PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
Unfortunately, PS3 Bluetooth headsets are not compatible with the PS4. You will have a lot better luck with buying a USB headset and connecting it that way.

I have it, but I haven't been playing a lot since I am into the other freebie game this month. It has a lot of Final Fantasy XIII influences, but it is actually good.

will give it another chance then.
The PS4 party feature for me sucks. Full of over sensitive or ignorant users that just love raping the kick button on users. I know this may sound like an ignorant comment but it just pisses me off when I get kicked all because I'm writing something and the host who's so sensitive to the sounds you make while writing something like he just got his PS4 and kicks you. Either I have very bad luck getting into parties or it's my stupid voice but people like this should stay on their PS3s and not go on the PS4. Usually if I join a party and the host doesn't know who I am, I go ahead and tell the host that I'm friends with one of the users in the lobby but no the host ignores that and brings out the booter gun on me aka abusing the kick feature.

All opinions to this response are acceptable. I don't mind on whatever you guys say, it's just very stupid when someone kicks you over something that's so stupid and obvious or kicks you for something you like that's actually worth playing or of course worth a try.
@pokemonfan58 Don't join people's parties then?

And 'raping' the kick button? Mature. :rolleyes:
If they don't want random people joining their parties I don't understand why can't they make it private. :indiff: It's not about who shouldn't join parties and stuff, it's about acting mature and actually respecting on what he or she likes. *With the exception of Justin Bieber fans lol*
If they don't want random people joining their parties I don't understand why can't they make it private. :indiff: It's not about who shouldn't join parties and stuff, it's about acting mature and actually respecting on what he or she likes. *With the exception of Justin Bieber fans lol*

If you get kicked, take the hint.
Does anyone know of a good list of mono headsets either USB or that plug into the controller that works on the ps4.
PS4 has sold 20.2 million units, and Project Morpheus will be available in spring 2016. (just in time for Silent Hills :))

I have a hard time playing P.T. on a TV screen as is (especially as I always have my 5.1 system on when playing). Can't imagine with a thing like that. I'd probably have a seizure or something.

Though I can't help but to imagine a racing simulator with that thing in my head. Must be something out of this world, if done well.
The future is here, I really think it won't be a gimmick like Move but will be the evolution of gaming, a Granturismo game with this for example will be incredible.
Ok guys, received my PS4 in the mail yesterday and immediately bought the digital version of GTAV (stupidly) without checking the size. After the quick initial download I thought it was ready to play, but as it turns out it still had like 30GB left to go and just hung at the in game install screen.

Now it's currently downloading that 30GB of stuff but I only have like 25GB left on my monthly internet plan. I can't pause it through the notifications>downloads section and when I put it into rest mode it keeps downloading.

So my question is, can I turn it off properly and take it to a friends house with unlimited internet or will that delete the download? I would like to play the game ASAP and having to wait another day for it to get back to it's current level isn't too enthusing.

Cheers guys, I'll report back on if it continues or restarts the download.

Edit: picked up right where it left off :)
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Careful on what you discuss regarding that. Don't want to get this site in trouble for violating the NDA on that stuff.
It's not going to get GTP in trouble for leaking what has already been known for quite awhile now. At worst all it will do is blacklist the person who leaked it, if it is a media person (if it is a Sony employee, then it is on their heads), from receiving insider information directly from Sony.
Going to be getting a PS4 in May. As much as it sucks not being able to win one via the Taco bell Promotion (which would have nabbed me one for free), at least I'm finally getting it.
If you don't already have it, get PlayStation Plus. This month's offering gets you four games rather than the usual two. 👍 You can 'purchase' them on the PC Store.
I already have Playstation Plus, but thanks for the heads up. Will have to check those out 👍
Careful on what you discuss regarding that. Don't want to get this site in trouble for violating the NDA on that stuff.

Are you refering to me?, it's all over Neogaf.

also quick question, will it take up as much power as standby mode? (question for the electricity bill)
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