[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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Of course Russia seems more behind the European countries, but it seems that it is not that big difference compared to USA when we talk about freedom and how they take care about the poor/ill. Actually I think they maybe are better treated in Russia then in USA.

People in USA does not even want that anyone else but them get healtcare they need if they need to pay a dollar more in tax....

This is coming off very Troll-like. Either you're very misinformed, or you're picking a fight.
You can take it however you want, but that doesn't change why you get the responses you specifically get every time you bring it up.
Based on history, facts, stuff like that. You mentioned money and family. Hillary raised a lot more money than Trump and her husband was the POTUS for 8 years. She had the support of the majority of the mainstream media and the Hollywood elite. She lost. Theory busted.
It was politically savvy for him to put up his own money instead of going to the GOP or fundraising, but the favored candidate in the Republican primaries and the final race dramatically out spent him.

So are either of you arguing that Trump would've made it as far as he have without a large bank account to draw from?
You're both missing the point that if Trump wasn't a millionair, he wouldn't have been able to successfully run in the first place. Hence it does come down to either having large sums of money, or knowing the right people. That's my point. That money plays much too big a role, when it shouldn't matter at all. That you don't have to be the one spending the most is not the point.

Neither Hillary nor Trump were allowed to run based on merit. Which from my point of view is a joke.
During the NBC coverage last night/this morning, they were talking about the pattern of presidential election winners after a two-term (8 year) president. They noted that the country had been voting in the complete opposite of the incumbent, citing the differences between Bill Clinton to George W. Bush, George W. Bush to Barrack Obama and now the Obama to Trump leap. Following that pattern, they noted that they should have known the people would vote for a change.

If that is the case, then this election was won by Trump in the Primaries. Does it not make sense that any Republican would have won this election?
Hold on... Which Russia it was that changed its history textbooks to make the history look "better", again?

Oh, right.

Sure, but I am 100% confident that a normal kid get better education in Russia than in USA.

Russia have its problems but so does USA, and both countries are restricting freedom of their citizens but in some areas Russia seems to get it as USA simply do not want to even consider some solutions because those that do not work/have money simply are not worth healtcare or educations.
I am not pro Russia as I personally cant stand Russia because of my origin but it is very easy to see where they are similar and where they differ. Both sux if you compare them to a modern European country.
So are either of you arguing that Trump would've made it as far as he have without a large bank account to draw from?
You're both missing the point that if Trump wasn't a millionair, he wouldn't have been able to successfully run in the first place. Hence it does come down to either having large sums of money, or knowing the right people. That's my point. That money plays much too big a role, when it shouldn't matter at all. That you don't have to be the one spending the most is not the point.

Neither Hillary nor Trump were allowed to run based on merit. Which from my point of view is a joke.
Unfortunately the days of stumping on a steam train and going from city to city are long gone. You are a couple of hundred years too late with your complaints about money influencing one's ability to run for office. You should be really grateful, in that case, that the candidate who has the least amount of money, and is the least politically connected candidate ever, actually won the race. One may not agree with his politics, but you have to admire the way he shook up the system and did almost the exact opposite of every politician before him since I can't remember when. it certainly bodes well for grassroots candidates in the future, depending, of course, on what he does for the next four years.
Unfortunately the days of stumping on a steam train and going from city to city are long gone. You are a couple of hundred years too late with your complaints about money influencing one's ability to run for office. You should be really grateful, in that case, that the candidate who has the least amount of money, and is the least politically connected candidate ever, actually won the race. One may not agree with his politics, but you have to admire the way he shook up the system and did almost the exact opposite of every politician before him since I can't remember when. it certainly bodes well for grassroots candidates in the future, depending, of course, on what he does for the next four years.

Yeah, obviously we can't possibly implement a system in a modern world where merit, intelligence and actual competence come before anything else...

I'm amazed that you, or anyone else for that matter, can possibly defend a system that allows for presidential candidates that act like they are on a reality show, say insanely stupid stuff such as Trump talking about "clean goal", and avoid all the major issues in any debate by changing the topic, usually in order to insult their opposing candidate.
Would you like me to post a full list of why exactly I have so many issues with the social justice crowd then?

Because that's not a problem. Between such humorous "issues" made up by them as the alleged wage gap, "manspreading", microaggressions, special custom Tumblr snowflake pronouns that everyone is supposed to address them by (xe, xer, xym just to name a few), the whole Hugh Mungus incident, Gamergate and so-called "cultural appropriation", along with the oh-so-typical loud personal attacks and threats at people calling them out on their unreasonable and hostile bull:censored:, I have plenty of reasons to wish for that whole movement to just disappear and die. (Which could be likely, given that there's so many things to be offended by that they've started infighting already. Few things are as amusing to watch as an SJW chewing another SJW out for accidentally using a "microaggression" in their post.)
They did say a Trump win could bring out the true nature of some people, emboldening unpleasant and bigoted views held against anyone they see as the enemy.

Just didn't expect it to happen quite this quickly or across such a distance.

Oh and the AUP hasn't changed as a result of the result either, don't wish death on any group of people again.
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What are the chances of Trump nominating Ted Cruz (or any other far right conservative) to fill the empty Supreme Court seat?
What are the chances of Trump nominating Ted Cruz (or any other far right conservative) to fill the empty Supreme Court seat?
The main criteria to meet will most likely be agreeing with whatever Trump wants.

Not that HC would have likely done any different.
One may not agree with his politics, but you have to admire the way he shook up the system and did almost the exact opposite of every politician before him since I can't remember when.

Define "opposite" - in the end Trump did a lot of things that established politicians like Clinton are well known for doing; vague promises, flip-flopping, spin, attacks/smears, lying (admittedly the pushing of conspiracy theory was unique to Trump).................the difference was he just did incredibly little to hide it. I guess that's a step up from establishment politics.........sorta.........I certainly disagree it was a method to be admired though.
So are either of you arguing that Trump would've made it as far as he have without a large bank account to draw from?
If he didn't have a large bank account to draw from he just would have used the funds from the GOP that are set aside to campaign. Like it or not, elections are expensive. Trump was in a unique position to mount a Perot run while pretending to be an actual party affiliate, but that doesn't change that the money would have been required anyway.
They did say a Trump win could bring out the true nature of some people, emboldening unpleasant and bigoted views held against anyone they see as the enemy.

Just didn't expect it to happen quite this quickly or across such a distance.
Welp, looks like your apologism for certain hate groups knows no bounds, as long as the hate is directed the right way. Though perhaps it no longer matters - they already did the damage to themselves, after all, as Trump would never have made it this far without the ever growing presence of the "taking offense" culture.

Oh and the AUP hasn't changed as a result of the result either, don't wish death on any group of people again.
Wishing death on a movement =/ wishing death on people.

Seriously though? I'm bigoted for speaking out against radfems and SJW's? :lol: I seem to remember a certain church from Topeka, for instance, getting much harsher treatment on this site when they were still on the headlines. ;)
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What are the chances of Trump nominating Ted Cruz (or any other far right conservative) to fill the empty Supreme Court seat?
He could nominate Cruz or other far right. But I don't think he will, for two or even three reasons.
- Donald was formerly a Democrat , with liberal instincts for many social issues.
- He must get confirmation from a Senate with only a tiny majority of Republicans, and the Dems may filibuster.
- He may have several opportunities for appointments during his term(s) and may not want to poison the well of bipartisanship right off the bat.
Welp, looks like your apologism for certain hate groups knows no bounds, as long as the hate is directed the right way. Though perhaps it no longer matters - they already did the damage to themselves, after all, as Trump would never have made it this far without the ever growing presence of the "taking offense" culture.
So if someone takes offence at something that makes them a hate group?

How may people have these hate groups killed? How many rights have they removed?

Or are you going to attempt to link wildly disparate groups in an attempt to justify the term?

Wishing death on a movement =/ wishing death on people.
The AUP doesn't care, don't do it again. It's not up for debate.

Seriously though? I'm bigoted for speaking out against radfems and SJW's? :lol: I seem to remember a certain church from Topeka, for instance, getting much harsher treatment on this site when they were still on the headlines. ;)
The AUP still doesn't care. You wish the death of any person or group (be it feminists or WBC) and your breaking the AUP.

Again not up for debate.

On question however, how is ypur Russian?
So if someone takes offence at something that makes them a hate group?

How may people have these hate groups killed? How many rights have they removed?

Or are you going to attempt to link wildly disparate groups in an attempt to justify the term?
When taking offense at the slightest thing (or "microaggression") becomes a trendy thing to do, it becomes more than just a simple nuisance, because offense-takers tend to be incredibly loud these days, and gang up on dissidents mercilessly on social media. This kind of behavior, where some of their comments also sound like something taken straight out of Robert Mugabe's mouth, is exactly what allowed Trump to rise all the way into presidency. He's the antithesis for unreasonable crap like that, and the voters knew it.

The AUP doesn't care, don't do it again. It's not up for debate.

The AUP still doesn't care. You wish the death of any person or group (be it feminists or WBC) and your breaking the AUP.

Again not up for debate.
The AUP may not care, but you need to care more about context. Wishing death on a movement means I wish to see them not achieve their goals, scatter, and essentially lose their fight. Not literal death of members of the movement.

On question however, how is ypur Russian?

Da, njet and Vodka.

^Like this.
They did say a Trump win could bring out the true nature of some people, emboldening unpleasant and bigoted views held against anyone they see as the enemy.

Exactly, I was trying to be optimistic about him winning, but with the chants of lock her up from his supporters and some of the posts here, I really worry for the future. I've been saying for a while that he'll be a fascist if he follows through on all his promises, now I see he may actually have support if he does so. :nervous: It's just :censored:ing hilarious that the majority of Americans didn't appear to want either candidate, and the EU referendum we had earlier this year was a vote for leave off the back of vague "promises" (as in not at all a promise, unless you don't understand politics) about massively increasing NHS spending and not having unelected leaders (Theresa May :rolleyes:). I wonder if politics is just going to get more ridiculous... :scared:
The AUP still doesn't care. You wish the death of any person or group (be it feminists or WBC) and your breaking the AUP.
That's a harsh interpretation to take but ok.
I always had it down as groups of people. Wishing the end to the movement is the same as wishing Trump didn't win.

Anyway Trump. Slavoj Zizek said once that he believed it was all a show to hide how left wing he was. I hope he was right but at the same time I don't give much weight to it.
CNN made Clinton's defeat speech sound like a tragedy had befallen humanity.

No she didn't, where did you get that? I thought she said the right things about Democracy, getting behind President Elect Donald Trump and working together to build a brighter tomorrow and all of that jazz, it was a well-thought out and delivered concession speech.

American Beer is coloured Water.

Now that is just plain offensive, we have terrific beer and some bad, mass-produced beer as well, just like you do in Australia. Fosters is garbage.
When taking offense at the slightest thing (or "microaggression") becomes a trendy thing to do, it becomes more than just a simple nuisance, because offense-takers tend to be incredibly loud these days, and gang up on dissidents mercilessly on social media. This kind of behavior, where some of their comments also sound like something taken straight out of Robert Mugabe's mouth, is exactly what allowed Trump to rise all the way into presidency. He's the antithesis for unreasonable crap like that, and the voters knew it.
Yet you are doing exactly what you complain about.

I also find it rather ironic given the nature of many of your comments about groups you don't agree with in the past. I would think that taking collective offence at a group, based upon the actions of a few was right up your street.

However I do note that you didn't actually answer my questions at all.

^Like this.
Not bad, now if Trump follows through on his NATO conditions you may yet get to practice it quite a bit more.

The AUP may not care, but you need to care more about context. Wishing death on a movement means I wish to see them not achieve their goals, scatter, and essentially lose their fight. Not literal death of members of the movement.
Its the language used that is the issue.

You can't separate a group from the people within it, and as such wishing it/them dead is an area that steps on the wrong side of the AUP. I would do the exact same thing if it was made about the WBC, Republicans or even the Klan.

If @Carbonox wants to discuss things in those terms then plenty of other sites exist that will indulge him, this is not one of them however.

Anyway Trump. Slavoj Zizek said once that he believed it was all a show to hide how left wing he was. I hope he was right but at the same time I don't give much weight to it.
Don't agree. Trump is an opportunist who is out for what benefits Trump and in a political system that was never designed to have a non-politican at the top (and in my opinion the US system isn't - combine a system that allows Executive Orders with a legal system that is tied to the political one and you have a distinct risk of abuse) that worries me.
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