.