PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
Anybody think that sony will announce a price drop for the PS4 pro at E3? I'm really thinking about upgrading to it.

That sounds like the most realistic strategy for Sony to take to divert attention away from the Xbox Scorpio. I would advise anyone thinking of upgrading to a new PS4 (Standard or Pro) to wait until E3 before parting with cash.
If you really want it, go for it. Or make your own special controllers.

Personally I'm thinking of buying a blank white and a blank black controller and spraying my nations' flags on them.
I like the look of the Red controllers. They're real nice!

Check Sainsbury's - they might not have them still but they were a lot cheaper than than new when available. The only problem with pre-owned is you don't know what the previous people have done with/to it.
And that's why I'm scared to buy pre-owned accessories for the PlayStation. I mean, £55 is a lot of money for me. & I Need a new PS3 controller aswell because my current is scruffy & the grips are coming off. Found a gold one pre-owned for £27 at Grainger also, & the 20th anniversary controller looks new. Just hope it performs like it would new.
the 20th anniversary controller looks new. Just hope it performs like it would new.
Been searching one for months and recently found one "new":


Am I the only one who think this is the best looking DS4 so far? Especially with the colored PS logo and silver/grey finish.

Offtopic and unrelated to PS4 but can anyone tell me what this PS2 Test Console is? I never heard of it until i found one being locally sold and how it's a really rare version:
Offtopic and unrelated to PS4 but can anyone tell me what this PS2 Test Console is? I never heard of it until i found one being locally sold and how it's a really rare version:

They are not especially rare because the TEST PS2's are basically dev kit final test machines and thousands were out there in every game studio in the world as well as in various testers and Sony departments hands. Sure millions weren't produced but it's not like there are only a hundred of them.

I think the only difference hardware wise it's that they are region unlocked and can play unencrypted disks but I'm not sure.
Offtopic and unrelated to PS4 but can anyone tell me what this PS2 Test Console is? I never heard of it until i found one being locally sold and how it's a really rare version:
View attachment 647958
They are not especially rare because the TEST PS2's are basically dev kit final test machines and thousands were out there in every game studio in the world as well as in various testers and Sony departments hands. Sure millions weren't produced but it's not like there are only a hundred of them.

I think the only difference hardware wise it's that they are region unlocked and can play unencrypted disks but I'm not sure.

I think the YouTube channel AssemblerGames has a video about it. The channel is a good source for some videos about dev kits and rare / special consoles anyway.
...I have just seen this, an amazing collection I wonder if he plays them all :ill: I think my small(ish) collection could fit in the gap at the end by Uncharted.👍
I reckon he probably has - whilst there are those out there who live for trophy collecting, not many of them keep the games afterwards. Repeat playthroughs though, I don't know how he'd have the time.
Really good month for PS+ this month. Both Life Is Strange & Killing Floor 2 are free.

Full lineup:
  • Killing Floor 2, PS4
  • Life is Strange, PS4
  • Abyss Odyssey, PS3
  • WRC 5: World Rally Championship, PS3
  • Neon Chrome, PS Vita (crossbuy with PS4)
  • Spy Chameleon, PS Vita (crossbuy on PS4)
Hi guys, ive got an issue with my ps4 controllers, happened a few times now on both controllers, thought my first one was going iffy, so swapped out for another genuine one and still same..

It just loses any response when pressing buttons and nothing happens, I had this just before, and taking my right hand off the controller the dpad button worked again, put my hand back and it stopped, like im blocking the signal or something...This was also the case with the usb lead attached aswell, so must still be working wireless when charging..

Is there anyway to disable the wireless mode, and just use them plugged in?
Hi guys, ive got an issue with my ps4 controllers, happened a few times now on both controllers, thought my first one was going iffy, so swapped out for another genuine one and still same..

It just loses any response when pressing buttons and nothing happens, I had this just before, and taking my right hand off the controller the dpad button worked again, put my hand back and it stopped, like im blocking the signal or something...This was also the case with the usb lead attached aswell, so must still be working wireless when charging..

Is there anyway to disable the wireless mode, and just use them plugged in?

Sounds like the bluetooth antenna is playing up. Do you have anything nearby the PS4 that is interfering like a USB Hub port, Internet Router nearby, New Smart TV, or anything wireless. I think you may have to reset to defaults in 'safe mode' at some point to try rebooting system. (back up any data of course)

You could try to hold the PS button for 10 seconds to log out of PS4 and then hold again to start to see what happens?
Or try plugging it in via usb before you start PS4 and use the PS button to turn the PS4 on etc:tup:

Sometimes just restarting PS4 can help
Ive only got a usb hub type thing on the front, which ive had for years, nothing wireless nearby interfering , i always power down and restart everyday, i never leave it in standby mode..

Maybe have to rebuild the database thingy, I remember doing that a year or so ago, because the main menu went mega slow couldnt select anything really..

@imported_rik19 I found this in the PS Forums..Any help?

"First of all, no PlayStation console will pair a DualShock controller over the air. PlayStation consoles with Bluetooth controllers will only pair them via a USB data cable. That is all there is to it. Here is what you do. Start the console in safe mode with the controller connected to the console with the USB cable that came with it, or any USB 2.0 data cable. In safe mode, the console uses the controller as a USB controller. If the controller works in safe mode, then there is nothing wrong with the USB interface. The problem is either the Bluetooth networking hardware in the controller, or the Bluetooth networking hardware in the console. If you can pair another controller, or use any other Bluetooth device with the console in normal mode, then the problem is the controller. The controller needs to be replaced. If no controller will work with the console, then the problem is likely to be the Bluetooth hardware in the PS4. The only way to fix that is to send the console in for repair service."

"Nope. I fixed it by using a keyboard to go through the ps4 menu and connecting my DS4 via Bluetooth. "
Something is definitely wrong here, just moved about 3 feet to the left from the ps4 with controller and the controller went off, message saying disconnected, it`s fully charged aswell...
Hi guys, ive got an issue with my ps4 controllers, happened a few times now on both controllers, thought my first one was going iffy, so swapped out for another genuine one and still same..

It just loses any response when pressing buttons and nothing happens, I had this just before, and taking my right hand off the controller the dpad button worked again, put my hand back and it stopped, like im blocking the signal or something...This was also the case with the usb lead attached aswell, so must still be working wireless when charging..

Is there anyway to disable the wireless mode, and just use them plugged in?
I had this issue when I was playing Rocket league, thought it was the game as it was fine on PS4 menu. Loaded another game up and same problem. Tried everything, was about to take it apart but then I loaded a game up, held in ps button on the DS4 to call up quick menu, turned off controller through sound/devices then turned DS4 back on and everything was hunky dorry. Try it.

I've had this issue a few times but it's settled down now.
Sweet, though I would be more tempted if a silver edition of the Pro was released. Or maybe Sony is using this as an opportunity to release a PS4 Pro Platinum later on (one can imagine! :P)
Killing Floor 2 is one of the most enjoyable PS+ games I've played since Rocket League. It gives me a lot of DOOM vibes. It's definitely worth a try, but I hope the playerbase stays somewhat decent in size

That sounds like the most realistic strategy for Sony to take to divert attention away from the Xbox Scorpio. I would advise anyone thinking of upgrading to a new PS4 (Standard or Pro) to wait until E3 before parting with cash.

This is what I'm hoping for. I plan on upgrading to the Pro within two months, so a price drop to $350 or lower would be welcomed.
Sony killed it with their press conference last night - too many games to mention.

My favorite surprise - Shadow of the Collosus remake. It looks 100% faithful to the original, just with enhanced graphics (which is all it needed). This game should be very well received even by today's standards of video games, as it was waaay ahead of it's time!
It isn't even on this months giveaway. It is the season pass... Episodes 2 - 5.

"Save money now by ordering the Life is Strange Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) and receive Episodes 2 – 5 automatically upon release."
Which amounts to the full game as episode1 is free
Hey guys. I'm going to buy a racing game for my PS4, but before I make a choice I'd like to listen to some advice. I want a game that is simulation based, so right now I've got DiRT 4 and Project CARS as my only 2 options, although you may also suggest other games that fall within my criteria (such as DiRT Rally). But I've got a few questions:

Does the Game of the Year edition of PCARS have considerably fewer and a tolerable amount of bugs, and is it easy to be played with a DS4 controller?

Does PCARS have some cars that aren't going to be featured in PCARS 2?

Personally DiRT Rally is not included in my list, as I've heard that it is not easy for a novice who has just started rallying (my only rallying experience comes from GT5), but does DiRT 4 have the same problem?

Which of the 2 options is better in terms of career mode and overall gameplay experience?

I'm not going to play the game frequently (once every few days) and I'll not play it for prolonged periods of time every time I do (maybe 1-2 hours every time). My driving wheel cannot be used for my PS4 for the next few months, though that may change one year later. I'll be playing the game most oftenly in the coming few months, so I can't wait for games which are yet to be released (e.g. PCARS 2). I don't have PS Plus, so I don't think I'm going to play online multiplayer. If that is the case, which game is more suitable for me?

A quick reply will be appreciated. :)