Play mag preview apparently

lpb-gt-r-is-cool or GTP_ParisPeach
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Lame article..
lets hope next month they come up with something better to read.
Where on earth in that article does it mention a preview next month, i know the poster said it was in the mag but does the site not have the same info?
Like I said im just passing on the message the guy put that link down when he commented so I figured it must have some relevance.
It doesn't. But I'm looking forward to hearing what was in this magazine.

EDIT: Actually the site has that same date listed as release, which is funny considering the content of the article.
Whoever wrote that article is a right tosser, and that anticipation rating is a joke, so it's unlikely im gonna beleive the date when all other sites are claiming SCEE has told them there is no confirmed date. I even found a site claiming that the news posted on GTP about a christmas 09 release is just rumour and speculation as claimed by SCEE so i don't even know wether to beleive that now.
Whoever wrote that article is a right t*****, and that anticipation rating is a joke, so it's unlikely im gonna beleive the date when all other sites are claiming SCEE has told them there is no confirmed date. I even found a site claiming that the news posted on GTP about a christmas 09 release is just rumour and speculation as claimed by SCEE so i don't even know wether to beleive that now.

DUDE no swearing the English mods will wake up soon and tell you off.
Well I been brought up bieng told it is.

Its euphemistic slang, sure, but its not the same sort of word as the "S" or "F" words. Not even slightly. I mean over here the government runs an anti-littering campaign with the tagline "don't be a tosser!"
If the new Play magazine comes out after 18 aug. they probably only write about the press conference. Then it will be old news.
If the new Play magazine comes out after 18 aug. they probably only write about the press conference. Then it will be old news.

Older news than you think. If a paper magazine comes out in August, it's content will have been written, believe it or not, in June. That is because of print lead times, and is the reason print magazines don't have a future in the age of Broadband Internet.
Older news than you think. If a paper magazine comes out in August, it's content will have been written, believe it or not, in June. That is because of print lead times, and is the reason print magazines don't have a future in the age of Broadband Internet.

That's not always true. For example, occasionly in the monthly 'Top Gear' magazine they talk about things that happened only a few days earlier.
could be true 27 november...
its from February that i told this.. in February a Japan site wrote this 27 november 2009....