I need to go back and look at some replays to know for sure but it seemed to me later tonight I saw a few contact penalties handed out. Did they not turn them off completely? Lord knows I got bumped hard enough with no penalties, though.
This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.

Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.

There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.

Okay, obvious horrible failings in the penalty system for all that. But it warms me a bit to see the pack decide to get rid of him together. So sad it has to come to that though.
his is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.

Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.

Damn @Sven Jurgens I thought I was watching Wreckfest :lol:. It appears PD has just gone back to scratch and said have at boys, police yourselves. I may have to give Sport Mode another chance. I've really had no desire to do dallies because I can't stand receiving penalties for people hitting me. It just sucks any enjoyment out of racing.
This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.

Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.

There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.

I tweeted it and market GTS and Kaz. It's a bad joke. I was worried after reading patch notes, how much worst it could get. But I wasn't expecting that they will messed it up so badly. Is there noone making any test before releasing patch? Did even 1 person tried to play that game before they decide to upload that patch? That looks like a joke from all the players and ppl who bought GTS.
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I just did 4 b races. Oh yeah it’s fun.
You can be aggressive, and the cars drive really well, super fun.
Let us race and we will find out who is fast, and who is dead!
What surprises me more, is that after that guy gave up, racing has been pretty clean all evening. It still gets hairy at the downhill part before the finish with some unnecessary risks being taken, however now matchmaking has a bigger pool to match on DR, lap one has been a lot less messy! More similar race pace helps, especially with so many non qualifiers at the Nord.

Plus, I think most people realize that there is nothing anymore to hold people back from retaliating. Reap what you sow is what you can see in the video I posted above.

Tomorrow is generally the cleanest day, Saturday the worst. I'm curious to see how this develops. For now, after that guy left, pretty the best evening racing in a long time! Now people aren't scared of getting penalties, they are actually racing. The fear of the track and free retaliation is keeping it mostly clean. It might be different on race A and B though. C is long, crash early is bad.
This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.

Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.

There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.

YES! Svennoj you're my hero for that one! :bowdown: I was getting irritated watching both videos with that guy in them. :irked:
I spotted an actual penalty

He had neutral SR after the race, the first non blue S that wasn't from a quit.

The red car barge passed him first in T1, nothing for that, so third wasn't too happy about that. No clue why he got the one second penalty there while everything else goes unnoticed. Perhaps the force with which his back end hits the wall finally triggered a penalty?

Meanwhile I got bumped off into a wall by an A+ driver again, got to be careful of those. So far the most dirty ones have been from DR A+ ....

While the race is pretty clean, people are so desperate for position at the finish now that I haven't had the pleasure of not grazing wall in a long time.... it's also been a while since I've raced with the midnight crew, fast yet reckless bunch.
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I just did 4 b races. Oh yeah it’s fun.
You can be aggressive, and the cars drive really well, super fun.
Let us race and we will find out who is fast, and who is dead!

Low and middle intensity contact allowed is not "you can be aggressive".

That is : anti-sportmanship is allowed.
Racing is a ZERO contact discipline.
In real racing, every contact (and more if it's repeated) is investigated and can be penalized.
That's racing.

I only hope this is a test for looking how people reacts at differents penalty levels.
But I don't agree the system should adapt to the number of complaints, it should be adapted to real racing consequences (nothing to do with racing justice neither).

So a repetitive crashing driver never can have blue score at SR.
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Low and middle intensity contact allowed is not "you can be aggressive".

That is anti-sportmanship is allowed.
Racing is a ZERO contact discipline.
In real racing, every contact (and more if it's repeated) is investigated and can be penalized.
That's racing.

I only hope this is a test for looking how people reacts at differents penalty levels.
But I don't agree the system should adapt to the number of complaints, it should be adapted to real racing consequences (nothing to do with racing justice neither).

So a repetitive crashing driver never can have blue score at SR.

My post seems more like a spamm..., at least in FIA races turn real damage on and voilá.., people that screw up once will have their race ruined along with the victim but that´s it, if needed when full damage happen cars can be ghosted, they could put a factor that for example if a damage car is ghosted only the cars that follow 3 seconds behind can go through the ghost.., all the others that go trough will get a penalty so that people have to simulate that a slower car or cars are on track.
In that situation they could mark this cars with a forbithen sign above car and a message along with yellow flag with information about the penalty if people try to overtake through ghosts.

Same for laped cars, they could be ghosted so they don´t mess up all the other drivers that go on race pace, simple solution to end kamikaze drivers that serve penaltys and slow all other people down along the way cause they serve penaltys and can still continue at full speed and near the clean drivers.

Like i´m trying to say penalty system must be a complement not the main issue, the main issue are people behavior and that can only be taimed by forcing rules that truly penalise them, it´s like in real life..laws exist to taim people or else people that behave good where screwed even more cause of robbers and evil people.

For dailys they can test up the screwed up penalty system but it seems now that FIA will turn into that mess also, wich means if clean drivers whant to have fun they don´t have a choice wich is unfair to the community, like it´s now only dirty drivers have a choice where to spread chaos and spoil everyones fun.
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Hopefully this won’t affect FIA. I’m worried about this in a way.

The only reason they've "adjusted" the system again so quickly is because it seriously interfered with the only thing PD really care about, top split FIA races. They don't care about a bunch of morons in daily races or lower than top split FIA lobbies.

Yep, they made a mess of things. I'm frankly shocked that you got a penalty at all because in my last race NO ONE got collision penalties and it was a complete farce.

C'mon, this isn't even a little funny. Watch the GT Sport attendance fall off a cliff once this becomes widely realized.

This is my view of a race with that same guy... He has been messing up a lot of races this evening.

Everyone had a blue S afterwards, I also had the clean race bonus.

There don't seem to be any contact penalties, yet the track limit penalties are often 1.0 sec now.

Just check his Kudosprime. He literally got to SR S yesterday for the first time in his 3453 Sport mode races (2801 finished). I wonder why that is. :lol: Before that his highest SR ever was 67. That is just scary. SR S is now going to be full of people like him. Awesome. :nervous:

So PD finally threw in the towel. They "fixed" the penalty system by turning it off. I guess that's one way to do it. OK, but turn on damage then.

Great job PD. You have once again exceeded our expectations.

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The races are getting dirtier and cleaner at the same time. That sounds strange at first so I'll explain what I mean. Some drivers use the change to get really dirty now. I have seen many divebombs from far behind, brake tests and wild zigzags. For these drivers, the current rules are a wet dream. But once these drivers are gone, the races will be amazingly clean and considerate. It turns out that the majority of players want clean races. It is the dirty and over-motivated drivers that destroy everything. PD absolutely has to develop algorithms that can distinguish the rotten from the good apples. The SR rating is unsuitable for this. But the data from kudosprime alone clearly show the character of a player and PD certainly has more data available. Sort out the rotten apples, put them in their own race and the normal races for everyone else will be much better.
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Now that I read all this and watch the vids I understand what happened last night when I did 5-6 race B and no one got penalties for the usual things :)
I was just trying to get back to SR S, avoiding contact at all cost. So I got used as a berm and pushed off a couple of times but I kept growing my SR except for my last race where I lost 1 point for a 1 sec penalty that was handed to me when someone passed me in a reckless way and hit my front with their sliding rear. I never got more than 2 CRB in a row because you don't get them if somebody else makes you spin in to a wall.

The frustrating part was that everybody else too got blue SR despite the driving. Now that I know, I will play the game by the new rules this weekend. Hit me, and I will do my best to retaliate.

Edit: Btw, are there any benefits of getting tons of CRB? Like you get matched to cleaner lobbys or is it just some bonus award in the game that don't mean anything in the long run?

Also, just like someone suggested, turn on car damage and the problem will solve itself. Maybe it's not so cool to dive bomb if your car is capped at 50km/h for 20 sec after.
Now that I read all this and watch the vids I understand what happened last night when I did 5-6 race B and no one got penalties for the usual things :)
I was just trying to get back to SR S, avoiding contact at all cost. So I got used as a berm and pushed off a couple of times but I kept growing my SR except for my last race where I lost 1 point for a 1 sec penalty that was handed to me when someone passed me in a reckless way and hit my front with their sliding rear. I never got more than 2 CRB in a row because you don't get them if somebody else makes you spin in to a wall.

The frustrating part was that everybody else too got blue SR despite the driving. Now that I know, I will play the game by the new rules this weekend. Hit me, and I will do my best to retaliate.

Edit: Btw, are there any benefits of getting tons of CRB? Like you get matched to cleaner lobbys or is it just some bonus award in the game that don't mean anything in the long run?

Also, just like someone suggested, turn on car damage and the problem will solve itself. Maybe it's not so cool to dive bomb if your car is capped at 50km/h for 20 sec after.

I think that turning on damage solves only part of the problem but that doesn't resolve the issue of dirty people doing little and middle contact everytime they can o when they can take profit of it, that is unsportsmanlike allowed.
The races are getting dirtier and cleaner at the same time.

True. To be fair I had some great racing at Maggiore last night, everyone I came across around me was trying their best to race clean and you could tell heavy touches were genuine errors. Knowing there aren't silly penalties allowed for closed racing which was absolutely a blast!

On the other hand though, I won't take long for SR S to be full of bad apples, way to easy to get SR up now.

Now that I know, I will play the game by the new rules this weekend. Hit me, and I will do my best to retaliate.

This is part of the problem if you ask me. Retaliate and then that person will be pissed next race and act as 🤬 with someone else. It becomes a loop. Never retaliate.
GT Sport is the only racing game that rewards you for racing dirty.

The AI is dirty because is basically rubish, so you get use to not racing clean from the beginning
If you crash against people you lower your safety rating
If you lower your safety rating you get matched with worse drivers = you get pole positions, victories and you climb in your ranking
At some point you can't go further in your rating because you are a naughty boy, but you can hit a healthy B just by doing this.

Conclusion: Assetto Corsa Competizione
True. To be fair I had some great racing at Maggiore last night, everyone I came across around me was trying their best to race clean and you could tell heavy touches were genuine errors. Knowing there aren't silly penalties allowed for closed racing which was absolutely a blast!

On the other hand though, I won't take long for SR S to be full of bad apples, way to easy to get SR up now.

This is part of the problem if you ask me. Retaliate and then that person will be pissed next race and act as 🤬 with someone else. It becomes a loop. Never retaliate.

Well, at the least I would not have moved out of the way when somebody was trying to get passed in an ugly way to save my own SR. I would have kept my SR anyway from what I've learned now. I was driving the car like I usually do, like I do on trackdays with real cars.

The thing is, if I get out of the way and let rammers by without consequence, they advance in DR while I drop for not playing the game by it's rules. I would much rather reach DR A some day and feel that I'm surrounded with players who treat the game as a simulator and not Mario Kart.
Just check his Kudosprime. He literally got to SR S yesterday for the first time in his 3453 Sport mode races (2801 finished). I wonder why that is. :lol: Before that his highest SR ever was 67. That is just scary. SR S is now going to be full of people like him. Awesome. :nervous:

So PD finally threw in the towel. They "fixed" the penalty system by turning it off. I guess that's one way to do it. OK, but turn on damage then.

Great job PD. You have once again exceeded our expectations.


Wow. The SR thing of course, but also the quitting of 652 races :lol: That's a special person :banghead:
No matter what PD do people going to complain.
It was better with the harsh penalties system.
People need to learn to drive better learn more than 1 racing line.
PD should just leave the penalties system hard.
Better to have than not to have

I think the penalty system we have now is just differently bad to the one we just had for a couple of weeks. I'm not sure if going from one extreme to the other is better or worse. The main problem I see now is that everyone is going to shoot up to SR99 which is going to make matchmaking very interesting. If you get lucky with a clean lobby at least there won't be any penalties applied to innocent parties, but ending up in a dirty lobby you may as well be playing Wreckfest.
The main problem I see now is that everyone is going to shoot up to SR99

I agree and this can go either way, you might get great racing or you might find yourself in a 🤬 show.

But hey, maybe PD found the solution! Keep the silly penalty system for anyone below SR S so that it's tougher to get to S and also everyone needs to learn zero contact racing. Then, keep the current system for anyone at SR S, if eventually you get there you've had formed an habit of clean racing and hopefully racing will be great for everyone? :odd:
which part of the world contains the least dirty drivers in your opinion? I'm thinking about making another alt but out of EU for a change