I have tried a few games and none have the option anywhere I can see so far, I wish I could find out somewhere how to take them in games that support it.
It is like custom music, only if the game adds it, so until some do a patch no one will have it.
Actually I played a level in the beta that was called "Sweet Child O' Mine" and it featured a vehicle and once you were goind through the lvl in such vehicle it would play the song's intro, dunno if he maxxed the meter.
Ah, but that was not the actual song, just a very midi-like rendition of it. I do not believe he risked violating any copyrights.
And depending on which version you played (2.0 had intro, one verse, and chorus, 1.0 just had intro) it was either slightly filled or just over half filled....I think. It wasn't item intense as it was just a lot of sound emitters and magnetic switches.
That was definitely impressive though. That had to take forever.
Same here, as top gear is not broadcasted in Mexico I always download it and used to see it in the computer, but oh god it's sooooo much better to see it in a TV screen, specially since it's wirelessly or by actually transferring the files to the PS3.
I don't know if you can get it in Mexico, but having Flash 9 now means we can also watch Hulu.com, which legally shows currently running TV shows.
What was all the extra stuff they said would be in the update that they were keeping a secret till it was released?
From what I can tell, they only said that in the US blog thinking they would surprise us with the Flash update, but Eurogamer and Threespeech announced it in the European release notes.
The funny thing is that even in the PlayStation Blog post that revealed it the comments section still had a ton of people asking for a Flash update on the first couple of pages. People had gotten so used to asking for it that they didn't realize it was there at first.
I updated mine last night. This must have been the quickest update yet. The whole thing took about 20 minutes. I did it while I walked the dog and started getting ready for bed. It was finished before I went to bed.
Did anyone else see the thing after the installation where it said it was updating (or was it syncing?) the database? I had never seen that before, but then I don't tend to stand there watching it either.
Anyway, I will definitely be making use of sequential video playing and the controller power saver feature.