Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Four things I would love to be added at some point:

  • Setting Notifications to "Messages Only"
    'blahblah is now online' messages are worthless since we've had ingame XMB, but I can't turn them off because I need to know if I receive messages...

    [*]Sorting PSN downloads by Name
    This one is so obvious I think it might actually be a mistake not having this. Might as well replace the 'Format' sorting option which is more useless than tits on a nun.

    [*]Viewing trophy collections while using PS3 browser
    You can do it in game, don't see why you can't do it in the browser...

    [*]Reducing the trophy popup delay
    There's usually a 5-10 second delay between completing an objective and getting the trophy popup. On 360 it's instantaneous so you don't have to wait to see if it registered.
Pretty minor things, but then again minor things are easier to fix! :)

Downloading 2.6 now.
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Anyone else notice a while back they removed log out from the PSN options under your username... WHY! and how do you log out now?

2.6 is out.

Thanks for the heads up, downloading it right now. 👍

Anyone else notice a while back they removed log out from the PSN options under your username... WHY! and how do you log out now?

Yes. I think they did that for the big 2.5 update. It threw me off as well. It is now part of the option menu when you press the triangle button on Account Mangement in the PlayStation Network menu bar of the XMB..

The official XMB User's Guide, the one you can view from your PS3 and online, also lists instructions:
  • Signing in / signing out

    Going offline (signing out)
    Select (Account Management) under (PlayStation®Network), press the button, and then select [Sign Out] from the options menu. You will then be offline from PlayStation®Network.
Yes. I think they did that for the big 2.5 update. It threw me off as well. It is now part of the option menu when you press the triangle button on Account Mangement in the PlayStation Network menu bar of the XMB..

The official XMB User's Guide, the one you can view from your PS3 and online, also lists instructions:

Press triangle at the account management button

Thankyou DN & Wallrunner 👍

Seems odd though that Sony have made it more complicated now then it was before (just triangle on your ID and click sign out) but at least your still able to sign out.

As for the 2.6 update im happy that they have added more DIVX support, hopefully this will mean more of those oddly encoded videos will work without having to use PS3Video9.

Im very impressed with the new photo gallery app. Jeez this is the machine that just keeps on giving! :crazy: Soon the PS3 will do everything your PC and all of you AV equipment can do in one box. Will be nice when I can use it to show pics to visitors / family etc.

Thanks for the heads up, downloading it right now. 👍

Well that was pretty fast for an update. 4min 30sec to download and 3min to install. For those that downloaded to the update to a thumb drive, how large was the file?

Three things I would love to be added at some point:

  • Setting Notifications to "Messages Only"
'blahblah is now online' messages are worthless since we've had ingame XMB, but I can't turn them off because I need to know if I receive messages...

Agreed! It would be really nice to have multiple Setting Notification options. This is especially the case for those with a lot of active PSN users on their friends list.

  • Sorting PSN downloads by Name
This one is so obvious I think it might actually be a mistake not having this. Might as well replace the 'Format' sorting option which is more useless than tits on a nun.

Agreed as well. Although with the ability to create your own albums/folders, one could assign each game to an album/folder with the first letter of the game title. With the Inteli-text, it wouldn't take long to do that either.

However, I like using that feature to sort games in very specific ways. In fact, I even use numbers at the beginning of some of the folders to keep them organized in a specific way. Here are some of the folders I use to sort the files in the game folder:
  • 01 Beta
    • I had MGO beta, but it's empty now.
  • 02 Utility
    • For things like Quore Episodes, PlayTV, NFL Live Draft Tracker, MGS database, etc.
  • 03 PS Eye
    • For all the PS Eye utility programs and games like EyeCreate, Tori Emaki, Mesmerize, Aquatopia, Trials of Topoq, Operation Creature Feature, etc.
  • 04 PS1 Games
  • 05 PSN Games: (genre)
    • I have a folder for each genre like; Arcade, Puzzle, Racing, Sports, Shooter, Strategy, etc.
  • Demos: 01 Foreign
    • This is where I keep all the demos I download from other regions that are not in English
  • Demos: 02 (genre)
    • Like the PSN games, I have multiple folders based on genres for all the PSN and PS3 demos.
I like sorting it this way as it not only is easy to do, but it keeps everything sorted exactly like I want it, thus making it easy to find a specific file, which is practically necessary now that I have over 200 files in my Game menu bar. :eek:

  • [/b]Viewing trophy collections while using PS3 browser[/B]
    You can do it in game, don't see why you can't do it in the browser...

I suspect it's more complex than that, or perhaps is a security issue, as you can't do any multi-tasking while using the browser. It might also have to do with
I can't get it on the net yet from the HK site (HK PS3).. they still have 2.53 showing.. oh well it will probably be out later today or tomorrow.

It took me about 30 minutes (possibly less) at 11:00 ET last night to download and install. I started it as I was getting ready for bed. I'll download and install the Photo Gallery tonight while I watch Lost.
I finally DL'ed it and the photo gallery app can be best described as 'charming', especially in its appearance. Basically its looks like something which has come straight from the cutesy world of the Nintendo Wii. :sly:

It has a user friendly interface, displays everything in an attractive way and has that life with playstation esque soothing BGM. Can't really see anything wrong with it and it will look great with a massive photo collection. The face and smile dectection is also impressive (something they obviously got from the cybershot dept).

Basically its an arty way of navigating your photo's. If your more to the point then standard XMB photo navigation is probably slightly quicker to use.

Don't worry if it takes a while to load the first time because its gathering and sorting the photos. It doesnt happen again I guess until you add more photos.

Yeah, its a fast download strangely. It downloaded here in just under 20 minutes, averaged about 0.1Mb per second and on a 1Mb per second connection speed. I thought it'd be longer but I guess there wasnt much traffic at 10.30 this morning.
Hi everybody,

Well, I recently downloaded the new system update for my PS3 console; 2.60. I must admit the Photo Gallery programme now included is rather interesting.

However, one thing I really wish would be included in the messaging system in the PS3 is:
Multiple recipients - It gets pretty annoying if you wish to send a particular message to more than one person. I have experienced this a few times and it is a nuisance. This however is a minor thing!
That would be nice when trying to organize CoD4 parties.

Anyone know how big the update files are? I'm trying to prove something.
However, one thing I really wish would be included in the messaging system in the PS3 is:
Multiple recipients - It gets pretty annoying if you wish to send a particular message to more than one person. I have experienced this a few times and it is a nuisance. This however is a minor thing!

Good news- you can! Here's how:

Go to:
Message Box ->
Create Message ->
Select from List ->
And check the boxes next to whomever you wish to send the message to. :)
i like the update on the divx. the photo thing is as i think someone said more so just a charming little add on.

did a speed test on the ps3 for the first time afterwards.

Down: 22,512kbps
Up: 6,731kbps

pleasantly surprised.
This new photo gallery is a nice little feature, but it wasn't really needed.
If I hadn't already sorted everythying by albums nearly a year ago I woudol find it useful, but now it is just wallpaper.
The latest (or perhaps previous) update has made a few more DivX files playable, which is pretty cool...

...also, my continued annoyance/disappointment at the PS3's woeful music player facilities has been partly compensated for by my discovery of the fact that DivX files can be searched with various different intervals, from 30 seconds to 5 minutes... very handy indeed 👍 Anyway, I'm currently watching a DivX file I have had for ages but been unable to watch on the PS3 until now... "Trainspotting". Funnily enough, there is a scene in this film set in a nightclub, which stars an ex-girlfriend of mine... even more oddly, I am currently living in a flat which is built on the exact site where that nightclub used to be many years ago... you can still see my neighbour's place in the film too :P
"Trainspotting". Funnily enough, there is a scene in this film set in a nightclub, which stars an ex-girlfriend of mine... even more oddly, I am currently living in a flat which is built on the exact site where that nightclub used to be many years ago... you can still see my neighbour's place in the film too :P
Wait, which nightclub scene? The one where Begbie gets in the fight or the one where Renton suddenly gets his sex drive back?

Or was that the same scene? It's been a while.

The only way this story gets better is if your ex played the transvestite that Begbie almost hooks up with.

Second best if she's the chick that got hit in the head by the mug.
the one where Renton suddenly gets his sex drive back?
Bingo - the club is called The Volcano (yes, it's in Glasgow, despite the fact that the film is set in Edinburgh!), and the girl I once dated is the blonde who sneers at him before he settles on the rather delectable Kelly MacDonald :drool: The Volcano was knocked down shortly after the film was made, and a block of flats built on the site - which is where I now live :D

Anyway, I didn't know I could search through the film until last night - pretty cool 👍 I'm also glad to see that more files are now playable (is that because more codecs are being installed?)
(yes, it's in Glasgow, despite the fact that the film is set in Edinburgh!)
Like I would notice the difference. My entire knowledge of Scotland has come from Highlander and Braveheart. And I know people who think, or thought as I tend to correct them, that Trainspotting all takes place in London and is about a bunch of Brits on drugs.

Similarly, I don't expect you to see the major regional continuity issues in Elizabethtown that had most local residents laughing out loud in the theater.

Plus, with a Glasgow in Kentucky I often don't think of Scotland first. They do have their own annual Highland Games though.

Anyway, I didn't know I could search through the film until last night - pretty cool 👍
As in fast forward and rewind, or skip chapters? I think chapter skipping was added a couple of updates ago for DivX.

I'm also glad to see that more files are now playable (is that because more codecs are being installed?)
Yeah, from what I can tell even the small "system stability" updates seem to add the occasional codec.

Expect to see this increase as the PS3 is an official DivX supported player.
The latest (or perhaps previous) update has made a few more DivX files playable, which is pretty cool...

...also, my continued annoyance/disappointment at the PS3's woeful music player facilities has been partly compensated for by my discovery of the fact that DivX files can be searched with various different intervals, from 30 seconds to 5 minutes... very handy indeed 👍 Anyway, I'm currently watching a DivX file I have had for ages but been unable to watch on the PS3 until now... "Trainspotting". Funnily enough, there is a scene in this film set in a nightclub, which stars an ex-girlfriend of mine... even more oddly, I am currently living in a flat which is built on the exact site where that nightclub used to be many years ago... you can still see my neighbour's place in the film too :P

That's pretty cool, Trainspotting is one of my favorite movies 👍
Pulled off Probably just rumour/speculation but I thought sounded fairly plausible.

Neobara of the GT Forums has decided to throw them (and by offshoot, us) a bone in the form of some insider information pertaining to the details for PS3 Firmware 2.7. According to a friend of his who works in an R&D department at Sony, there are some heavy whoppers coming our way for FW 2.7.

Here are the bits:

Friends List:

* Voice Messaging is now available as an alternative to text after selecting a user on the friends list. Voice message recordings are capped at 30 seconds.
* Home Integration: Saved Playstation Home avatar photos can be selected as photo ID for Gamer Card/Friends List.
* Trophy number and Gamer Level are listed under Friend names for quick reference.

Gamer Card & Trophies:

* Gamer Card layout has been changed to more closely resemble the Playstation Store aesthetic.
* Past Trophy information can be viewed in detail by selecting "Recent Trophy History" option.
* Newly aquired trophies auto-sync in the background
* Server infrastructure for Trophies has been optimized. Resulting in faster retrieval time for Gamer Card and Trophy information.

In-Game XMB:

* Loading time for In-Game XMB has been drastically reduced, resulting in a more seemless in-game experience.
* "Theme settings" options while in-game is now available, allowing custom themes to be applied to the In-Game XMB.
* Internet Browser can now be accessed while in-game.
* Voice messaging and voice chat options can be used while in-game.
* Options that cannot be used in the XMB during game sessions are grayed out (but still selectable) to eliminate user accessibility confusion.


* Other slight UI tweaks and enhancements.