Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
...I've considered if it is worth it or not to post a picture of me, but what the hell? Why not?

(That would make me the guy in the middle)


  • BEMJ.jpg
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That wouldn't be too bad... Atleast I'd be able to go out and do things more often, lol.

Me and my lady-friends, what a riot!
Isn't Halloween great? I've worked the hat and belt-buckle into my daily wardrobe too!

EDIT: Update with the full-body shot. By that time I had about three beers in me, and it had allready been a pretty long day. Good times though...

BTW: This thread has scared me a little bit. Now knowing what some of ya'all look like, I'm a little scared...


  • cowboy.jpg
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What's really scary is that I've actually known people who dressed like that, regularly....... EXCEPT on Halloween. :sly:
...I've considered if it is worth it or not to post a picture of me, but what the hell? Why not?

(That would make me the guy in the middle)

Nice pic YSSMAN, I have to say that you really look like I thought you did. (Which it rarely happens among GTP members :indiff: )

Just as a curiosity, what does the YSS stand for?

Its a strange story, so I'll tell it (I love to talk about myself)

...When my Grandfather's family came to this country our last-name was "VanYsseldyke," meaning in Dutch (as I understand it) "Keeper of the Dyke" pertaining to an Yssel river (is there one?). Anyhow, in the 1930's my great-great-grandfather changed our last-name to "Ysseldyke" (pronounced ICE-el-DYKE, or like my friends often say, I-sell-dyke) as the story goes, because it wouldn't fit on our new mailbox.

Jump ahead sixty-odd years and you find my friends and I at a party in the 6th grade (this would have been about 1999 or 2000), screwing around doing stupid stuff. Anyway, we were talking about the movie Top Gun and I mentioned the fact that I always had liked ICEMAN. Anyway, it all lead to my friend breaking down the pronuciation of my last-name and giving me the title of "YSSMAN," and thus it has been since, connecting me to the Top Gun character.

The name grew in popularity after the highschool basketball coach would use it every time he saw me, and it was occasionally used in the school newspaper to describe me by other people. With XBOX Live, it has always been used as my SN, and when Halo 2 first came out, the name caused a similar stir as well.

...Long story, eh?


I find it funny that so many of you predicted how I looked. Pretty white kids with problems, thats how I see it. I think my voice throws most people off, it isn't all that deep, but it can be if I choose so. I like to do Arnold impressions, and my own version of "The Gator" from Infected with Martin Sargent.
ICEMAN!? Well that just messes enerything up. Whatever, I'm still calling you "Yissman".;)
This is the way we cook the meat, cook the meat, cook the meat.


This was during my schools photography trip. We were makin' the dinner one night.
Hopefully this'll work...

The smile is a little forced I may add.


  • PICT0116.JPG
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A picture I just took ten min ago to test out the camera option on my new mobile phone:

Don't mind the background, if you're curious about how our house looks like, this was taken in our bathroom but it's way not as blue-ish and dark as it appears to be. I say that because when I see picture of others I always focus on the background to see how different other people live, I'm always curious about that ;)
A picture I just took ten min ago to test out the camera option on my new mobile phone:

Don't mind the background, if you're curious about how our house looks like, this was taken in our bathroom but it's way not as blue-ish and dark as it appears to be. I say that because when I see picture of others I always focus on the background to see how different other people live, I'm always curious about that ;)

Comb your hair! (At least you have hair to comb! :indiff: )
Comb your hair! (At least you have hair to comb! :indiff: )

Hehe lol I do comb it...once in a usually I just wash my hair every 2 days (it's not good to wash ur hair everyday u shower) and then just model it with my hands :)

Here's another one from 20 min ago:
You remind me of the guy I met in work yesterday.

Hehe lol I do comb it...once in a usually I just wash my hair every 2 days (it's not good to wash ur hair everyday u shower) and then just model it with my hands :)
Bah, people always tell me that, but the alternative is it stinking of sweat. Either way, I use a 'Sport shampoo', designed for regular use.
You remind me of the guy I met in work yesterday.

Bah, people always tell me that, but the alternative is it stinking of sweat. Either way, I use a 'Sport shampoo', designed for regular use.

I don't have any hair to shampoo. Well, at least not on my head, anyway.
I don't even want to hear that story. :ill:

As for washing your head, you could probably water down the regular shampoo, or just use baby shampoo. I can't stand not washing my hair/head(Mine's a buzzzzzzcut) everyday.
If I go a day without shampoo, my italian scalp starts creating testa di parmigiano.