[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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I remember at least one foreign post in the Brexit thread that let us know inno uncertain terms how wrong we were to complain and advising us to suck it up and endure. So no, I don't "see the difference".

Well of course you don't because you didn't take the time to read my posts. So I'll break it down in simpler terms, the issues with milouse that seems to be getting to people, is that he makes sweeping unfounded generalizations on this subject when people actually living here know that isn't the case.

Instead of simply trying to clarify before making foot in mouth claims, like other no U.S. members, he does the opposite as if he knows better. That was the difference I'm talking about. There are people here and the thread you used as an example to fumunaplz that actually want to learn rather than acting as if they know. Those who don't are a fringe and you using any thread as an example really doesn't prove anything. That was the point.

Not, how many people you could find. I even open up saying that there are people that do what milouse is doing here on threads that are not of their national origin, but that I feel there is more input (probably due to the popularity of one over another) in which it's being seen.
Which would be more admirable if you were doing it with any knowledge about how Bernie gained much of the support he did or who it came from. There is a member who frequently posted in this topic who is part of the 10% or however many of Bernie supporters who never even considered following him into Clinton's camp. While I don't want to speak for him, his complete disinterest in voting for Clinton after Sanders endorsed her seems to allude towards what has been said in this thread today. Assuming that is true, should we take from that that he is a Trump supporter too, as you were implying to be the case for everyone else in this discussion?
Take what into account? The only reason I brought up your country was because you were, and still are, dictating to politically active North Americans why they shouldn't question the integrity of a grassroots political candidate after endorsing a rival many of his supporters hated everything about. You went so far as to nearly say that everyone doing so in the discussion was a Trump supporter. When most of the people from the rest of the world on this forum comment on American political situations, they seem to have a better grasp on what happened than just assuming that whoever they were arguing with vote the other party; hence the joke about your regional expertise.

Again, with how quick you were to tar people for being Trump supporters with no basis other than your assumption that only Trump supporters would think Sanders shouldn't have endorsed Clinton, for all you know you're telling people who would have voted for Bernie Sanders what they should feel about Bernie Sanders endorsing Clinton.

Why alluding that i said such things, things that i don't even think...
On side note, i follow this campaign with a lot more assiduity than you seam to think, starting before primary to today, watching/reading meetings of all sides (including Trump, surprisingly and genuinely entertaining - no sarcasm here), debates, analysis and comments.
I saw Sanders campaign tone change as primary was going on, progressively switching from a no-friendly fire stance to regular attacks toward Clinton. Worse, he sensibly moved his political cursor toward populism, raising the probability to disappoint his supporters. This is when, i think, he didn't do the things right, as he jeopardized his credibility when time would come to go back in the lane, Democrats and democratic lane.

And you're perfectly free to have interest, but I'm under no obligation to care about the your interpretation of the European viewpoint when you try and swing around "the rest of the world is amused by your political candidate" as if it was an argument; or indeed as if Trump was my personal political candidate.
Nobody said you have the obligation to care about something. As a matter of fact, i never quoted nor wrote your name before you quote me, i only made general remarks following comments, among which yours.
That being said, if you don't care about the outside world, it'll care about you.

And while we're here, Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts:

Trumps alluded a few weeks ago that Obama has a poor image seen from abroad...
the issues with milouse that seems to be getting to people, is that he makes sweeping unfounded generalizations on this subject when people actually living here know that isn't the case.
This is a bad way to try to discredit all the very few things i wrote on this thread. There are plenty of subjects i think i don't know enough to write about, and i just read. And when i'm agree, well, i don't arg.
But to throw to my face a "you don't live here" is irrelevant considering the subject i wrote about, and is, as i already stated, nothing else than ad hominem attack.
As a matter of fact, i had to endure a lot of inepties or jugements missing the cultural context in the various France Terror Attacks threads (most notably about the meaning of Charlie Hebdo drawings), and i never gone the path of discrediting their author by essence.

My bad for not having been clear about who should or shouldn't feel targeted by my comment about non-Sanders supporters (which i turned to "Trump supporters" in a comment that aimed to be a light sting) taking Sanders fans point of view.
This is a bad way to try to discredit all the very few things i wrote on this thread. There are plenty of subjects i think i don't know enough to write about, and i just read. And when i'm agree, well, i don't arg.
But to throw to my face a "you don't live here" is irrelevant considering the subject i wrote about, and is, as i already stated, nothing else than ad hominem attack.
As a matter of fact, i had to endure a lot of inepties or jugements missing the cultural context in the various France Terror Attacks threads (most notably about the meaning of Charlie Hebdo drawings), and i never gone the path of discrediting their author by essence.

My bad for not having been clear about who should or shouldn't feel targeted by my comment about non-Sanders supporters (which i turned to "Trump supporters" in a comment that aimed to be a light sting) taking Sanders fans point of view.

It doesn't discredit all, just the sweeping generalizations.

You not living here, is not an issue to me one bit and I'd assume a few others arguing against you. What's an issue is you state something you're wrong, then you act as if you're far more informed when proven wrong. Rather than make a suggestive claim or inquiry to the state of affairs and proceed forward if correct. In fact I'm fine with anyone wanting to get involved or better understand the national political system in this nation or any other historical items. I don't see an ad hominem attack on my part, and frankly I feel the fallacy is thrown about quite loosely when someone feels that a strong opposing argument is supposedly attacking their character when that isn't the case.

There is only one person I feel that has stepped out of line in comments toward you on "you don't live here" and I don't agree with that person's hollow view on judging your arguments. However, as I've said I don't agree with the reciprocal you've provide. But I don't sum it up so simple mind as just cause you don't live here you don't have a clue. If I did do that I apologize.
What's an issue is you state something you're wrong, then you act as if you're far more informed when proven wrong. Rather than make a suggestive claim or inquiry to the state of affairs and proceed forward if correct.
I don't even know what you're referring to :(
The Sanders endorsement?
I'm referring to what they write, not what they actually believe.
And don't worry, Trump views, strong political experience, passion for truth and consistency, as well as top notch elegance have already made the "outside world" look at this election with a mix of disbelief and worried fascination. And, of course, hope among neo fascists and your ennemis.
And the not liking of this:
More so the Sanders talk and the Trump voters being fake. It's been discussed at length with you in the past 24 hours.
I meant comments that meet your listed criteria: factual, proven wrong, and about which i'd have stated that i know better than others after that.
I meant comments that meet your listed criteria: factual, proven wrong, and about which i'd have stated that i know better than others after that.

Uh read the last two pages where I and others argued you in the past 24 hours as you just quoted if you can't be bothered. You claimed Trump supporters were fake in their feelings for how betrayed Sanders supports must be, that's a silly notion since they have felt betrayed election wise as well before. You defended suggesting that no you weren't wrong unwilling to see, that the people you called out aren't so myopic or fake and just happen to support a character you don't like.
Let's face it, our two mainstream candidates are embarrassing to say the least.

I've thought for some years now that most capable people to hold POTUS are not interested in the shark water and shy away.

The degrading comical comments from some do bother me as this is my country and I am a proud person so all I can think of is the check and balance. I can live with 4 more years of Obama which is what we will have with Clinton, I don't like it but I can live with it.

Very anti Trump here.
It's amazing how Donald Trump steals so much time on TV, radio and internet.

I'm retired, so usually spend most of the day with the TV, radio or internet burbling quietly in the background. It seems there's this constant theme of "blah, blah, blah, Donald Trump, blah, blah blah, Donald Trump, blah, blah, blah, blah-blah, blah, Donald Trump". It's like an infection, virus or ear worm, weird.
Wow, this looks like a 3rd party bid, which means Trump will be president.

looks like the DNC messed up big time here.

"Guys, listen we have to elect Hillary, and I want you all to support the Democratic party in part."

Next day leaves said party

I mean I'm literally laughing at this :censored:storm. The guy gets a group of people willing to commit no less younger voters, then tells them screw everything and if you don't agree you need to wake up were going to get Clinton in the White House. Then flip flops further and runs away from the double take he did by leaving the party. Like wow, I don't even know what else to say at this point. It's so surreal I have to pinch myself, then keep laughing once I've confirmed "yep it's real".

This election is turning into a camp fire story more so than one for history books.
Trump is asking Russia to hack into Clinton's e-mails and publish them ...
Almost as bad as taking millions of dollars in donations and speaking fees in return for rubber stamping Russians taking control of 20% of U.S. uranium production isn't it?

Im sceptical of this, how come this is the only media that is reporting on this.
Bernie was always an Independent. He only signed up with the Dems for this election cycle. All he's done is revert back to being an Indpendent. It's a non-issue IMO.
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Bernie was always an Independent. He only signed up with the Dems for this election cycle. All he's done is revert back to being an Indpendent. It's a non-issue IMO.
Some of his diehard supporters were never democrats either, and that's why I think it's ridiculous that anyone is shocked and spending this week insulting them for refusing to vote for a democrat's democrat. Bernie only had their support because he wasn't one.

This utterly idiotic red vs blue game is self-destructive tribal drumbeating. Bernie knows it (even if he pretended not to at the DNC) and the diehards know it. Good luck shouting them down to play along. I'm more disgusted with the democrats than ever before.
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