[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Campus reform has an interesting little piece on Bernie supporters voting for Trump. All anecdotal but there does seem to be quite a bit of anger towards Hillary and the Democrat Party. I'd be curious to see if someone can do a broad poll with Bernie's people to see if Trump has any significant base of support among the Sanders supporters.
Campus Reform...where have I heard about them before?

Campus Reform's "About" page
Campus Reform, a project of the Leadership Institute, is America's leading site for college news.
From: http://www.campusreform.org/about/

And just who are the "Leadership Institute"? Well, they have such illustrious alumni as Karl Rove, Mitch McConnell, and last but certainly not least, the GOP's Vice-Presidential nominee, Mike Pence. :rolleyes:
To bad she doesn't look that good lol.

You never know until you get her in one, the amount of work they put in on her to make her not look like an old bat and still in her 50s is amazing. I'm sure they could do the same with that. Though I imagine if her chest was that big to start with Bill wouldn't have sought out others :sly:
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Yes I think the guy was ok 👍
JFK was assassinated under highly suspicious circumstances. Basically, everybody in the country hated him except schoolchildren.
Of course it is - but Trump's reaction speaks volumes regardless.

How so, he sacrificed time and effort to build infrastructure and industry to give jobs. Now who he screwed over to do that is counter active to said sacrifice(s). I doubt many of us will ever voluntarily sign up for active duty to voluntarily go over and potentially be killed as said sacrifice, so to ask the question in a journalistic matter accomplished what? Asking the original question about deporting Muslims was good, then going for emotion knee jerks of another person on to Trump...that's where it was just another asinine thing.

There is so many things to pin on the guy, and the 60 minutes interview (yeah that journalistic group you dislike), with him and Pence was brilliant. Cause it showed a Presidential nominee and his VP choice not being prepped by the hired staff, nor Trump knowing his partner which is even more scary and hilarious.

JFK was assassinated under highly suspicious circumstances. Basically, everybody in the country hated him except schoolchildren.

Marilyn fancied him too
How so, he sacrificed time and effort to build infrastructure and industry to give jobs.
And if that was the extent of his response, then fair enough. But sacrificing your time and effort to build industry is not the same as sacrificing your life for your country, and attacking the parents of a dead serviceman and marginalising that serviceman's death for something as transient as a political move shows that Trump is a pretty horrible person.
And if that was the extent of his response, then fair enough. But sacrificing your time and effort to build industry is not the same as sacrificing your life for your country, and attacking the parents of a dead serviceman and marginalising that serviceman's death for something as transient as a political move shows that Trump is a pretty horrible person.

One who volunteers to sacrifice life and limb for country isn't something a journalist should take in such regard that one, it is used against the person he's interviewing. And two, put on a pedestal that makes said person just another bullet point for nationalistic views. It's great people are willing to do it, I myself enlisted and didn't make it past AIT, but if I had I wouldn't want people thanking me or seeing my volunteerism anything more than me applying for a job out of my own volition. Being thankful is one thing, but ascending it to a level that isn't rational is what is being done here and quite a new thing since 9/11 in regard to service members of all kind, not just military.

Where did Trump in this scenario marginalize the family? From what I saw it was the DNC using it as a rallying cry, the same party that asks for politics to take a rest in the wake of massacres in this nation and others. Yet "do as I say, not as I do", takes place when they put a normal Muslim family on stage to bash a guy that's obviously against Extremist in said community. Like I said there is plenty to pin the guy on and skewer him but the DNC/Hillary goes about it in such a quick from the hip way that it misses every time like the method used.
And if that was the extent of his response, then fair enough. But sacrificing your time and effort to build industry is not the same as sacrificing your life for your country, and attacking the parents of a dead serviceman and marginalising that serviceman's death for something as transient as a political move shows that Trump is a pretty horrible person.
Let's be honest, I would like to see Hillary answer the question more than Trump. It is more for the theater that she will perform trying to dodge the question.
I don't think Hillary would know the truth if it slapped her in the face. She lies even while video evidence is playing to prove otherwise.

Huh? She says she called it terrorism outside the video they play... they play the video... which bit did you see as evidence? I'm not saying I disagree with you rather that what you say you present isn't what you say you present.
Let's be honest, I would like to see Hillary answer the question more than Trump. It is more for the theater that she will perform trying to dodge the question.

I don't want to see either of them answer that question, it's a pointless question. They don't need to have sacrificed anything to be president, they just need to be capable of doing that job well. Man, sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone here. I keep forgetting how completely everyone in the country (media included) loses their minds every 4 years.

How so, he sacrificed time and effort to build infrastructure and industry to give jobs.

No he didn't. He didn't do anything to give jobs, he put in time and effort (I don't know how much) to gain a fortune. Which is fine. Why are we pretending around this?
Huh? She says she called it terrorism outside the video they play...
Perhaps she was thinking about emails she wrote.

The Obama Administration kept that Youtube story (lie) going for at least a week. If she told someone in private it was terrorists, does that really count?

If there is a video of her saying it was terrorists, she should produce it.
No he didn't. He didn't do anything to give jobs, he put in time and effort (I don't know how much) to gain a fortune. Which is fine. Why are we pretending around this?

So he didn't create jobs? Or he didn't give up anything while creating jobs?

And pretending around what, that a lobbed load question about personal sacrifice was sent, when if you were to measure equal terms neither of the two sacrificed what Stephanopoulos was fishing at? To me him and the Clinton's had to sacrifice something to get what they have now, whatever that may be is up to those judging the history; time, effort, dignity, family/friends it still a sacrifice of something.

The original idea was Trump had sacrifice nothing and no one, but it seems improbable that's the case to get to the point he is now. Though as said it's a loaded question to begin with, which is why I agreed with your post about how they just need to be capable of the job, not showing some sort of sacrifice.
So he didn't create jobs? Or he didn't give up anything while creating jobs?

And pretending around what, that a lobbed load question about personal sacrifice was sent, when if you were to measure equal terms neither of the two sacrificed what Stephanopoulos was fishing at? To me him and the Clinton's had to sacrifice something to get what they have now, whatever that may be is up to those judging the history; time, effort, dignity, family/friends it still a sacrifice of something.

The original idea was Trump had sacrifice nothing and no one, but it seems improbable that's the case to get to the point he is now. Though as said it's a loaded question to begin with, which is why I agreed with your post about how they just need to be capable of the job, not showing some sort of sacrifice.
I believe he means that Trump's goal was not to create jobs but to make money first and foremost and the jobs came as a result of his money making efforts. At the same time of course, there's nothing wrong with that and it should be admired in it's own right.

In the public eyes no one can measure up to sacrifices someone makes in giving their life for their country and to even attempt to make a comparison is taboo to begin with. You can't win that argument no matter what you've done and it was foolish for Trump to try in the first place. He should simply have agreed that Khan made the ultimate sacrifice, thanked him for it, and then said his father is entitled to express his opinions because that's what his son fought for...and then never gave it another thought and it would simply have gone away like everything else. Trump needs better advisors or at least to listen to the advisors he has as I'm sure anyone with half a brain would have told him to walk away from this and move on to something else.
So he didn't create jobs? Or he didn't give up anything while creating jobs?

And pretending around what, that a lobbed load question about personal sacrifice was sent, when if you were to measure equal terms neither of the two sacrificed what Stephanopoulos was fishing at? To me him and the Clinton's had to sacrifice something to get what they have now, whatever that may be is up to those judging the history; time, effort, dignity, family/friends it still a sacrifice of something.

The original idea was Trump had sacrifice nothing and no one, but it seems improbable that's the case to get to the point he is now. Though as said it's a loaded question to begin with, which is why I agreed with your post about how they just need to be capable of the job, not showing some sort of sacrifice.

Yea, Trump sacrificed nothing. His entire life has been about what he can get for himself, same for Clinton. Neither of them have sacrificed anything for their country or to create jobs (not that jobs weren't created, just that that wasn't the goal). It's a dumb question, but let's not pretend about the answer. The answer is no, neither of them sacrificed anything for their country. They're both in it for themselves.

Which is fine.
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It's hard to link this to the Clinton's as much as Vince Foster, unless we find the Clinton's taking Documents from his house after the fact.
Khan have no right in schooling Trump on the Constitution as the very war Clinton voted to send his son into violated the Constitution. That said he should be calling out Clinton for violating the Constitution.
Khan have no right in schooling Trump on the Constitution as the very war Clinton voted to send his son into violated the Constitution. That said he should be calling out Clinton for violating the Constitution.
While its true that only congress has the constitutional responsibility to declare war, its also true congress has repeatedly abdicated this responsibility. They're too busy making money and being reelected. We need term limits real bad.
While its true that only congress has the constitutional responsibility to declare war, its also true congress has repeatedly abdicated this responsibility. They're too busy making money and being reelected. We need term limits real bad.

The sad reality is term limits won't stop by the law breaking from happening other than push it onto a new group of people. That said the good that can come from term limits is that it keep career politicians from getting rich off taxpayers.
Man, sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone here. I keep forgetting how completely everyone in the country (media included) loses their minds every 4 weeks.

It's rare I say this about your statements, but...fixed that for you.
Back to talking about Muslims, but when will anybody acknowledge the fact that Clinton is far more anti-muslim than Trump is made out to be? I mean this woman have not only threaten to bomb more Muslim countries but have supported the bombings of many. Let's forget her support for Israel.
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