Playstation 3 System Update Thread

I think it is just a fight between Sony and Geohot right now, currently the ball is in Geohot's court, what can he do to 3.30? They are just trying to keep the PS3 un hacked for as long as they can, sure, they did add just a couple of things but nothing significant unless you have thousands of dollars to throw at a 3D TV.
Ever since the 3.30 update, the already dodgy browser on my PS3 now refuses to remember my usernames and passwords. Everytime I connect to GTPlanet or any other site I have to go through the entire 'enter login' and 'enter password'. I really have no idea why this is happening as cookies are always enabled and before the update this was not a problem!!

Anyone else having this problem, and even better, anyone know what I can do to resolve it?
^^ I have this since day one, I'm actually surprised it worked for you before.
However I used to be able to read my emails on PS3 until a year ago or so, now it just puts me on a never ending loading screen...
Well maybe there's a solution for both issues, idk. :confused:
However I used to be able to read my emails on PS3 until a year ago or so, now it just puts me on a never ending loading screen...
Well maybe there's a solution for both issues, idk. :confused:

Odd, I noticed the same thing. At one point I could check my yahoo mail account on the PS3 but the last time I tried, it no longer worked. I just assumed that there was some sort of new Java script on yahoo mail that was preventing the PS3 browser from going further. But last weekend I also checked my account as well as my own service provider's mail account and none of them worked. :grumpy:

I really didn't have the need to do this very often with my laptop, desktop and iPhone on hand. But it was nice to know the option was there. And it was often more convenient to email a quick picture from the PS3 than it was to store it on USB thumb drive and copy it over and then email it.

What the heck is going on. The PS3's ability as a web browser has really gone down hill.
If you are on hotmail you can use the mobile version of it fine on the PS3.
That would probably work with other ones as it worked for Facebook as well 👍
Depends on how you define 'preparation' for upcoming features... I could respect any other interpretation tho as this is pretty unclear as usual.
However I know how I define useless and forced.
Also why does this new update mention 3D then if it was already implemented?
Anyway I don't mind companies making money from people who always want the newest shiny bling, bling stuff, just if features I have no use for get forced on me, I don't really appreciate it.
Anyway I don't mind companies making money from people who always want the newest shiny bling, bling stuff, just if features I have no use for get forced on me, I don't really appreciate it.
How is this being forced on you? It is being added as an option to the firmware. Sure the firmware update is being forced, but the feature itself is not.

Forcing it on you would mean that after this update your PS3 was only visible if it was used on a 3D TV.
PS3 3D update coming on June 10th.
I hate forced updates, especially those I know I will never use the "features" (hello trophy sorting :dunce:) in my life and will most likely slow my machine down or worse. :ouch:

Impressive assumption.
PS3 3D update coming on June 10th.
I hate forced updates, especially those I know I will never use the "features" (hello trophy sorting :dunce:) in my life and will most likely slow my machine down or worse. :ouch:

Might I suggest that you follow that advice then instead of complaining? Clearly, they can't hear you over the sound of how awesome they are.
Depends on how you define 'preparation' for upcoming features... I could respect any other interpretation tho as this is pretty unclear as usual.
However I know how I define useless and forced.
Also why does this new update mention 3D then if it was already implemented?
Anyway I don't mind companies making money from people who always want the newest shiny bling, bling stuff, just if features I have no use for get forced on me, I don't really appreciate it.

You can always "choose" to not use any online features.
How is this being forced on you? It is being added as an option to the firmware. Sure the firmware update is being forced, but the feature itself is not.

Forcing it on you would mean that after this update your PS3 was only visible if it was used on a 3D TV.

Yes, the update not the feature, I thought that was clear.

Only reason I complain is because all updates have slowed* my PS3 down so far, so I don't know how it should be different this time, since 3D is a rather "big" feature I suppose. Even if it's not run in background, it'll still use some of the memory used for OS.
All I wish is they would make these updates optional (other than security ones), don't know what's bad about that?

@ everyone saying I can 'choose', good joke yes but I bought a console for online gaming so that's no choice there. But you knew that already. :)

*slowed down = means the online gaming rather than the OS itself.
Just for clarification.
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Only reason I complain is because all updates have slowed my PS3 down so far
Given each PS3 is built to the exact same specs with the exact same parts, everyone's PS3 would have slowed down because of these updates, not yours by itself.

Seeing as I haven't heard anyone else complaining about updates slowing their PS3 down, I conclude that you're imagining things.
All PS3 have same specs? Ok, new to me... they all have B/C and same processors and HDDs, too... yeap ... no wait.:odd:

I noticed too, I'm pretty much the only one complain about it, here.
Altho like 50% of the people on my friends experience similar things and I read a lot about it on other forums...
So wether people here don't play as much online or something else, idk.
All I know how screwed up my online experience is since certain updates (i.e. I can pin point it quite well to the one that brought cross game text chat). Yay!
In general yes all ps3's are the same specs (at least when it comes to parts that make a difference in terms of the speed of the console).

The Cell processor shrunk in die size but it isn't a faster processor at all. It just runs cooler
Ram - Fairly sure its the same
HDD's - Capacity won't affect speed
Rest of the changes are just features which don't affect speed at all. Just capabilities.

Anyhow in terms of console speed (offline) It should fairly much be the same. The only way your console can get slower is if there is actually something wrong with it. Maybe the HDD is too cluttered and the PS3 can't read it as fast anymore, or maybe you have had x2 cells die (not sure if the ps3 will still run if that happens though).

Online sure firmware updates can cause problems if they've changed some settings in how it accesses online. Try disabling your firewall & running the console via Ethernet cable and see if online is any better. It should be.
Yes, the update not the feature, I thought that was clear.
Clear as mud.
if features I have no use for get forced on me, I don't really appreciate it.

Only reason I complain is because all updates have slowed* my PS3 down so far, so I don't know how it should be different this time, since 3D is a rather "big" feature I suppose. Even if it's not run in background, it'll still use some of the memory used for OS.
The only slow down I have experienced is in the browser, and I suspect that has more to do with a lack of updates for it than additional updates.

Is there a specific game you notice it with? Did your ISP change some stuff on their end and not inform you? Or are you going from an older game that has been patched to run more smoothly to a newer game with a few issues that need to be worked out?

All I wish is they would make these updates optional (other than security ones), don't know what's bad about that?
This I agree with, but I am guessing part of the issue is that they add some stuff we don't see that might be security related.
Clear as mud.

Oh, ok my bad sorry. I see that wasn't as clear as I thought. I still think it was clear in the context tho.

The only slow down I have experienced is in the browser, and I suspect that has more to do with a lack of updates for it than additional updates.

I noticed that, too. And yes, I think that's the case. IMO the browser got much worse, even tho they said they improve it.

This I agree with, but I am guessing part of the issue is that they add some stuff we don't see that might be security related.

And I agree with this, but what I mean is, if Sony wanted, they could just make seperate security patches mandatory for everyone and the other updates for those who intend using more / other features.
This might prevent people who had previously no issues, to get into trouble.

Is there a specific game you notice it with? Did your ISP change some stuff on their end and not inform you? Or are you going from an older game that has been patched to run more smoothly to a newer game with a few issues that need to be worked out?

Haha, I wish that was the case, but unfortunately it's the other way round. New games run very good, same games get patched for improved online gaming and it starts lagging and disconnecting for me...

I asked ISP they said no change on their side and everything should be fine.

I even changed ISP then, with the result of having very good online play again for about a week, then ( I honestly don't know if there was another update, but I think so) it start all over again... It's really weird as it isn't even normal 'lag' which I experienced earlier, it's even worse.. like 3-4 seconds delay for my inputs, while my online 'opponets' have zero issues in the meanwhile (I asked and also it's pretty obvious by how easy they would beat me...)
I posted this a few times now (and not only here at GTP), but noone ever knows what could cause this misery.
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The Cell processor shrunk in die size but it isn't a faster processor at all. It just runs cooler
Ram - Fairly sure its the same
HDD's - Capacity won't affect speed
Rest of the changes are just features which don't affect speed at all. Just capabilities.

All standard HDDs are 5400rpm if I remember rightly, so if you upgraded to a 7200rpm HDD and then 'upgraded' to a larger capacity 5400rpm one, you will notice a significant slowdown when installing files etc. And like you said, all the other hardware specs are the same (The Cell and the RSX have shrunk to improve energy efficiency, reliability, cooling and production cost - But they do the exact same job).

The guy who was bothered about the 3D update: I don't think it will affect you other than taking up a small amount of your harddrive space. If you connect it to a 3DTV and then go into display options and change it to 3D mode then I presume it will slow the system down marginally. But if you choose not to use it you are not affected. The update will almost certainly come with other minor things that may benefit you in some way.
And I agree with this, but what I mean is, if Sony wanted, they could just make seperate security patches mandatory for everyone and the other updates for those who intend using more / other features.
More features - lol. Don't tell this the people who have/had to decide between being locked out or changing their PS3 from a mostly open platform into a closed system.

Don't take it personally - it's Sony that still makes me angry.
No, I don't. :) I actually wanted to write or less features, but then since most on here seem to be Sony PR employes I didn't bother. ;)

:nervous: ...
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Is it possible to view the 3D effect with the Sony TV's that have 120Hz and 240Hz feature or do you really have to buy a 3D TV? I heard somewhere that some TVs can also be updated.
Considering TV and glasses need to be synchronized to make the illusion work, I doubt you’ll be able to watch 3D footage on non 3D TVs no matter their refresh rate.