This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.
Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.
There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.
his is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.
Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.
This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.
Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.
There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.
This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.
Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.
There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.
I just did 4 b races. Oh yeah it’s fun.
You can be aggressive, and the cars drive really well, super fun.
Let us race and we will find out who is fast, and who is dead!
Low and middle intensity contact allowed is not "you can be aggressive".
That is anti-sportmanship is allowed.
Racing is a ZERO contact discipline.
In real racing, every contact (and more if it's repeated) is investigated and can be penalized.
That's racing.
I only hope this is a test for looking how people reacts at differents penalty levels.
But I don't agree the system should adapt to the number of complaints, it should be adapted to real racing consequences (nothing to do with racing justice neither).
So a repetitive crashing driver never can have blue score at SR.
Hopefully this won’t affect FIA. I’m worried about this in a way.
Yep, they made a mess of things. I'm frankly shocked that you got a penalty at all because in my last race NO ONE got collision penalties and it was a complete farce.
C'mon, this isn't even a little funny. Watch the GT Sport attendance fall off a cliff once this becomes widely realized.
This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.
Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.
There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.
Now that I read all this and watch the vids I understand what happened last night when I did 5-6 race B and no one got penalties for the usual things
I was just trying to get back to SR S, avoiding contact at all cost. So I got used as a berm and pushed off a couple of times but I kept growing my SR except for my last race where I lost 1 point for a 1 sec penalty that was handed to me when someone passed me in a reckless way and hit my front with their sliding rear. I never got more than 2 CRB in a row because you don't get them if somebody else makes you spin in to a wall.
The frustrating part was that everybody else too got blue SR despite the driving. Now that I know, I will play the game by the new rules this weekend. Hit me, and I will do my best to retaliate.
Edit: Btw, are there any benefits of getting tons of CRB? Like you get matched to cleaner lobbys or is it just some bonus award in the game that don't mean anything in the long run?
Also, just like someone suggested, turn on car damage and the problem will solve itself. Maybe it's not so cool to dive bomb if your car is capped at 50km/h for 20 sec after.
The races are getting dirtier and cleaner at the same time.
Now that I know, I will play the game by the new rules this weekend. Hit me, and I will do my best to retaliate.
True. To be fair I had some great racing at Maggiore last night, everyone I came across around me was trying their best to race clean and you could tell heavy touches were genuine errors. Knowing there aren't silly penalties allowed for closed racing which was absolutely a blast!
On the other hand though, I won't take long for SR S to be full of bad apples, way to easy to get SR up now.
This is part of the problem if you ask me. Retaliate and then that person will be pissed next race and act as 🤬 with someone else. It becomes a loop. Never retaliate.
GT Sport is the only racing game that rewards you for racing dirty.
Just check his Kudosprime. He literally got to SR S yesterday for the first time in his 3453 Sport mode races (2801 finished). I wonder why that is.Before that his highest SR ever was 67. That is just scary. SR S is now going to be full of people like him. Awesome.
So PD finally threw in the towel. They "fixed" the penalty system by turning it off. I guess that's one way to do it. OK, but turn on damage then.
Great job PD. You have once again exceeded our expectations.
No matter what PD do people going to complain.
It was better with the harsh penalties system.
People need to learn to drive better learn more than 1 racing line.
PD should just leave the penalties system hard.
Better to have than not to have
The main problem I see now is that everyone is going to shoot up to SR99