Photo GT5 prologue VS Forza 3 Demo

  • Thread starter elaguila45
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I am one of those regulars, as well as he GT forums with more issues as well. But as can be seen by google, visiting those sites and this site, it's clear there are plenty of bugs in GT games (as well as millions of other games)

Only difference is in all my years of racing GT I have never seen a car levitate in the middle of the track or had my own burrow around under the track like a mole. Never seen the AI pull the handbrake on a straight too

The fact every software title has bugs does not mean all bug infestations are created equal
1) Aston Martin DB9 C0ckpit View – RPM gauge not synchronized with shifting. (Submitted by B.OPS[HOOD])

2) Subaru Imprezza ’05 – Wing is not tuneable for downforce in “Quick Tune" chart. (Submitted by B.OPS[HOOD])

3) Travelling thru Chicanes @ Fuji and Suzuka – during rapid directional movements, frame stutter occurs. (Submitted by PSMod Cobra Girl)

4) MATCHING ERROR Message: This occurs infrequently when entering an online race. Until this issue is repaired, it is necessary to go to Options/Network and clear the cache. (Submitted By PS MVP MasterGT)

5) Horsepower (HP) Rating differs between Dealership ratings and "Quick Tune" Settings. (Submitted by Prayer350Z and Eulogys)

6) Black Viper SRT10 (tuner) - windshield visor "flickers between black and white instead of staying "black" when viewed from the "in-car" view. (Submitted by InTheZoneAC)

7) Eiger Nordwand Track - (replays) - when viewing a replay, the car, while passing through tunnel, appears to "slalom" between the "columns" (and through the wall). (Submitted by PS Mod Cobra Girl)

8) Game-Wide - Occasional picture "tearing" has been observed at the "start/adjust settings" screen. "Tearing" (or black line) runs from car bumper to upper right-hand portion of screen image as the car passes in that view. (Submitted by GT allstar) (Edited 10-07-08 to include entire game.)

9) Daytona Superspeedway - (unspecified cars) side view mirrors display "opposite" views than their would-be mirrored images. (Submitted by johaen88)

10) Daytona Superspeedway - Car shadows "flicker" during approach to start line of races. (Submitted by johaen88)

11) All Tracks/All races - Some texture "warping" may occur at the beginning or during a race in the lower portion of the view screen. (Submitted by johaen88)

12) Mini Cooper - 'default' gear ratios are repeated in 3rd and 5th gears and again in 4th and 6th gears. This may be corrected by re-setting the Final Gear to 2.871. (Submitted by lbloom)

13) Disc Music problem - After receiving the up-date for the "GT5Prologue Spec II" BlueRay Disc, some of the audio (music) fails to load. This is due to a change in the Music content in the game after the release of the Spec II menu up-date. It is not a "loss of data, but rather a "change in the music menu". (Submitted by DocWakabi)

14) Suzuka Track - Long dark black lines angling from the Car roof to the upper corner of the viewing screen have been observed. The lines, when viewed from the in-car view, appear to look like a windshield pillar. This has been documented to occur in several views and will take on the appearance of a "double image". (Submitted by SpiffyDeezy)

15) Nissan Skyline Concept Car - when viewing the "in-car" view, is missing the side view mirror assemblies, only assembly mounting posts and mounting holes (both sides of car). Deleted -Missing sideview mirrors are actually cameras instead.

15) Dust Particles - In lower portions of "dust effects", it has been observed that some "pixelization" resembling a "grid" pattern occurs.

16) Tuning Chart - The Real-Time Adjustments Tuning chart for in-race adjustments (RA settings using the button or dial) are erased after each event and reset to your default settings in the Quick Tune chart. In order to re-use the settings in the next race, you must manually reset them after the start of the race usung the RA button or dial. Your Instant or Real Time Adjustments are not saved in the Tuning Chart Settings. (Submitted by Smoking Rubber)

17) Tuning Chart - RA settings - The real time adjustment for Traction Control is the Only Setting that can be adjusted with the RA dial or button that WILL NOT change from race to race. This should be compatible with the rest of the RA settings and not separate. (Submitted by Smoking Rubber)

18) Game saves - Autosave doesn't save Tuning changes made online unless credits are earned or a race is completed. It is necessary to return to "My homepage" to manually save the settings. (Submitted by Forgetful)

19) F2007 throttle glitch - At speed, and after applying the brakes, the F2007's throttle will briefly stay in the "on" position automatically. Also, note that this will occur more so as the car is steered through a turn, or while turning the wheel with the foot off the gas pedal. (submitted by LaiChunKwan)

20) While watching 'replays' (not 'ghost' files) that are saved immediately after driving by selecting save replay from the "Start Race" screen (of one's own Free runs and Time Trial sessions), the lap time that flashes across the screen showing your name in bold white letters doesn't match the Best Lap/Last Lap that registers in the top right corner of the screen. The Best/Last lap is the actual time registered. (submitted by Forgetful)

21) Ghost Saves - When copying someone elses ghost from a flash disk, if labeled with the same number as your own ghost of the same car/track combination, the Flash disk copy will overwrite your own file. Although the game does prompt you before it overwrites the existing file, there's no way to have both files named the same and no way to re-name the file before saving/overwriting the saved file on the PS3. (submitted by Forgetful)

22) Quick Tune Settings - The weight settings will not "save" in the quick tune settings menu even after performing a "manual" Game Save. This occurs after downloading the October 3 Up-date, "GT5Prologue SPEC III". (submitted by systemdek)

23) Frame rate deterioration - since the Spec III up-date, frame rate graphics have deteriorated while online racing. Stuttering of frames and lower resolution of graphics have been observed while racing in a fully or heavily occupied race event. (Submitted by GTallstar on behalf of Pyro6000)

24) At various tracks, while using the "In-car" view, certain vehicles will display a transparency of the track details (ie: road striping/warning tiles) that will appear in the dashbopard guages/ guage rims. (Submitted by NightRush)

25) At various tracks, while using the "in-car" view, when using the "Looking back" button (not the rear-view or side view mirrors), various vehicles will display irregularities such as track striping/lane markings/warning tiles) that shouild not normally appear in that view. (Submitted by NightRush)

26) If you watch a replay of your free run, immediately after making tuning changes, the game resets your car settings to what the setup was prior to the free run which produced that replay in the first place. Tuning Changes will not be saved in Free Run after viewing replays. (Submitted by Forgetful)

27. Certain cars will display transparencies within the wheel rims using any view when running replays (Game wide). (Submitted by JEMCIV)

28. The tachometer viewable using the interior view on the Audi TT is incorrect near 4000rpm. When accelerating, the needle will stop at ~3950 and suddenly resumes normal at ~4050rpm. The reverse is true when decelerating, the needle jumps/skips down from ~4050rpm to ~3950 and stays still until ~3950 or ~4050 is reached. (Submitted by Clacksman)

The vast majority of the 28 bugs found are extremely anal, but bugs non the less. IMO none of these are major, game effecting bugs in any way. Anyone got the FM3 demo bug list for me to read?
Consider yourself fortunate that you got the glitch/bug free copies of GT I guess.

I think the point that was trying to be made is that GT bugs tend to be more obscure than Forza bugs.

In GT, most of the bugs you've got to try to induce, whereas Forza has more bugs that might rear their ugly heads during the course of normal play.
I do laugh at all this FM vs GT waffle for two reasons.

1. The games are exclusive to different consoles and therefore aren't in direct competition. If you own both consoles, chances are you'll buy both games. It's not exactly FIFA vs Pro Evo.

2. It's not like it's our money and time we've pumped in to it. I can understand Polyphony and Team10 going at it, but we've got f-all to do with the games. It's like going up to two random people in the street and starting a debate about which one of the two has the better shoes on.
It's like going up to two random people in the street and starting a debate about which one of the two has the better shoes on.

I have won around 4 out of 9 times. 👍 Afterwards, my shoes were stolen. This is Argentina, you see...
Consider yourself fortunate that you got the glitch/bug free copies of GT I guess.

I've seen bugs/glitches in GT, the wheelie trick, the Ford GT '69 missing almost every corner at Le Sarthe II

GT5P even has the camber trick that gives some cars incredible acceleration

When both full titles are released we will see which has the worst bugs

I do laugh at all this FM vs GT waffle for two reasons.

1. The games are exclusive to different consoles and therefore aren't in direct competition. If you own both consoles, chances are you'll buy both games. It's not exactly FIFA vs Pro Evo.

2. It's not like it's our money and time we've pumped in to it. I can understand Polyphony and Team10 going at it, but we've got f-all to do with the games. It's like going up to two random people in the street and starting a debate about which one of the two has the better shoes on.

Turn 10 says they have the definitive racing game of this generation.

It's like Samsung coming out and saying they have the definitive LCD/LED televisions. It's going to cause debate
It's like going up to two random people in the street and starting a debate about which one of the two has the better shoes on.

Haha. When i was younger, me and my mates pitted 3 alcoholics against each other in a race round the park with the winner receiving a 2 litre bottle of white lightning cider. Mine came in last place but in my defence i picked him purely based on comical value, fat, bald and you couldnt understand a word he said. He's dead hit by a bus :(

This has nothing to do with anything GT but thanks for triggering an awesome memory :)
2. It's not like it's our money and time we've pumped in to it. I can understand Polyphony and Team10 going at it, but we've got f-all to do with the games. It's like going up to two random people in the street and starting a debate about which one of the two has the better shoes on.
Have you bought ANY GT game at all? If yes - then it is your money pumped in development (albeit a rather small amount).
Haha. When i was younger, me and my mates pitted 3 alcoholics against each other in a race round the park with the winner receiving a 2 litre bottle of white lightning cider. Mine came in last place but in my defence i picked him purely based on comical value, fat, bald and you couldnt understand a word he said. He's dead hit by a bus :(

This has nothing to do with anything GT but thanks for triggering an awesome memory :)

the main things I notice are: 1. Forza's driver must be a midget 'cause he's sitting AWFULLY close to the windshield for some reason. and 2. The dashes of the cars are Completely different. But the GT interiors look a little more authentic to me.
Turn 10 says they have the definitive racing game of this generation.

It's like Samsung coming out and saying they have the definitive LCD/LED televisions. It's going to cause debate

This is stupid (not your argument, debate in general): This is not even a real debate. If there was a debate, it should be between Turn10 and PD/other developers. Not between fans, because it doesn't have any sense we are pissed by something they said. It's not like, by saying what they said (Turn10), we (fans) are losing something. However, PD does have a reason to be pissed off.
This is stupid (not your argument, debate in general): This is not even a real debate. If there was a debate, it should be between Turn10 and PD/other developers. Not between fans, because it doesn't have any sense we are pissed by something they said. It's not like, by saying what they said (Turn10), we (fans) are losing something. However, PD does have a reason to be pissed off.

If you are a fan of a team, and another team says they are better then the team you are a fan of, it will upset the team and the fans

the main things I notice are: 1. Forza's driver must be a midget 'cause he's sitting AWFULLY close to the windshield for some reason. and 2. The dashes of the cars are Completely different. But the GT interiors look a little more authentic to me.

I agree. Not only is further back more realistic, it gives you a better view of the road and your surroundings. I have a hunch Turn 10 has the view so far forward for graphical and framerate issues and not realism.
I think the point that was trying to be made is that GT bugs tend to be more obscure than Forza bugs.

In GT, most of the bugs you've got to try to induce, whereas Forza has more bugs that might rear their ugly heads during the course of normal play.

Again, not true. I have seen plenty of vids that show just the opposite. Cars flying x number of feet in the air (50+feet), cars driving through guardrails that bring them under maps. 5000 mph cars, and more. You can dispute it all you want, but YouTube and the official GT forums say otherwise.

Just curious, when did you get Forza 3?
Have you bought ANY GT game at all? If yes - then it is your money pumped in development (albeit a rather small amount).

Fair point, and yes all of them to date, but I still stand by my comment.

Forza is nothing to do with the PS3 or me for that matter, so I never understand the point of flaming it or comparing it to GT5(p).
Again, not true. I have seen plenty of vids that show just the opposite. Cars flying x number of feet in the air (50+feet), cars driving through guardrails that bring them under maps. 5000 mph cars, and more. You can dispute it all you want, but YouTube and the official GT forums say otherwise.

Just curious, when did you get Forza 3?

I claimed to have Forza 3? I was referring to the Forza series as a whole, not Forza 3.

Let's be reasonable about this. I know GT has its share of bugs. Easily as many as Forza. I have access to YouTube, and I enjoy looking at the usually hilarious glitches of both games. I'm just saying that you've got to either be trying to break the game or trying to induce the specific glitch for most of the glitches in GT, such as exiting the track.
Only difference is in all my years of racing GT I have never seen a car levitate in the middle of the track or had my own burrow around under the track like a mole. Never seen the AI pull the handbrake on a straight too
Just because you've never seen them, doesn't mean they're not there. I've never seen any of the bugs mentioned in the Forza 3 demo, either. That doesn't mean they are non-existent.
When both full titles are released we will see which has the worst bugs
Who cares?
Turn 10 says they have the definitive racing game of this generation.
And Gran Turismo calls itself the "Real Driving Simulator".

Ignore what the developers say & wait for the game. Quit being a tool.
If you are a fan of a team, and another team says they are better then the team you are a fan of, it will upset the team and the fans

In this case, is PD upset? I have yet to see something that proves that PD is actually mad at Turn10. So far, I only know GT fans are pissed at Turn10, not PD. That is what I'm going for. I agree with what you just said, but it isn't what is happening in this case, unless you can prove me wrong.
Ignore what the developers say & wait for the game. Quit being a tool.

Hard to ignore lies like "we have the most cars" "our game is the best looking"

Codename L
In this case, is PD upset? I have yet to see something that proves that PD is actually mad at Turn10. So far, I only know GT fans are pissed at Turn10, not PD. That is what I'm going for. I agree with what you just said, but it isn't what is happening in this case, unless you can prove me wrong.

PD is not going to talk trash like Turn 10. That is not the Japanese way.

They're going to stick it to Turn 10 by producing a far better product. They will speak softly and carry a big stick while Turn 10 talks big and carries a small stick.
I almost want to feel like Forza fans are in denial. I downloaded the Forza 3 demo, and I wasn't impressed. I was excited, but it didn't feel like much. It's almost the same as Forza 2, when I first bought it, I was like "WTF is this. Did I buy a beta version or something. Is this crap finished" Then it grew on me, but it still it wasn't improved enough for me to be seriously impressed.

I feel like Turn10 has once again done the same thing, they haven't upgraded it enough for me to be blown away, but I think I would be fool to fall into the same frame of thought that so many others do when they judge an unfinished project. The game just didn't look that good to me. Looks like Forza 2 with a small graphics patch. It sounds good and feels good I guess, but it's not done.

Maybe next-gen hardware isn't so next gen when it comes to making a sim. Maybe it's much more difficult than I thought. I know both GT and Forza will be fun, but I feel like GT just has that driving experience down pack for me.

But we will see. Forza will have its run that's for sure.
Hard to ignore lies like "we have the most cars" "our game is the best looking"
And why do you care? Like I said, stop listening to developers. Of course, they're going to be bias.

PD is not going to talk trash like Turn 10. That is not the Japanese way.

They're going to stick it to Turn 10 by producing a far better product. They will speak softly and carry a big stick while Turn 10 talks big and carries a small stick.
That's just your opinion, thankfully, and not fact.
That's just your opinion, thankfully, and not fact.

Well, it's pretty certain PD isn't going to rag on Forza. That said, we don't know who's carrying the bigger stick just yet. I'm betting on GT though.
Well, it's pretty certain PD isn't going to rag on Forza. That said, we don't know who's carrying the bigger stick just yet.
I was commenting more on the 2nd paragraph. As you said, we don't know whose going to carry the bigger stick.
Again, not true. I have seen plenty of vids that show just the opposite. Cars flying x number of feet in the air (50+feet), cars driving through guardrails that bring them under maps. 5000 mph cars, and more. You can dispute it all you want, but YouTube and the official GT forums say otherwise.

Just curious, when did you get Forza 3?

I have never encountered any bugs whilst playing Gran Turismo. I don't go looking for them. I did encounter a bug on Forza 2 when playing it in a Gamestation store, well my mate did anyway (splitscreen play), he managed to get the car stuck in the wall :lol:. He just broke way to late, the car flipped and sort of got stuck inside the barrier. No idea what circuit it was though.

I have seen plenty of glitches on youtube of gran turismo, most notably this one:

That always makes me lol XD

Never encountered anything like that in normal play though. It seems to me like some people deliberatly crashed into corners like that to get outside of the track. Theres no way would you crash into that spot on the wall in regular play.

Come to think of it, i never came across any glitches in the NFS Underground, NFS Underground 2 or NFS Most Wanted either. I am sure there are lots of glitches in those games too.

Any major glitches are usually fixed soon after they are discovered. Although on PS2, i don't think games could be patched as there was no internal hardrive space, and an 8MB memory card is a very small amount.
PD is not going to talk trash like Turn 10. That is not the Japanese way.

So saying "We didn't like their attitude" is talking trash? You are assuming the worst, man. PD has all the right to disagree, like we do, the difference is that we (most people except me and others called trolls) take it a step further by actually bashing Forza 3, Turn10 and everything related to them, directly or indirectly.

Anyways, I got my anser. No, PD isn't mad at Turn10. Otherwise, they would have said something, and you would have quoted them. Or even better, Jordan would have posted an article in the News section.

They're going to stick it to Turn 10 by producing a far better product. They will speak softly and carry a big stick while Turn 10 talks big and carries a small stick.

With those extra 3 years of development they better do it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I do laugh at all this FM vs GT waffle for two reasons.

1. The games are exclusive to different consoles and therefore aren't in direct competition. If you own both consoles, chances are you'll buy both games. It's not exactly FIFA vs Pro Evo.

2. It's not like it's our money and time we've pumped in to it. I can understand Polyphony and Team10 going at it, but we've got f-all to do with the games. It's like going up to two random people in the street and starting a debate about which one of the two has the better shoes on.

1. Actually, I believe it's a lot easier for me to buy FIFA and Pro Evo since I don't need to buy two consoles to play them both.

2. Turn 10 was the one who started it all. The reason being propaganda. By comparing themselves to GT, even knowing it's a fight they can't win, they are achieving free advertisement. Nowadays, in the american market, one cannot be mentioned without the other. Without Turn 10's bull****ery, Forza would need to rely on it's own strength to succeed. With it, Forza is a tick sucking on GT's success. All the endless Forza vs GT fights you see everywhere are just the result of questionable business methods. And this, my friends, make you and me pawns in Turn 10's little scheme to fill their pockets. Worse yet, that turns some of their own fans into little brainwashed advertising machines. That is if you are involved in those fights of course. In the end, it's not about doing it right, it's about doing it for the money. And this is the reason why I lost my respect for american developers a long time ago.
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And why do you care? Like I said, stop listening to developers. Of course, they're going to be bias.

I'm a fan, that's why I and many others here care.

That's just your opinion, thankfully, and not fact.

An educated opinion, actually.

Codename L
So saying "We didn't like their attitude" is talking trash? You are assuming the worst, man. PD has all the right to disagree, like we do, the difference is that we (most people except me and others called trolls) take it a step further by actually bashing Forza 3, Turn10 and everything related to them, directly or indirectly.

Anyways, I got my anser. No, PD isn't mad at Turn10. Otherwise, they would have said something, and you would have quoted them. Or even better, Jordan would have posted an article in the News section.

I dont think it is any coincidence that most of the features of GT5 double FM3's, 16 cars on track to 8, 950 total cars to 400, 1080p (over 2,000,000 pixels) to 720p (921,000 pixels). A PD spokesman has said they want to 'raise the bar' when it comes to driving sims. They have their target, we know who it is.
Or maybe he said it in general, which is much more possible and doesn't leave place for especulation... I doubt they need to raise the bar against Forza, because Forza never took the bar from GT, and I think we can agree about that.

Anyways, we will see. Luckily, if it isn't delayed, Forza 3 will arrive this month. If we have been waiting for GT5 for 4/5 years already, we can surely wait some months more. Me? I will be playing GT4 until then. :D
We will have to agree to disagree.
I'll just have to disagree, then.

I think GT4 crashed in the middle of one race, out of about 15 months of gameplay on my PS2.

In the early days of Spec I, Prologue would occasionally crash either entering a network race or leaving it. After Spec II, no problems. There are the shadow issues as has been mentioned.

With Forza 1 on the XBox, it would periodically crash. It would sometimes crash four times a day, and then go three weeks with no problems.

In my first race in FM1, the screen froze upon crossing the finish line the first lap for one or two very long seconds, and would still do it on occasion.

There are livery glitches on the surfaces of some cars which invert patterns and decals, and it's very hard to make things right, sometimes you can't.

With Forza 2 on the 360, I've crashed several times out of the blue for no reason in eleven months of play, though less than FM1 on the XBox.

Every third scroll through the garage (I pause several times, hoping it won't) causes the game to crash.

Occasionally, the Auction House will cause the 360 to crash, and if they didn't fix it yet, this can result in a ban from Live.

The physics have had to be patched several times due to bugs and unfair performance loopholes, resulting in unpopular leaderboard wipes.

The Livery Editor is buggy as an old house. After an hour of use or so, I can't rotate elements back to zero, or straight horizontal or vertical. It goes off by a decimal point, and just gets progressively worse. I have to save and completely shut down for a minute. It will occasionally crash, and all unsaved work is gone. Liveries shift around when you go out for sometimes just one race, or for a photo shoot. If you don't fix it - assuming it's not locked and you can fix it, they continue to shift around. Locked liveries eventually become a mess, and you'd better hope the original artist is in the mood to take it and fix it for you, or have mercy and unlock it. The same surface glitches on some cars are in FM2, and more.

I could go on, but I'm tired. Disagree all you want.
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