POLL: Do you believe that the Marketplace is now dead ???

Do you believe that the Marketplace for trading is now dead?

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Best update ever. It's fun to watch the people who can't earn cars by themselves cry and moan over not being able to use exploits anymore. I'm a bit sad that we can't trade serious race cars anymore, but hey, totally worth it to watch the tears and angst fly.

My favorite part is all the kids saying that the update will be "repealed" XD

Repealed... After they find a way to stop the duping. Good luck with that.

Also, I think that the duping is done too, who would want to dupe a car which is worth less than 1 mil?
FGT, X1s and many more cars are getting their value back. :-)
I currently have 330 cars in my garage including both Ferrari F1's, an FGT, an X1 and many race cars. All of them earned in an honest fashion. No duping. All bought with my hard earned cash. I bought doubles of some race cars (NSX LM Prototype, Merc Sauber, Toyota GT-One, etc) because I knew they were hot commodities. I finally jump on the marketplace forum to make some trades. I didn't care if they were dupes or if they were honest trades. I just wanted my 2J/2D/Miura, etc. I had my first trade lined up for tonight and a couple more for the weekend and when I get home from work, I see that PD dropped this crap on us. What am I going to do with my doubles now? I can't seem to sell them for credits either...

I'm going to say that the marketplace is pretty much dead (unless we can still trade paints) because is anybody really interested in trading their Civic for an Evo?
I don't see how the marketplace can die because of this.

There are 10 or 12 cars randomly picked - nothing else. Does anybody even know how often that dealership will be updated? I got past midnight, but nothing changed at that time.

If you are looking for a specific car then the marketplace is the best place to look, no doubt.

the marketplace on GTPLANET not the used car dealership
Best update ever. It's fun to watch the people who can't earn cars by themselves cry and moan over not being able to use exploits anymore. I'm a bit sad that we can't trade serious race cars anymore, but hey, totally worth it to watch the tears and angst fly.

Why do you even care how someone else plays their game? It doesn't affect you. This is what has always boggled my mind. People play the game a different way and suddenly it's "us against them".

How many tears did you shed during duping BTW? You're obviously passionate about the subject so it must have hurt real bad.
Why do you even care how someone else plays their game? It doesn't affect you. This is what has always boggled my mind. People play the game a different way and suddenly it's "us against them".

How many tears did you shed during duping BTW? You're obviously passionate about the subject so it must have hurt real bad.

Birthday glitch and duping already ruined it.

This is a good change.

Bite your tongue. I have multiple accounts and I'm a giving person. I was taught how to share and fully appreciate those who do in return.

THIEVES are who ruined it.

This poll is out dated and moot.
Also, I think that the duping is done too, who would want to dupe a car which is worth less than 1 mil?
FGT, X1s and many more cars are getting their value back. :-)

Still, the amount of them around is imence.

But just you wait. 6 months to a year from now, most dupers with X2010's will be gone, servers never hearing the roar of 3 minutes on Nur, just silence in the X2010 category. Then I jump in with my Proto X2010 and I suddenly become GOD to the players in the server. XD
Still, the amount of them around is imence.

But just you wait. 6 months to a year from now, most dupers with X2010's will be gone, servers never hearing the roar of 3 minutes on Nur, just silence in the X2010 category. Then I jump in with my Proto X2010 and I suddenly become GOD to the players in the server. XD

I kind of doubt it. There are a LOT of X1's out there already. They're not going to go away.
Best update ever. It's fun to watch the people who can't earn cars by themselves cry and moan over not being able to use exploits anymore. I'm a bit sad that we can't trade serious race cars anymore, but hey, totally worth it to watch the tears and angst fly.

My favorite part is all the kids saying that the update will be "repealed" XD
So, basically, you like to see people suffer for not playing the game your way even though it is none of your damn business in the first place.
Why do you even care how someone else plays their game? It doesn't affect you. This is what has always boggled my mind. People play the game a different way and suddenly it's "us against them".

How many tears did you shed during duping BTW? You're obviously passionate about the subject so it must have hurt real bad.

It is not "their" game. It is PD's game that WE as a community play. If this was a Gameshark cheat from the offline days of GT3, then that'd be something else. But the fact that everyone can use the marketplace means that cheating affects everyone. What boggles my mind is the ridiculous amounts of people who think that cheating (yes cheating, not "playing the game a different way", CHEATING) is their business alone in an online community.

And you're attempt to flame is cute. Somebody must be sad.

So, basically, you like to see people suffer for not playing the game your way even though it is none of your damn business in the first place.

It is my damn business. Millions of X1 copies out on the Marketplace reduce the value of any car that I might want to trade. What value is my 1.5M Zonda R that I got through legitimate means if some other guy has dozens of 20M X1's lying around to trade for a Honda Civic? It's most definitely my business whether or not people cheat in GT5. I play the game too.

It's not "MY" way, it's PD's way, you know, the people who created and update the system that people love to exploit so much. It's completely within PD's right to change the system however they see as a fit response to people misusing the system that (just a reminder) PD (not the dupers) implemented.

And yes, I do like watching it. Especially for the crumbling sense of entitlement the cheaters have. :sly:

It's like if Manchester United started playing football/soccer with their hands and said "OH, we're just playing the game OUR way" and expected to compete with the other teams while doing so. What you fail to see here is that duping puts legitimate players at a disadvantage, and therefore affects them and is totally and completely their business.

/logic win
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It is my damn business. Millions of X1 copies out on the Marketplace reduce the value of any car that I might want to trade. What value is my 1.5M Zonda R that I got through legitimate means if some other guy has dozens of 20M X1's lying around to trade for a Honda Civic? It's most definitely my business whether or not people cheat in GT5. I play the game too.

It's not "MY" way, it's PD's way, you know, the people who created and update the system that people love to exploit so much. It's completely within PD's right to change the system however they see as a fit response to people misusing the system that (just a reminder) PD (not the dupers) implemented.

And yes, I do like watching it. Especially for the crumbling sense of entitlement the cheaters have. :sly:

It's like if Manchester United started playing football/soccer with their hands and said "OH, we're just playing the game OUR way" and expected to compete with the other teams while doing so. What you fail to see here is that duping puts legitimate players at a disadvantage, and therefore affects them and is totally and completely their business.

/logic win
Logic fail. "Trading" is not a valid reason to claim that duping and the like affects you. "Trading" is not a feature officially in GT5. "Trading" is not something that PD implemented into the game. "Trading" is something that the GT fanbase came up with after the game came out.
Logic fail. "Trading" is not a valid reason to claim that duping and the like affects you.

How does the trading of a duped car not affect me? It's simple supply and demand. If I have a rare car available for trade and somebody offers me a Corvette ZR1 RM that they bought with credits that they earned through legitimate (non-exploitative, let me highlight this again, duping is an exploit) means, and somebody else offers me a duped X1, then obviously I'm going to take the X1 if I have any sense of value. How does this not affect the person that would've been able to trade the ZR1 away? Explain that.

If duping was only a single player thing, like people duping to get 10 X1's for themselves, then this would be fine, but the fact is that the marketplace is full of duped X1's that will factor into trading. If it affects trading, then it affects the community, which includes players who earn their cars without exploits.

@trading created by fans: That doesn't change the fact that it exists as a form of gameplay in GT5. Just because the fans "invented" it, doesn't mean it shouldn't count. In the same way that Quake fans "invented" the rocket jump, maps were thereon designed with rocket jumps in mind. If the players can do it, it's part of the game, and therefore must be taken into account.
And online is something that could easily be ruined by punters and bad drivers with X1s even if duping never occurred. You realize that the game gives you one without even turning a wheel in A-Spec, right?

How does the trading of a duped car not affect me?
Because any negative affect that duping has on the GTP Marketplace is irrelevant, because the GTP Marketplace has nothing to do with the game proper. Trading in GT5 does not officially exist, period. And you cannot claim that someone else playing a game in a way the developers didn't intend is ruining your game when they only thing it is ruining is something that you were doing that the developers didn't intend.
Only just heard about the 1m credit limit today. Kinda in two minds over it, on the one hand it was interesting to trade but on the other hand I agree with others that as soon as it became possible for people to dupe cars (something I am firmly against) then it became far too easy for people to just offer 'X1s' for anything.

However, I am now officially glad I have my R8 Team Playstation car before this came into effect lol.
Hmmn. Not to sure about that.

Look at my post regarding the Vauxhall VX220. Without duping in the game it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect trades at around the same level. However, all of the people involved assumed that I was a duper too and thats why all three people who contacted me were looking to trade for cars in the 5 million cr+ range.

So how can you claim that duping has no affect on me when those that are looking to trade with me see a car worth 30,000cr as having the same value as a car worth 5,000,000 credits just because they'll dupe either?
And online is something that could easily be ruined by punters and bad drivers with X1s even if duping never occurred. You realize that the game gives you one without even turning a wheel in A-Spec, right?

Because any negative affect that duping has on the GTP Marketplace is irrelevant, because the GTP Marketplace has nothing to do with the game proper. Trading in GT5 does not officially exist, period. And you cannot claim that someone else playing a game in a way the developers didn't intend is ruining your game when they only thing it is ruining is something that you were doing that the developers didn't intend.

Because none of those things is an exploit, and trading isn't an exploit either. It is for the most part player-organized and player run, but it is not an exploitation of the game itself. PD may have not intended for trades to occur, they might have been neutral, they might have been for it (they probably were), but their intents were AGAINST players being able to make copies of cars. Those are two very different things.
Because none of those things is an exploit
This is a meaningless clarification. If people angry with other people entering X1s and not being able to drive them, it makes absolutely no difference whether they got them through B-Spec or if they got them through duping. Either way there is a chance that they haven't driven a car in the game themselves, and thus will have no idea how to drive it.

It is for the most part player-organized and player run, but it is not an exploitation of the game itself.
Actually, it pretty much exactly is. You are using a feature differently from its intended purpose (which is officially just to get cars from friends) to advance through the game in a way that was also unintended by the developers.

So how can you claim that duping has no affect on me when those that are looking to trade with me see a car worth 30,000cr as having the same value as a car worth 5,000,000 credits just because they'll dupe either?
Because you used the word trade.
Cars worth over 1,000,000 Cr. (Including those in a gift car ticket form) are now prohibited from being traded to prevent issues during the trading process. When lending and borrowing cars between friends, please utilise the car loan system.

Might be a logical step, but supporting it makes you close to approve a fight against a free market.

No rule = excesses in strange trading
Rules = restriction on what you can do

I do believe that this rule risks to slow down the marketplace seriously, duping accelerated it in my mind.

On the other hand a lot of great DTM/Rally cars are still out there for trade, so lets work with those.
PD intentionally made the X1 a Bspec reward at Lvl35. If you equate this to exploits (I guess cheating is now a meaningless technicality?) then you seriously need to reevaluate your understanding of game design.

Seriously? Toronado Logic: Bspec = Duping
because you didn't drive a car to get there... right.

How did PD not intend me to be able to give my car to friend and my friend gift his own car to me? We both possess a "Gift" button. Trading=buying something, Duping=Printing money. By your logic they're both equally bad.
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PD intentionally made the X1 a Bspec reward at Lvl35. If you equate this to exploits (I guess cheating is now a meaningless technicality?) then you seriously need to reevaluate your understanding of game design.

Seriously? Toronado Logic: Bspec = Duping
because you didn't drive a car to get there... right.
You know, if you want to start with smartass comments, it would be nice if you at least read my posts.
I never said that the Level 35 X1 was an exploit. What I actually said was that an X1 you get through B-Spec is no different for people racing you online than an X1 you got through an exploit (like duping). Neither car carries any implication that you know how to drive it, and neither car implies that the person who has it isn't going to be a punter or a griefer when the race starts.

How did PD not intend me to be able to give my car to friend and my friend gift his own car to me?
"Me and my friend gift cars to each other" ≠ "Massive unofficial car market where people make hundreds of thousands of posts discussing values of certain cars in relation to each other." I'm fairly certain if PD had intended for it to be used that way, they would have built it that way; or at the very least announced that such a thing was coming down the line. Hell, the official changelog doesn't mention specific reasons, so for all we know this update could have been intended to stop all trading.
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How can the marketplace be dead - not everyone is searching for a car over 1 mil
I have trading tomorrow but all cars that we will trade are under 1 mil - luckly
Lets be honest. Marketplace isnt even part of the game! It should come second to the game itself if it comes anywhere at all.

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