Here are some fresh examples of our dear penalty system from tonight's Nations race:
Guy bumps me several times and then tries to push me of track on the straight but I don't move. So I get 7 sec, then another guy touches me and goes of and I another two sec:
Then some guy loses control of his car and I have nowhere to go, he gets penalized but I drop even further back:
Finally, when I catch up with the guy in second last pos after previous events, he loses control slams me hard and I get penalized. Where is the justice.
So much for qualifying 4th.
Thanks for uploading these examples, PD need to see them, so please upload these to their gt sport forum and/or put on Twitter and ask them to revert back to the previous system immediately, if they want people to continue playing the game.
Why would anyone doing FIA risk doing a daily race under the new system ?
Why would anyone who has achieved a decent DR level risk it by doing a daily race now ?
Car hits your car from behind - you get a 2s penalty.
Car ahead spins off on its own then hits your car during rejoin - you get a 6s penalty.
This is game ending for lots of people who have enjoyed the game more than ever for the past few months, since pd made some positive changes. Now they have gone back to the bad old days, where everyone was too scared to race and it was always just a yawn inducing train of cars.