Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Do any games support the feature at the moment though? I would have thought that only new games coming out now might have it. Any previous older games would require a patch to enable the screen shots, so its up to those developers to provide a fix.
When I realized that all that TV I record on my PC could be transferred over and then played on my big TV it became the most useful entertainment device in my house.

Not to mention just viewing them wireless using media sharing on the PS3...brilliant
LittleBigPlanet's issue is that music and sound are apart of custom level designs, but you cannot allow imported music because you are sharing it online and that will create legal issues. Although an idea I had for LBP was to use enough of the song to sample while staying within fair use limits. I don't know if that is feasible or not though, as levels max out at 5MB.

Actually I played a level in the beta that was called "Sweet Child O' Mine" and it featured a vehicle and once you were goind through the lvl in such vehicle it would play the song's intro, dunno if he maxxed the meter.

When I realized that all that TV I record on my PC could be transferred over and then played on my big TV it became the most useful entertainment device in my house.

Same here, as top gear is not broadcasted in Mexico I always download it and used to see it in the computer, but oh god it's sooooo much better to see it in a TV screen, specially since it's wirelessly or by actually transferring the files to the PS3.
Eh, just downloaded the update here, and I've a slight problem, to say the least. All my videos I have saved on the HDD now show in black and white? :confused: Has this happened anyone else? I'll change display settings now to see if it makes a difference but there is no problem with the rest of the things, so I doubt it will make a difference.
Same here, as top gear is not broadcasted in Mexico I always download it and used to see it in the computer, but oh god it's sooooo much better to see it in a TV screen, specially since it's wirelessly or by actually transferring the files to the PS3.

My computer is hooked up to my big screen. :sly:

Downloading the update now. Not sure there's really anything I'll find useful though.

What was all the extra stuff they said would be in the update that they were keeping a secret till it was released?
I have tried a few games and none have the option anywhere I can see so far, I wish I could find out somewhere how to take them in games that support it.
It is like custom music, only if the game adds it, so until some do a patch no one will have it.

Actually I played a level in the beta that was called "Sweet Child O' Mine" and it featured a vehicle and once you were goind through the lvl in such vehicle it would play the song's intro, dunno if he maxxed the meter.
Ah, but that was not the actual song, just a very midi-like rendition of it. I do not believe he risked violating any copyrights.

And depending on which version you played (2.0 had intro, one verse, and chorus, 1.0 just had intro) it was either slightly filled or just over half filled....I think. It wasn't item intense as it was just a lot of sound emitters and magnetic switches.

That was definitely impressive though. That had to take forever.

Same here, as top gear is not broadcasted in Mexico I always download it and used to see it in the computer, but oh god it's sooooo much better to see it in a TV screen, specially since it's wirelessly or by actually transferring the files to the PS3.
I don't know if you can get it in Mexico, but having Flash 9 now means we can also watch, which legally shows currently running TV shows.

What was all the extra stuff they said would be in the update that they were keeping a secret till it was released?
From what I can tell, they only said that in the US blog thinking they would surprise us with the Flash update, but Eurogamer and Threespeech announced it in the European release notes.

The funny thing is that even in the PlayStation Blog post that revealed it the comments section still had a ton of people asking for a Flash update on the first couple of pages. People had gotten so used to asking for it that they didn't realize it was there at first.

I updated mine last night. This must have been the quickest update yet. The whole thing took about 20 minutes. I did it while I walked the dog and started getting ready for bed. It was finished before I went to bed.

Did anyone else see the thing after the installation where it said it was updating (or was it syncing?) the database? I had never seen that before, but then I don't tend to stand there watching it either.

Anyway, I will definitely be making use of sequential video playing and the controller power saver feature.
I can now watch my Family Guy episodes back to back? also my code monkeys :)

I dont see the trophy enhancements or am i missing something. I dont have many though.
I can now watch my Family Guy episodes back to back? also my code monkeys :)
Dunno, are they on Hulu?

I dont see the trophy enhancements or am i missing something. I dont have many though.
I didn't get a chance to see it. But from the announcement I think the big thing is that when you are notified in-game that you received it you will actually be shown the trophy icon provided by the game developers instead of the generic trophy icon. Nothing really big.

It would be nice if trophy info loaded faster though.
Eh, just downloaded the update here, and I've a slight problem, to say the least. All my videos I have saved on the HDD now show in black and white? :confused: Has this happened anyone else? I'll change display settings now to see if it makes a difference but there is no problem with the rest of the things, so I doubt it will make a difference.

I've changed all the display settings but I still have the problem. :nervous: Does anyone have any ideas, I'm getting slightly worried now. :ill:

@Foolkiller; I seen that updating the database message too. I dont think it ever came up after an update before.
I download the episodes from PSN. Yeah i've spent a boat load on PSN and rock band this year :(.

Cool, thanks for the info. Are you getting Saints Row 2? I will not support trophies.
It would be nice if trophy info loaded faster though.

The "Trophy Collection" menu opens a bit faster for me, and the color of the progress bar has changed, not sure if that's a theme thing or just the update.

One cool feature is it shows the percentage from current level to the next PS level, mine is around 69% or so.

I will risk a double post just to make sure this gets seen.

I've changed all the display settings but I still have the problem. :nervous: Does anyone have any ideas, I'm getting slightly worried now. :ill:
It looks like others are having the same issue in PAL territories when they have 60hz (NTSC) encoded videos. The PS3 used to automatically convert them to 50hz (PAL) encoding if you were using a PAL system on an older TV.

If you are not using a newer HDTV that may be your problem.

Some other PAL users may want to test this theory as it hasn't been made official yet, but I have seen multiple comments on various sites saying this is what is happening.
Weird but extremely minor bug: if you download an image from the PS3 browser, but exit out of the browser and open the photo folder before it's finished, instead of adding itself to the open folder it will make a new folder.

That probably made no sense whatsoever, so this is what happened: :dunce:

I saved a 1.5 MB image from the browser and opened to the 'October 2008' photo folder before it finished downloading. When it finished, instead of adding itself to the folder I was in, it made a new folder, 'November 2008'.

Yeah, I said it was minor. :ouch:
I updated mine last night. This must have been the quickest update yet. The whole thing took about 20 minutes. I did it while I walked the dog and started getting ready for bed. It was finished before I went to bed.

Did anyone else see the thing after the installation where it said it was updating (or was it syncing?) the database? I had never seen that before, but then I don't tend to stand there watching it either.

Anyway, I will definitely be making use of sequential video playing and the controller power saver feature.

Same here update took only about 10 minutes, really quick.
Had this database thingie aswell, could be the trophies or whatever.
Most usefull thing for me will be the auto-shutoff function for both, the controllers and the console itself. 👍
Oh, another cool power save feature I noticed was when I chose to turn the system off it asked my if I wanted to install the three 1+ GB game demos I had on my drive 👍
I will risk a double post just to make sure this gets seen.

It looks like others are having the same issue in PAL territories when they have 60hz (NTSC) encoded videos. The PS3 used to automatically convert them to 50hz (PAL) encoding if you were using a PAL system on an older TV.

If you are not using a newer HDTV that may be your problem.

Some other PAL users may want to test this theory as it hasn't been made official yet, but I have seen multiple comments on various sites saying this is what is happening.

Thanks for that, so was this an accident by Sony. Or are they trying to force us all to buy HD TVs?

Thanks again, at least I'm not alone, and your brave risking a double post like that. 👍
Oh, another cool power save feature I noticed was when I chose to turn the system off it asked my if I wanted to install the three 1+ GB game demos I had on my drive 👍

that's really cool, I noticed that the playstation store loaded much faster for me, and that all music files I have on the ps3 (mostly WMA) now work in-game (when supported). Before it was just my mp3s.

on the downside I've noticed that some sites still say you need to update flash, though this might just be a browser issue which wouldnt surprise me...
What like on a flash drive? Wha?

what he's saying is that he had some demos that had been sitting on his hard drive uninstalled, last time he turned the ps3 off it asked if he wanted to install everything that wasn't already, then turn off.
on the downside I've noticed that some sites still say you need to update flash, though this might just be a browser issue which wouldnt surprise me...
Three possible things, only one you can fix:

1) Try clearing your cache. It could be caching the site and so it isn't actually loading it fresh and new so it can access your new Flash.

2) Some sites use a Java script to launch the Flash player and our Java is not up to date. This prevents most players from going into full screen mode on the PS3. Fortunately we can zoom.

3) Or, adobe released Flash 10 out to Web developers this week also. Some may have already begun using it. So, I imagine that it is just a matter of time before we get back to where we were, unless Sony and Adobe start working on keeping the PS3 Browser's Flash better updated.

The thing to keep in perspective with regards to the fact that we still have a few Flash issues is that, unless I am mistaken, we now have the most up to date Flash of any non-PC/Mac platform. So, while it isn't perfect it is the best you can get without hooking your PC into your television.

what he's saying is that he had some demos that had been sitting on his hard drive uninstalled, last time he turned the ps3 off it asked if he wanted to install everything that wasn't already, then turn off.
Correct, and it will also give you a similar option if you have background downloads running.

I will almost never use this as I run Folding@Home, which allows background downloads to run.
Javascript is not the same as Java. It could of course be that there is some IE specific Javascript coding which is preventing it work correctly.
Javascript is not the same as Java. It could of course be that there is some IE specific Javascript coding which is preventing it work correctly.
I knew I was going to screw up my tech talk. You are correct.

And some of this may definitely be a result of IE specific javascript. I know some stuff doesn't load right on something like Chrome or Firefox.
I like this update. The search function for any video is very cool and I've never seen it before this with video previews. The auto controller and system off is awesome. Sequential video playback is cool. PS Store is updated and even faster loading. Overall a good update to me.
Now it will be quite different playing a flash game on the ps3. I easily got Fantastic Contraption to work with the controller.👍
I knew I was going to screw up my tech talk. You are correct.

And some of this may definitely be a result of IE specific javascript. I know some stuff doesn't load right on something like Chrome or Firefox.

:) well the name doesn't really help you does it, I think loads of people get confused between the two!

I'm pleased they've updated the browser, but I have to admit I almost never use it. On the other hand if it's getting more compatible perhaps I'll try again....