[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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So I went shortly on FaceBook and the majority seems to be really disappointed and dooming the world now. Which I honestly can't understand at all. I'm not a fan of Trump either, BUT out of those two jokes I think he's the one less harmful, at least for Europe. The whole time media were ripping Trump for things he said, making him look to the public like the bad guy, but at the same time Clinton was pretty much "we increase war here, we start a new one there, oh and f Russia" - how can anyone seriously think that's better than the 🤬 Trump said? Our world is already violent enough. Why would you want to vote for an candidate that wants to add more wars? Specially trying to start 🤬 with Russia would be catastrophically for the whole world. Like I said, I'm not a fan of Trump either. I listen to his words and think "What an idiot", but than I see the businessman Trump and think "he went bancrupt multiple times and always came back stronger. Maybe he isn't the idiot people think he is?". I don't quite know what to think about Trump. I guess we just have to wait and see. I kinda doubt that anything will really change, honestly. I guess everything will go on like it is now and in 4 years people will vote for someone new *shrugs*
You may want to take a look at what happened the last two times the US went into isolationist mode, didn't work out well for Europe at all.

Also if you think Russia and its expansionist plans don't need keeping in check then you have no idea at all what it could mean for Europe.

Take a look at the rhetoric being used by Russian against its neighbours (all sovereign states), I can assure you that such a view will earn you no friends in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and quite a few others. However you might be right, it's not as if anything happened in Georgia, Chechnya or Crimea is it. .........oh wait.

Almost forgot,to claim that Trump is in some way anti war is absurd. Read this piece in which he refused to say he wouldn't threaten or use nukes against Europe, while telling fibs about being against the war in Iraq.
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For some reason now that Trump won, I want to play this song as a victory song for Trump:

  • Is orange ✓
  • Is fixated with the greatness of America, which he believes can be restored by legdropping/bombing some bedouins ✓
  • Has weird-looking hair ✓
  • Is a bully with no respect for his collaborators ✓
  • Has been involved in sexual scandals that involve material recorded without his explicit consent ✓
  • Has been at Wrestlemania ✓
Yeah, you're right. I'm packing up my things and heading back to the tenth circle of hell - the one they built especially for us - for that most heinous crime against nature: believing that the prosperity of one person should not be built on the pain and suffering of another. If your vision of America is one that only favours the rich, white, Christian Republicans, then you're beyond salvation.
That wall just went another 10ft up. Typical liberal trying to play the race card, always trying to create division among people classing them all the time as oppose to treating people as equal individuals. Either way TRUMP 2016, the death of gender studies and the SJW. GOD BLESS AMERICA, now I'm going to drink a nice cold beer, AMERICAN beer that is. High Energy baby.
You may want to take a look at what happened the last two times the US went into isolationist mode, didn't work out well for Europe at all.

Also if you think Russia and its expansionist plans don't need keeping in check then you have no idea at all what it could mean for Europe.

Take a look at the rhetoric being used by Russian against its neighbours (all sovereign states), I can assure you that such a view will earn you no friends in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and quite a few others. However you might be right, it's not as if anything happened in Georgia, Chechnya or Crimea is it. .........oh wait.
I stay with what I said. But I realized I didn't said it like I actually wanted it to. I see Trump as an danger mostly for America. Not really Europe or the rest of the world. While I see Clinton pushing us just closer to WW3 with provoking and threatening Russia (and IS) as US president.
the death of gender studies
I believe that men and women should receive equal pay for the same job. Because my having a penis doesn't make me any better at my job than my co-workers who don't have one.

always trying to create division among people classing them all the time as oppose to treating people as equal individuals
How exactly is the opposite - segregating society through economics - "treating people as equal individuals"?

now I'm going to drink a nice cold beer, AMERICAN beer that is.
Yeah, most American beers that I have tried taste like crap. It's because breweries add chemicals to accelerate the fermentation process; the more they produce, the more they can sell. Who cares if it tastes bad? Go into any bar in another country, and you'll struggle to find American beer because the people who know how to make beer don't actually consider it to be beer.
That wall just went another 10ft up. Typical liberal trying to play the race card, always trying to create division among people classing them all the time as oppose to treating people as equal individuals. Either way TRUMP 2016, the death of gender studies and the SJW. GOD BLESS AMERICA, now I'm going to drink a nice cold beer, AMERICAN beer that is. High Energy baby.
This is some high quality satire.
I believe that men and women should receive equal pay for the same job. Because my having a penis doesn't make me any better at my job than my co-workers who don't have one.
Interestingly though, most jobs I've had (all actually) intentionally give women easier work and typically better raises and more long term pay.
Most of them have specific areas that women simply don't have to work in, those tougher positions are for men.

I've never had a job that didn't favor women in almost every way possible.

Now, back to complaining about American beer as you were. (all beer sucks, drink liquor like a man :P )
I stay with what I said. But I realized I didn't said it like I actually wanted it to. I see Trump as an danger mostly for America. Not really Europe or the rest of the world. While I see Clinton pushing us just closer to WW3 with provoking and threatening Russia (and IS) as US president.
So we should allow Russian provocation and threats utterly unchecked?

That's going to end well for Europe.

Interestingly though, most jobs I've had (all actually) intentionally give women easier work and typically better raises and more long term pay.
Most of them have specific areas that women simply don't have to work in, those tougher positions are for men.

I've never had a job that didn't favor women in almost every way possible.

Now, back to complaining about American beer as you were. (all beer sucks, drink liquor like a man :P )
And that's why anecdotal evidence sucks.
By bye...don't let the door hit you on the way out. I hear Mexico is hot most of the year:lol::

  • Amy Schumer
  • Lena Dunham
  • Barbra Streisand
  • Bryan Cranston
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Amy Schumer
  • Jon Stewart
  • Cher
  • Chelsea Handler
  • Samuel L. Jackson
  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • Neve Campbell
  • Keegan-Michael Key
  • George Lopez
  • Ne-Yo
  • Rev. Al Sharpton
  • Raven-Symoné
Doubt they will leave with all the tax cuts for the elite and increased spending to run up the government debt. Fair play if they do though, US welcome to Katie Hopkins in exchange.
Doubt they will leave with all the tax cuts for the elite and increased spending to run up the government debt. Fair play if they do though, US welcome to Katie Hopkins in exchange.

The knuckle-dragger is already one step ahead of you. :lol:
I think it's safe to say that nobody has a ****ing clue as to what's going to happen next. Polls or whatever the perceived public opinion/spin is/was have proven worthless. Harsh campaign talk aside, after the election there's always compromises to be made, Trump is already backing down on his anti-Hillary rhetoric for instance. Another thing to consider is the split in the GOP with regards to supporting Trump or not, combined with the box of pandora they opened. Interesting times are going to be ahead, that's for sure.

Another thing to consider is that the sentiments that caused Brexit and Trump to happen are far from gone and are not limited to the US or UK. With elections in several countries in EU coming up, there are several similar political landslides coming up on our side of the pond. After Brexit and Trump there's going to be even more fireworks in the upcoming year. We might see the demise of the EU in its current form too, so that's going to shuffle the balance of power even more.
When I see Trump supporters, I see this:


I think when they realize that Trump schedule will be mainly focused on making Trump great again, there will be a lot to be left very sore...
I just don't get it that people don't see throu his charade...
All the white working class thinking he will help them... he actually despise people like that

But well the world keeps turning. We'll see how this will unfold in the next years
Since simpsons seems to have predicted president trump

This might be a way trump gets rid of immigrants
Everyone's acting so shocked, let's be honest, this was gonna happen. We were gonna vote leave, Trump was gonna get nomination and then election. I've been expecting this for 18 months.
Stock markets aren't as shocked as they made us believe last night.
I wish you Good Luck America, I hope Trump will keep his promises, Lower Tax for everyone, especially Companies and less legislations standing in their way. Bigger and better military and a better healthcare system than Obamacare. And way less crimes because they are committed by illegal immigrants and a big wall. And of course better trade deals for USA. Okey does anyone see the problems with all his promises, how will he do anything at all when everything in politics is basically just compromises?

less taxes on the population = worse infrastructure.
less taxes on companies = more money into the pockets of the owners of the companies and it never means more employees.
Bigger military = means more taxes and USA have the biggest military of all nations, like the 7 most powerful countries combined. Trump wants to fight Aliens?
Deporting illegal immigrants even though they have not done anything will result in SS like conducts, scary.
How will he make a better healthcare system if there will be less taxation?

USA have awesome deals as everything imported to USA is cheaper than in the countries it is produced in.

The only good thing I think is that he wants to punish companies that leaves USA by extra high import taxation.

Anyway, I understand why he won he is like a new hope for the American people but I find it very hard to see how he will succeed when all his promises contradict each other.

But the election was super fun to watch, cheers.
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