[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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That udderly idiotic system produced the greatest country on the face of the planet. If the top political position is determined by money and family, then the wrong person won didn't they?

How is money not a factor with Trump? A large portion of his campaign was funded by himself. Money shouldn't be a factor when electing a supreme commander.

Also, are you being sarcastic when calling the US the greatest country on the planet? What is that based on? Being a super power?
That's all well and good, but which side of my clothing am I supposed to wear my yellow star?

In any case, it seems you're also looking for the social justice boogeyman in the internet, and you haven't stopped railing about it for at least five years now.
There hasn't been a need to look for them for a long time now - they've regularly popped up anytime there's something to be disproportionately outraged about.
How is money not a factor with Trump? A large portion of his campaign was funded by himself. Money shouldn't be a factor when electing a supreme commander.

Also, are you being sarcastic when calling the US the greatest country on the planet? What is that based on? Being a super power?
Based on history, facts, stuff like that. You mentioned money and family. Hillary raised a lot more money than Trump and her husband was the POTUS for 8 years. She had the support of the majority of the mainstream media and the Hollywood elite. She lost. Theory busted.
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How is money not a factor with Trump? A large portion of his campaign was funded by himself. Money shouldn't be a factor when electing a supreme commander.

It was politically savvy for him to put up his own money instead of going to the GOP or fundraising, but the favored candidate in the Republican primaries and the final race dramatically out spent him.
There hasn't been a need to look for them for a long time now - they've regularly popped up anytime there's something to be disproportionately outraged about.
As opposed to being disproportionately outraged out immigrants and islamic terrorists.

It cuts both ways.

Based on history, facts, stuff like that. You mentioned money and family. Hillary raised a lot more money than Trump and her husband was the POTUS for 8 years. She had the support of the mainstream media and the Hollywood elite. She lost. Theory busted.
Is Fox news not mainstream now?
Fixed it:
Isn't Fox news the largest news network in the US?

I get the point your making, but I honestly think that Trump got more than a fair shake in terms of the news media the majority of Americans consume. In particular those who were his prime target audience.
  • Is orange ✓
  • Is fixated with the greatness of America, which he believes can be restored by legdropping/bombing some bedouins ✓
  • Has weird-looking hair ✓
  • Is a bully with no respect for his collaborators ✓
  • Has been involved in sexual scandals that involve material recorded without his explicit consent ✓
  • Has been at Wrestlemania ✓
And that's what you call a Real American.
Isn't Fox news the largest news network in the US?

I get the point your making, but I honestly think that Trump got more than a fair shake in terms of the news media the majority of Americans consume. In particular those who were his prime target audience.
Johnny is right, the only stations in Atlanta were Fox TV and WSB radio(I don't have cable), everything else was Hillary biased.
Well, seeing how the majority of the US seemed to have a strong dislike against both major candidates, I expected that there would be more votes for them. But it seems that only Utah actually wanted change from the current system of Demopublicans.
I was wondering the same thing. But I think a lot of people went to the polls to vote against the other candidate rather than for their own preference. And felt that was important enough to vote for someone who had a realistic chance of winning and wasn't the devil-demon personified by the other candidate.

A choice for the lesser of two evils if you will.

I am not thrilled by Trump. But I absolutely despise HRC.
In 2002, Vladimir Zhirinovsky (a right-wing Russian politician who is often dubbed as the "Russian Donald Trump") had said, "we will send 10 more million Russians to America and elect our own president of US". Is his prophecy coming true? :lol:

See 3:29 (language warning)

Ok, so I called it for Hillary when she expertly dropped the Trump "grab 'em" video followed by allegations of grabbing. I figured it was over at that point. I failed to fully appreciate the "no [stuffs] given" attitude. Hillary won this election, hands down. She did everything, she stumped well, she won the debates, she didn't have any huuuge gaffes, she dodged the FBI probe... nope. None given.

If you voted for Trump because you hate Hillary, congratulations you got the guy you didn't want but asked for anyway, joke's on... you I think. If you voted for Hillary because you hate Trump, congratulations you got Trump elected just as much as anyone. Because the guy who voted for Trump because he can't stand Hillary did so knowing that you would vote for Hillary because you can't stand Trump. This election was a big opportunity to have some self-respect... and only about 6 million people (Johnson, Stein, and "other" votes) managed to do so.

Here's the breakdown:
- Voted for Hillary, loves Hillary - you don't understand the issues, and you're willing to overlook one of the most corrupt politicians in history for team D.
- Voted for Hillary, hates Trump - you're willing to sacrifice your principles and destroy your representation while undermining the democratic process for nothing.
- Voted for Trump, hates Hillary - you're willing to sacrifice your principles and destroy your representation while undermining the democratic process for nothing.
- Voted for Trump, loves Trump - you don't understand the issues, and you're willing to overlook one of the most inept and unqualified politicians in history for team R.
- Voted for anyone else (and I mean anyone, including Lord Xenu) - well done, you outsmarted the toddler bib dilemma.
I think it is absolutely appalling that Hillary didn't show up at her quite extravagant (seriously how being was that building!) election party at least to thank them for their support and made Podesta come out and tell everyone to go home.

It really is a slap in the face and I don't know how anyone could do such a thing. It's like your saying 'oh well I lost so stuff you guys'. Whats worse is that we are now mid morning in NY and we still haven't seen or heard from her. One tweet pretty early last night doesn't really cut it.
For someone from the UK is this the American equivalent to Alan Sugar (if he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth): sexually assaulting someone, making racist remarks, mocking people with disabilities and then becoming Prime Minister? Was there no better candidate out of 300,000,000+ available?
Johnny is right, the only stations in Atlanta were Fox TV and WSB radio(I don't have cable), everything else was Hillary biased.

Nah, All I have seen is Trump Trump Trump Trump. All the popular comedy/host shows talked only about Trump and made fun of him. Add all the online presences Trump had and we can say that he was actually more "supported" by the media more than Hillary, it was not even close :P

And those that says that USA is the greatest country on the planet? for whom the rich? because about almost all countries in Europe are waaay better than USA to live in for a normal citizen then USA, more freedom and more opportunity and for sure way better healthcare.. Do not confuse a military superpower with how great a country really is. USA is maybe even worse then Russia to live in.
Isn't Fox news the largest news network in the US?

I get the point your making, but I honestly think that Trump got more than a fair shake in terms of the news media the majority of Americans consume. In particular those who were his prime target audience.
Fox is the largest but even Fox wasn't solidly pro-Trump. Megyn Kelly, their highest rated newsperson, had serious questions about Trump and his ability to lead. The Roger Ailes controversy had to have some serious impact on their credibility as well. (yes, yes, I know, what credibility?)

MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and just about everyone else ran story after story after story, railing on about everything from what Trump's cat ate 37 years ago (doesn't eat leftovers, what a waste!!), to how the amount of hair products he's using are contributing to global warming and greenhouse gas emission.

Note: Obvious exaggeration is obvious.

Nah, All I have seen is Trump Trump Trump Trump. All the popular comedy/host shows talked only about Trump and made fun of him. Add all the online presences Trump had and we can say that he was actually more "supported" by the media more than Hillary, it was not even close :P

And those that says that USA is the greatest country on the planet? for whom the rich? because about almost all countries in Europe are waaay better than USA to live in for a normal citizen then USA, more freedom and more oportunity and for sure way better healtchare.. Do not confuse a military superpower with how great a country really is. USA is maybe even worse then Russia to live in.
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Nah, All I have seen is Trump Trump Trump Trump. All the popular comedy/host shows talked only about Trump and made fun of him. Add all the online presences Trump had he was actually "supported" by the media more than Hillary, it was not even close :P

And those that says that USA is the greatest country on the planet? for whom the rich? because about almost all countries in Europe are waaay better than USA to live in for a normal citizen then USA.. Do not confuse a military superpower with how great a country really is. USA is maybe even worse then Russia to live in.

Give it a try and let me know what you think. Go try Russia out, then come to the US and get back to me.
There hasn't been a need to look for them for a long time now - they've regularly popped up anytime there's something to be disproportionately outraged about.

Which bothers you in exactly what way? And prevents you from accomplishing exactly...what?

That's my point; all you ever worry about or post about are "boogeymen". If they're so inconsequential, why do you keep posting about it?
For someone from the UK is this the American equivalent to Alan Sugar (if he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth): sexually assaulting someone, making racist remarks, mocking people with disabilities and then becoming Prime Minister? Was there no better candidate out of 300,000,000+ available?

Yup, Gary Johnson, for example, was a better candidate, got 4 million votes.
Give it a try and let me know what you think. Go try Russia out, then come to the US and get back to me.

In Russia you get 100% better education, that is probably a fact. Government violation and police brutality seems about the same in both countries. But I think you have more freedom in Russia than in USA. In Russia you can freely and aimlessly walk with out getting on the "polices radar" so to speak. Do not think that Russia is like when it was soviet, it is about the same as in Europe nowadays.
The GTP Decision Desk can now project that:

The Republicans has maintained control of Congress.

Republicans enjoy a 237-191 seat advantage in the House with 5 contests left to call. LA CD 3 & 4 will require a runoff.

Republicans enjoy a 51-47 seat advantage in the Senate with 2 contests left to call. The LA Senate seat will require a runoff.
Johnny is right, the only stations in Atlanta were Fox TV and WSB radio(I don't have cable), everything else was Hillary biased.
And anecdotal evidence is representative of the whole in what way?

Which bothers you in exactly what way? And prevents you from accomplishing exactly...what?

That's my point; all you ever worry about or post about are "boogeymen". If they're so inconsequential, why do you keep posting about it?
Because if it's immigrants or Muslims it can in no way be disproportionate outrage (despite being exactly that).

White males are clearly the only group who are actually being targeted unfairly and now Trump will protect them. [/Sarcasm]

In Russia you get 100% better education, that is probably a fact. Government violation and police brutality seems about the same in both countries. But I think you have more freedom in Russia than in USA. In Russia you can freely and aimlessly walk with out getting on the "polices radar" so to speak. Do not think that Russia is like when it was soviet, it is about the same as in Europe nowadays.
Having friends who work in Russia I can say that certainly is not the case.

LBGT rights are nonexistent, corruption is rife and government surveillance is heavy.

In comparison to Europe or the US it's most certainly worse.
And anecdotal evidence is representative of the whole in what way?

Because if it's immigrants or Muslims it can in no way be disproportionate outrage (despite being exactly that).

White males are clearly the only group who are actually being targeted unfairly and now Trump will protect them. [/Sarcasm]
Was just giving my $.02, you really don't need cable anymore. I was able to watch all the network's live streams and I have access to live streaming cable. I was just saying what most people in my neighborhood would see.
And anecdotal evidence is representative of the whole in what way?

Because if it's immigrants or Muslims it can in no way be disproportionate outrage (despite being exactly that).

White males are clearly the only group who are actually being targeted unfairly and now Trump will protect them. [/Sarcasm]
When Obama makes a speech calling for unity and togetherness, it's a rallying cry for all Americans. When Trump makes his first speech as POTUS elect and says he's the President for all Americans, it's secret, racist code for, "Just kidding, only the white people".

In Russia you get 100% better education, that is probably a fact. Government violation and police brutality seems about the same in both countries. But I think you have more freedom in Russia than in USA. In Russia you can freely and aimlessly walk with out getting on the "polices radar" so to speak. Do not think that Russia is like when it was soviet, it is about the same as in Europe nowadays.

Cool... go for it. Let me know how it goes.

Doesn't bode well for Democrats in future if their voter-party affiliation has dropped whilst the Republicans' has held up relatively well.
Having friends who work in Russia I can say that certainly is not the case.
LBGT rights are nonexistent, corruption is rife and government surveillance is heavy.
In comparison to Europe or the US it's most certainly worse.

Of course Russia seems more behind the European countries, but it seems that it is not that big difference compared to USA when we talk about freedom and how they take care about the poor/ill. Actually I think they maybe are better treated in Russia then in USA.

People in USA does not even want that anyone else but them get healtcare they need if they need to pay a dollar more in tax....
In Russia you get 100% better education, that is probably a fact. Government violation and police brutality seems about the same in both countries. But I think you have more freedom in Russia than in USA. In Russia you can freely and aimlessly walk with out getting on the "polices radar" so to speak. Do not think that Russia is like when it was soviet, it is about the same as in Europe nowadays.


Yeah, way more freedom over there. Sweet, sweet freedom.

When Obama makes a speech calling for unity and togetherness, it's a rallying cry for all Americans. When Trump makes his first speech as POTUS elect and says he's the President for all Americans, it's secret, racist code for, "Just kidding, only the white people".



Yeah, we should definitely take on board the one example of him saying something remotely inclusionary. Not the numerous racist comments, disrespectful comments to soldiers and their families, or his cat-grabbing boasts.
Which bothers you in exactly what way? And prevents you from accomplishing exactly...what?

That's my point; all you ever worry about or post about are "boogeymen". If they're so inconsequential, why do you keep posting about it?
Would you like me to post a full list of why exactly I have so many issues with the social justice crowd then?

Because that's not a problem. Between such humorous "issues" made up by them as the alleged wage gap, "manspreading", microaggressions, special custom Tumblr snowflake pronouns that everyone is supposed to address them by (xe, xer, xym just to name a few), the whole Hugh Mungus incident, Gamergate and so-called "cultural appropriation", along with the oh-so-typical loud personal attacks and threats at people calling them out on their unreasonable and hostile bull:censored:, I have plenty of reasons to wish for that whole movement to just disappear and die. (Which could be likely, given that there's so many things to be offended by that they've started infighting already. Few things are as amusing to watch as an SJW chewing another SJW out for accidentally using a "microaggression" in their post.)
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