Then it definitely wasn't a strawman. I was directly addressing your idea, and while I hadn't seen that you expected reporting and banning (I guess you mean 'recategorising as dirty, forever' or something like that) to clean up the rooms, my point is valid - there would be trolls, aka dirty drivers. My opinion is that - if PD is doing the banning in this scenario - then only the very worst will get moved out to the dirty rooms.
No, it wouldn't. It's not that hard to Google for a definition of what a Strawman argument actually is, & it's not my place to educate you on that matter.
I know very well what it means. Arguing one thing to refute another. In this case, arguing that penalties are useless - which any fool can see - to appear to address my arguments about SR.
I only care about SR (as a statistical monitoring/scoring system only) because that is the only hope of matchmaking being able to provide a clean race. Never mind what a mess PD have made of it, I think my ideas for SR have merit - not perfect, of course, but better than nothing and certainly better than PD's current system.
On the other hand, I think almost everything to do with penalties is wrong - because once the race has started, it's too late.
That's a really good question. How does a computer program define the right kind of driver? To me the right kind of driver is someone who is clean, competent, & conscientious. Which takes me back to my original point; no mindless automatic computerized system which merely gives out knee jerk reaction penalties could ever be able to really tell.
Well, if you've followed anything about what I've written, we obviously agree that knee-jerk penalties are not the way to do it. And along with that (as in PD's current setup), I think we would agree that penalties are not the right thing to base an SR rating on.
That doesn't mean that an SR rating is necessarily useless. Bear in mind that when I say that, I simply mean *something* that rates people, and the only purpose of that rating is to match people together. IMO, it should not be judgemental or aiming to 'punish'.
My answer would be to have a whole series of measures designed into a sim from the ground up to minimise the problem to the point that 99.9% of the races would be devoid of dirty drivers who make deliberate contact. Some of these points I have mentioned here in this thread, some I have not.
I've been racing online in GT games since GT5 Prologue in 2009. I experienced the faulty penalty system in that game, & in GT5/6. I used to host 6 race events a week on a small forum in GT5P, & I used to host a weekly race event in GT5 when I came to GT Planet. I spent 6 years racing online, several of which were in clean Shuffle rooms. I also hosted many races in GT6. From my experience penalty systems just don't work, & can never be made to because of the limitations inherent in those systems. It time to start thinking outside the box of mere penalty systems, & start to think in terms of what hasn't been done before.
99.9% is a very bold claim

I think that is a pipedream unless there is a strict human monitoring all the races (or replays after reports). The other thing that bothers me is that while you might be able to run a few events like that, it doesn't scale up well. It's one thing to run a handful of rooms where the host has control, quite another to provide the number of rooms that sport mode does.
I'd be pretty happy if 8 out of 10 races were devoid of dirty drivers. I think that's more realistic, and something an automated system could achieve (as I've already said, not with penalties), despite the fact that PD haven't even got close to that.
Finally, you are still talking about penalties, when it is SR that concerns me.