[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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When you park a sign machine in front of our local pub...
I had a meme I was going to post, with Bill using that line. Just re-read it and I can't post it due to profanity. :(:(:(:(:(
Nope. The first thing she said was "I'm going to fix it," which is about as opposite from "it's good" as you can get, and then she went on to do exactly what @prisonermonkeys said she did.

The issue I have with this and when Trump's campaign runner does it as well is this supposed, I talk with tons of people and they love it line. When in reality I've paid more since the conversion to the ACA than before it. So I'd love to meet these people that A. Wanted the shift from the multiple tier coverage options employers gave, or B. those who were uninsured and didn't want this but had to get it or face a fine.

I enjoy the comments more than the opinion piece, and as I've said it's the post so I don't give it much mind since they have a side in this horse race.
OMG what is wrong with Trump supporters, they are so hysterical about Trump. Like if he was Justin Beiber and the supporters are crazy female fans. A women asked MP what they should do if Trump would not win the election, should they get out there and fight? What, come on. Nothing would change be it Trump or Hillary, this election is just a play for the masses. Probably it is like many said at the begging that Trump changed sides just to destroy the Republican party which it seems to happening right now..
About the black son of Bill, well I do not see the similarity to be honest, but if true then it is very sad of course. No kid deserves to be treated like this, if true that is.

Trump is on again. one thing for sure is when Hillary is talking it is like 3k viewers, when Trump is on it is 24k viewers on youtube.
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Can we just nominate Ken Bone at this point? He's already got the name for it; President Bone.

A ticket for Bone and Trump, who could resist?*

*I think I might actually have seen that in an internet "speciality area"...
I'd gladly take two replacement candidates over the trash we have right now, even Biden/Ryan would be a step up from this and I'm not a fan of either dirty Uncle Joe or P-90x Austerity boy. As a nation we have gone from electing our best and brightest to nominating Elitist idiots who simply just have more money than anyone else, even though there are far more qualified folks for the job. When you allow corporations and banks to buy candidates then what you get is corporate shills running for president, which also means you no longer have representation.
You've got two alternative candidates already: Johnson and Stein...

Too bad one is bat-poop crazy and the other isn't even a real Candidate, but your point is taken there are at least some alternatives, unfortunately none are worth voting for. I would rather exercise the 'write in' option instead of voting for those two alternatives.
Too bad one is bat-poop crazy and the other isn't even a real Candidate, but your point is taken there are at least some alternatives, unfortunately none are worth voting for. I would rather exercise the 'write in' option instead of voting for those two alternatives.

What do you mean by "real"?
Meaning... what? Why? What's the issue?

There is no point in discussing it further, neither one has a chance of winning regardless of my opinion. The only reason to vote 3rd party would be to help said party keep their funding. Which I have thought doing of but ultimately decided against it. If I vote in the presidential election at all, it will be by write-in only.
There is no point in discussing it further, neither one has a chance of winning regardless of my opinion. The only reason to vote 3rd party would be to help said party keep their funding. Which I have thought doing of but ultimately decided against it. If I vote in the presidential election at all, it will be by write-in only.

...because a write-in has a chance of winning? Why would the chance of a candidate winning affect whether or not that candidate represented your positions?
I'll throw in my two cents about how I feel about this presidential race. Hillary Clinton is a liar, a criminal, a monster, and an absolute hypocritical piece of trash. She covered up Bill's rapes, she has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of american citizens, and only goes with what is "trendy". Would someone who is "for women" be so willing to help her husband get out of trouble with sexual assault and raping women? I doubt it. It also isn't very "liberal" of her to want to raise taxes on the middle class and not explain why she'd like to do so.

Now on to Mr. Trump. Here's what I think about him, first off, he isn't a republican, he has mixed views which are totally fine and some are helping him to his advantage. One thing, he is definitely getting ganged up on during debates from Hillary and the moderators, in both debates being targeted and treated unfairly. His tax plan is truly brilliant and mindless clinton supporters won't listen or realize he would help low/middle class people live much better. Lowering the business tax for example would absolutely bring more jobs here, 35% is outrageous and there is no doubt in my mind lowering it to 15% like most of the world would bring/keep more jobs here in the U.S.

I'm 19 years old and am very fortunate to have a good, very well paying job. I'm against "the new world order" and all of this nonsense about nationwide martial law, police state, unfair treatment of any race (including white males and in some cases especially) I feel as though I'm living a movie, a really bad comedy movie that needs to shut down production. Now I do have a lot more to say, I am very well informed, and between the two of them, my vote would go to Donald. I also find the low blows Hillary has to show towards Trump to make herself feel better and "win by a landslide" in these fake polls. Something he said 11 years ago is, coming from her, pretty hilarious that she would even think that going there was necessary.

Edit: Not an incredibly serious topic but one thing I liked about Donald was he has been pro gay since the 80s, a time where being gay was still "wrong" and "messed up" Hillary was anti gay when it was cool to be, and now is "pro" gay. I myself am a straight male so this does not apply to me as much as it does for other people, but for Donald to stick to his beliefs and not change them when the time changes is nice.
Really wish Ron Paul was running :(. The best person at this point is Gary Johnson even though he seems to be ignorant on geopolitical issues and gives off a hippy vibe.

Citation needed. I'd rather have someone who left other countries to themselves than someone who believes in intervening in everyone else's affairs.
...because a write-in has a chance of winning? Why would the chance of a candidate winning affect whether or not that candidate represented your positions?

Do most people have a candidate that represents all of their positions? I don't think so. Most people vote along party lines because they are willing to take the good with the bad with whom they support so that their party prevails, as an independent, I am increasingly unwilling to do that, unwilling to vote for the lesser of two evils. If I write in a candidate it will be mostly to not leave the space blank to help prevent election fraud, it won't be because I think whom ever I write in has a chance of winning.
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