Pismronounced Car Names

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Peugeot - Persian
Pontiac - Pon-tyac
Alfa Romeo - Alpha Roh-mio
Datsun on-DO - Daht-suhn ohn-doo
Buick - Byuhk
Cadillac - Cadde-lack
In Saudi, some cars pronunciation differs from one part of the country to the other, but here we go:

Pontiac - Bontiac
Mercedes - Murcids
Audi - Oudi
Toyota - Tayota
Datsun - Ditsin (Ditsin the Datsun :lol:)
Nissan - Nesaan
Cadillac - Cadlac
Chevrolet - Chafar
Corvette - Corfit
GMC - Goms or Gims
Peugeot - Beejo
Renault - Reeno
Porsche - Boorsh
Mitsubishi - Mitsibishi
Maserati - Mazarati
Lamborghini - Lambarghini
Hyundai - Hondai
Ferrari - Farrari (come to think of it, that's how Italian's pronounce it :D)
Rolls-Royce - Roz-Rize
Bentley - Bintley
Chrysler - Chrizlar
Volvo - Filfo
Audi - Oudi
Finnish people are really bad at pronouncing French brands.

Peugeot - Peuh-ge-oth
Renault - Ren-ah-ult
Citroën - Sit-roh-en

And at the main brands of Chrysler group

Dodge - Dot-ge
Chrysler - Khry-s-ler
Huayra. I don't know if its right but is it Hue-I-ra?
Competizione - is it Comp-e-tiz-e-on-ey?

There's ones that I've heard others say wrong.
I have an American friend who says Nissan - Knee-san
He also says Jag-war instead of Jag-U-ar

Almost forgot the one im worse for.

I always said Chaparral


I watched the concept vid for the 2X and found out it was Shap-a-rell. I had no idea!
Do you say Aventador like Aven-tay-da or Aven-ta-door?
Jaguar does NOT sound like Jag-war. It sounds like Jag-you-are
I used to say Lamborghini wrong until I realized I was spelling it wrong, too. I used to think it was spelled Lambroghini.
As a kid, I never heard of Peugeot until I got GT4 (I didn't even know the French made cars back then...) and I'd pronounce it as Peh-Go. Now I pronounce it like Top Gear does, it's still wrong but a lot closer as Per-zho.
I thought Competizione was Competizone until I saw this thread..
Koenigsegg is hilariously easy, I have no idea why people can't do it.

ko - neg - se - gih
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Audi - Ah(as in bat)-oo-dee
Koenigsegg - Koh-eh-nihg-sehg (now I know that's completely wrong)
Peugeot - Poo-zhoh
Citroën - Sih-trohn
Hyundai - Huhn-day
Acura - Ah(bat)-kyer-uh
Koenigsegg is, at least, very easy to spell, which is why I never understood Top Gear's exaggerated treatment of the name.

Anyway, there is a show produced in New Zealand which airs on local free-to-air TV called, I think, Highway Patrol (or some other derivative), in which I actually learnt that the correct pronunciation of Subaru is Suu-BAH-ru, not Su-bah-ru.
Do you say Aventador like Aven-tay-da or Aven-ta-door?
Jaguar does NOT sound like Jag-war. It sounds like Jag-you-are

This is what I meant. I know it's JAG U AR but some Americans say it very wrong
Audi - Ah(as in bat)-oo-dee
Koenigsegg - Koh-eh-nihg-sehg (now I know that's completely wrong)
Peugeot - Poo-zhoh
Citroën - Sih-trohn
Hyundai - Huhn-day
Acura - Ah(bat)-kyer-uh
Koenigsegg, Peugeot and Citroen are all pronounced with an umlaut, as long as you don't know how to use these, you'll never be able to properly pronounce these names.

Audi is pronounced Ow-dee.