Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
How tall are you Dave?
How tall are you Dave?
I'm roughly 5'9. Don't let that picture decieve you it's a funny perspective, the girl in front of me isn't a midget she's about 5'6 :lol:.

Here's another pic of me from behind.

Someday you might just get a proper pic, someday.
What do you mean "kidding"? It's fact. He looks like a particular food group, and it's definitely not a vegetable. Hopefully he never looks like vegetable.

At the Ford fitness center that I work out at, they had photographers there taking pics of their model.

I walked up to them and struck a sexy pose, and jokingly asked 'need a model?'

Surprisingly, they said 'yes' and paid me a buck to make sit-ups look easy.

80's day at school. What you guys don't see are my sacred Zubaz I was wearing as well.

Wow. You should write across "O'RLY?"

I actually had a friend of who looked a lot like you...he was so freaking cool. That was back in Italy though.

BTW, I'm digging your NES sweater dude 👍

Woah... Carlos is a beaner and I'm a dago. Big difference there.

Also, Ozzy, it's not a sweater, it's a T-shirt. You'd have to be insane to wear a sweater down here. Our chorus had to record an audition tape (for the Disney Epcot concert thing), so I just threw my shirt on over my button-up to spare myself the carry.
Ok ok my bad, it looked like a sweater from here...I think it's the computer's resolution then. These computers from the library are anything but fancy.

Whoa, you reminded me that I was watching the hostage high school thing in Colorado. You look suspect.

Yeah, expect some jokes, everyone get 'em.