Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
I do think that the support for Home has really boosted up a lot. There have been new areas and items coming in thick and fast.

One problem that many other people are annoyed at is that the USA are getting a lot, and I mean a lot, more than Europe does. That's the same with the PlayStation Store as well, and is the one thing that really annoys me.
I do think that the support for Home has really boosted up a lot. There have been new areas and items coming in thick and fast.

One problem that many other people are annoyed at is that the USA are getting a lot, and I mean a lot, more than Europe does. That's the same with the PlayStation Store as well, and is the one thing that really annoys me.

I think DN said Japan's home was showing full length anime movies in the theater.

Also Japan's PS Store has a million AAA PS1 games. MGS, FF7...

Looks like Japan is at the top of the food chain, NTSC in the middle, PAL at the bottom
I do think that the support for Home has really boosted up a lot. There have been new areas and items coming in thick and fast.

One problem that many other people are annoyed at is that the USA are getting a lot, and I mean a lot, more than Europe does. That's the same with the PlayStation Store as well, and is the one thing that really annoys me.

Quickly take that back before D_N sees it! :scared: Or you'll get what I got:

You guessed wrong. :)

In fact, just like earlier this year with the EU exclusive PlayStation Events space, you got a new event space no one else did... the Presentation Podium... and it looks awesome. It also has a couple different doors/gates that lead elsewhere, but are currently locked.

Besides... as you said EU get's a lot of stuff before other regions, let alone the stuff we have never gotten, like the Watchmen and Star Trek costume items and such.

EU Home has also yet again got several new trailers and BTS videos for the Home Theater space no other region got.

Granted it's easy to see and visit spaces in other regions, but it is also true that content you have to purchase can be more challenging, and for content you use, it would be nice if it was available for your main PSN account.

However, it's not as if EU is always being left out, and doesn't have a lot of content no other region of Home has. Every region has it's advantages and disadvantages.

Although he is completely right. The only thing I'm still a little annoyed about is the lack of Movie downloads, although I understand the numerous countries and languages can delay things.
Quickly take that back before D_N sees it! :scared: Or you'll get what I got:

Although he is completely right. The only thing I'm still a little annoyed about is the lack of Movie downloads, although I understand the numerous countries and languages can delay things.

I'm sorry D_N.:nervous:
I was wondering if a Car manufacturer could make a Home space and it sorta be like a little showroom. We could see some history about the Make and see some models displayed there. Just my 2 cent
That would be great 👍 - and hopefully that is something that PD will consider when thinking about how to integrate Home and GT5...
I was wondering if a Car manufacturer could make a Home space and it sorta be like a little showroom. We could see some history about the Make and see some models displayed there. Just my 2 cent

That would be great 👍 - and hopefully that is something that PD will consider when thinking about how to integrate Home and GT5...

I can't remember where, when or who with, but I remember discussing that it'd be very awesome if they made car showrooms in Home so that you could buy cars in GT5 by actually going to the showroom with your character.
I was wondering if a Car manufacturer could make a Home space and it sorta be like a little showroom. We could see some history about the Make and see some models displayed there. Just my 2 cent

Puts me in mind of the vehicle info (Car History) that was available for every car in GT2. The information wasn't exactly all-encompassing, but it was really nice to be able to at least get some of the history. With HOME expanding all the time, and GT5 around the corner, I can't think of a better way to implement this sadly missed feature.

Imagine going into a fully realized showroom for each car manufacturer (ala TDU) walking around the cars, checking the specs on the window sticker, checking out the interior, various color options, etc... If nothing else, it would be a great way to implement DLC car packs. Take a look at them in HOME before deciding to buy and import into the game.

I can't remember where, when or who with, but I remember discussing that it'd be very awesome if they made car showrooms in Home so that you could buy cars in GT5 by actually going to the showroom with your character.

I would be up for that, but doesn't take that a lot of server space thus making home slow?
Great idea about the car showroom- only issue is what Appie has brought up, it will make Home really slow and laggy. Like the EA Sports Complex.
Had a look at the podium space and its really something else! Very nice design indeed.

Has anyone else noticed that since the Home update they have removed black as a speech bubble colour. I can't for any reason think why!

Still annoyed at the content we are missing from other regions, its seems like we get all the special clothing and the US guys get all the special spaces! :sly:

So, they aren't even available in your decoration options?

Ive just had a look and I found one cabinet in there, but the other ones have vanished aswell as the other Namco objects you can get for the appartment. Maybe I have to play though the arcade demo all over again.

The good thing about the spaces is that we can access them/use them as much as anybody, we just can't buy stuff in a different region Home space - but that only applies to private spaces and clothing, so I figure that we're not missing out on much at all 👍

I just showed a friend of mine Home this evening and he was totally perplexed - he'd never seen a PS3 before, let alone Home... I approached a random stranger for a chat (thanks glentuttle64 :D ) to demonstrate the possibilities! Fortunately glentuttle64 was a decent chap, and atleast spoke to me :lol:
Well the Home Square update the was supposed to happen last week has indeed happened this week, 👍 so it needs downloading again. ( It is about 35mb ) I have not noticed anything different really so I am not sure what has changed, although I did notice a set of pool balls that are on top of the Bowling Alley, then again they could have been there before. :dopey: I do know the fish are back, but I wonder if there is anything other than that.
I was sniffing about the Japanese Gran Turismo website a minute ago and came across this: "Dress"... seemingly it will allow you to create (and buy?) your own clothing with game-specific graphics, but the Dress webpage has a link to "Home", suggesting that it might also be an application for Playstation Home to create your own avatar clothing etc. Just a tit-bit of info, but it's the first official link between Home and Gran Turismo I have found since the original Beta launch...




Here's a link: 👍
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I was sniffing about the Japanese Gran Turismo website a minute ago and came across this: "Dress", which seemingly looks like it might be an application for Playstation Home, allowing you to create (and buy?) your own clothing with game-specific graphics... just a tit-bit of info, but it's the first official link between Home and Gran Turismo I have found since the original Beta launch...
It has been brought up before on GTP. I think when they added the Gran Turismo stuff it got posted in there and then it may have made a brief round in the PS3 General Discussion stuff.

While it appears to be Home related, it is just similar graphics (unless it has changed since it came out). This is basically just a marketing tool so that you can make your own PlayStation branded clothing and then buy it in real life.

I personally wish they would release this worldwide and add possibilities from all the PlayStation brand IPs, and even allow third-parties to jump in. I know when they were doing some T-shirt prizes for Patapon 2 they said they only had so many and they would not be in stores. I ended up in a small back and forth with Chuck Lacson, their Associate Product Marketing Manager about getting this stuff in stores.

FoolKiller79 | May 13th, 2009 at 1:32 pm
“These won’t be for sale”

You guys really don’t want my money? Patapon shirts and Gran Turismo swag would get my money in an instant, but they aren’t for sale anywhere that I can see. Similarly these Patapon plushies or Sackboy plushies would also get my money, but they are not for sale.

Seriously guys, I can’t walk into a clothing store without seeing tons of marketing for games on the other systems in the form of purchasable souvenirs.

Contests are fun, but when I don’t win I am more than willing to hand over my money to Sony for some of these products. Be a business and use the magical money-making power of brand recognition to sell swag items which can then help offset some of those hardware losses.

To reiterate: I have money that I would like to give to Sony so that I can then walk around advertising their PlayStation family IPs.

With that said, why would you not sell these things in mass quantities? Guess I have to hijack my wife’s Facebook account (I will never have one) and hope that I can win this rare item, and not give you a single penny.

You know, I think I have attempted to win more swag than I have the option to buy.

Chuck Lacson replied on May 13, 2009 at 4:05 pm
We’d love to get sweet Patapon shirts out there for all to have. If we get some retailers to bite, you’ll hear it first here!

At this point, I am reading that now and realize I came off a bit jerky. I'm surprised I got a response, and that it continued the next day.

FoolKiller79 | May 14th, 2009 at 10:22 am
Chuck, thanks for responding to my comment regarding getting this stuff for sale in stores. I have two suggestions:

1) Tell us what stores you are trying to market them to so we can call them up and ask them to carry them (politely of course).

2) PlayStation Store Merchandise tab compatible with the Web store.

I’m not sure if anyone is still checking these comments today, but I thought I would throw these ideas out there. Personally, I know of a Gran Turismo community with over 100,000 members (I’m sure you know which one) that would all like some nice GT stuff, and I have to imagine that other PlayStation family IPs would sell stuff decently as well.

Chuck Lacson replied on May 14, 2009 at 1:58 pm
Thanks for the suggestions! We approach all retailers but sometimes the “T Shirt” buyers don’t see the opportunity that we see. They don’t understand how much Patapon love is out there.

I wish I had thought of Dress at the time.

Anyway, back to more on topic:

BUZZ! Comes to PlayStation Home
Posted by Rob Alvarez // Product Marketing Manager
Great news BUZZ! fans!

We’re going to launch a brand new space in PlayStation Home called BUZZ! HQ, where players can chat and meet up with other trivia fans in a new lobby area or take part in a massive 64-player BUZZ! trivia showdown!

The game works by making you run around the studio on a massive BUZZ! Buzzer to answer questions, all of which are taken from the best content that you’ve created on the website.

Four colored answer buttons are laid out on the floor and you need to make sure you’re standing on the right answer when the time runs out. The winner’s decided over four rounds, and there are a number of exclusive Home prizes up for grabs for the greatest players. We are very excited to be bringing a fantastic new BUZZ! multiplayer game to Home and we know this is going to be a great social experience.

So keep an eye out for the new BUZZ! space, which will go live very soon. In the meantime, check out this virtual tour of the space and let us know what you think.

(FK Note: Viddler video, follow the link to see it.)

Keep on buzzing!
From the video it looks like the game will hold a lot of people at once, so we either don't have to wait in line at all or it will be large enough to not be a major issue.
From the video it looks like the game will hold a lot of people at once, so we either don't have to wait in line at all or it will be large enough to not be a major issue.

I think Home spaces can hold 50 people, plus reserved 14-16 places for invited friends. So it seems Buzz is using these figures to make sure no one has to wait for a game, which will be good. Is it coming to all areas?
From the video it looks like the game will hold a lot of people at once, so we either don't have to wait in line at all or it will be large enough to not be a major issue.

IIRC, 64 is the most number of people who can be in the same space and server in Home... so if the game is a 64-player match, then anyone in that space will be able to play. 👍

It has been brought up before on GTP. I think when they added the Gran Turismo stuff it got posted in there and then it may have made a brief round in the PS3 General Discussion stuff.

It was in fact in this very thread back in January:

Anyone have any idea what this is?



That's about $20 for what looks like a program that allows you to make custom clothing designs for Home?

Right, that isn't in Home, but what D-N is saying is that this appears to be an app for Home, thus it would add that to Home if you bought it.

Kind of like Home doesn't have Pac-Man, unless you get the Namco Museum thing from the Hong Kong store.

Exactly... of course it's only speculation on my part based on how very similar the avatar and clothing looks. Although perhaps it's some kind of fashion design game/software that just so happens to be using the same or similar graphics engine used in Home?

We need someone who can translate the Japanese description for us.

Here is the official listing.

Unfortunately, because the info is all in Flash, it won't translate all the words. :indiff:

FK was kind enough to dig up an in-depth review of it in English.

That was over five months ago and since then they have added several add-ons on the JP PSN store, and there have been a few promos regarding Dress in JP Home. In fact, I think there was even a contest where the winner's designs would be sold in Home.
*Sorry for the double post but I believe this news deserves it:

SCEE has confirmed to us that the Sony E3 press conference will be broadcast via Home, but there's a catch -- it won't be live. The streaming will begin one to two hours after the actual presentation takes place at the Presentation Podium. This should be true of both the US and EU regions.

I'm not so sure about the US though as they dont have the Presentation space, maybe it will be on in the theater there?
I guess they wont stream it live because they will want to take the entire filming and compress it into a small file format, eitherwise the whole thing would lag. Its a pity as Home should be where you see it first / live!

Will be nice to watch it in Home in the podium space :)
I guess they wont stream it live because they will want to take the entire filming and compress it into a small file format, eitherwise the whole thing would lag. Its a pity as Home should be where you see it first / live!

Will be nice to watch it in Home in the podium space :)

I hope they play the event on a loop for a while, because I'll be in bed when most of it is happening.

Edit: Has anyone found the mazes in Xi yet? Alpha zone 3? It's pretty cool, I like it a lot. I love the creepy children's laughter as you approach the ghost maze :lol:, classic.:D
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So i invited a friend of mine to come at Home and i gave him a quick tour to some of the Spaces. he loved every bit of it. It was his first time he has been Home and he was playing it for a long time.:D
I posted this in the E3 2009 thread, but some may find it helpful here as well:

Like other screens in Home, if you walk up to it you'll see "Screen" show up at the bottom of the display window in Home, and then you can select "Full Screen" and it will place your view dead center to the screen and fill most of your view in Home with the screen.

If you have trouble getting the "Screen" message to pop-up because there are too many people around you. All you have to do is press X on anyone's name, and press the right or left D-Pad button untill the "Screen" message pops up. 👍

You can use this same method for playing mini-games in Home where there are lots of people hanging out around the area where the mini-game popup message will appear.

BTW: When you are using the "View Screen" option, you can still use the right stick to look all around you... which gives an interesting POV seeing as your view point is high above everyone else as you are centered to the screen.

Any way, for those wanting the best view, that's what you'll want to do. 👍
Share your pictures...for a price.

Photo Sharing Coming to PlayStation Home
Posted by CydoniaX // PlayStation Home Community Manager
Greetings, Homies. Fasten your seatbelts, because we have the most exciting news to hit PlayStation Home since Open Beta! We know you loyal Home fans have been asking for media sharing since the get-go, and we’re very happy to tell you that the first stage is here!

Photo sharing, the first feature to support user-generated content, is finally coming to PlayStation Home! Starting today, Thursday, June 4th, you’ll be able to purchase picture frames in the Mall, upload photos from your hard drive or select from a gallery of default pictures, and then display them in your personal apartments. So if you’ve got photos from your latest game tournament that you want to share, all you have to do is upload them, choose the angle and size options for display, and then invite your friends back to your Home pad for your viewing party. Awesome!

But that’s not all! As usual, we have more exciting content updates coming today, including the highly-anticipated launch of the brand-new Buzz! game space. Get ready to strain your brain and freak your mind with this fast-paced, interactive quiz game. You’ll have to work with your friends and fellow community members to answer the questions lickety-split (hint: some organized sprinting may be necessary). Join the Home Community Management team in the Buzz! Space throughout the day where we’ll be challenging you to a game or three. Be sure to visit the MyBuzz website to discover what it takes to get your own quizzes into the Buzz! game space for future challenges.

When you need a break from thinking, be sure to visit the Mall for some retail therapy. It will be packing brand-new Ghostbusters costumes, designer duds for dandified men and women, and still more Street Fighter IV costumes.

Last but not least…word on the street is that everyone’s favorite ARG, Xi, will be revealing new spaces, ornaments, and mini-games.. Keep on playing, because it’s not over til the last butterfly flutters.

Anyone know how much the picture frames are?

Also, let's keep it clean people.