- 11,660
- GTP_Orido
Here's something interesting that you can try:
Take this tune put in front Masculin All Season tires,rear Masculin Street-Medium tires and enjoy lift off oversteer in mid corner and big grip under acceleration,you will only have to imagine that you are driving Porsche(This is not joke,try it)
Sort of GT6 tire mix up tune
I've been waiting to test PCars physics against a RL car. So I decided to give PCars another try today with the Old vs. New DLC pack so that I can try the Yellowbird. Since I do motorsports in 2 cars with a chassis and suspension very nearly identical to the Yellowbird, this is a chassis I know.
And there is still almost ZERO lift-off oversteer. I can do things in the YB in PCars at that I absolutely guarantee you would get you killed - things I don't even do in my RL cars at motorsports events unless I have a huge run-off area for safety, because even though I'm VERY good at lift-off oversteer in these chassis, that one little screw-up could cost me big in the wrong place.
The YB in PCars simply feels NOTHING like it should. I don't know how else to explain it. The balance is all wrong. It refuses to oversteer off-throttle but has a very classic "light-rear-end" FR-style oversteer when you get on throttle too much. I feel nothing of the nimble front-end, nor of the massive rear-grip these cars possess IRL. Honestly, it reminds me a LOT of the crappy physics in GT5 & 6 (in which RR cars or more-or-less completely borked). I'm not a fanboy of any product, period, and even though I like a LOT of things about PCars, it's incredibly disappointing to find out that their simulated physics don't match real-life in this case at all. It's just as wrong as wrong can be.
Very, very disappointed.
(If you want to feel what a real Porsche of that chassis type feels like, try AC, which models it brilliantly, or go clear back to GT4, which actually does a very good job of it also.)
And while I didn't post this on the PCars board, I can post it here: As far as I can now tell, PCars physics are crap, like GT5 and GT6. They've done a very good job of talking the talk and adding some great weather effects and gameplay, but if they can't get something as fundamental and basic as rear-engine physics correct then they either don't know what they are doing or don't have a physics engine capable of doing what it should be doing. Either way, it's a crushing disappointment.
Go play AC, it's got the physics down so good it's scary. (Now all they have to do is wrap a better game around their fantastic physics and FFB.)
I think this might have to do with Pcars Yellowbird stock setup being on the safe side
Just saw the default setup for YB in Pcars, the spring rate are wow