Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Started mine downloading last night when I was getting ready for bed. It was finished and waiting for me by the time I was finished. As I have said before, if you catch it early on or wait and do it after the initial rush it does not take long. On my 1mb line it was done in probably under 15 minutes, as when I got to it the screen had even gone into burn-in protection mode.

I suspect they want to improve the consoles flash ability because its likely to be a major component in Home (for streaming video etc..).
You know, considering the You Tube recording and other Google/You Tube tie-ins this would not surprise me at all. Imagine, you can embed You Tube to a video player (TV) in your Home space. So, when people watch it there is little, if any, lag. It would be really nice if it kind of did like Netflix's streaming does, and determines quality based on your connection speed.
Thanks for the heads-up.

Took 3 minutes to download and a little less than 3 minutes to install.

I'm not sure what the file size was, but that's typically how long it takes for me to download an update.

Other than support for full screen flash, does anyone know what else, if anything, the update did?

It was a 58mb file. It took me about 30 minutes to download. I don't understand it. I downloaded the new xbox dashboard yesterday also, and it took about 2 minutes to download and install. What am I doing wrong with my ps3? It's so painfully slow. It literally takes me 10 hours to download demos sometimes. Is there anything I can do to try and speed it up? I hear about these 3 minute downloads online, but everyone I know in my area, has the same problems I do. I know it's not our connections, because our computers and 360's work very well with the same size files.
It was a 58mb file. It took me about 30 minutes to download. I don't understand it. I downloaded the new xbox dashboard yesterday also, and it took about 2 minutes to download and install. What am I doing wrong with my ps3? It's so painfully slow. It literally takes me 10 hours to download demos sometimes. Is there anything I can do to try and speed it up? I hear about these 3 minute downloads online, but everyone I know in my area, has the same problems I do. I know it's not our connections, because our computers and 360's work very well with the same size files.
D-N is also running on a mega fast connection.

There are too many variables to tell what is going on. I know the 360 updates are done in a different way so that they are not one giant file every time.

But the thing is everything can play into it from wired or wireless, if wireless - signal strength, local traffic, server traffic. Your 360 update was not done at the same time as everyone else was doing it, but your PS3 update was.

Then there is router type, router connection, router settings, what else is using your router at that moment.

We have a ton of variables and just asking why yours is not doing as well as someone else's, without any other information given, does not allow much room for help.

And a 58mb file on my 1mb line, rarely takes more than 15 minutes. Unless there is some obvious slowdown my PS3 downloads files just as fast as my PC. Very early on I foudn some stuff downloaded slower than I expected but it has gotten better and now that 1GB demo takes just as long to download as a 1GB video file on my PC. In both instances, I just go to bed and forget it.
Anyone else having troulbe downloading this update? I don't normally have any trouble with downloads/updates. I keep getting error message 80710723. Busy servers? :grumpy:

Edit, Now im getting 80710092 also. :ouch:
Anyone else having troulbe downloading this update? I don't normally have any trouble with downloads/updates. I keep getting error message 80710723. Busy servers? :grumpy:
Possibly. On occasion I will get that error and a simple reboot of the PS3 will work. Other times I have had to reboot my modem and router.

So, it is hard to say if it is them or you, but if you reboot your network and still get it then it is likely them.

If you have a USB thumb drive you can go ahead and download it off the Web.
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Possibly. On occasion I will get that error and a simple reboot of the PS3 will work. Other times I have had to reboot my modem and router.

So, it is hard to say if it is them or you, but if you reboot your network and still get it then it is likely you.

If you have a USB thumb drive you can go ahead and download it off the Web.

I tried that, it was estimating the download to take 7 hours. :ouch: I will try a reboot on both router and PS3, Just tested my connection on both PC and PS3 and got over 5MB, I dont think the problem is at my end. :confused:
I tried that, it was estimating the download to take 7 hours. :ouch: I will try a reboot on both router and PS3, Just tested my connection on both PC and PS3 and got over 5MB, I dont think the problem is at my end. :confused:
The EU servers must be getting slammed.
I downloaded the new xbox dashboard yesterday also, and it took about 2 minutes to download and install. What am I doing wrong with my ps3? It's so painfully slow. It literally takes me 10 hours to download demos sometimes. Is there anything I can do to try and speed it up? I hear about these 3 minute downloads online, but everyone I know in my area, has the same problems I do. I know it's not our connections, because our computers and 360's work very well with the same size files.

Haven't we been down this road already?

And for me at least, I have been able to download content off the PSN stores even during peak hours at transfer rates as high as 8,000 kb/s, which is slower than my ISP bandwidth, but still very fast.

For example, on average it takes me only three minutes to download a 1080p Blu-ray movie trailer, which are usually over 150 MB files.

Now if it was actually true that the PSN servers were as slow as "some" have suggested, then we would ALL be experiencing these so-called slow downloads, even in off-peak hours. The fact is that's not the case at all, and so people like Bevo have to look somewhere else to find the cause.

Based on past history, when you read threads on network related trouble shooting issues, 9 out of 10 times the problem was do to the equipment the person had, and or the settings they were using, and or problems with their own ISP service.

Unfortunately though some folks don't want to even consider that the issue lies with them, and find it much more convenient to blame any problems or anomalies on their favorite target of choice, whether it be Sony or Microsoft.

Networks and routers are very complicated things and are prone to any numbers of issues that can impact one or multiple devices connected to the same router.

As FK mentioned and many of us have every time this sort of thing comes up, there are sooo many variables that can and almost always do impact download times, many of which are in the control of the end user, like the ISP, modem, router, set-up, settings, and general environment... and yes, it is most certainly possible to see different download and upload times from one computer or console than another even though they are on the same network using the same router.

If you make the effort to visit Sony's PS3 Support Center and/or PS3 Knowledge Center you'll find lots of information on how to make sure you have your PS3 properly communicating with your router and or modem.

Unfortunately there are some things you simply can't control, such as problems with your ISP, server traffic, and traffic on your node.

But the best place to start is to run a speed test on your PS3 and any other device you have, one after the other so that you can first accurately compare the download and upload times you are getting from the same server. This does a great job of isolating where the problem may be occurring.

As I have said before, and even in this thread, I highly recommend SpeedTest - if you need a reminder or instructions on how to use it, and how to post your results right here in this thread so we might try and help you identify where you may be having a problem, then please look back to post #1071 in this thread.

It was a 58mb file. It took me about 30 minutes to download. I don't understand it.
Well had you run a SpeedTest on your PS3 as well as your PC, before or after you started the download, it may have shed some light.

However, if the file is 58MB, and it took you 30 minutes to download it, then you were getting a transfer speed of about 258 kb/s. Next time you get a chance, run SpeedTest on your PS3 and PC and post the .png file in this thread and at least we may have something to work with.

For instance, it took me 3 minutes to download the update. Which if it was 58MB, means I was getting a transfer speed of around 2600 kb/s which is considerably slower than the download speeds I was getting on my PS3 at the time:


I attribute the slower speed to the increased traffic, but based on my understanding on how servers and networks work. If I can download a file from the same server others are downloading it from at nearly 3Mb/s then anyone with an ISP and equipment and settings, that allows for download times at those speeds or greater (confirmed by doing a speedtest) should also be able to download those same files at the same rates... not slower.

In addition, based on my knowledge of how servers are set up, unless there are physically multiple regional servers with the US that Sony uses to direct PSN users to when downloading, then the differences in load times between people downloading at the same time will be almost entirely based on each individual person's ISP and the netwrok type, equipment, and settings used by that person.
I didn't experience any problems in downloading this update, even with my crappy cable 4Mb connection, I did it in about 15-so minutes on the day it was available.

Also, I noticed something new brought by this update. While browsing the web, when you turn back on a page, it brings you to the exact spot you were on that page, whereas previously, it always headed you to the top of the previous page.
Especially useful in eBay, as when you look up an item and then turn back to the list, you don't have to scroll all the way down again.
I didn't experience any problems in downloading this update, even with my crappy cable 4Mb connection, I did it in about 15-so minutes on the day it was available.

Also, I noticed something new brought by this update. While browsing the web, when you turn back on a page, it brings you to the exact spot you were on that page, whereas previously, it always headed you to the top of the previous page.
Especially useful in eBay, as when you look up an item and then turn back to the list, you don't have to scroll all the way down again.

Nice spot 👍 That will be helpful...

I downloaded the update on my work PC and transferred it onto a USB stick and updated from there. Once or twice downloads to my PS3 have been painfully slow, so the USB option is helpful if you have access to a very fast connection at work/uni etc.
Once or twice downloads to my PS3 have been painfully slow, so the USB option is helpful if you have access to a very fast connection at work/uni etc.
Or just start the update, go do your kids bath and by the time you're done, it's done!
When it's put on the PS3 does it then update the PS3 by itself, or is there a specific place you must copy it to?
Go into System update like normal, but instead of selecting Update via Internet, select Update via storage media (or something to that effect).
From here:

Note: The download link on that page is for the US firmware ONLY, but the instructions are the same.

Update data download procedure

Create a folder on the storage media in which to save the update data.
Using a PC, create a folder named “PS3” on the storage media or USB device. Within the PS3 folder, create a folder named “UPDATE”.


Download the update data and save it in the "UPDATE" folder created in step 1.

Be sure to save the update data as noted below. If the data is not saved in the correct way, the PS3™ system will not recognize the update data. The folder name must be in all uppercase letters.

Location: Save in the “PS3” folder > “UPDATE” folder
File name: Save as file name “PS3UPDAT.PUP”.
Update procedure

  • Do not turn off the PS3™ system or remove the storage media or USB device during an update. If an update is cancelled before completion, the system software may become damaged, and the system may require servicing or exchange.
  • During an update, the power button on the system front and PS button of the controller are inactive.
  1. Insert the storage media or USB device that contains the update data in the PS3™ system.
  2. From the home menu, select (Settings) > (System Update), and then press the button.
  3. Select [Update via Storage Media], and then press the button.

The system automatically searches for and finds the update data saved on the storage media or USB device.
Start the update data.
Where can I get the one for UK Firmware?
The link I quoted in post 1128.

That takes you to the UK download site where you agree to the EULA and then download the file. What I quoted above about how to do it was taken from the US online help and support site.

It really is simple: Download it on to a USB thumb drive in the folders PS3>UPDATE

Then plug the drive into yout PS3 and go to settings>System Update>Update via Storage Media.

It will do the rest for you.
New update on the way adding a Photo Gallery program similar to something like Picasa.

Upcoming PS3 Firmware (v2.60) Update
Posted by Eric Lempel // Director, PlayStation Network Operations

Hi, everyone, we have a system software updates for PS3 coming soon, and I wanted to provide you with a sneak peak at the details.

The PS3 firmware update (v2.60) is designed primarily to enhance the system’s media capabilities. The key feature is a new Photo Gallery application, which delivers a suite of tools for sorting through and displaying your digital photo collection. Digital pictures can be organized in groups according to various criteria, including the camera used to take the photos, the event date and time, colors in the photos, as well as the number, ages, or facial expressions of the people pictured. You can also create slideshows set to music and build photo playlists with an easy-to-use interface. The Photo Gallery application will need to be installed separately from the XMB after you update your PS3’s firmware. To install the Photo Gallery application, go to the Photo section on the XMB, select Photo Gallery and press the X button.

The 2.60 update also includes:

  • Guest access to PlayStation Store – This enables non-PlayStation Network members to browse through the storefront to check out the latest games, demos, videos, etc.
  • DivX 3.11 support – Videos in this format can now be played on PS3.

Here’s a video walk-through of firmware 2.60 that shows off some of what the Photo Gallery can do.

FK - Follow the link above to see the video.

As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback.
Seriously? It must have just happened in the last hour, then.

Time to look again, I guess.

Edit: So it is. Downloading.