[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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I don't know about that, generally the GOP tries to Push the Moderate platform. Even though Bush didn't turn out to be his platform was Moderate in the nomination stage, so was McCain and definitely Romney. Cruz is completely unelectable for independents and Will only get Republican voter support, Trump has both but he pushes way past what the GOP would support so basically they are wrecked either way.

Cruz fits republican values but on the extreme unelectable side, where as Trump is basically soo far from there values they would most likely prefer to lose the election then have him president.

At the end of the day the GOP/RNC establishment get there money from mostly the same people so what they want from candidate is generally Close idealogicaly wise regardless of what side they play.

I would have to disagree with you in saying that Cruz is unelectable. I followed his Senate bid four years ago, and to pushed a rather respectable David Dewhurst to a runoff and won. If that doesn't speak on his elect-ability, then I don't know what will.
Texas isn't even close to the rest of the country that's why, you can go much more right of the moderate that is required for the presidential nomination because the state is much more to the right in the first place.

She's throwing everything she's got at him, and his responses have, in my opinion, deligitimized all of her attacks and made her look like an even bigger liar than the polls already indicate.
The Questions asked where certainly more brutal then she has been asked before and whilst she answered it in the most low energy barely answers question way possible, Bernie was aggressive and straight to the point on all of them, she was destroyed.
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I don't know about that, generally the GOP tries to Push the Moderate platform. Even though Bush didn't turn out to be his platform was Moderate in the nomination stage, so was McCain and definitely Romney. Cruz is completely unelectable for independents and Will only get Republican voter support, Trump has both but he pushes way past what the GOP would support so basically they are wrecked either way.

Cruz fits republican values but on the extreme unelectable side, where as Trump is basically soo far from there values they would most likely prefer to lose the election then have him president.

At the end of the day the GOP/RNC establishment get there money from mostly the same people so what they want from candidate is generally Close idealogicaly wise regardless of what side they play.
He did win Maine, a state that everybody thought that Trump would do well in, as well as Idaho, a state that has close to zero evangelicals as you can get. That has to speak of the crossover appeal that he is generating, does it not?
He did win Maine, a state that everybody thought that Trump would do well in, as well as Idaho, a state that has close to zero evangelicals as you can get. That has to speak of the crossover appeal that he is generating, does it not?

Not at all, both where a closed Primary & Caucus so only Republican members can vote, like Sanders it hurts Trump big time when Independents can't vote.

No doubting Cruz can get the support from Republicans but once independents come into play it becomes much tougher for him, and that is screaming unelectable right there.
I'm not going to pretend to be unbiased, but this was Hillary during the debate tonight:


Probably should have read the posts above mine first... Still, Hillary really did a terrible job during the debate.
I watched the highlights but I didn't see anything earth shattering. She looked rather good actually. In which parts did she crash and burn?
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My favorite part was when she looked rather nervous during the crowds standing ovation for Sanders after his closing speech.
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I'm not american, but I deeply respect the men and women that fought for their countries during WW II. And honestly I don't like to see in this thread, for such trivial reasons, the real footage of that B-24 getting hit (not by bombs from another B24 as the images seem to show, but by japanese AA guns). They all died, with one exception (and that exception became POW and was executed by the Japanese captors).

The crew:
Pilot 2nd Lt. Glen R. Custer, O-2058730 (KIA, BR)
Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Irving R. Brown, O-778710 (KIA, BR)
Navigator 2nd Lt Wallace F. Kaufman, O-931082 (POW, executed May 24, 1945) NY
Bombardier 2nd Lt Norbert J. Giese, O-929814 (KIA, BR)
Radio T/Sgt James R. Tenney, 32677148 (KIA, BR)
Engineer Sgt Richard E. Grimes, 32974352 (KIA, BR)
Nose Gunner Cpl Victor B. Wilson, 13195222 (KIA, BR)
Top Turret Cpl Irving Topp, 12177268 (KIA, BR)
Ball Turret Cpl Robert N. Shillenn, 33576063 (KIA, BR)
Tail Gunner Cpl Albin Rynkiewicz, 4205866 (KIA, BR)
Passenger Sgt Floyd Collins Bennett, 14185619 (KIA, BR)
Crashed May 4, 1945
I'm not american, but I deeply respect the men and women that fought for their countries during WW II. And honestly I don't like to see in this thread, for such trivial reasons, the real footage of that B-24 getting hit (not by bombs from another B24 as the images seem to show, but by japanese AA guns). They all died, with one exception (and that exception became POW and was executed by the Japanese captors).

The crew:
Pilot 2nd Lt. Glen R. Custer, O-2058730 (KIA, BR)
Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Irving R. Brown, O-778710 (KIA, BR)
Navigator 2nd Lt Wallace F. Kaufman, O-931082 (POW, executed May 24, 1945) NY
Bombardier 2nd Lt Norbert J. Giese, O-929814 (KIA, BR)
Radio T/Sgt James R. Tenney, 32677148 (KIA, BR)
Engineer Sgt Richard E. Grimes, 32974352 (KIA, BR)
Nose Gunner Cpl Victor B. Wilson, 13195222 (KIA, BR)
Top Turret Cpl Irving Topp, 12177268 (KIA, BR)
Ball Turret Cpl Robert N. Shillenn, 33576063 (KIA, BR)
Tail Gunner Cpl Albin Rynkiewicz, 4205866 (KIA, BR)
Passenger Sgt Floyd Collins Bennett, 14185619 (KIA, BR)
Crashed May 4, 1945

Seconded, I'm not sure death videos have a place on GTP, even for cheap political point-scoring.
I apologize for the image. Definitely a lapse of judgement on my part. I had assumed (stupidly) that I wouldn't have found that gif unless they had all survived, and that they must have been able to eject or escape after losing the wing.

I had seen gifs like that used in similar contexts for comedic purpose so I guess I didn't really consider the implications. It absolutely won't happen again.

I watched the highlights but I didn't see anything earth shattering. She looked rather good actually. In which parts did she crash and burn?
If you watched the highlights on CNN or NBC that wouldn't surprise me. In any case, my impression was that for the first half, almost every question she got, she turned it into an accusation of Sanders' record. Despite the moderators not wanting to give him much time to respond, he was able to clarify pretty much every point she made, making her look even more deceitful than the public already thinks she is (according to polls).

They also asked her if she was pandering to hispanics, "hispandering", and either in that answer or later on (I can't remember) she said "basta" again after getting called out for it before.

Sanders did ok, not fantastic. His answers to Hillary were better than his answers to the moderators' questions, and near the end he had some unclear answers about Cuba and Castro. She had some good moments too, but most of them were generic "we will fix this" statements which didn't really answer anything but made the crowd cheer. Oh, and Sanders finally called her out for co-opting his message.

The standing ovation and chanting for Bernie at the end definitely made Clinton look a little foolish, even if her performance wasn't that bad. Bernie just had a great time defending all of her attacks and the crowd loved it. CNN, however, didn't really want to talk about it afterwards.
I'm not american, but I deeply respect the men and women that fought for their countries during WW II. And honestly I don't like to see in this thread, for such trivial reasons, the real footage of that B-24 getting hit (not by bombs from another B24 as the images seem to show, but by japanese AA guns). They all died, with one exception (and that exception became POW and was executed by the Japanese captors).

The crew:
Pilot 2nd Lt. Glen R. Custer, O-2058730 (KIA, BR)
Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Irving R. Brown, O-778710 (KIA, BR)
Navigator 2nd Lt Wallace F. Kaufman, O-931082 (POW, executed May 24, 1945) NY
Bombardier 2nd Lt Norbert J. Giese, O-929814 (KIA, BR)
Radio T/Sgt James R. Tenney, 32677148 (KIA, BR)
Engineer Sgt Richard E. Grimes, 32974352 (KIA, BR)
Nose Gunner Cpl Victor B. Wilson, 13195222 (KIA, BR)
Top Turret Cpl Irving Topp, 12177268 (KIA, BR)
Ball Turret Cpl Robert N. Shillenn, 33576063 (KIA, BR)
Tail Gunner Cpl Albin Rynkiewicz, 4205866 (KIA, BR)
Passenger Sgt Floyd Collins Bennett, 14185619 (KIA, BR)
Crashed May 4, 1945

I get the point, but at the same time.... can we not take a joke? Is it still too soon for WWII jokes? We haven't had enough time to make peace with something that happened in 1945? If the wife of one of those guys was 20 at the time, she'd be 91 right now if she was still alive. Is it impossible in 2016 to have perspective?

Folks, this is why Trump is going to demolish and beat Hillary:


Of course she does...it was Obama admin policy that she was apart of. It'd be more troubling if she went back on all of her more recent actions if she didn't stand up for them. She can't pull the same actions she keeps trying to do when she was first lady, as if she can edit history and no cameras were on her back then.

She lied about Kosovo visits, her support for inner city derailment that made them worse off than the Republicans had set forth, NAFTA supposedly was never something she liked, she never tried to champion failed health care systems under her husband, nor did she never at one point not support gay rights...

If she tried to lie about more recent actions, then it'd just be too obvious and a slap in the face. She's already faltering. Now if we want to talk about why such an action that overstepped congressional approval and just went forth, that is a good conversation to have because that is equally damaging for anyone biding for Presidency.
reimburse the U.S. through oil.

Why, it's genius.

I do not believe what happened in Libya to be a humanitarian cause at all, the man was building Africa with a bank and infrastructure, we can't have that now can we? IIRC I think he made the same mistake Saddam made, and that is to demand gold for oil, didn't he skip on the pound or euro?

WTH, I'll even give some links so people can't say I don't back up what I say, I'm not sure how credible the second source is, but it's the idea at least 👍

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Why, it's genius.

I do not believe what happened in Libya to be a humanitarian cause at all, the man was building Africa with a bank and infrastructure, we can't have that now can we? IIRC I think he made the same mistake Saddam made, and that is to demand gold for oil, didn't he skip on the pound or euro?

WTH, I'll even give some links so people can't say I don't back up what I say, I'm not sure how credible the second source is, but it's the idea at least 👍


Well, it's perfectly possible that what starts out as a strong leader standing up to Western pressure ends up with a dictator brutalizing his own people. It's pretty familiar pattern. In principle it's never a good idea to have a single person holding absolute power for decades.
Never a good idea, but better then complete choas and the outside party that supposedly meant good being the target of people and terrorists alike afterwards.
But Trump pushed-for and defended intervention in Libya and now he's lying about it. What makes him better/worse than Hillary in that regard?

Elsewhere the headline "Carson Backing Up Trump" got my attention. The guy's a doctor, he'll know what to do.

What make him better? Even though I don't like his idea of bombing ISIS what gives Trump the advantage is the fact unlike Clinton who continue to be in denial about the disastrous outcomes of Iraq and Libya, Trump clearly understand that Americas regime change policies have been failures and only serve to further destabilize stable governments. In fact Trump view is quite inline with voters both democrat and Republican.
Clinton who continue to be in denial about the disastrous outcomes of Iraq and Libya

Source required.

Trump clearly understand that Americas regime change policies have been failures and only serve to further destabilize stable governments

In that case, shouldn't he feel a little shame at having so vociferously called for exactly that action in Libya?
What make him better? Even though I don't like his idea of bombing ISIS what gives Trump the advantage is the fact unlike Clinton who continue to be in denial about the disastrous outcomes of Iraq and Libya, Trump clearly understand that Americas regime change policies have been failures and only serve to further destabilize stable governments. In fact Trump view is quite inline with voters both democrat and Republican.
Nothing Suggests he understands that, his Views on Iran prove this, the only person who understands the disastrous forgein policy is Sanders and in detail.
Seems to me that Trump is a self inflicted wound on the GOP.

He's playing to the anger of people who feel they are suffering as a result of Washington's inability to do anything for the country.

It all started with Mitch McConnell's goal statement to that effect about 7 years ago at the Heritage Foundation -

and has continued to this day as Elizabeth Warren so eloquently points out -

I'm not sure if this has been posted in here yet, I did a quick check but not a 97 page check. Anyway, it would seem his statement is at least partially true (I'm betting fully true).
Fair enough, I didn't exactly think to check because it seemed like such a Donald Trump thing to say. It does however seem to still be at least partially true.
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