Playstation Home Thread

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From what I read on PS3 Fanboy, it would mainly be:

1: You create an awesome level better than anyone elses in LBP.
2: Sony sees the level, says "My my that's a good level" and puts it in a commercial, with no reimbursement to you.
or 2a: Sony makes the level available as Paid DLC, again, without any reimbursement to you.

Same could go with Singstar videos of yourself, you can have your drunken Singstar moments in the next magazine.

From what I read on PS3 Fanboy, it would mainly be:

1: You create an awesome level better than anyone elses in LBP.
2: Sony sees the level, says "My my that's a good level" and puts it in a commercial, with no reimbursement to you.
or 2a: Sony makes the level available as Paid DLC, again, without any reimbursement to you.
To put a shiny light on this: Media Molecule has said that creators of the absolutely best levels may be seen as candidates for future positions in the company.
To put a shiny light on this: Media Molecule has said that creators of the absolutely best levels may be seen as candidates for future positions in the company.

Yeah but every company says that... its rubbish because they already have the talent there and why would they hire you if they own outright what you have created, its like saying anything I create on photoshop is owned by Adobe...

I think its really atrocious and it has changed my whole viewpoint on LBP... If they can steal all your IP then its not as good as it originally sounded.

From what I read on PS3 Fanboy, it would mainly be:

1: You create an awesome level better than anyone elses in LBP.
2: Sony sees the level, says "My my that's a good level" and puts it in a commercial, with no reimbursement to you.
or 2a: Sony makes the level available as Paid DLC, again, without any reimbursement to you.

Same could go with Singstar videos of yourself, you can have your drunken Singstar moments in the next magazine.


Exactly! Why should they use my stuff without paying me for it... especially when an advertising campaign would normally give you royalties.

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If they can steal all your IP then its not as good as it originally sounded.
They aren't stealing anything from you. If you build something out of my bricks they are still my bricks.
Now what you make up in your head and write or draw, with electronic letters and pencils is a lot different then using pre-designed shapes and physics and AI engines in something like LBP.

Sure they own intellectual property on different “bits” you’ll be using to build up your personal content. And considering this is a project (talking about Home but LBP and others apply) whose success is mainly upon its member’s participation you have to agree to concede some of your “rights” by sharing your own “creations”. This is particularly relevant whenever this space/community is open and free. What is proposed here (I suspect you will have to sign-in/agree to access the whole thing) is quite different, and I would’t be surprised they’ll have to tune things down to cope with local legislations.
They aren't stealing anything from you. If you build something out of my bricks they are still my bricks.

Yeah but its my house, my design, I get the money if I sell it and other people can't copy my house without paying me royalties... as for the bricks I would have already paid the 30 quid for those so I owe the brick supplier nothing!

Just to keep this analogy going... :sly:

Yeah but its my house, my design, I get the money if I sell it and other people can't copy my house without paying me royalties... as for the bricks I would have already paid the 30 quid for those so I owe the brick supplier nothing!
Except, in this case, I did not sell you the bricks, I sold you the right to use my bricks. And before any money was given you were told that you were agreeing to allow me to sell my bricks in the design you made, but I will put your name on the design so that others know you designed it.

If they hadn't announced their plans to do this until after the game had been out for months and if the EULA wasn't part of the agreement for the PSN in general I would agree with you. But as it is this is all public knowledge before a single copy landed on shelves.
Except, in this case, I did not sell you the bricks, I sold you the right to use my bricks. And before any money was given you were told that you were agreeing to allow me to sell my bricks in the design you made, but I will put your name on the design so that others know you designed it.

If they hadn't announced their plans to do this until after the game had been out for months and if the EULA wasn't part of the agreement for the PSN in general I would agree with you. But as it is this is all public knowledge before a single copy landed on shelves.

I do agree that if the game has it stated (although most people never read that stuff) that this is how things are going to be and you then buy the game you have agreed and thats that, what I dont agree with is the principal of Sony get a free idea lunch off you.

If you create fun and enjoyable levels for everyone to experience free of charge then thats fine, but if its going to be used in a situation where profit is being generated I think its really underhand and many people will get caught out without knowing thinking that if they see thier level in an advert they are entitled to something. If I work for a company then they can have my ideas but in this situation you are making the game for them (the story mode is kinda short) and most of the money will come off the backs of user content who get nothing (well other than the enjoyment of others levels).

Oh and this thing about borrowing the bricks... its like Spore and renting the game only 5 times... I paid for the damn thing! I physically have it in my hand! If I was renting its use why do they sell it as a retail game... I swear the world gone mad! Ah the good old days of simple games that you could install anywhere and you truely owned it!

But anywho im glad this has been brought to peoples attention so they can make their own minds up about LBP's EULA.

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I do agree that if the game has it stated (although most people never read that stuff) that this is how things are going to be and you then buy the game you have agreed and thats that, what I dont agree with is the principal of Sony get a free idea lunch off you.
The thing is that this is not new with Sony. Just look at my Petit Le Mans comparison, regarding pictures and videos, I made a few posts back. If I don't want them to be used I just don't make them publicly available. It is the same with LBP. If I don't publish it then they don't have it, and my scorpion creature didn't have its metadata changed until I published my level with it in it.

And you can play the level with others without it being published, but they have to do it with you. I did this with a friend in the beta who invited me to join him. He loaded his level through his pod on his create planet without going through the main server.

Singstar has been doing this for a while with videos. You think they called up the dancing Chewbacca guy and offered him a deal to use it in promotional stuff?

If you create fun and enjoyable levels for everyone to experience free of charge then thats fine, but if its going to be used in a situation where profit is being generated I think its really underhand and many people will get caught out without knowing thinking that if they see thier level in an advert they are entitled to something. If I work for a company then they can have my ideas but in this situation you are making the game for them (the story mode is kinda short) then most of the money will come off the backs of others who get nothing (well other than the enjoyment of others levels).
I personally wish that I would get paid if they do that with a level of mine, but it won't make or break the game for me. Plus, you can still share it yourself with friends, or you could make a few minor tweaks and publish it as a new level. I honestly doubt the user created DLC levels will take off because the published levels can be copied to your hard drive where you can change them yourself and so if the creator decides to publish his level again you can download it for free.

Oh and this thing about borrowing the bricks... its like Spore and renting the game only 5 times... I paid for the damn thing! I physically have it in my hand! If I was renting its use why do they sell it as a retail game... I swear the world gone mad! Ah the good old days of simple games that you could install anywhere and you truely owned it!
I dislike DRM that ends up affecting honest users more than the pirates. And Gamepolitics has an article where Will Wright said that if he had been involved in distribution he wouldn't have allowed that to happen, and apologizes to fans for not being tuned in to that aspect of the game.

But anywho im glad this has been brought to peoples attention so they can make their own minds up about the EULA.
I definitely give them credit for saying that publicly beforehand. Most of the die hards that would be creating incredible levels are probably paying attention and are aware.
I haven't got the time or inclination to wade through 16 pages of thread to see if this has been posted already but one of the beta testers has posted a massive walkthough of this on youtube


I'm posting it in case no one else has or for anyone else that missed it - narrator does my head in a bit but it's certainly whet my appetite
That's illegal in Germany, but Sony has probably better lawyers...

Not looking forward to home anyway since I hate region locking and stuff like friend invites could be done easier without so much troubles involved ...

*EDIT* ok that vids look actually quite cool, but combine this with a region lock and i'll be bored after couple of days, it's so childish :rolleyes:
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Only the main area's are region locked, if I remember correctly. I'll double check in a few when I hop in the beta, but I'm pretty sure that's the only space that's region locked.

The reason for this is, what comes out here may not be out in another region for some time. Given that some of these area's have spoilers, they certainly don't want people from other regions casually dropping by and getting portions of the game ruined for them.

I can understand why you might not like it, but that's life.

Also, why all the crying over created content? You weren't going to make money off of it before, what has changed? Nothing.
Yeah only the "public" areas are reigon locked, if there on your friends list you can invite them to your apartment and such places. Quore is giving open invites to all it's members in raly get the november "issue" of quore and you get access to home.......great if your in the states.......not so if like me your not LOL but anyway that should nject a huge amount of numbers into the home enviroment leading to the question how long dose quore get this exclusive before the doors are opened to everyone? 2 weeks? thats my guese giving us an open beta of home in the later part of november.

See PS3fanboy for article regarding this or heres a quote from it.

November issue of Qore takes us Home
Posted Oct 25th 2008 5:00PM by Majed Athab
Filed under: News
Veronica Belmont will take us Home in the next issue of Qore. No, she's not taking us to her house, you silly people; she's going to show us what's up with PlayStation Home. That's much more exciting, isn't it?

If being shown Home, just so happens to not appease you enough ... then how does getting into the closed beta sound? Yeah, the November issue of Qore will also give both annual subscribers and one-off purchasers an invite into the Home closed beta to sweeten the pot. Qore's new issue will hit early next month.
Yeah only the "public" areas are reigon locked, if there on your friends list you can invite them to your apartment and such places. Quore is giving open invites to all it's members in raly get the november "issue" of quore and you get access to home.......great if your in the states.......not so if like me your not LOL but anyway that should nject a huge amount of numbers into the home enviroment leading to the question how long dose quore get this exclusive before the doors are opened to everyone? 2 weeks? thats my guese giving us an open beta of home in the later part of november.

See PS3fanboy for article regarding this or heres a quote from it.
If it really does give beta access this will likely be the first issue I purchase. I got issue 3 for free from a code in Playstation Magazine.
Early november Qore is out on PSN.......I'd hazard a guese at next week? As for open beta? end of november early december?.......We got any clairvoyants on the forum so I can stop using question marks so much LOL
Just thought I give you guys a heads up if you didnt already know..

Just buying next months Quore magazine doesnt get you into the Home Beta.. you have to be an annual subscriber (boo!)...


Just asking, since PS Blog said something different last week.
Not that I would have any interest in this horrible idea (HOME), unless it gives me the ability to play GT5P with my PSN friends , which it of course doesn't .
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Not that I would have any interest in this horrible idea (HOME), unless it gives me the ability to play GT5P with my PSN friends , which it of course doesn't .

I guess I feel different because Home is one of the things ive been most looking foreward to on PS3.

Well, this could be true, although there's nothing about it on PS Blog , the only reliable source about PS3 imo 👍

Umm, yes I m surely not looking forward to the mess that HOME will be, especially when I get forced to use it just to meet up with friends to play certain games... ( which don't have friend invites ) , also I really hate the idea of couple of friends playing minigames and me not able to join, just because I'm not in their region... :(
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Not that I would have any interest in this horrible idea (HOME), unless it gives me the ability to play GT5P with my PSN friends , which it of course doesn't .
We do not know that, yet. So little is known on this I think that it is hard to say what can and can't be done regarding Home.

Well, this could be true, although there's nothing about it on PS Blog , the only reliable source about PS3 imo 👍
What about emails sent to all PlayStation Underground members? I got that email last week informing me of it. It's real.
Qore Episode 06 Home Beta Update

Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:50 AM
From: "PlayStation Underground" <>



As an update to the PLAYSTATION(R)3 News email sent on Friday,
October 24th, the special invitation to PlayStation(R)Home's closed
beta is available only to Qore annual subscribers who purchased
subscriptions by 10/29. Qore Episode 06 purchasers will not be
eligible for the special PlayStation(R)Home beta invitation at
this time. We apologize for the miscommunication.

Participation in PlayStation(R)Home's closed beta is limited to
those 18 years and older and requires agreement with the
PlayStation(R)Home Beta Trial.


Umm, yes I m surely not looking forward to the mess that HOME will be, especially when I get forced to use it just to meet up with friends to play certain games... ( which don't have friend invites )
I would assume that is a bonus as it could work around games that don't include them.

, also I really hate the idea of couple of friends playing minigames and me not able to join, just because I'm not in their region... :(
I agree with this. I have plenty of people from GTP on my Friend's List that are not from the US and while they can still enter my private space any cool public spaces won't be available with them.

Here's hoping my multi-regional accounts will work.
hmm the public spaces are reigon locked private spaces are not. The in house game launch system runs from your private spces (as well as public spaces I think) the "mini games" such as arcade machines ect ecy can be placed in your private spaces also 90% sure of that one. But the "special" spaces like the LBP room and far cry 2 room ect ect are a bit of a grey area concerning reigon locking? dose anyone know if they are reigon locked?
Just thought I give you guys a heads up if you didnt already know..

Just buying next months Quore magazine doesnt get you into the Home Beta.. you have to be an annual subscriber (boo!)...


Why not get the annual then? It's a great video-magazine :)
A bit late, they sent the e-mail around 10:30 PM on Oct 29th saying you had to have had a annual subscription before the end of Oct. 29th, :lol:

A bit late, they sent the e-mail around 10:30 PM on Oct 29th saying you had to have had a annual subscription before the end of Oct. 29th, :lol:

And as you can see by my post above, I received the email at 12:50AM on October 30th.
We do not know that, yet. So little is known on this I think that it is hard to say what can and can't be done regarding Home.
Yeah, sure we don´t know, however it would surprise me, if it was possible especially regarding GT5P...
What about emails sent to all PlayStation Underground members? I got that email last week informing me of it. It's real.

Ooops, Ok thats another reliable source.👍

I would assume that is a bonus as it could work around games that don't include them.
Yes, but I´d think games will need a patch for that, so yes it could.

I agree with this. I have plenty of people from GTP on my Friend's List that are not from the US and while they can still enter my private space any cool public spaces won't be available with them.

Here's hoping my multi-regional accounts will work.
Here too, just it´s really easy to block the IDs for certain regions, like they did with the movie service already. :irked: