[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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That's open to debate. This, however, is Trump publicly calling on Russia to compromise America's national security for his own political gain.
Ok but where's the source? And it's actually HRC who compromised America's security by sharing information in the already leaked e-mails
That's open to debate. This, however, is Trump publicly calling on Russia to compromise America's national security for his own political gain.
Except it's not, if we go by Hillary's original claims.

Remember, Hillary's team already claimed nothing in those emails deleted were work related. At most, the Russians release her yoga schedule and Chelsea's wedding plans. However, what Trump did was throw out a trap that Clinton's team went head first into. If something in those emails does compromise America's national security, then it wasn't all private & non-work related information in those emails.

This is Trump calling her bluff.
I can live with 4 more years of Obama which is what we will have with Clinton, I don't like it but I can live with it.
Really? Because Obama sure as hell didn't think that 8 years ago, when she ran against him, and he commented that she will do absolutely nothing as President.


"I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman -- not me, not Bill, nobody -- more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America," Obama said to a roaring crowd -- and a belly-laughing Bill Clinton -- at the Democratic National Convention.

First Bernie, now Obama endorsing Hillary after both calling her unfit to be President.
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That's open to debate. This, however, is Trump publicly calling on Russia to compromise America's national security for his own political gain.
Hillary said those 33,000 deleted emails were personal. Now she's saying they were a matter of national security? I say she needs a frog march to jail. Trump has her trapped in a massive contradiction. FBI take note.
Hillary said those 33,000 deleted emails were personal. Now she's saying they were a matter of national security? I say she needs a frog march to jail. Trump has her trapped in a massive contradiction. FBI take note.

Or the more disturbing factor you guys probably didn't consider since it's Bill she married, is that they were sending "romantic" emails to one another with some revealing attachments. When will those two love birds quit.

But seriously this has got to be the best comedy I've seen in quite some time.
Hillary said those 33,000 deleted emails were personal. Now she's saying they were a matter of national security? I say she needs a frog march to jail. Trump has her trapped in a massive contradiction. FBI take note.
The FBI has already taken note, and announced essentially that she's guilty as sin but hey, let's not prosecute.
The FBI has already taken note, and announced essentially that she's guilty as sin but hey, let's not prosecute.
Fair enough... it would be a shame to deprive the USA of its first email President... sorry, female President...

Hillary said those 33,000 deleted emails were personal. Now she's saying they were a matter of national security?
Hillary said those 33,000 deleted emails were personal. Now she's saying they were a matter of national security?

That's open to debate. This, however, is Trump publicly calling on Russia to compromise America's national security for his own political gain.
It was an obvious joke at Clinton's expense. To say otherwise is ridiculous. I don't support Trump, but this was clearly not a true call for our national security to be compromised. He used a a current email scandal, and the DNC's attempts to make everyone think of it as something else, to reference a previous email scandal at Clinton's expense.

Even the Russia reference is a joke, as the DNC tried defending their corruption by accusing Russia of trying sway the election. To be honest, I doubt Russia actually had anything to do with it. Anonymous said they had dirt on Clinton back in the spring. Anonymous does this stuff all the time and claimed they would bring her down, but no one is looking at them?
Some of his diehard supporters were never democrats either, and that's why I think it's ridiculous that anyone is shocked and spending this week insulting them for refusing to vote for a democrat's democrat. Bernie only had their support because he wasn't one.

This utterly idiotic red vs blue game is self-destructive tribal drumbeating. Bernie knows it (even if he pretended not to at the DNC) and the diehards know it. Good luck shouting them down to play along. I'm more disgusted with the democrats than ever before.
It's insane that the Democrats believe they're entitled to the votes of leftists despite nominating someone who represents very few leftist ideals. Do they believe that all of the people supporting Sanders for his socialist policies should simply just fall in line and support another establishment capitalist? Did they believe that all the people supporting Sanders for his positions on big money in politics and financial regulation should just support another establishment nominee with huge connections to the banking and financial industries? Do the Democrats believe all the people pleading that their leaders stop bombing poor people all over the world would support someone who has a history of bombing poor people all over the world? Did they think that all the people supporting Sanders' stance on racial equality would support Hillary "super predators" Clinton?

The Democrats aren't a left wing party, and they don't support left wing policies. Hillary Clinton is not a left wing candidate. It is not a feminist victory that a woman will be giving the order to drone strike poor people in the middle east instead of a man. It is not a victory for the poor if instead of a handful of rich white guys running the show, a few of them are rich women or Silicon Valley sociopaths. How out of touch do you have to be to bring in Michael Bloomberg as your ace in the hole to brag about how he's even richer than Trump and still feel you're entitled to the votes of leftists and socialists?

Despite all this, something like 90% of Sanders supporters are going to vote for Clinton as maybe the most "lesser of two evils" in the history of the phrase, but apparently that's not good enough.
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I believe Julian Assange himself has said that there's absolutely no way that anyone knows who the source is for the hack, same as all the rest of the hacks he releases on Wikileaks. He didn't deny or confirm it was the Russians but you wouldn't expect him too either.
I believe Julian Assange himself has said that there's absolutely no way that anyone knows who the source is for the hack, same as all the rest of the hacks he releases on Wikileaks. He didn't deny or confirm it was the Russians but you wouldn't expect him too either.

He may very well not know, it just proved how arrogant the DNC was to think they one couldn't be cracked cyber wise, and then even if they were could trace it. Both points have blown up in their face and it's hilarious and also a bit nerving considering that perhaps not being able to secure servers is a democratic thing.
Do they believe that all of the people supporting Sanders for his socialist policies should simply just fall in line and support another establishment capitalist? Did they believe that all the people supporting Sanders for his positions on big money in politics and financial regulation should just support another establishment nominee with huge connections to the banking and financial industries? Do the Democrats believe all the people pleading that their leaders stop bombing poor people all over the world would support someone who has a history of bombing poor people all over the world? Did they think that all the people supporting Sanders' stance on racial equality would support Hillary "super predators" Clinton?

...It is not a feminist victory that a woman will be giving the order to drone strike poor people in the middle east instead of a man. It is not a victory for the poor if instead of a handful of rich white guys running the show, a few of them are rich women or Silicon Valley sociopaths.
All of this is why I cannot in good conscience vote for Hillary, not even to vote against the worst-case scenario of a Trump presidency. I'm not convinced he's as dangerous as the democrats think, anyway, at least not for being a "racist and sexist bully". Trump's bombastic rhetoric is crafted to exploit the ignorant nationalistic 'Murrica culture that the republicans and conservative media have cultivated since 9/11. He's running circles around Washington and the media, who are falling for it every damn time.

Scaremongering over his statements on race, gender, etc. smells a bit too much of Tumblr-ism for me to take very seriously. But maybe I need to check my privilege.

How out of touch do you have to be to bring in Michael Bloomberg as your ace in the hole to brag about how he's even richer than Trump and still feel you're entitled to the votes of leftists and socialists?

Despite all this, something like 90% of Sanders supporters are going to vote for Clinton as maybe the most "lesser of two evils" in the history of the phrase, but apparently that's not good enough.
The wealthy Hollywood celebrities and left-leaning talk show hosts that are berating, mocking, or scaremongering to the remaining 10% aren't doing the effort any favors either.
Hillary said those 33,000 deleted emails were personal. Now she's saying they were a matter of national security?
If you call on a foreign power to hack into someone's e-mails, what stopping them from expanding the scope of the breach? Do you really think that they will just limit themselves to those e-mails? Especially when that someone is operating at the direction of Vladimir Putin?
If you call on a foreign power to hack into someone's e-mails, what stopping them from expanding the scope of the breach? Do you really think that they will just limit themselves to those e-mails? Especially when that someone is operating at the direction of Vladimir Putin?
I don't believe you are serious - only rhetorical. Your trained literary mind knows better.:cool:

But I do believe we need better relations with Russia, and perhaps, just maybe, Mr Trump is the man for the job. Accomplishing that alone would justify the regime change. Currently 75% of Americans feel we are on the wrong path (economically), and this is where Mr Trump's promises will rise or fall.
If you call on a foreign power to hack into someone's e-mails, what stopping them from expanding the scope of the breach? Do you really think that they will just limit themselves to those e-mails? Especially when that someone is operating at the direction of Vladimir Putin?

It almost makes you wonder why they waited for a personal request from Trump to begin with... oh wait...
If you call on a foreign power to hack into someone's e-mails, what stopping them from expanding the scope of the breach? Do you really think that they will just limit themselves to those e-mails? Especially when that someone is operating at the direction of Vladimir Putin?
What's stopping them from breaching in the first place and expanding the scope of the breach afterwards? Oh wait....

Julian Assange says the next series of emails released will "provide enough evidence to see Hillary Clinton arrested". He also said, "The DNC servers were ripe for the hacking, they are riddled with holes and that documents hacked over a number of years are out there in the public domain in multiple copies"

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I'm just wondering...if Assange is true in his assertion that the next email dump will lead to Hillary's imprisonment, and that does happen some time in the next month or two, would she lose the Dems' nomination?
I'm just wondering...if Assange is true in his assertion that the next email dump will lead to Hillary's imprisonment, and that does happen some time in the next month or two, would she lose the Dems' nomination?
When Richard Nixon was on the threshold of impeachment, he resigned, citing the loss of his political support.
All of this is why I cannot in good conscience vote for Hillary, not even to vote against the worst-case scenario of a Trump presidency. I'm not convinced he's as dangerous as the democrats think, anyway, at least not for being a "racist and sexist bully". Trump's bombastic rhetoric is crafted to exploit the ignorant nationalistic 'Murrica culture that the republicans and conservative media have cultivated since 9/11. He's running circles around Washington and the media, who are falling for it every damn time.

Scaremongering over his statements on race, gender, etc. smells a bit too much of Tumblr-ism for me to take very seriously. But maybe I need to check my privilege.
Eh. He's not going to bring nuclear annihilation but I think it's really dangerous how he's gaining support. I certainly agree it's just the GOP's chickens coming home to roost but I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned that he's campaigning on mass deportations, and is scapegoating minorities for the impact of decades of economic policies. I don't think that's just Tumblr stuff.

I agree with you in the grand scheme of things though, the focus on his identity politics takes away from the fact that the Dems amd Reps are much closer in most respects. Ultimately I think it's because the Dems can point at a gender wage gap, racial disparities in employment/wages, etc. and chalk those issues up to discrimation while still keeping the rest of their ideology intact. They can say "black people live in poverty because they're deprived opportunities" and paint it as a systemic racism issue (which certainly plays a part). The broader issue is they're deprived opportunities because of their economic class and the same thing plagues the "white trash" voting for Trump. But admitting it's a class issue means you can't have Michael MF Bloomberg speak at your 4 day pageant full of obscenely wealthy elites proclaiming how great things are.

I don't think Trump is actually going to do a an thing to help the working class, but at least he's pretending he will and he's at least acknowledging there's an issue.
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I'm just wondering...if Assange is true in his assertion that the next email dump will lead to Hillary's imprisonment, and that does happen some time in the next month or two, would she lose the Dems' nomination?

By my limited understanding, it would...

....but I'd LOVE to see the opposite.
I just finished watching Hiliary's speech. Damn it seemed really long.

I did notice that about 3/4s in, she started listing things she was going to do.

But, when she got to free tuition, and paying off student loans, she said work to do.

She then went on to trash the student loan system. Good god, the student loan system was seized by the Obama administration years ago. She knows that is an empty promise.
I'm just wondering...if Assange is true in his assertion that the next email dump will lead to Hillary's imprisonment, and that does happen some time in the next month or two, would she lose the Dems' nomination?
Only if she does indeed go to prison. Even then, they'll just blame Trump and completely ignore the fact she brought it all on herself.

That's of course, if anyone in our government has any balls. Watching the hearing surrounding James Comey doesn't instill any confidence in our justice system actually going after Clinton.
Reminds me of the footage of Max Verstappen crashing into the barrier at Monaco last year; the signage read "monte carlo SQM", but Verstappen managed to hit the part that read "CARLOS".

I don't believe you are serious - only rhetorical. Your trained literary mind knows better.:cool:
The problem is that Trump's public persona is based on saying outlandish things, the kind of things that resonate with the disaffected and the disempowered because they're not in a position to say it themselves and it's successful because he positions himself as the one powerful person with his finger on the pulse of the nation. But the larger-than-life quality means that more nuanced forms of expression are lost because they're overwhelmed by the bombastic approach. So the cynic in me wonders if he really was being sarcastic or if he realised that he took things too far and/or gave the Democrats something that they could use against him and so tried to back out of it. Because "oh, I was just joking" was the kind of excuse my younger brother used to use when he said something stupid and got caught out.
The problem is that Trump's public persona is based on saying outlandish things, the kind of things that resonate with the disaffected and the disempowered because they're not in a position to say it themselves and it's successful because he positions himself as the one powerful person with his finger on the pulse of the nation.
You do not understand his support at all. I know lots of Trump supporters. We certainly are not disaffected or disempowered.

I work for a small restaurant business. We pay nearly all of our employees over the minimum wage, we have to, to attract and keep them.

We would have to drastically raise prices if we were forced to pay $15 an hour to our lowest paid and newest employees. Plus, the new guys getting $15 an hour would force us to raise everyone's salary.

Obama Care has already forced us to split the company up to keep the employee count of each company under 50 to avoid having to buy health insurance for every employee. First, we can't afford this, and second, when did the Government decide they could force businesses to give benefits to employees?

Small businesses can't afford anymore help from Washington.

Some people, myself included, see Donald Trump as an agent of change. Crony Capitalism is out of control. The federal government needs a big kick in the ass.

I support Trump. Often times, I wish he would just shut up. I would love to cancel his Twitter account.

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.
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