People think GT5 will ship with 800 cars. Things could get ugly.

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Lots of cars is great...


GT4 has lots of cars. How many have you driven? Unless you've actually driven all "722" (PAL) cars in GT4, what's the point of demanding more or being upset if there's fewer?

I have :D
I don't care if there a 400 cars - as long as all of them are as important and fun to drive in their own way as each other. Just as Famine said.
Lots of cars is great...


GT4 has lots of cars. How many have you driven? Unless you've actually driven all "722" (PAL) cars in GT4, what's the point of demanding more

I have :D

More cars, more choice. Higher chance you can drive the cars you want.
i think GT5 will kill the Playstation Store.... every week there will be something new... or maybe you could dwl contents from the famous web browser inside the game that we hear by voice from internet... something similar to gttv directly from the game..
GT5 is the only game I'd be willing to pay for DLC for really, although as has been said, if they go the EA route of releasing a bunch of DLC weeks after it's released, that'll be very annoying, especially given that they've said for weeks now that it's ready for release...

But releasing updates with newly released cars, or even packs of new classic cars or a new manufacturer, that'd be fine with me.

New tracks I'd be happy to pay a little bit for as well, again, it'd only really annoy me if it happens weeks after release, at least give me the impression that I'm paying for something 'extra' and not just something that's been purposefully held back from release...
There will definetly be DLC but remember all the complaining when Resident Evil 5 MP was released.. I don´t think Sony and PD would want that. So we might see DLC about two months later when the game is out and not about a week (hello EA)
You better start saving up now people. DLC/Monthly subscriptions are now a way of life...
You heard it here first...
You pick one PC sim and then say that all games will be like this soon? Jeepers... you obviously missed my story.

Some of you people...
Lots of cars is great...


GT4 has lots of cars. How many have you driven? Unless you've actually driven all "722" (PAL) cars in GT4, what's the point of demanding more or being upset if there's fewer?

I have :D

For the large sum of cars I did drive in GT4, someone with different tastes probably drove the rest and then some?
i think GT5 will kill the Playstation Store.... every week there will be something new... or maybe you could dwl contents from the famous web browser inside the game that we hear by voice from internet... something similar to gttv directly from the game..

It's going to be interesting to see how much DLC PD will output and in what form. What I mean by that is either a content pack every month with 20 cars and 2 tracks for £10 or every single car released for £1. Probably a combination of both but a game like this seems made for DLC. (Yes I am guessing the prices so don't shoot.) :P

That said I think GT6 will also release this generation. I really cannot see all 110 PD employees making DLC until the obvious release of PS4. Business wise it would be easy money with the engine already made as well as car models.

Be honest here; if GT6 released 2-3 years after GT5 for the PS3 would you buy it? I know I would and that would be another £35 in the pocked of PD and Sony.
It's going to be interesting to see how much DLC PD will output and in what form. What I mean by that is either a content pack every month with 20 cars and 2 tracks for £10 or every single car released for £1. Probably a combination of both but a game like this seems made for DLC. (Yes I am guessing the prices so don't shoot.) :P

That said I think GT6 will also release this generation. I really cannot see all 110 PD employees making DLC until the obvious release of PS4. Business wise it would be easy money with the engine already made as well as car models.

Be honest here; if GT6 released 2-3 years after GT5 for the PS3 would you buy it? I know I would and that would be another £35 in the pocked of PD and Sony.

Well i'd rather buy both GT5 and GT6, than GT5 and pay for DLC, chances are whatever is in DLC would be in GT6 but cost you a hell of a lot more.
I really think GT5 is as good as the graphics and physics go on racing PS3 game. PD wants new game to be a new experience. Also they have had previously plans to make GT5 a platform and not develop GT6 for currrent system. (things may have changed since that interview)
i do not think we will a game named GT6 on PS3.


Sorry mate, couldn't resist - but yeah I also don't think that there'll be another GT on the PS3, assuming that's what you meant.
Be honest here; if GT6 released 2-3 years after GT5 for the PS3 would you buy it? I know I would and that would be another £35 in the pocked of PD and Sony.

So if they released say a 100 car and 10 track expansion pack each year for 3 years, say for £15 each, you wouldn't be tempted by that?

It depends on the distribution of types of customers in their customer base really. From the more serious fans, I think they'd make more money releasing DLC say every 6 months - year than waiting another 3 - 4 years and releasing another game.

With a game release, you're buying the updates in bulk, whereas with DLC you pay for them individually = more £££ :)

However with the more casual gamers, if they haven't bought GT5, they'll not really care much about the updates ( I don't think a significant number would be enticed into purchasing the game just because it looks to be well supported with DLC ), whereas they might be tempted by GT6, so I suppose that's a possible money boost.

I suppose it depends whether casual gamers are still playing it when the DLC is released...

Has there been any talk of in game advertising? As if there is, DLC can be a good way to get people back to a game they haven't been playing as much, thus boosting the advertising revenue...
Lots of cars is great...


GT4 has lots of cars. How many have you driven? Unless you've actually driven all "722" (PAL) cars in GT4, what's the point of demanding more or being upset if there's fewer?

I have :D

Off topic: Me too:dopey:
1-200 hp on motorsport course or sth. like that and the rest on the RING :sly:
You better start saving up now people. DLC/Monthly subscriptions are now a way of life. Look at iRacing. By my last count, they have around 15,000 monthly subscribers who pay on average about $20 per month just for the service.

You heard it here first...

How good iRacing might be, there are still some die hard Online PC gamers who won' t pay $20,- per month.
I buy a game for 60 euro' s, maybe I wil Download a nice updated package and that is it.

If I wanted to be ripped off, I would have bought an Xbox with Forza and Xbox li(v)e :D
You pick one PC sim and then say that all games will be like this soon? Jeepers... you obviously missed my story.

Some of you people...

You're naive :rolleyes:

I never said ALL games will be like this. My point is that PD and Sony would be fools not to be thinking about taking advantage of the iRacing model.

If iRacing, a PC sim targeted at hardcore gamers can get around 15,000 subscribers per month, what do you think Sony's biggest franchise could draw in? And I never said that PD should charge $15-25 per track or $15-$20 per car. I think around $5-10 for a one to two track, 3 to 5 car pack would be pretty reasonable, and I think hundreds of thousands of GT fans would buy those like hotcakes on a monthly/quarterly basis.

I don't care to eat the crow if it comes to that, but mark my words.
There will be DLC for GT5 and it won't be free. Maybe Amar is right, and you can buy the "Platinum" GT5 and bypass having to pay for future DLC, but I am skeptical about that.
You're naive :rolleyes:

I never said ALL games will be like this. My point is that PD and Sony would be fools not to be thinking about taking advantage of the iRacing model.

If iRacing, a PC sim targeted at hardcore gamers can get around 15,000 subscribers per month, what do you think Sony's biggest franchise could draw in? And I never said that PD should charge $15-25 per track or $15-$20 per car. I think around $5-10 for a one to two track, 3 to 5 car pack would be pretty reasonable, and I think hundreds of thousands of GT fans would buy those like hotcakes on a monthly/quarterly basis.

I don't care to eat the crow if it comes to that, but mark my words.
There will be DLC for GT5 and it won't be free. Maybe Amar is right, and you can buy the "Platinum" GT5 and bypass having to pay for future DLC, but I am skeptical about that.

Monthly/quarterly subscriptions are common for PC games. iRacing can charge as much as it does because it is a tool for real racing drivers. Console players aren't used to subscribing for anything with the exception of services like Xbox Live.

Remember Vision GT? Sony proposed that players would buy a "starter pack" with barely any content, and pay for additional cars and tracks individually. The backlash against that from the fans was tremendous. If they went with that model millions of people, including me, would be forced to stop playing GT just out of the sheer cost.

Yes, there will be paid DLC for GT5. But it won't be as radical as iRacing's approach.
Monthly/quarterly subscriptions are common for PC games. iRacing can charge as much as it does because it is a tool for real racing drivers. Console players aren't used to subscribing for anything with the exception of services like Xbox Live.

Remember Vision GT? Sony proposed that players would buy a "starter pack" with barely any content, and pay for additional cars and tracks individually. The backlash against that from the fans was tremendous. If they went with that model millions of people, including me, would be forced to stop playing GT just out of the sheer cost.

Yes, there will be paid DLC for GT5. But it won't be as radical as iRacing's approach.
If iRacing had 1/50 total subscribers of the amount GT 5 sells worlwide, we would not be paying so much for one new track or car ;)
They have to charge that amount due to the cost of laser scanning each track and the numbers of subscribers, so don't think you can compare the two and it is not fair to say they can charge what ever they want to on PC.

If have no doubt and I also hope so, that GT will have some DLC in the future for a reasonable price. it is a great way of enjoying a great game even longer IMHO.
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If iRacing had 1/50 total subscribers of the amount GT 5 sells worlwide, we would not be paying so much for one new track or car ;)
They have to charge that amount due to the cost of laser scanning each track and the numbers of subscribers, so don't think you can compare the two and it is not fair to say they can charge what ever they want to on PC.

My point was that you can't compare the two, because they are on different platforms targeted at two completely different types of players. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.

Sure - if iRacing had the following that GT had, they could lower the costs. Sony makes more than enough money on GT. They don't need to charge for every single car or track to make a profit.
Remember Vision GT? Sony proposed that players would buy a "starter pack" with barely any content, and pay for additional cars and tracks individually. The backlash against that from the fans was tremendous.

I remember when that was announced, i almost became a deserter, but nothing was set in stone so i kept marching.
That wasnt Vision GT, you mean GTHD Classic.
There were 2 versions on the disc GTHD Classic and GTHD Premium.
Classic was with cars that you needed to buy with real money, everything with GT4 assets in FullHD and Premium was with the graphics from GTHD Concept, with less cars and tracks.
That wasnt Vision GT, you mean GTHD Classic.
There were 2 versions on the disc GTHD Classic and GTHD Premium.
Classic was with cars that you needed to buy with real money, everything with GT4 assets in FullHD and Premium was with the graphics from GTHD Concept, with less cars and tracks.

👍 My bad
Console players aren't used to subscribing for anything with the exception of services like Xbox Live.
That is a massive exception. For everyone to think we can pay 60 bucks and keep getting upgrades, tracks, cars and features for free then there is some major flaws in your logic.

Sony wants to make money. That is it.

Maybe Sony will take a page from GTPLanet's play book and make us watch "double pits to chesty" commercials ove and over.