*Video – In addition, you can now choose to have all of the videos under the video section of the XMB play in sequence. Go to Settings then Video Settings to turn this option on.
Finally! I would have just been happy with a playlist feature. But I occasionally rip a DVD (that I own) to the PS3 hard drive so I can watch them while my background downloads still continue and as I am not intending them to stay on there long term it becomes pointless to go through the effort of merging each VOB file into one video.
This will also be nice when I have recorded races off of TV on my PC and the file ends up being larger than 4GB. I have to split it so the PS3 can see the whole file for streaming or copying.
I would have been happy with a playlist option but this is just removes that one step.
*Power Save Settings – You can now set your PS3 and wireless controllers to turn off automatically after set periods of inactivity. Go to Settings then Power Save Settings to turn on these features.
Not something I was demanding but definitely useful. LBP keeps wanting to read my remote as a controller unless I manually turn it off. And on occasion I have left my DS3 sitting unplugged when I go to bed and the next day if I want to play it has been sitting on for 20+ hours
after I had been using it. I can set this feature to the same time as my Folding@Home screensaver mode.
*Background Downloading - You now have the option to set the PS3 to turn off automatically after a background download or installation of content has completed. This option is available when you turn off the system from the button under [Users] while content is being downloaded or installed.
Nice, but I do Folding. I would love an option to go into Folding after an install. Folding and background downloads work fine together already
*In-game Screenshots - this tool will allow everyone to capture, share and in other words, immortalize their favorite gameplay moments. This will be supported on a game by game basis. Please check back to find out which games will support this feature.
And if this starts getting regular use I can quit moving my PS3 to my PC for a clear screenshot (as opposed to a camera shot of the screen).
Personally, I don't see Trophies as being particularly good most developers haven't even put them in their games. I think out of the 10 games I own only one has Trophies and I don't play it anymore, unless the developers put trophy access or whatever it's called into the games I still can't see the use in them.
Trophies take time and effort. A lot of older games have been taken off any kind of development cycle, particularly ones with sequels already in the works.
Also, the games that have come out so far had been far into development and as trophies requires adding in a stat tracker to all aspects of the game it would be complex and time consuming to add it that late in. If they had done it we would likely be seeing more delays, yes more.
We are now at the point where music and trophies are popping up in most PSN games (shorter development cycles) and the Blu-ray games will be getting trophies in most of them starting next week (LBP, Bioshock, Rock Band 2) so their development times have gotten to a point where it won't create a delay. Music in those games will be different by game as it doesn't make sense. Some games the game music is a huge part of the game itself. Bioshock will be that way and Rock Band would not make any sense to turn of the game music. LittleBigPlanet's issue is that music and sound are apart of custom level designs, but you cannot allow imported music because you are sharing it online and that will create legal issues. Although an idea I had for LBP was to use enough of the song to sample while staying within fair use limits. I don't know if that is feasible or not though, as levels max out at 5MB.
Fair enough, the friends list is a improvement but still to improve it further perhaps use of personal avatars would be a step in the right direction?
I want this too, but there is an issue with inappropriate imagery. Hopefully they can tie screenshots in to this by tagging them in a way that the PSN can recognize and allow. Without that encoding it won't accept the image. It would probably be to easy to hack though.
We already get a fair bit of information from out friends list as it is, we can see what games people are playing which is a excellent feature!
One thing I would like is a profile where I can list games that I own so that anyone with the same games can see that and send me message to ask if I want to play it. As it is now if I don't see them playing one I do not know for sure if they have it.
I don't really understand the auto turn off thing for downloading but I can see the point in the turning off after a limited time to save power, in this day and age I can see the reasoning behind it. As long as it saves before it powers down.
You don't use the PSN much do you? I often find myself downloading gigabytes of data from purchased games and demos. That can take hours so I usually go to bed or go out. If I didn't use Folding I would definitely use that in order to save power.
The in-game screen shot thing isn't particularly new, you can do it with a couple of games as it is, Prostreet and B:BC both had this so called photomode similar to what we are going to get here. Yet again though, as someone else said if developers don't want to put it in simply we don't get the feature which is a shame.
I wish it wasn't reliant on the developers. But some games do not export the images. LittleBigPlanet allowed pictures but you could only use them as in-game stickers. I want a picture of a scene that I can export.
Fair enough, maybe I was a bit confused in my first post. I've come to understand a bit more of the interesting bits of this next update. I suppose I'm just always expected too much of Sony, sorry.
I just think you aren't using your system as much as some of us. As I showed above I have already uses in mind for some of these features, but that is because I do so much with the PS3 that I wanted something similar anyway.
I'm @ Level 6 with around 170+ trophies. There are PLENTY to get.
Just remember who has the most PAIN trophies (It's all I got). If it weren't for the LBP Beta I wouldn't have fallen as far behind.