How would that work in a system which can’t apportion blame?
Would you re-set both players?
As can be seen in every race series the World over a 50:50 incident will have 2 people claiming it was all the other guys fault.
How does it work with door banging or draft bumping along a straight?
The game can calculate the maximum speed for each car approaching a corner while still being able to make it. Exceed that at any point, get flagged, if contact is imminent -> reset instead of collision, otherwise let the car slide off naturally.
Yes I would reset both players. If a car bumps another car over the speed threshold, reset both. If it was an early brake than the reset won't get triggered as both cars can still make the corner. But if it was a car that can brake late, bumping a car that needs to brake earlier (hence contact can happen) reset both to keep it fair. (And remove the chain collision effect)
Or instead of resetting these 2 right away, flag them both to prevent secondary collisions. Late brake vs early brake is often just a racing incident. Give them a chance to recover naturally, but prevent secondary collisions from missiles or stalled cars.
The game can drive 16 AI cars around the track, so it can definitely calculate braking points on the fly for one car with current tire conditions. It doesn't have to be exact, but close enough to stop dive bombs and secondary collisions from a late braker bumping a earlier braker into traffic. (while having a good chance to now get rear ended himself)
I dunno about the reset, that would be quite disruptive to anyone approaching even if ghosted for a bit. Maybe a better idea would be to force slow the car (while off track) and have it make its own way back on track. That would handle Monza and Interlagos T1 cuts quite neatly.
Resets to before the corner from a standstill won't be that much in the way. Much less than the resets we get now in the middle of the chicane. Besides if it happens in T1, those will be pretty much in last anyway.
The way ghosting works now is more disruptive as there are always several recovering ghosts in T1.
Could it be as simple as the final position in a race always placing those who had a clean race above those who had incidents? No time penalties needed?
Haven’t thought that one through with different scenarios.
I'm all for that
Often I'm the only one without a red dot on Monza
But nah, that's not real racing anymore. You can doodle around for 1 lap, sit the rest out in the pit for a clean race bonus and pass everyone with a penalty 👍