First off, Trump hasn't simply said racist things. As I pointed out he has insulted & belittled a whole variety of individuals & groups of people, even, somewhat bizarrely, POWs & the military, usually sacred cows of the Republican party. This is not a matter of opinion or interpretation, it's things he has publicly stated - it's on the record.
That makes him a jackass, not someone who is unfit to be president. Make no mistake, I think Trump is equally as bad as Clinton but to think Clinton is some sort of angel and Trump is literally Hitler is just being biased.
"Clinton failed as secretary of state" is not a statement of fact - it's an opinion. Failed compared to whom? It's like saying Trump failed as a businessman.
Yes, it's an opinion, but one that's backed up by Clinton's actions. Being the Secretary of State means being the President's chief adviser on foreign affairs and if you look at where we are now, it's clear she did not do a stellar job at it. Our relations with Russia are almost as bad as they were during the Cold War, the Middle East is more in shambles than when Bush went all 'Murica on it, North Korea is an ever growing issue, and she backed a nuclear deal with Iran that was questionable at best. The US isn't fairing so hot with other countries right now, and whether it's directly as a result of her actions or not, she is the one that's entrusted with that responsibility.
And no, Obama isn't fault free on this either, but given how the President's cabinet works, he was listening to Clinton on many of those issues.
And Trump failing as a businessman doesn't cause a conflict in the world, where Clinton failing as the SoS does.
"Clinton shown to have rigged the primaries". The DNC may have done its best to tilt the primaries in Clinton's favour - pretty much politics as usual. The system may be "rigged" because the DNC runs the system the way it sees fit. That's not the same thing as Clinton rigging the primaries.
Maybe she
personally didn't rig it, but he camp certainly stacked the deck in her favor. All one has to do is look at any of the WikiLeaks documents to see that.
"Clinton got people killed in Libya by not doing her job". It was obviously a failure of the state department to properly anticipate the possibility of an attack & protect the US embassy personnel properly. Clinton shares some of the responsibility, but Clinton didn't "get people killed". If you're in a position in the US government that puts US personnel at risk there are going to be times where things go wrong - it's happened over & over again. Benghazi is insignificant compared to the debacle of the Iraq war that got thousands of US serviceman killed, or any number of other foreign policy disasters that resulted in the deaths of Americans.
It should have never happened in the first place, she repeatedly ignore requests to beef up security at embassies across the globe. And if it's a failure of the state department, then it's a failure on her shoulder since she runs that ship.
And while it was insignificant compared to the Iraq War, it doesn't excuse her actions. Leaders should be held accountable if their actions lead to the death of someone unnecessarily.
"Clinton misappropriates funds from her foundation". Actually, the Clinton Foundation has a pretty good record & has done a lot of good in the world. However, I don't doubt that the Clintons have benefited personally from it. It's the way things are.
WikiLeaks, which seems to be a pretty good source of truth, seems to disagree with that. They might have done some good, but it doesn't mean that funds weren't misappropriated.
I'm tired of appearing to defend HRC. It's not a question of her being a great candidate, it is, as Sam Harris articulates quite clearly, a question of Trump being much, much worse.
Then don't defend her. And I fail to see how Trump is any worse than Clinton, both are lack experience, knowledge, and trust of many of a Americans. Clinton is a lying, cheating, con artist and Trump is a loud mouth jackass with zero filter and only says things to appeal to some demographic. There are 31 candidates running for president this cycle, I'm sure you could find one that matches what you believe in. Even if they have no shot at winning, at least you can vote for someone you think is the right person for the job.
Regarding the Poll Attached to this Thread
If you previously voted for a (no chance to win) 3rd party candidate, but have since decided to actually participate in this election, please update your vote in this thread's poll.
I changed mine, but only because I couldn't bring myself to vote for Gary Johnson since he stopped actually being a Libertarian.
And it's a little condescending to suggest that casting a ballot for a third party candidate is not participating in the election. I went, stood in line for 45 minutes, and checked a bunch of boxes next to who I thought the best person was for the job...that's participation.