Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
I downloaded the new apartment... It's kind of neat. Made me feel like I was in a Tomb Raider game (I loved the PS1 games), and surprisingly, the treasure chest ornament that you get if you beat Resident Evil 5 looks quite nice in it. About the fire thingies, if you stand in the platform near each of them, you'll switch them from bonfires to streams of water falling from the ceiling.

What's kind of creepy is the head that protrudes from the tree in the middle of the courtyard will follow you as you walk around it... it even makes a pretty cool sound as it does it... but you may have to crank up the volume.

There must be something this space is linked to... perhaps it will have something to do with an upcoming announcement at E3.

For anyone interested, the put-the-couch-through-the-roof trick still works. I just took these pictures of the Chamber Apartment:

Do you have to use the Studio sofa, or any item will do?

BTW: Do all the personal spaces have this trick or just this one and the Studio Apartment, and does anyone have a link to a good video guide on how to do it?

As for new spaces, I decided to get the Living Room Stage Set from Loot aka Hollywood Stage 2 and really glad I did. It is not only a really cool space but unlike the other personal spaces, it comes loaded with goodies:
  • Director T-Shirt
  • 11 12 Free Items
    • Sofa
    • Sofa Chair
    • Coffee Table
    • Bookshelf
    • TV Stand
    • LCD HDTV (screen is reflective... but in a bizarre way, that I'll explain later)
    • 7.1 AV Receiver
    • Speakers
    • CD Collection (added to list - didn't notice it at first)
    • Books
    • Refrigerator
    • Champagne/Sparkling Cider w/2 flute glasses

The space itself is also very cool, and has lots of things you can mess with like:
  • Green Screen w/14 images to chose from (and hopefully a later option to add our own images)
  • Kitchen (set)
  • Doors that open and shut
  • 2 working House Light Switches
  • Lighting Control Panel w/multiple preset and custom settings
  • 2 Camera Dollies w/3 cameras each

The one thing that isn't clear is if and when we will be able to actually record and edit footage shot by the six cameras in the space. Seeing as this is a tie in with Sony's exclusive Loot Short Film Series, I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they add that function... or maybe they originally planned to but ran into problems developing that feature.

Regardless, as far as personal spaces goes... this one is by far my favorite, and a real value just for all the bonus items. 👍
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Do you have to use the Studio sofa, or any item will do?

BTW: Do all the personal spaces have this trick or just this one and the Studio Apartment, and does anyone have a link to a good video guide on how to do it?
I've only done it twice and both times was with the couch.

The process is go into redecorate space, select the couch, move it to a corner of the room and make it spin while lifting it up to the ceiling. Eventually it'll pop through and let you move around wherever you want.
Good news for all you Home and Resistance fans out there:

Video of the mini-game in the link.
I'm guessing us Europeans will have to wait another month or two for this. :rolleyes: I know we get other good content and we can use American accounts but its not the same.

PS: Is it possible to embed video from that link in a post?

Actually it has been confirmed on the official playstation forums that the Resistance space will be coming to SCEE Home sometime today. :sly:

Also for anyone that might care, the fish are returning to Home square.

Edit:- Home update ( 1.21 ) is now available, it is 64mb.
Further Edit:- The first 3,000 users who enter this code get a free Resistance T-Shirt, so hurry if you want it. The code is- XHFG - FRBM - 8G24
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There's a new space for presentations and stuff or something, visually it's very stunning, but there is nothing to do there and I don't know what they could use it for.:dunce: So much for the new hair styles too, there aren't any.:ouch:
Good news for all you Home and Resistance fans out there:

I'm guessing us Europeans will have to wait another month or two for this. :rolleyes: I know we get other good content and we can use American accounts but its not the same.

You guessed wrong. :)

In fact, just like earlier this year with the EU exclusive PlayStation Events space, you got a new event space no one else did... the Presentation Podium... and it looks awesome. It also has a couple different doors/gates that lead elsewhere, but are currently locked.

Besides... as you said EU get's a lot of stuff before other regions, let alone the stuff we have never gotten, like the Watchmen and Star Trek costume items and such.

EU Home has also yet again got several new trailers and BTS videos for the Home Theater space no other region got.

Granted it's easy to see and visit spaces in other regions, but it is also true that content you have to purchase can be more challenging, and for content you use, it would be nice if it was available for your main PSN account.

However, it's not as if EU is always being left out, and doesn't have a lot of content no other region of Home has. Every region has it's advantages and disadvantages.

I really hope that Stage Set makes it to the EU Home soon. :)

It's a great space, and I suspect you'll get it soon. I was reading up on it and apparently it was developed by a newly formed group from Sony called Loot (I mistook it earlier for the "Shoot" short films series by Sony that is exclusive to EU PSN store and was showing for a time in the EU Home Theater).

They plan on creating "experiences" and products for Home, starting with this new space. Here is an article that sheds a little more light on the subject:

Sony Pictures' Loot: A group of developers making Home wares

Sony Pictures wants to let us know about Loot, which is a newly formed group of developers that will create experiences and products for PlayStation Home.

The first Loot release is the Living Room Stage Set. This is the same Home Space we mentioned earlier in the week. It lets you work with a full range of movie production props and equipment like cameras, lights, backdrops and furniture. With these things you can direct and even act in your own production.

“PlayStation Home has one of the most engaged communities with more than five million users, and there is a tremendous appetite for virtual goods and social experiences,” said Jack Buser, director of PlayStation Home at SCEA.

“We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to grow the PlayStation Home community and believe that Loot offers cutting edge social tools and experiences for our users to further communicate and engage with one another.”

Get Living Room Stage Set now in PlayStation Home at the mall, in the Estates store for $4.99. Has anyone tried this out? We'll see if we can't give it a spin soon and maybe make some dirty movies.

“We saw an opportunity to expand on the PlayStation Home experience for users who wanted additional collaborative and creative experiences,“ said David Sterling, Vice President of Business Development for Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Digital Authoring Center and General Manager of Loot. “Loot is dedicated to using state-of-the-art technology to bring the entertainment world to gamers through interactive virtual products like Living Room Stage Set.”

After seeing what they came up with regarding the Stage Set, I am really looking forward to seeing what's next. 👍

Do you have to use the Studio sofa, or any item will do?

BTW: Do all the personal spaces have this trick or just this one and the Studio Apartment, and does anyone have a link to a good video guide on how to do it?

I've only done it twice and both times was with the couch.

The process is go into redecorate space, select the couch, move it to a corner of the room and make it spin while lifting it up to the ceiling. Eventually it'll pop through and let you move around wherever you want.

Thanks for the info. I tried using a few different items, but so far the only things that work are the different sofas and the TV stand. If the TV stand didn't work I would have assumed it had to do with the length of the item being used, but the TV stand is smaller and shorter than the sofa chairs and book shelves, and yet it works while they don't. :odd:

Also, I was able to get out of all four of my personal spaces (Harbor Studio, Summer House, Chamber Apartment, Stage Set) I don't know if it works for the Log Cabin as I don't have that space, but I suspect it does.

Other than the Easter Egg sign outside the Harbor Studio at the end of one of the piers, I have yet to find any other hidden Easter Eggs, but then again, I also didn't look around for very long as it takes some time to move around.

Also for anyone that might care, the fish are returning to Home square.

What do you mean by fish? :confused:
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You guessed wrong. :)

In fact, just like earlier this year with the EU exclusive PlayStation Events space, you got a new event space no one else did... the Presentation Podium... and it looks awesome. It also has a couple different doors/gates that lead elsewhere, but are currently locked.

Besides... as you said EU get's a lot of stuff before other regions, let alone the stuff we have never gotten, like the Star Trek costume items and such.

EU Home has also yet again got several new trailers and BTS videos for the Home Theater space no other region got.

Granted it's easy to see and visit spaces in other regions, but it is also true that content you have to purchase can be more challenging, and for content you use, it would be nice if it was available for your main PSN account.

However, it's not as if EU is always being left out, and doesn't have a lot of content no other region of Home has. Every region has it's advantages and disadvantages.

Sorry my bad, I'll try and not complain again.
Thanks for letting us know about the new presentation space. Perhaps it will be used during E3?

@TB: Thanks for the reply on video embedding.
Just that: fish. :) There used to be fish in the stream in Home Square, but they have mysteriously vanished (I guess somebody caught and ate them :lol:).


I had completely forgotten about there being fish in the EU plaza's Brook. Were there fish also in the NA plaza's pond, or did the saucer pops game scare them to death? ;)

Sorry my bad, I'll try and not complain again.

You better not, or I'll release the hounds! ;)

Thanks for letting us know about the new presentation space. Perhaps it will be used during E3?

That's what some are speculating, but it does seem sort of odd that EU Home would get an E3 space and not NA. Maybe it'll be used for the GAMEScon convention in Cologne which has replaced the GC convention in Liepzig... but that is still a long way off. :odd:

As for the big Home update, so far I like the changes and fixes are always nice to see. 👍

Of the many changes that were made that ASH32 posted about here are just a few that really caught my eye:

picture frames are being introduced with this patch but only in SCEA at the moment.

No picture frames as of yet... I wonder if they will let you put your own pics in them... otherwise, what's the big deal?

• The chat log has been updated with a number of new enhancements:
- By clicking the left stick you can toggle the chat log between three modes: normal, expanded and minimised.
• It is also possible to switch the chat log directly into expanded mode by pressing up or down on the controller d-pad.
- While minimised the chat log is reduced to a small icon in the corner of the screen. This icon will still fade in and out to indicate whether new chat is being received.
- While expanded you can scroll through individual lines of text in the chat log. By pressing [CROSS] with a line highlighted they are able to open an options menu for the user who spoke.
- Lines of text are coloured in the chat log to reflect the colour choice of the user who typed them.
- Your friends will now have an icon placed beside their ID in the chat log.

These are very useful changes. I was particularly impressed that the chat log now keeps a record of all the chat even when moving from one space to another. Before, it would only show one page of chat, and it would erase it when ever you moved to a different space in Home.

• Emotes are now available when text communication has been disabled.

I'm not sure I understand this?

• The process of moving between spaces has been streamlined which should make relocating a bit faster.

• The loading time for smaller images, such as thumbnails, posters and map chips, has been reduced.

This has never been much of an issue for me, but I do notice it does load spaces faster.

• We have reduced loading times when using the virtual stores to browse and purchase items.

This is a big improvement, as before, it would usually take a quite a few seconds to load the thumbnail pics for the items in the stores, now they show up almost immediately.

• The option to make cross regional telephone calls from public spaces is no longer greyed out.

Awesome news! I never understood why cross regional voice chat in Home was limited to personal spaces.

• Adjusted the way characters get up from seating to make them less prone to popping in and out of seats that are close together.

• Fixed a bug that would result in characters standing on top of certain types of seating after standing.

I thought this may have been an attempt to stop people from using this trick to get their avatars into normally unreachable locations in each space... like on the bar top of Sully's Bar and the GodFather space among countless others... but I'm guessing not based on all the people I still see in normally unreachable areas in Home, including the new Resistance space.

• Fixed a bug that would cause certain parts of some animations to “stick” if the character stood up while playing them (for example if the user stood up while yawning, their mouth would be stuck open).

That's hilarious. I never even heard of or seen someone effected by that bug... but that's one glitch that could actually be fun. Oh well, too late now.

• Fixed a bug that would allow the character to run or slide while performing spot idle animations.

I'm not sure what this really is, or what spot idle animations, but I have seen avatars seemingly sliding along on their shoes... as if they had those sneakers that have roller skate wheels partially embedded into the souls of the shoes... is this the bug they are talking about, or is that different?

Also the EA sports space is getting some improvements all to do with Poker, here they are.

For the most part I love all the changes to the poker game. I posted my thoughts in the GTP Poker thread.
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The new text log is simply horrible, it's harder to identify your friend's speech and harder to read anyone's speech.
Some of the bug fix's were pulled before the patch, they caused more bugs than the solved. The ones they pulled are.

• Adjusted the way characters get up from seating to make them less prone to popping in and out of seats that are close together.

• Fixed a bug that would result in characters standing on top of certain types of seating after standing.

Also Home square wasn't updated like it should have been as they were some issues with it or something, so there is still no fish. It's now scheaduled for next week, I wonder if it'll happen this time.

Edit- The problem with the new text speak is it is too small, if it was a little bigger it would be fine I think. Right now it looks better, it's just not as practical.
Did you not suspect that things might not of changed when you didn't have to download Home Square again. As for the picture frames I don't know how they will work, it seems the patch added picture frame support, so that they can be released when ready. Who knows whether they will ever be released in SCEE, there are legal issues apparantly.
The new text log is simply horrible, it's harder to identify your friend's speech and harder to read anyone's speech.

How so?

Before the text log had no identification icons for friends, now you get a very noticeable smile icon next to their name and comments. (there is also another icon which shows a DS3 next to some of the people's names in the log - anyone know what that refers to?).

Before the text log was gray and harder to read, now it has a darker background and the text is brighter and easier to read.

Before the log only showed one page of chat and then cut off, and got erased any time you moved from one space to another, now it saves everything during a session no matter what space you go to.

Before, all you could do is read the log, and if there was someone you met that left, but that you wanted to check their profile or send them a message, you would have to quickly write down their PSN ID. Now all you have to do is scroll up to one of their comments, press X and voila, you now can easily do all of the following:
  • View their profile
  • Send them a message
  • Send them a friend request
  • Mute them
  • Block them

How all of this can be considered horrible escapes me. :odd:

Edit- The problem with the new text speak is it is too small, if it was a little bigger it would be fine I think. Right now it looks better, it's just not as practical.

Maybe with a SD display, or with people that sit far away from their TVs and or have small TVs... but on my HDTV the text is easy to read, and easier than before due to the higher contrast of the text against the darker background. 👍
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So happy to finally have a way of purchasing stuff on Home.:D But more importantly, I can buy DLC for GT5 and Shift (if Shift is good), if and when DLC come for those games at a price. I should really go and pay someone to install a massive HDD on my PS3 too though, I'd be too scared to do it myself, plus can't back up the files to anything.

Anyway, the Log Cabin is still awesome, although I quickly exhausted the number of lights I could install in it :grumpy:, plus I have that nice black padded jacket which has a red shirt underneath, looks very nice.:)
I did end up finding the wood furniture for the log cabin, although they are a bit over the top. Purchased the bed then regret the decision because it's not that great.
Can anyone tell me about Breaking out of the area at the Red Bull Air Race location? I've seen people stood on the other side of the fence and walking under the wooden raised sections.
• Adjusted the way characters get up from seating to make them less prone to popping in and out of seats that are close together.

• Fixed a bug that would result in characters standing on top of certain types of seating after standing.

I thought this may have been an attempt to stop people from using this trick to get their avatars into normally unreachable locations in each space... like on the bar top of Sully's Bar and the GodFather space among countless others... but I'm guessing not based on all the people I still see in normally unreachable areas in Home, including the new Resistance space.

Some of the bug fix's were pulled before the patch, they caused more bugs than the solved. The ones they pulled are.

• Adjusted the way characters get up from seating to make them less prone to popping in and out of seats that are close together.

• Fixed a bug that would result in characters standing on top of certain types of seating after standing.

Well that would explain why I still see people using that trick to reach normally unreachable areas in each of the spaces.

Considering how popular it is to do that in Home, if this delayed fix will then prevent them from doing that I suspect the PS Home forums are going to get flooded with angry complainers. :indiff:

Speaking of bugs/glitches/oddities in Home. After spending much of my time VERY early this morning in Home with ASH and our Ford loving, insanely over optimistic, happy go lucky friend with the lightening fast internet connection.... Paulie... :D .... we discovered some interesting things in Home.

I'll start with the good... I had no trouble joining Paulie and ASH in Paulie's recently acquired Log Cabin space, in fact it took only a few seconds to download his space and join them... although it was before he added things to it, but it was nice to see it in person for the first time. I particularly liked the deck and the wildlife sounds outside. 👍

More good news we discovered was that the Stage Set personal space allows not just the owner, but the guests as well to operate all the different controls and settings in the space. 👍

Also, unlike the wallpaper in the Harbor Studio, as the owner, and in this case the guests as well, change the images that are available on one of the green screens, everyone in the space can see the images as they cycle through them.

Now perhaps this recent update also changed the Harbor Studio, and now guests can see the host change the wallpaper without having to leave and come back in... something to test out some other time I guess.

The other good news is how bloody fast ASH was able to download and join me in my spaces, especially considering he says he has just a decent ISP connection speed and is in the UK, while I'm in the US and on NA Home servers. He literally was able to download and enter my Stage Set, Chamber Apartment, and the Summer House in only about 10 seconds. :eek:

Paulie on the other hand took quite a bit longer, and for some odd reason kept getting some kind of error message when he tried to accept my invite into the Summer Home. :odd:

As for odd, but not necessarily bad things, in the Chamber Apartment ASH and I discovered that unlike the Stage Set space, while we could see and interact with each other, as well as any items and furniture I placed in the space... but we could not see how the space changed by the other person's action.

For instance, when he stepped on one of the stone discs to change one of the fire pits into a waterfall, I did not see anything happen. Nor did I see the face of the tree move to follow him as he walked past it... and the same went for him, he also could not see me change fire pits into waterfalls and vice versa. So apparently in that space at least, each person can only see the changes they make in terms of the fire pits/waterfalls, as well as how the head in the tree moves.

Now this could be a good thing, for instance, ASH preferred to have them all as waterfalls, while I preferred to have them as firepits, as I find the waterfalls to be too noisy. This way we both got what we preferred, and still be in the same space... odd, but there it is. :)

The next oddity we discovered happened while ASH was checking out my Summer Home. For some odd reason he was unable to sit in any of the chairs and sofas, except for the ones out on the patio, which also happened to be the same ones from the Harbor Studio.

Thus ASH thought that maybe it had to do with him not owning the other chairs and sofas, and thus maybe why he couldn't sit in them, but we both thought that was odd if true. Then I remembered I had put one of the Summer House dinning room chairs in the Chamber Apartment, and Paulie was able to sit on it without any problems. So I placed it in the Summer House and sure enough ASH was able to sit in it.

This got me thinking that maybe the problem is with the sofa and chairs that were currently in the House, so I removed one and replaced it with a new one, and sure enough ASH could now sit on it.

All I can think is that I had placed all that furniture in the house during the closed beta... but not the patio furniture, which my wife placed several weeks after Home was an open beta. So for some reason, perhaps after this latest update, it did something wacky with the furniture that was placed during the closed beta, and never replaced since, making it so guests could not sit down on them.

I may just keep at least one of the old sofa chairs, just as a parlor joke for visiting friends. ;)

Any way, it was fun visiting with ASH and Paulie this morning, and I'm more surprised than ever before how much Home has evolved into something I never expected it would. 👍
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Speaking of bugs/glitches/oddities in Home. After spending much of my time VERY early this morning in Home with ASH and our Ford loving, insanely over optimistic, happy go lucky friend with the lightening fast internet connection.... Paulie... :D .... we discovered some interesting things in Home.


About the furniture, it's anything you place in the space while the other user is there they can use, anything you place (that they don't own themselves) before they get there they can't sit in it. I decorated my Log Cabin before ASH came back, and he could use all the Harbour Studio furniture and in-built seats in the Log Cabin, but couldn't use any of my other furniture.:( Either way, that film studio place was pretty awesome, I joked we should film an episode of a TV show interviewing the garage owners of GT5, but seriously, that'd be a fun thing to do, and post in the Car Tuning & Settings forum, or even use for Pedal of Choice.💡
So this means that Home users in the EU can join you in your Stage Set space but can't buy it themselves yet? If so, please invite me so I can take a look! :D
So this means that Home users in the EU can join you in your Stage Set space but can't buy it themselves yet? If so, please invite me so I can take a look! :D

I have a few minutes right now, so if you are online I'll crank up the ol' black box and send you an invite.
Thanks for the tour, D-N :)👍 The Stage Set space is amazing, and if newer spaces have that standard of functionality, then Home promises to be something else!! Feel free to give me a shout if you are doing anything in the Stage Set, although I'll warn you now, my acting skills are pretty diabolical :D

I have to confess, I was getting a little down on Home in recent days, because it is taking a while to come to life - it is still not at the stage where one can spend alot of time without becoming pretty bored, but the Stage Set space, as well as the ability to explore Home in other regions, reminds me that there is still a long way to go, and that the possibilities are more exciting than ever.

I can't wait until a full game comes out with proper Home integration - being able to meet up in a clubhouse before, during and after a game would be great. GT5:P is crying out for Home integration (are you listening Polyphony Digital?) as are many other games.

Thanks for the tour, D-N :)👍 The Stage Set space is amazing, and if newer spaces have that standard of functionality, then Home promises to be something else!! Feel free to give me a shout if you are doing anything in the Stage Set, although I'll warn you now, my acting skills are pretty diabolical :D
Thanks for the tour, D-N :)👍 The Stage Set space is amazing, and if newer spaces have that standard of functionality, then Home promises to be something else!! Feel free to give me a shout if you are doing anything in the Stage Set, although I'll warn you now, my acting skills are pretty diabolical :D

:lol: You and me both... but I can envision a GTP talk show. ;)

In fact, I think Paulie and ASH mentioned it might be fun to do an episode of Pedal of Choice on the Stage Set. 👍

I just want to see someone try and do a Kramer entrance through one of the doors. :D

I have to confess, I was getting a little down on Home in recent days, because it is taking a while to come to life - it is still not at the stage where one can spend alot of time without becoming pretty bored, but the Stage Set space, as well as the ability to explore Home in other regions, reminds me that there is still a long way to go, and that the possibilities are more exciting than ever.

Couldn't agree with you more... As mentioned long ago in the PS3 thread, I never thought I would ever use Home let alone enjoy it. Go figure.

Thanks for the tour, D-N :)👍 The Stage Set space is amazing, and if newer spaces have that standard of functionality, then Home promises to be something else!! Feel free to give me a shout if you are doing anything in the Stage Set, although I'll warn you now, my acting skills are pretty diabolical :D

Wait... huh... did you see that black cat? Bloody Deja Vu! :ouch:

:boggled: Weird! :lol:

I am enjoying my Namco goodies - Pacman T-shirt, new shorts etc., but alas the games cabinets don't work... they look cool though, just wish I could play them!
My Namco arcade machines vanished from my appartment ages ago, even playing the Namco arcade didnt bring them back.
I am enjoying my Namco goodies - Pacman T-shirt, new shorts etc., but alas the games cabinets don't work... they look cool though, just wish I could play them!

The arcade cabinets, like the GT5P arcade cabinets in the Japanese Home version, and like the RE5 arcade cabinet in the RE5 game space, are all launch mechanisms... so you have to have the game to play it.

The good news is that alll you need to play the games for each of the Namco aracde cabinets is to use a HK account and download the Namco Arcade Museum demo. Once it's installed, then you'll be able to play all of the them in your personal spaces no matter what account you are using. 👍
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Sadly, the cabinets don't work in my EU account, even with the demo installed... but they do work in my HK Home space! Unfortunately, this isn't very useful because I won't be using my HK Home space much, although the game is no different in Home than in the demo anyway! :)
My Namco arcade machines vanished from my appartment ages ago, even playing the Namco arcade didnt bring them back.
So, they aren't even available in your decoration options?

Sadly, the cabinets don't work in my EU account, even with the demo installed... but they do work in my HK Home space! Unfortunately, this isn't very useful because I won't be using my HK Home space much, although the game is no different in Home than in the demo anyway! :)
Yeah, playing them in Home is like willingly using a very long loading screen just to play Pac-Man when you don't have to.

I just wish we would get a full Namco Museum thing for every region with Home rewards, as the number of people not in Hong Kong sporting the shirts and whatnot make it obvious that there is an interest.
I've been spending some time in Home recently and noticed a few things:

- Development of Home is going veeerrryyyyy sllloooowww. Come on Sony, speed things up.

- Even after the last update, item thumbnails in the mall stores still take forever to appear. Or is that just my connection?

- There needs to be more items in the stores. (Picture frames, rugs, etc.)

- I suck at Pool. :D
I've been spending some time in Home recently and noticed a few things:

- Development of Home is going veeerrryyyyy sllloooowww. Come on Sony, speed things up.

- Even after the last update, item thumbnails in the mall stores still take forever to appear. Or is that just my connection?

- There needs to be more items in the stores. (Picture frames, rugs, etc.)

- I suck at Pool. :D

I would say the development of Home has really stepped up a gear recently, new spaces are added almost weekly, somethings always going on in the XI area and Sony seem to be almost constantly telling us of updates which are being rolled out which stream-line and speed up loading processes and stopping odd glitches. Recently it was announced that they've planned to release 3 new spaces a month, which is pretty amazing if that comes true.

On another note the marketing prospects for game developers using Home are unbelievable. A few months ago a War-Hawk space was added and created huge interest in a game which was already over a year old. Then last week the Resistance space was added which again triggered a new wave of discussion which will no doubt lead to a bump in sales figures. Although I still believe a game space a week or two before game release would be of greater benefit.