never been one of the people on the forum who threatens to walk away from the GT franchise if they don't include damage, weather, night racing, etc.
What I want is quite simple--a full GT game to follow up on GT4
Is that so much to ask?
I'm not asking for the perfection that PD (claim) to aspire to (see GT4's arcade-like physics, and totally unrealistic tire wear as well as GT5P's tire modeling).
All I'm asking for is...250/300 cars (hopefully the majority of which would be race cars of some type), the same tracks we had in GT4, and online racing.
I would be tickled to death with that. If we just had
that much, then as far as I'm concerned, PD could spend another year or so--or couple of years for that matter--giving us what--one or two add-on cars per month and a new track every month or two? I don't have to have damage, weather or the licensed race series like WRC or NASCAR.
If Prologue has managed to keep people occupied (barely, most people are getting pretty bored with it now) for over a year now, wouldn't a game on the scale I described above keep them (us) occupied for at least another year? I don't need GT5 to be the best game ever made, with every single car I've ever wished or hoped for included. I would just like a full game with more cars and tracks to be included sometime before the end of this decade--literally. This is quite a statement when you think about it, but it's true--
if GT5 is not released by December 31st, 2009, there will have been only 2 "Full" GT games released this decade: GT3 and GT4
I would be interested to know how long the PSP GT version was in development. I assume it was within the past year. So, Kaz was willing to put his "perfectionist" stamp of approval on the PSP version which has been in development how long? A year maybe? I know the PSP and PS3 are different platforms and the development times required are probably not on the same scale but, nevertheless, PD had the time to develop a PSP version with 800 cars and 35 tracks presumably in the time between Prologue's release and the release of GT5. I find it hard to believe that the development of the PSP version has not had a dramatic effect on the timetable of GT5's release.
Polyphony are obviously quite good at what they do, but they are not a huge company, and there is no doubt that working on two large projects at the same time has probably stretched them a little thin. Hopefully, now the staff that were working on the PSP version can be devoted to helping expedite the release of GT5.
Just sick of the waiting...
Guess I'll quit my "whining" for a while
Who do I think I am anyway? I guess I must think I'm special or something.
What right do I have to expect more than 2 FULL GT games should be released in any ONE DECADE? 2 games per decade sounds like a reasonable pace to me

(and don't tell me I shouldn't complain because some people waited 12 years for a new Street Fighter game...I don't care)