Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk

Hello world!
just be careful and you'll avoid the cuts.. or use the machine, it doesn't do as good work as the old fashioned way, but..*shrugs*
You should be charging your razor. lol j/k

LOL. Indeed. Teens pre-maturely doing moustaches is such a faux pas. Just shave it. If you don't shave, soon enough you might start developing folliculitis and other skin problems like acne and stuff due to all that held-in grease.

Btw, Niels, shampooing every other day doesn't mean you care for your hair more than anyone else. I have the coolest hair on this forum (after a6m5 and Solid Lifters), and I care about it. Lots.
shaving sucks... when you're 16 you start shaving anything that vaguely resembles a dark hair on your mustache... but by the time you're my age you start wondering if it'll ever stop growing! Hence, the beard ;)
Shaving you moustache isn't as scary as shaving your back with hot wax. Now that hurts.

Oh yeah, you all should listen to the guy. He's from Brazil and everything.

I use a Fusion, though. 5+1 ftw. I save the seperate single blade for times when I realize it's time to replace the head. :D

If you're afraid of disposables, wait until you shave with a double-edge like a manly man.
...I have a horrible fear of blood and a bit of a neck-phobia, so I pretty much refuse to use a disposable razor on my face and neck. I have a Mach 3, but I haven't used it. My Braun works just fine, although in my previous picture postings it had been about a week and a few days since the previous shave.

...If you have a non-disposable razor, don't forget your "Razor Gator!!!"

Think it's about time for another pic (or three) of me, lock your daughters/sisters :P

First one, from about an hour earlier, mucking around with some settings to try and make me look better..

Didn't quite work, I know... So I tried again..

Again didn't work, so dejected and annoyed, I searched through my pc for a worthwhile pic when I found this, from a couple of weekends back:

(Yeah you try and count the bogeys..)

So yeah that's me, after an attack by my girlfriend with her eye liner.

I'll get my revenge..
Aaaaaah!!!! Stop it!!!! :scared:

I need an electric razor, like my cousin. (14)
If you are going electric, avoid Norelco. They don't work. I have no idea how they stay in business. I use Braun like YSSMAN, or Fusion like Omnis. I don't like Fusion though. I cut myself like 50% of the time. With Mach 3, I never had issues, so I'm going back.
If you are going electric, avoid Norelco. They don't work. I have no idea how they stay in business. I use Braun like YSSMAN, or Fusion like Omnis. I don't like Fusion though. I cut myself like 50% of the time. With Mach 3, I never had issues, so I'm going back.

Seriously? Wow - I've never had a problem with the Fusion. I think it's miles better than the 3. Are you sure you aren't overusing the blade? I'll find some snagging after about 2-3 weeks or so, upon which I finish up with the single blade. Do you shave with warm water and soak your face beforehand? I can't shave at the sink without some kind of BS at work. Shaving in the shower is just awesome because of the steam and constant deluge of hot water; just grab yourself at lil' suction-cup mirror to put on the wall.

But, forget shaving. MOAR PICS!
I've been on the same set (6) of Mach3 razor blade for about 12 months now :sly: I just can't be bothered getting more.

I might attempt a goatie over christmas, just so I don't get given hell at work for my shoddy attempt while it's growing..
I've been on the same set (6) of Mach3 razor blade for about 12 months now :sly: I just can't be bothered getting more.

I might attempt a goatie over christmas, just so I don't get given hell at work for my shoddy attempt while it's growing..

MACH3 FTW, I used it too.
Bah. I bet the advertising companies are rubbing their hands together viewing this thread. You all fell for that Mach 3 crap? And the fusion stuff? Geez, talk about marketing ploy.

Wilkinson Sword Protector 3d Diamond. Fo' 'sho.