[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Drumpf calls for the assassination of the future President Clinton and the next Supreme Court justice using the "I'm not saying but I'm just saying" method.

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Why is this an "oops?" Are you suggesting that political campaigns should start to pick and choose who is allowed to attend their rallies?


Imagine the outcry from the left wing media if Dylann Roof's parents came out in support of Trump:lol:

Considering that when I checked 15 minutes ago or so, foxnews.com was devoting about 50% of it's front page to this story, I'd say both "wings" of the media would react about the same. That is to say, in a silly, headline-grabbing, over-exaggerated manner.
Drumpf calls for the assassination of the future President Clinton and the next Supreme Court justice using the "I'm not saying but I'm just saying" method.

Oh don't worry, there'll be an apologetic Breithalsbart article before you know it.
Oh don't worry, there'll be an apologetic Breithalsbart article before you know it.
Let's keep in mind gentlemen that Andrew Breitbart himself never would have endorsed Trump. (Firm opinion there.) If anything, it is the current editorial staff that is trumpeting for Trump all in the name of access to the Presidency, the same game that all media plays.
Let's keep in mind gentlemen that Andrew Breitbart himself never would have endorsed Trump. (Firm opinion there.) If anything, it is the current editorial staff that is trumpeting for Trump all in the name of access to the Presidency, the same game that all media plays.

So the lesson is that clicks are more important than any moral high ground. Since politicians play the same rules, then we should never wonder why our candidate choices are either a flaming sack of crap or a used colostomy bag. We get the end result of what we're willing to put up with.
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Why is this an "oops?" Are you suggesting that political campaigns should start to pick and choose who is allowed to attend their rallies?
Don't put words in my mouth please. Here's some links for you:



Oops indeed.

Imagine the outcry from the left wing media if Dylann Roof's parents came out in support of Trump:lol:
"Are you suggesting that political campaigns should start to pick and choose who is allowed to attend their rallies?"

Oh and this too:

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Don't put words in my mouth please.

You maybe don't understand the phrase... but he actually asked you a question, which you didn't answer.

What's the point of that? We've been around that before, the shooter was seemingly very anti-gay while his father takes a normal "none of my business" line. Not sure how you think that's connected here?

Oh and this too:

Trump supported those wars too... and he hates Muslims a little bit extra on top of that ;)
Why is this an "oops?" Are you suggesting that political campaigns should start to pick and choose who is allowed to attend their rallies?
I'll go ahead and tell you what I think anyways. By having him there, Hillary is projecting a message that she would want Sharia law in America (remember, Muslims tried to establish a Sharia Court right here in my home town) by having the father of the Orlando shooter screened and in the VIP section. This is their "taking a mile" process that started when they had the Kahn family speak at the DNC.
Let's play a game of "count the hedge fund managers". Oh, and one (Steve Feinberg) is currently under investigation by the FBI for his involvement in a property scandal in Northern Ireland.
Hillary Clinton medical records, illegally released but still newsworthy, appear to show she is quite unfit for high office.

"A devastating medical history regarding Hillary Clinton has been released on the social networking website Twitter and it says Hillary Clinton is suffering from "Dementia, Seizures, Blackouts" and more. She is medically unfit to be President of the United States. The tweet and its medical report appear below:"

Aaahhahahahaha :lol:
Aaahhahahahaha :lol:
I think both candidates have had "private business" relations with Russia or Russian nationals, public knowledge of which might affect the election. Either or both may have been hacked or tapped. But I expect Putin to play his cards close to the vest in order to preserve any leverage over whomever is elected.
Don't put words in my mouth please.

@TenEightyOne already pointed this out, but I didn't put words in your mouth. I asked you a question so that I could understand what your point was.

Oops indeed.

I remain unsure of the nature of the "oops" here. Whose "oops" was it? What should this person have done differently?


I'll go ahead and tell you what I think anyways.


By having him there,

"Having him there?" Did she personally invite him? Did she introduce him as an honored guest? Do we know that she even had any clue he was there at all?

If the answer to any of those is "yes," please provide the source for it, because I can't find a thing.

Hillary is projecting a message that she would want Sharia law in America

Or, she didn't even know he was there. Or, she doesn't believe that campaigns should bar innocent Americans from attending their rallies. Or, maybe you're incorrectly conflating the father's beliefs with the son's actions; to my knowledge, Mr. Mateen has never condoned his son's actions, or showed any other signs that he supports Sharia law.

(remember, Muslims tried to establish a Sharia Court right here in my home town)

No, I don't remember that. And I certainly don't know what relevance it has. Is Mr. Mateen the dictator of Azle, TX?

by having the father of the Orlando shooter screened and in the VIP section.

On what grounds are you basing the claim that he was seated in a "VIP section?"

This is their "taking a mile" process that started when they had the Kahn family speak at the DNC.

Or this is just some good old-fashioned GOP conspiracy nuttery.


Hillary Clinton medical records

Those look fake to me, and until a credible news outlet picks up the story, I'd conclude that's precisely what they are.
After suggesting "2nd Amendment people" could do something about a Clinton presidency, Drumpf's got some unwanted attention.
Probably the same attention that Hillary got 8 years ago when she was being encouraged to drop out of the race because she was so far behind Obama and part of her reasoning for staying in was that RFK was assassinated in June and anything can happen.
With which answer you still don't answer his question, you don't recognise that Trump supported the same wars that the Clinton video shows her supporting and you fail to clear up why it's relevant that the Orlando shooter's dad thinks homosexuality is none of his business.

Way to go.
Sediqque Mateen didn't say homosexuality is none of his business, Sediqque Mateen said "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with.". A bit of a difference don't you think? He is also a supporter of the Taliban.

The point of the Clinton video is not that Trump is less anti Muslim, the point is that Clinton is portrayed in the media as the candidate that is pro Muslim, yet everyone seems to forget her past decisions which indirectly caused the death of thousands of Muslim people, or that she said that she would obliterate Iran.
Probably the same attention that Hillary got 8 years ago when she was being encouraged to drop out of the race because she was so far behind Obama and part of her reasoning for staying in was that RFK was assassinated in June and anything can happen.

Let's compare the two statements, shall we?
Hillary (23 May 2008)
We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California [...] I don't understand [the calls for me to drop out of the Dems' nomination race].
Drumpf (9 August 2016)
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the second amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.

First of all, Hillary brought up that RFK was killed while campaigning for the Dems' nomination. On top of that, in that conversation she also referred to her husband only effectively winning the Dems' nomination by June 1992.

Note the "if" in Trump's statement - his statement implies a Clinton victory, because there's not a snowball's chance in the Sun's fiery core that she'd get to "pick her judges" if she loses. The "second amendment people" is the weaselly bit - you could claim that he's referring to the likes of the NRA who could take a court case against any of Hillary's proposed gun control laws...but, of course, her judges have been appointed and there's "nothing you can do, folks", with no mention of voting for NRA-backed candidates in Congressional races.
Sediqque Mateen didn't say homosexuality is none of his business, Sediqque Mateen said "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with.". A bit of a difference don't you think?

Unless it's your contention that Mr. Mateen doesn't consider himself to be human, the bit in bold makes it pretty clear that he doesn't consider his business.
"Having him there?" Did she personally invite him? Did she introduce him as an honored guest? Do we know that she even had any clue he was there at all?

If the answer to any of those is "yes," please provide the source for it, because I can't find a thing.
I don't know where to begin to find a source but, the people who sit behind her and Trump are VIP or invited, you should know that... Of course with her dementia she probably didn't even know...
I don't know where to begin to find a source but

I'm sure the rest of your post will be spot-on, then.

the people who sit behind her and Trump are VIP or invited

I'd ask again how you know that. The only thing I've seen in any reporting so far that even slightly addresses this question would be this:

Though on television it appeared that Mateen was close to Clinton, he was well outside of the security buffer zone in a location that a longtime Republican presidential campaign advance staffer described as a "tapestry" -- an area where a diverse group would be seated to reflect wide-ranging support for the candidate.

Unless you've got a legitimate source that contradicts this, I'll decline to just take your word for it.

you should know that...

Should I? I prefer to find real answers than to presume I just know everything already.

Of course with her dementia she probably didn't even know...

Unless it's your contention that Mr. Mateen doesn't consider himself to be human, the bit in bold makes it pretty clear that he doesn't consider his business.
Oh that's precious, looked over the part that said 'god will punish homosexuals anyway' no?
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