Recruiting scientists at the micro level is not the same as macro regional outreach.
NAsA has no place acting in such a political manner outreaching to anybody outside of the original mandate.
As a publicy tax funded agency they especially have no place doing anyone political bidding. Period.
And from a geopolitical stand point, do not for a second think that globalism to the other players means 'continued peaceful cooperation' - because it does not.
To many other nations, 'globalism' and 'global cooperation' is just a means to the end of neutering the West (and specifically the USA) - it is naive to think that our open armed embrace will not eventually be met with a knife to our back.
Who said it was a micro level? We've been doing international outreach under the guise of H-1B for decades and before that it was political reform after WWII ended and some of these people could have been sent to international prisons instead.
One of these groups being NASA so I don't think you have the faintest idea what their mandate originally was. Especially considering the agency built upon foreign and U.S. scientist/engineers was in part this deplorable outreach. So please tell me more about this knife to the back, cause other than Russia and and West Europe and a handful of others not on the same level, we have space control wrapped up. Even without NASA being the one doing the direct missions since this is now mostly privatized. Instead of using fear mongering actually point out something concrete rather than contrived as you've been known to do.
A few bright lights in an other wise dull sheet of regressive shadow that is the middle east is a lack of progress.
A few great scientific minds floating about in a sea of bigoted racist women hating societies is not progress.
And if you don't know that outside of Israel pretty every state in the middle and near east is a bigoted racist women hating society, then my friend YOU have no idea what you are talking about.[/quote]
Yes cause it's not possible for those who are doing such endeavors to differ from their society at large. I forgot. Also what is with the tangent, we're talking about outreach to science in a world that at one point pushed for it, and then went back on it. Same thing happened in Europe, except they took the enlightenment and mostly ran with it never to look back. If you're trying to use random notions about the middle east to detract from the original argument or rather use them to justify the original argument you've only done more to show you haven't a clue.
As stated above, if all they have to show is few scientific minds (that got their education in the west) yet women, gays, blacks and non-muslims have to live under an oppressive risk of jail or worse they have stagnated.
Gee I'll be sure to tell the Muslim women on campus they were the lucky few, or better yet make sure they end up back in gulag.
I defy any gay black man (scientist or not) to try go set up shop in any country in the middle east.
I mean there are plenty of places you could say that about.
Now THAT would be a measure of progress.
Where is the massive black persecution going on in the Muslim world all of a sudden? I mean their are Asian Muslims and black Muslims, and so on. I'm sure there are gay Muslim scientist black or otherwise practicing. What you seem to be moaning at is that the U.S. is trying to renew scientific desires in that area for nothing but good will, when my argument that you clearly haven't been able to follow says no. It's not good will it's the same crap it has been, get a region interested, offer them a job or international schooling and then hold on to them. Keep the influx of scientific and engineering growth in the west by using those from the east and few native born.
I know exactly what I am talking about - and for what the agency does, my tax dollars say I get to have a say in that.
So exactly what about 'your field' needs to be reliant on outreach to the middle east conducted by NASA?
No you don't cause in reality they're going to operate like that no matter, and I doubt you make enough to actually have taxable income, you can correct me otherwise. You want to talk about a field you have no knowledge about other than, "they go to space and stuff" and use this old adage that because you "supposedly pay taxes" you have control.
Bingo - every wondered why they want to leave and come here vs stay there? Chances are they find the regressive crushing oppression that is the middle east a little much.
Again, know any gay black scientists that would dare set up shop in any country in the middle east?
Good money to be made, U.S. government giving a free pass as I said at the top of this post, not nearly as strict regulatory laws when practicing compared to here and there. Also, education paid out to come to the U.S. is quite nice compared to just staying in their home nation. And this is for both West Asia (middle east) and East Asia (China, Korea, Japan). I wouldn't set up shop in the middle east myself considering how constrictive the codes are and liability if me or my group makes a mistake. It has nothing to do with culture or a religious book.
And this above statement, which is more a testament to the FAILURE of federally driven education policy than anything else, implies how exactly that the middle east (or even asia) has not stagnated?
Again - people are coming HERE - that would indicate that WE are the better destination.
I know, that is why I immigrated to the USA.
No, I gave the reason they come here, it's not because of some mass exodus of persecution.
What I just showed is that their is a void that is asked to be filled and more and more non-nationals fill it in the science and engineering degrees than actual U.S. citizens as we move further into the future. This has been a trend for decades. And the reason is, is that these regions tend to actually educate students better in math, science, engineering and even language than we do. Thus they can go in to a university thrive where first year engineering students will opt in large quantities for a easier degree. In say business or management.
Your reason for immigration isn't the same as theirs and you've avoided telling me what your actual experience is in this area to where you can make such "knowledgeable commentary"
I think most missed my original point and you made my point for me, gender stereotypes! Ivanka's good looks and tits getting her elected, a woman going as far as the looks can take her is what the original comment looks like to me as a female.
Agreed men experience sexism also, see above about male nurses. Sadly I can make a handful out of your list, time to get back on subject.
I'm sorry but at this point you seem to be on this tangent of good looks getting one a place of power and be acknowledged as such, shouldn't happen or if it does is sexist. You really think people wouldn't vote for her based on the joke that was given by
@PeterJB ? Because you'd be wrong. I'll give you a similar example so we quit (hopefully) with the misanthropic comment of sexism; Sanders wasn't liked by a good number of people based on his looks of being untidy, a crazy old man and there was a meme of him being compared to Doc Brown. Trump even agitated this narrative. Point is people will be voted or not voted based on trivial things like looks or features, this doesn't mean it is sexist to joke about it.
Now is it crude, sure I'll give you that one all day, same way I saw Sanders being judged by his side and the right when they didn't even know what he stood for. This is even further, one is going to look at this person and decide based on that how they'll vote not even know what she stands for. In the end this is very hypothetical and asinine at this point in a general discussion (not the sexist part just the entire "hey man what if she ran, hehe!?")