PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
Special Edition Metal Gear Solid V PS4.


Possible button remapping in 2.50.

People have been only wanting this on consoles like... forever. There is nothing worse than getting used to a control scheme (like with FPS') then changing franchise to another layout. Previously some games allowed button remapping and some did not.
People have been only wanting this on consoles like... forever. There is nothing worse than getting used to a control scheme (like with FPS') then changing franchise to another layout. Previously some games allowed button remapping and some did not.
I'm very much looking forward to the in-system button remapping. Being able to use bumper-jumper in Call of Duty, swapping the knife and grenade buttons in Battlefield and changing the radial menu in Alien: Isolation is going to be helpful.
Special Edition Metal Gear Solid V PS4.


Ehh, the console itself is not bad but just seems somewhat underwhelming, just doesn't seem MGS to me with that color combination. The controller on the other hand, looks perfect.
I can't understand the button re-mapping.
I don't know why you'd want to change the functions of the button.

I understand that you'd want to change button functions if you've been used to a certain layout for games, but why would you need it on the home screen?

I can see people pulling this thing off on others as a prank.
I can't understand the button re-mapping.
I don't know why you'd want to change the functions of the button.

I understand that you'd want to change button functions if you've been used to a certain layout for games, but why would you need it on the home screen?

I can see people pulling this thing off on others as a prank.

Umm I would like to have had it for PS3 to be linked to your PSN.

I had two PS3s. One had an English layout, the other had the Japanese layout.

English= Circle to enter, X to back out/cancel.
Japanese/NA= X to enter, Circle to back out/cancel.

When I would go back and forth between the systems it would get frustrating /annoying.

That's the only use I see in changing the layout for the system.
Umm I would like to have had it for PS3 to be linked to your PSN.

I had two PS3s. One had an English layout, the other had the Japanese layout.

English= Circle to enter, X to back out/cancel.
Japanese/NA= X to enter, Circle to back out/cancel.

When I would go back and forth between the systems it would get frustrating /annoying.

That's the only use I see in changing the layout for the system.

I have an English/UK spec PS3 and the layout has always been, X = Enter, Circle to cancel.
I have an English/UK spec PS3 and the layout has always been, X = Enter, Circle to cancel.

I knew I got them mixed.

Japanese version has it as Circle to confirm, and X to cancel.

Has to do with the circle representing truth/affirmation while X represents wrong/denial in the Japanese culture.

Something along those lines.

@haitch40 ?
I knew I got them mixed.

Japanese version has it as Circle to confirm, and X to cancel.

Has to do with the circle representing truth/affirmation while X represents wrong/denial in the Japanese culture.

Something along those lines.

@haitch40 ?
Surely it would be better to tag someone who is actually Japanese rather than a weeb. :lol:

I believe it comes from the fact that X is a symbol for no etc. It is like if you cross your fingers in a Japanese restaurant like an X it means no more ordering and can I please have the bill.

Also Google is your friend.
I knew I got them mixed.

Japanese version has it as Circle to confirm, and X to cancel.

Has to do with the circle representing truth/affirmation while X represents wrong/denial in the Japanese culture.

Something along those lines.

@haitch40 ?

I have heard that yeah.

But I still can't see why people would want to change it if they've had one PS3/4. The last time I had to get used to change like that was from PS2 to 3. That was back in 2007 so I've got used to it now.
Ehh, the console itself is not bad but just seems somewhat underwhelming, just doesn't seem MGS to me with that color combination. The controller on the other hand, looks perfect.

I agree, it doesn't scream MGS to me like the special edition titanium coloured PS3 did. First thing I think is Famicom! :lol:

Japanese version has it as Circle to confirm, and X to cancel.

Has to do with the circle representing truth/affirmation while X represents wrong/denial in the Japanese culture.

Something along those lines.

I have a Japanese PS3 and yeah its also X to cancel, some EU game menu's didn't code for this so what's shown on the screen is the opposite of what you have to do. It does make sense because X is 'NO' pretty much universally. Goodness knows why when the PS1 arrived in the west they changed it round.
I have heard that yeah.

But I still can't see why people would want to change it if they've had one PS3/4. The last time I had to get used to change like that was from PS2 to 3. That was back in 2007 so I've got used to it now.
It'll most likely be used for button reconfiguration in game rather than for the system. I hope you can save a different profile for each game though. :scared:
Can anyone explain why Sony decided to make the PS4 face the other way when vertical?

I know it's purely about aesthetics but the PS2 and PS3 (and even the PS1) face right to left when vertical (wires coming out of the left side). So why did Sony make the PS4 left to right? It means you cannot line them up in a row.

How do you 'vertical' guys place your PS4 next to your PS3? Do you have them on either side of the TV?
For the record, I've never had an issue with Sony's customer service. I was suddenly charged $5 for a Music Unlimited subscription recently that I had canceled due to update 2.0. Apparently, I, nor anyone else for that matter, was told of the change that you had to uncheck the mark for using auto renewal on each service that you want to cancel instead of there being a master toggle (pre-2.0). My account was credited with the $5 they took with no issues.

Sidebar: Okay, to clear up some misconceptions, Sony has a policy of not issuing refunds to consumers, that much is true. However, being taken for a ride for $600 buying Sony products? Threats be damned, I sure will dispute that with the bank. The only reason why the hackers got away with it is because of the way that PSN is designed in the first place. You can piecemeal a $600 fraud scheme by buying each item in the store individually (hell, I think that he got quite a few emails saying that he bought something when he didn't - I hope he saved them), and no one will be the wiser, especially the bank, who should be the firewall of any mass transactions in this nature.

My bank has a general policy of not approving transactions if they are a few minutes apart AND for a sum that amounts to $600 or more. I guess that it is time for me to review my banking policy and quite possibly choose a bank that abides by the above...
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My 2 TB hard drive arrived today and I was working on getting the original HDD out. Being the idiot I am, I stripped one of the black screws (very badly, like there is a circle there instead of the 4 points). I gave up after prying at the screw and unfortunately bending part of the caddy. I went on ebay and bought a caddy and screws for $20. Was that a good idea? Or should I have done something else?
Can anyone explain why Sony decided to make the PS4 face the other way when vertical?

I know it's purely about aesthetics but the PS2 and PS3 (and even the PS1) face right to left when vertical (wires coming out of the left side). So why did Sony make the PS4 left to right? It means you cannot line them up in a row.

How do you 'vertical' guys place your PS4 next to your PS3? Do you have them on either side of the TV?

I have my PS1, PS2 and my broken PS3 stored away so no problem relating simmetry with the consoles, but just yesterday I noticed that aswell.
Got my vertical stand (€3.50 off eBay did the trick) arriving, and immediately tried it out, only to find in disappointment just that, and because of the way I have my things laid out in the living room, it... well... it sucks really.
Only way I can have it is with the front facing me (don't have enough room in the furniture to have it sideways), and with the changed layout on the console the top of the console is facing the window, so all I'm seeing when sitting on my couch is the bottom of it. Crap. Why did they change it?...

EDIT: ON another note, I downloaded all 4 games available form PS+ this month, but only 3 of them actually downloaded. The Sherlock game somehow got lost in the process. The Store says I have it, but it never got to me. Even in the Transfer thingy, it doesn't show as being on hold or anything.
How do I download the game now?
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I have my PS1, PS2 and my broken PS3 stored away so no problem relating simmetry with the consoles, but just yesterday I noticed that aswell.
Got my vertical stand (€3.50 off eBay did the trick) arriving, and immediately tried it out, only to find in disappointment just that, and because of the way I have my things laid out in the living room, it... well... it sucks really.
Only way I can have it is with the front facing me (don't have enough room in the furniture to have it sideways), and with the changed layout on the console the top of the console is facing the window, so all I'm seeing when sitting on my couch is the bottom of it. Crap. Why did they change it?...

It really is bizarre to me, they know most people will have the previous generations of Sony consoles and will want to line them up in some way. I see no advantage of it facing left especially as most are right handed and will slot the disk in from the right.

The only reason I can think of is that they wanted to denote a whole new era. The PS3 wasn't exactly a hit for them and they maybe wanted to make a clean break from the past and leave 1,2,3 separate from 4,5,6... but that is still a total guess.

It could have been exactly the same design facing the other way and I can't find any reason given by Sony for this change. I have however seen a few complaints here and there about it looking ugly for their AV set up.
My PS4 wont turn on for more than a second after updating.
Holy awesomesauce PS Now has me hooked with the subscription yeah I wish it was cheaper but just being able to transfer my save file from the PS3 to the service and finally finish Final Fantasy 13 will be epic.
...EDIT: ON another note, I downloaded all 4 games available form PS+ this month, but only 3 of them actually downloaded. The Sherlock game somehow got lost in the process. The Store says I have it, but it never got to me. Even in the Transfer thingy, it doesn't show as being on hold or anything.
How do I download the game now?
Stuff you have downloaded, you can always re-download again. I'm assuming you've tried to do that and it hasn't worked? All I can suggest if that is the case, is look and see if there is any form of file for the missing game on your system's game utility folder and just delete it (the game, not the folder.) If the game isn't visible (ie: corrupt and deletable) then maybe phoning Sony is your only option.

EDIT: but maybe you should go with contacting Sony first, for the correct advice, as mine is just an assumption based on what people have previously done.
@sems4arsenal It wouldn't load to get to the update database so I had to initialize the console again. I did haven't any save data that wasn't backed up anyway so I was okay.
Sony really is pumping out the special editions like nobodies business...



I think they could have made more of an effort with this one.
Sony really is pumping out the special editions like nobodies business...



I think they could have made more of an effort with this one.
Go buy some vinyl and do it yourself.
Not hard to do. Print off your fave design, trace it your done.

Chances are I'll be joining the PS4 club later this year :D How is it, very generally speaking, a nice bit of kit?

I've got an X1 for my Forza adventures. What's good for driving on PS4 at the moment, just DriveClub?