Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Speculation or not, here is my take on some of these new features:
I thick this is basically saying what you have access to with the in-game XMB, not all the new options.

Manage downloads (in game)
I guess what this means is if you are downloading several files while playing a game, we will be able to pause the game without quitting in the event we want to pause or cancel a file that is downloading or schedules to download? I guess that's OK, although I can't really see the need for it, but I'm all for giving us more options. 👍
I am thinking perhaps you are playing a game that doesn't disconnect your PSN and will allow background downloads to continue, but then you decide you want to take it online and so you go and pause your downloads first?

All my online games that I use pause the downloads automatically. Of course, with this feature perhaps future games will not.

Sign in to PlayStation Network
Now this could be useful for those that want to get a jump on downloading newly added content ASAP, and thus can regularly check the store without having to constantly quit and restart a game. 👍
Does it mean store access? If so I can already imagine using that in Rock Band. The in-game store has previews but wants you to pay for each purchase one at a time. The PSN store uses the shopping cart feature but has no preview. So, for songs that either myself or my wife are unfamiliar with (Don't get me started on my wife not knowing who The Clash or Boston are) we have to make a note of what we want from the in-game store previews and then take our "shopping list" to the PSN store.

Register friends
Again, I don’t really understand this feature as listed. I mean we can do that already, and we even have a list in our Friends category in XMB that allows us to add friends we have played online with.
I can think of a few instances where I have a had a great Warhawk match with someone and forgot their username by the time I exited out of the game. And the Friends Met list from Warhawk has sometimes taken a while to update. Combine that with the fact that if I switch servers a few times my new Friends Met list is quite large and I would greatly appreciate the ability to add friends in game.

As for if this should be covered by Friend Category: Clarifier? Or as it was an inside source information perhaps the person reporting was just writing every point mentioned without analyzing if it is redundant first?

Manage Bluetooth devices
I hope this will mean we will be able to register multiple Bluetooth devices and then simply pick which ones we want to use at any given time... as I am really tired of having to constantly re-register and pair up my Bluetooth headsets each time I switch from one to another. :ouch:
I was thinking connecting my headset without exiting the game. My headset gets used for both my cell phone and PS3, so I have to switch connections when I go to use it in gaming. I can clearly recall forgetting, then trying to use my headset and accidentally voice activating my phone to call my wife, who was sitting next to me.

Then I had to exit the game, which is extremely annoying when you are already logged in online, and go to the Bluetooth devices setting to connect it with the PS3.

Of course allowing two headsets to be paired and used at the same time would be awesome as Warhawk will splitscreen online multiplayer so you and a friend can play against others online.

View profiles
Now this will be very nice, especially if the PSN expands on the info and what you can put in your profile. Right now you are VERY limited to what you can have in your profile, making them pretty much useless.
I figure this will be similar to the little gamercard pictured above. Now if I can just add my own avatar.

Set audio devices
We have this option as well... these headings are far to vague don't you think?
See my comments referring to Bluetooth devices above. I believe this falls in the same category.

I think a lot of this is what we will have access to while in-game, as a more comprehensive list, not just new features.

And for the XMB categories that we have now, notice not all XMB categories are listed. You can't go play a photo slideshow or watch movies while in-game. I think having access to the Games Category means that I can jump from one game to the next without exiting to the XMB. That way if I get an invite I can save about 10 seconds (it's the little things in life...)

Also, when I start my PS3 and it connects it seems to make everything else disconnect and then reconnect. No, I don't usually have my computers on while I'm playing but then again it shouldn't matter...
Are you port forwarding? And are you using a Linksys WRT54G router? My PS3 would refresh my WiFi connection on mine until I adjusted the settings.
Also, when I start my PS3 and it connects it seems to make everything else disconnect and then reconnect. No, I don't usually have my computers on while I'm playing but then again it shouldn't matter...

Turning off the Search for Media Servers setting in connection settings should stop that happening, i had the same problem and turning off the media servers thing fixed it.
I thick this is basically saying what you have access to with the in-game XMB, not all the new options.
That would make a lot of sense, but I really wish they had added some actual detail about these, rather than the basic bullet point headers.

All my online games that I use pause the downloads automatically. Of course, with this feature perhaps future games will not.
I'll be surprised if this is the case, as it could easily cause a lot of lag in an online game, and thus possibly ruin the game for the other people who are playing with you... especially if you are the host.

Does it mean store access? If so I can already imagine using that in Rock Band. The in-game store has previews but wants you to pay for each purchase one at a time. The PSN store uses the shopping cart feature but has no preview.
SingStar is the same way. The in-game SingStar Store offers really nice 30 second previews of the music videos that you can play before deciding on whether or not you want to buy it. This is especially handy as unlike classic groups like The Clash and Boston (how could she not know!?!?!), SingStar also has well over a hundred or more music videos from indy and alternative groups/singers as well as a hundred or more International artists, of whom I no almost none of them... and yet thanks to the preview, discoverd several that were outstanding! 👍

I can think of a few instances where I have a had a great Warhawk match with someone and forgot their username by the time I exited out of the game. And the Friends Met list from Warhawk has sometimes taken a while to update. Combine that with the fact that if I switch servers a few times my new Friends Met list is quite large and I would greatly appreciate the ability to add friends in game.
That's a great point. Not only that, but I would REALLY like to have in-game access to my Block List, as well as being able to jot down why I chose to block that user, so that in the future and can click on their ID to see why it was that I chose to block them in the first place. Currently, I use a worksheet with the ID and the reason why, but it would be much more convenient to have it built into XMB. 👍

As for if this should be covered by Friend Category: Clarifier? Or as it was an inside source information perhaps the person reporting was just writing every point mentioned without analyzing if it is redundant first?
It is certainly unclear, and it would have been usefull had the person who put that together been more clear.

Of course allowing two headsets to be paired and used at the same time would be awesome as Warhawk will splitscreen online multiplayer so you and a friend can play against others online.
Another excellent idea/example. 👍

I figure this will be similar to the little gamercard pictured above.
If so I'll be dissapointed. It would be really nice if we had the option to create more in-depth profiles.

Now if I can just add my own avatar.
I seriously doubt we will ever have that option considering all the ways that ability could be abused even with a lot of moderation in place... and very offensive to others.

I think having access to the Games Category means that I can jump from one game to the next without exiting to the XMB. That way if I get an invite I can save about 10 seconds (it's the little things in life...)
Another good point. Although if it's a game that's on a disc, it won't save you much time at all... but still always nice to have options. :)
Turning off the Search for Media Servers setting in connection settings should stop that happening, i had the same problem and turning off the media servers thing fixed it.

I'll try that, turns out I did have that on somehow. Thanks

edit: that fixed it, thanks!
That would make a lot of sense, but I really wish they had added some actual detail about these, rather than the basic bullet point headers.
Being that it is supposed to be a sooper-dooper, ultra-secret, tactical-espionage, bandanna-wearing, inside source they probably couldn't reveal details without getting caught.

I'll be surprised if this is the case, as it could easily cause a lot of lag in an online game, and thus possibly ruin the game for the other people who are playing with you... especially if you are the host.
I agree. I would forget until my game got all screwy. I'm just seeing what sticks.

SingStar is the same way. The in-game SingStar Store offers really nice 30 second previews of the music videos that you can play before deciding on whether or not you want to buy it. This is especially handy as unlike classic groups like The Clash and Boston (how could she not know!?!?!), SingStar also has well over a hundred or more music videos from indy and alternative groups/singers as well as a hundred or more International artists, of whom I no almost none of them... and yet thanks to the preview, discoverd several that were outstanding! 👍
In defense of my wife she has always been a huge country fan and upon actually hearing the songs recognized them. She wouldn't know a Soundgarden from a Foreigner, but she can tell you if she likes the song when she hears it. She did ask if it had any Kenny Chesney :banghead:

In all honesty, if it were Country Band I would be lost. Thank God it's not.

I need to check the song lists for SingStar and Karaoke Revolution to see if either of those would work for her, because she has shown interest in the singing. Although, she will be getting her own PSN account so that I don't get accused of having a high score on something silly, like say Pussycat Dolls. Right, Scaff?

If so I'll be dissapointed. It would be really nice if we had the option to create more in-depth profiles.
I am guessing their decision to not do it is similar to your reasoning for why we don't get personalized avatars.

I seriously doubt we will ever have that option considering all the ways that ability could be abused even with a lot of moderation in place... and very offensive to others.
True. However, personally I would treat it much like I do things now. I have had a couple of deletions due to offensive language in the comments. It is embarrassing to be showing off your PS3 to some relatively conservative friends with children and when scrolling through the friends list see an F-bomb pop up.

I don't even give a warning message, I just delete.

Another good point. Although if it's a game that's on a disc, it won't save you much time at all... but still always nice to have options. :)
The only other thing I can think of would be installing things that downloaded while you were playing, like DLC.

But I don't see how that can be done. If it is DLC for a game you are playing at the time I would think you have to exit so it can edit game files. And even if it is completely separate from your current game, I don't see how one that is running off the hard drive can be completely unaffected by sharing hard drive usage.

Of course, I do downloads while playing some PSN or Classic games.

I think I am thinking too much.
Although, she will be getting her own PSN account so that I don't get accused of having a high score on something silly, like say Pussycat Dolls. Right, Scaff?

Indeed. It is now however fixed, the high score now belonging to Life On Mars (David Bowie of course).

Much happier now


Indeed. It is now however fixed, the high score now belonging to Life On Mars (David Bowie of course).

Much happier now




Now what will you give in return of me destroying the original photograph? ;)
Rumors say that 2.40 will hit PS3 console only, not Xbox 360

hehe ;) rumors. I want FACTS!
Rumors have to start somewhere, or did you make it up? :P

Well, I can't find the exact source(s) of the rumors... but a number of people on varions forums seem to act like they know for fact that it'll hit Tuesday. Of course they could just be trying to trick us, but a few of them are respected members of the forums they visit.

Edit: Apparently the speculation comes from some podcast called Playstation Nation, where they were discussing the upcoming firmware with some Sony guy. The guy said to stay tuned for more news regarding update 2.40 on Monday. That, the fact that PS3 firmware updates typically launch on Tuesdays, and the fact that it's the last Tuesday before E3 (Sony has apparently expressed interest in releasing 2.40 before E3) is what sparked the rumors. So uh, search for the latest episode of Podcast Nation if you need affirmation, I suppose.
Well, I can't find the exact source(s) of the rumors... but a number of people on varions forums seem to act like they know for fact that it'll hit Tuesday. Of course they could just be trying to trick us, but a few of them are respected members of the forums they visit.

Edit: Apparently the speculation comes from some podcast called Playstation Nation, where they were discussing the upcoming firmware with some Sony guy. The guy said to stay tuned for more news regarding update 2.40 on Monday. That, the fact that PS3 firmware updates typically launch on Tuesdays, and the fact that it's the last Tuesday before E3 (Sony has apparently expressed interest in releasing 2.40 before E3) is what sparked the rumors. So uh, search for the latest episode of Podcast Nation if you need affirmation, I suppose.

Okay mate, thanks for the info 👍:P
Now that some good news. I always wanted to listen to my own music while playing GTA4.

Anybody got a certain release date for 2.40 yet?

Now that some good news. I always wanted to listen to my own music while playing GTA4.

Anybody got a certain release date for 2.40 yet?

No announced date, but rumors are confident that it'll hit this Tuesday. lol