[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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The problem is that Trump's public persona is based on saying outlandish things, the kind of things that resonate with the disaffected and the disempowered because they're not in a position to say it themselves and it's successful because he positions himself as the one powerful person with his finger on the pulse of the nation. But the larger-than-life quality means that more nuanced forms of expression are lost because they're overwhelmed by the bombastic approach. So the cynic in me wonders if he really was being sarcastic or if he realised that he took things too far and/or gave the Democrats something that they could use against him and so tried to back out of it. Because "oh, I was just joking" was the kind of excuse my younger brother used to use when he said something stupid and got caught out.

I acknowledge the point. Alpha male Trump slays PC, but lacks the tact so often associated with successful politicians of the past. That he is an imperfect vessel of the hopes and fears of the western world goes almost without saying. I emphasize that nobody, but nobody, would be talking about him today if we were all rich, rolling in money and had good jobs. He emblemizes the fact that both parties and virtually the entire elite establishment has relegated the middle and working classes to perpetual poverty, all the while piously smirking about competition, computer programming and the global community of man. **** the elites! I'm voting for hope and change in America.
I work for a small restaurant business. We pay nearly all of our employees over the minimum wage, we have to, to attract and keep them.

We would have to drastically raise prices if we were forced to pay $15 an hour to our lowest paid and newest employees. Plus, the new guys getting $15 an hour would force us to raise everyone's salary.

Either you think Hillary will raise the minimum wage to $15 (she won't) or trump will prevent that from happening (he won't).

Obama Care has already forced us to split the company up to keep the employee count of each company under 50 to avoid having to buy health insurance for every employee. First, we can't afford this, and second, when did the Government decide they could force businesses to give benefits to employees?

You must think Trump will get rid of Obamacare (he won't)

Some people, myself included, see Donald Trump as an agent of change. Crony Capitalism is out of control. The federal government needs a big kick in the ass.

I support Trump.

Hope and Change... works every 4 to 8 years. Check it out, these people thought they were getting universal healthcare.

Either you think Hillary will raise the minimum wage to $15 (she won't) or trump will prevent that from happening (he won't).

You must think Trump will get rid of Obamacare (he won't)
The difference though is that of the 2, Trump is the one who has said he will fight to resolve both issues. He hasn't made a plan to get rid of Obamacare, so he may pissing in the wind, but he does believe the $15/hour wage is unnecessary. You can even find the Dems spun his words on it to project as if he was talking about all wages.

A lot of small businesses are in support of Trump bc they believe he will make changes that benefit them as much as they benefit his businesses.
The difference though is that of the 2, Trump is the one who has said he will fight to resolve both issues.

It's about like his claims to restore law and order... how? I'm not sure I even want to know how he'd do it really, I'm fairly certain that the cure will be worse than the disease - not that there will be a cure.

He hasn't made a plan to get rid of Obamacare, so he may pissing in the wind, but he does believe the $15/hour wage is unnecessary.

That's awesome, but the $15 minimum wage is here to stay where it has been put in place. The president is not going to come in with president powers and tell california and washington that they can't do it.

A lot of small businesses are in support of Trump bc they believe he will make changes that benefit them as much as they benefit his businesses.

His business will be running the country at that point. Also, big business benefits in different ways than small business. Matel, for example, got involved with writing safety legislation after a lead scare from Chinese toys. Matel put in place a very expensive testing process meant to ensure the safety of the children. The process was designed to be too expensive for small businesses to do - thereby ensuring that Matel would wipe out basically every competitor below a certain threshold.
It's about like his claims to restore law and order... how? I'm not sure I even want to know how he'd do it really, I'm fairly certain that the cure will be worse than the disease - not that there will be a cure.

That's awesome, but the $15 minimum wage is here to stay where it has been put in place. The president is not going to come in with president powers and tell california and washington that they can't do it.

His business will be running the country at that point. Also, big business benefits in different ways than small business. Matel, for example, got involved with writing safety legislation after a lead scare from Chinese toys. Matel put in place a very expensive testing process meant to ensure the safety of the children. The process was designed to be too expensive for small businesses to do - thereby ensuring that Matel would wipe out basically every competitor below a certain threshold.

Nice to see someone understand how the regulatory state work just like how Disney love the idea of taxing internet purchases as a way protecting its brick and mortar business.
We would have to drastically raise prices if we were forced to pay $15 an hour to our lowest paid and newest employees. Plus, the new guys getting $15 an hour would force us to raise everyone's salary.

Trump supports a $10 minimum wage though: http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/27/politics/donald-trump-minimum-wage/

And while he says he will leave it "up to the states" pushing for a federal minimum wage is going to cement that in pretty quick and it'll be up the the states to decide if they want to go higher. If he was a true conservative and looking out for businesses, he'd preach about getting rid of the minimum wage altogether and let companies figure it out.
While everyone runs around complaining about minimum wage, I get pocket change per mile driven.
I'm not going to complain though. I'm sure they'd love to pay me less. :sly:
So is standing on a street corner begging for money. I bet you could make more that way.

Quite a bit more actually. Those people generally have houses and cars. I'd rather be employed and make less money though - if for no other reason than the long term potential.

I've made minimum wage, and for a long time made less than $10/hr. I know that it is not easy to pay the bills on that amount. I also know that I had those jobs on my resume when I landed a job making $36/hr.
This is where it should be.

Because making less than $7/hr is better than making $7/hr.

Why should minimum wage be anywhere? Companies wouldn't get employees or at least quality employees if they paid them pittance.

And if you end up with a job like that, then you should use that as motivation to get more training, whatever training that might be, and get a better job. Or work hard and get promoted in that company by showing your worth. Most companies will reward hard work in some way, especially if what you're doing makes them additional money.
I'd rather be employed and make less money though - if for no other reason than the long term potential.
The problem with society these days though is that everything is now, now, now. People with that kind of mentality are few and far between. I agree that training should get you more, but if you are offered $3.50/hr to start, you think anyone is going to want to live off that for an extended period of time? And raises surely don't come in large increases with jobs like that.
Why should minimum wage be anywhere?
Because any normal human being with even basic skills shouldn't have to eat Ramen every night so they can pay their rent at the end of the month.
Companies wouldn't get employees or at least quality employees if they paid them pittance.
And if you end up with a job like that, then you should use that as motivation to get more training, whatever training that might be, and get a better job. Or work hard and get promoted in that company by showing your worth. Most companies will reward hard work in some way, especially if what you're doing makes them additional money.
See first reply in this post.
The problem with society these days though is that everything is now, now, now. People with that kind of mentality are few and far between. I agree that training should get you more, but if you are offered $3.50/hr to start, you think anyone is going to want to live off that for an extended period of time? And raises surely don't come in large increases with jobs like that.

Actually raises come in larger increases with lower level jobs like that. I went from $9/hr to like $10.50 an hour in 1 year with no promotion. That's a 17% raise. Do you know how hard it is to get a 17% increase in one year when you make $100k per year?

When it's available, the primary people who work for peanuts are high school students looking to make an extra buck. We paid our neighbor's daughter, a 12 year old, to watch our dogs while we were on vacation. She charged $10/day. I pay the other neighbor's kid $10 per lawn mow. I don't think it even takes him an hour, but he's over paid.

The point is that you have to start somewhere. Work experience is one of the main things you need to land your first reasonable job - and that means getting a job while you're in high school and not getting paid much. This is one of the ways that responsible parents send their children off into the world prepared - by helping them get some work experience, a reference or two, under their belt by the time they move out. If minimum wage is $15/hr no highschool kid will work - and that creates a higher barrier for entry into the workforce. Even at $10/hr it's a lot harder for them to get a foot in the door.

Because any normal human being with even basic skills shouldn't have to eat Ramen every night so they can pay their rent at the end of the month.

People making minimum wage should be either living with parents or sharing their apartment with another renter. When I made that little I had a roommate to split bills/rent with.
The problem with society these days though is that everything is now, now, now. People with that kind of mentality are few and far between. I agree that training should get you more, but if you are offered $3.50/hr to start, you think anyone is going to want to live off that for an extended period of time? And raises surely don't come in large increases with jobs like that.

Sounds like people should adjust their mindset. Work hard and learn, it will be easier for some than others but I firmly believe that anyone can amount to something if they put forth the effort.

Because any normal human being with even basic skills shouldn't have to eat Ramen every night so they can pay their rent at the end of the month.

If they are struggling to pay their rent and buy food, then they are living over their means, which lets face it, people think is perfectly fine to do then bitch and moan when no one wants to help them. And really if everyone made a "living" wage our inflation would be crazy high. I don't really want to pay $17.50 for some crap food at McDonald's.

5 years ago I was making $15 an hour, working maybe 15-20 hours a week and trying to pay for some education along with other expenses that people face. During that time I also had to move back with my parents, sell off some possession I really enjoyed, and cut way back on anything I'd consider entertainment. While it was definitely depressing to go through since I was making nearly $60,000 6 years ago, I put forth the effort and worked my way into a better job after applying for several hundred different positions and interviewing for god only knows how many. Now I'm making nearly 3 times that amount, working 40 hours a week, with good benefits and ample vacation time.

Is it hard to advance? Absolutely. Is it impossible? Absolutely not.
When it's available, the primary people who work for peanuts are high school students looking to make an extra buck.
Primary, maybe. But these types of jobs will always be around, and you are not always guaranteed to fill them with high school students.
If they are struggling to pay their rent and buy food, then they are living over their means
Not necessarily.
I don't really want to pay $17.50 for some crap food at McDonald's.
Then why eat there if it's crap? I don't. :lol:
5 years ago I was making $15 an hour, working maybe 15-20 hours a week and trying to pay for some education along with other expenses that people face. During that time I also had to move back with my parents, sell off some possession I really enjoyed, and cut way back on anything I'd consider entertainment. While it was definitely depressing to go through since I was making nearly $60,000 6 years ago, I put forth the effort and worked my way into a better job after applying for several hundred different positions and interviewing for god only knows how many. Now I'm making nearly 3 times that amount, working 40 hours a week, with good benefits and ample vacation time.

Is it hard to advance? Absolutely. Is it impossible? Absolutely not.
I agree. While I am making the most I ever have (and still struggle but that's half my fault) I still stick up for those making way less than me because I've been there, it appears you have as well, and we both know it sucks. But for some people, that is their lives and not everyone has the means to bring themselves out of it. Never mind that going to college to pick up some skills and get a better job tends to make it worse these days.
Campus reform has an interesting little piece on Bernie supporters voting for Trump. All anecdotal but there does seem to be quite a bit of anger towards Hillary and the Democrat Party. I'd be curious to see if someone can do a broad poll with Bernie's people to see if Trump has any significant base of support among the Sanders supporters.
Primary, maybe. But these types of jobs will always be around, and you are not always guaranteed to fill them with high school students.

They most certainly will not always be around, at least not like they are now. Restaurants are pushing ordering kiosks, which will cut waiting positions. Retail stores are pushing self checkouts where one cashier can look over several lanes instead of one.

The thing is too with higher minimum wages is that companies that hire at that wage aren't going to go with the 20 year old that needs the job simply because they know they will stick around longer which means a higher wage. The high school kid on the other hand likely won't stick around long enough to get more than 1 raise.

Not necessarily.

How so? It's amazing how many people I see complaining about never having money yet have fairly new phones, always have new clothing and do all kinds of not-free entertainment activities.

Then why eat there if it's crap? I don't. :lol:

Replace McDonalds with some other restaurant than. Do you really want to go to a restaurant and pay twice what that exact meal would have cost a year ago?

But for some people, that is their lives and not everyone has the means to bring themselves out of it.

If you have two working arms, two working legs and a decent head on your shoulders you have the means to bring yourself out of it. I used to walk a mile each way every day even when it was -20F out to get to my job, I did this for 5 years. Currently I work 2 jobs, one I average 45-50 hours a week and the other about 15.

If my dumb:censored: can manage to do those things than anyone that fits that first sentence can as well.
Less federal government is better and neither one of what we will have will ever support that. All the other arguments are moot as far as I'm concerned.

My bet is on Clinton, someone quoted me and asked if I was sure she would be the same as Obama, well to whomever that was, I wonder what he had to say at the DNC :lol:

Give me a brake with this election.
Campus reform has an interesting little piece on Bernie supporters voting for Trump. All anecdotal but there does seem to be quite a bit of anger towards Hillary and the Democrat Party. I'd be curious to see if someone can do a broad poll with Bernie's people to see if Trump has any significant base of support among the Sanders supporters.

Seeing how HRC all but made Trump into the peace candidate I'm not surprised.... interestingly though:

Actually raises come in larger increases with lower level jobs like that. I went from $9/hr to like $10.50 an hour in 1 year with no promotion. That's a 17% raise.
Except that's not the percentage you'll be getting every year. It's the dollar amount you'll be getting; $1-2/hour more with that kind of wage.
Year 2: $10.50/hr to $12/hour becomes 14%.
Year 3: $12/hr to $13.50/hr becomes 12.5%

Do you know how hard it is to get a 17% increase in one year when you make $100k per year?
You can't just apply 1 percentage across every income. It doesn't work that way. Percentages do dwindle, or otherwise a raise at that percentage each year would be along:
Year 2: $10.50 to $12.30.
Year 3: $12.30 to $14.30.

Kids starting work at 16 or 17 years old would be doing pretty good by the time they're 21.

Secondly, what a stretch of an example to go from $9/hr to $10.50/hr and act like that percentage in raise is something to boast about because it's hard for someone making $100,000 a year to get that same percentage. No ****; that would be a $17,000 raise with that salary.
Except that's not the percentage you'll be getting every year. It's the dollar amount you'll be getting; $1-2/hour more with that kind of wage.
Year 2: $10.50/hr to $12/hour becomes 14%.
Year 3: $12/hr to $13.50/hr becomes 12.5%

What kind of job gives raises in fixed currency amounts rather than in percentages? I've never heard of one, definitely never had one.
What kind of job gives raises in fixed currency amounts rather than in percentages? I've never heard of one, definitely never had one.
I worked at a number of restaurants that did their raise's in increments of $0.25.
They did a review every quarter, so I could get anywhere from $0.25-$1.00 per year.
One of my co-workers didn't receive a single raise the entire 2 1/2 years she worked there.
She quit after I became a supervisor.
My point is that you control how much you make and you control your chances of moving up the chain.
She didn't put effort in to her work. I didn't want to be a porter for the rest of my life.
I worked at a number of restaurants that did their raise's in increments of $0.25.
They did a review every quarter, so I could get anywhere from $0.25-$1.00 per year.
One of my co-workers didn't receive a single raise the entire 2 1/2 years she worked there.
She quit after I became a supervisor.
My point is that you control how much you make and you control your chances of moving up the chain.
She didn't put effort in to her work. I didn't want to be a porter for the rest of my life.
I haven't worked for an hourly wage since I got out of school but I did get a couple of raises here and there along with the other staff and they were always fixed currency amounts as well. My first job I was making $94/week, $2.35/hr until partway through the summer we all were given $0.30 raises to the lofty sum of $2.65. Same thing 2 years later on a different job when I went from $4 to $5.00 an hour after only a couple of weeks on the job.
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