[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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It appears some scuffling has broken out at a Trump rally gathering at Chicago, and the rally has been postponed. Tens of thousands of people appear to be on the scene. :scared:

Edit: They've canceled the rally and asked the people to go home, but thousands are still milling around.

Edit 2: Sanders people, rainbow flags and likely others were seen to be effective in shutting down the rally. A bad day for free speech and politics in Chicago, Illinois. Anyone remember 1968?
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Be careful, I was accused of making words up when I mentioned Chicago politics :lol:

The streets outside are blocked, crawling with police and protesters. My questions: Was this anticipated by the Trump campaign? Obvious it was a MASSIVE protest, very likely well planned and coordinated.
All we need now are brownshirts. Oh, guess what? The cops are wearing brown shirts. :rolleyes:

Edit: Now police are scuffling on the streets with protesters. I heard someone yell "sieg heil".

Edit 2: It finally turned into an anti-police protect, I guess.

Oh well. Earlier in the campaign Black Lives Matter protesters shut down Bernie Sanders in Seattle. But this one was 2 or 3 orders of magnitude bigger in numbers and vitriol.
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Sanders people
I've just gotten home, and I've yet to see the first official Sander's campaign sign... Where do you find your evidence to support that sort of claim?

It appears to be more like what actually happened to Sander's own rally in (Washington State), where a BLM protest stormed on stage. Wasn't it Donald himself, who spoke about the very same issue about someone else stepping on their stage?
I've just gotten home, and I've yet to see the first official Sander's campaign sign... Where do you find your evidence to support that sort of claim?

It appears to be more like what actually happened to Sander's own rally in (Washington State), where a BLM protest stormed on stage. Wasn't it Donald himself, who spoke about the very same issue about someone else stepping on their stage?

I saw people on 2 TV channels waving Sanders signs inside the auditorium in the face of Trump supporters!
Oh well. Earlier in the campaign Black Lives Matter protesters shut down Bernie Sanders in Seattle. But this one was 2 or 3 orders of magnitude bigger in numbers and vitriol.
Sanders was, and is still, no where near the size of Trump, nor are his supporters. At the time last year when it happened, Sanders only had about a 20-35% of the vote.

I saw people on 2 TV channels waving Sanders signs inside the auditorium in the face of Trump supporters!
Can't say I saw the same, but it's definitely not the sole cause, or one of.
Sanders was, and is still, no where near the size of Trump, nor are his supporters. At the time last year when it happened, Sanders only had about a 20-35% of the vote.

Can't say I saw the same, but it's definitely not the sole cause, or one of.
I've watched some of the video and from what I've seen, it's people feeling the Bern and not happy with the Trump people being happy with supporting Trump. Very loud "Bernie, Bernie" chants rang through the arena with seemingly hundreds of people joining in. 0:36 in the first video..sounds more like thousands of Bernie supporters but likely only hundreds. There are also Bernie signs in the crowd. Classless move on the part of any supporters of a candidate from another party to crash a rally of a candidate on the opposing side. I hope Bernie comes out and denounces this behaviour.

Trump supporters have a right to their rally but the people who are protesting ALSO have their right to protest.
Trump supporters have a right to their rally but the people who are protesting ALSO have their right to protest.
To my mind, it looks like Trump as failed to recognise that his policies could as unpopular with some demographics as they are as popular with others. And that's what America should be afraid of - leaders are elected to govern for everyone, not just the people who elected them. Who is Trump going to govern for if he gets in?
To my mind, it looks like Trump as failed to recognise that his policies could as unpopular with some demographics as they are as popular with others. And that's what America should be afraid of - leaders are elected to govern for everyone, not just the people who elected them. Who is Trump going to govern for if he gets in?

What American politics have you been watching?
Trump supporters have a right to their rally but the people who are protesting ALSO have their right to protest.
I'm not talking about what people have a "right" to do. A group of skinheads has the "right" to stage a protest in Harlem but I wouldn't advise that either. It's tasteless and classless to organize a mass protest at the political rally of an opponent which is why it's not usually done in North American politics.

To my mind, it looks like Trump as failed to recognise that his policies could as unpopular with some demographics as they are as popular with others. And that's what America should be afraid of - leaders are elected to govern for everyone, not just the people who elected them. Who is Trump going to govern for if he gets in?
And Bernie's policies won't be wildly unpopular with a huge percentage of the country? Who is Bernie going to govern if he gets in? Who did Obama govern for the last 7 years?
All the POTUS needs to have to be a good one is a respect for the law, we've not had that in some time. It doesn't matter if all the choices agree with everyone but agreeing with the law is something we can all live with.
I'm not even sure you are right about that, but why in the world would you choose to use SS? Schutzstaffel perhaps? The U.S. Secret Service is nothing of the sort.
After last night, Illinois should be an even easier win for Trump. (He already had a solid lead here)

Local news and radio have some Cruz/Kasich/Rubio supporters switching to Trump because of what happened last night.
I wonder how many people that were protesting last night actually voted?
I'm not even sure you are right about that, but why in the world would you choose to use SS? Schutzstaffel perhaps? The U.S. Secret Service is nothing of the sort.

Trump, Carson et al received a detail back in November last year. I abbreviated Secret Service to SS, in the context that was probably a bad idea.

Read the relevant bill again, I don't agree with it but it stands in law.

(1) the term ‘restricted buildings or grounds’ means any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—

(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds;

(B) of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or

(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance;

(2) the term ‘other person protected by the Secret Service’ means any person whom the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or by Presidential memorandum, when such person has not declined such protection.’’.
Source required.

In that case, shouldn't he feel a little shame at having so vociferously called for exactly that action in Libya?

Why do I need a source when it quite known that Clinton was the architect of Obama deciding to bomb Libya. However if you really, really need something, the awesone Justin Raimondo lays it out in the most damning way:


As for Trump, note in no way did I ever say he was right concerning Libya or Iraq other than him clearly coming to the realization that America's regime change policy has largely been both a failure and disaster, this compared to Clinton who still insist that america ought to still engage in more regime change schemes which in turn always produced bad outcomes.

One could only image how far worst Syria would be now if Obama actually went through with Clinton's project.
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Cant see vid on my phone but I assume its him getting rushed.

I watched some of the protests and anti trump chants, it was really stupid to be honest about my feelings. I get the feeling that these race agitators are at best breaking even but maybe not helping their cause... like the stupid kkk slogan combining trump and the klan, stupid stuff and it was put out there by republican rivals of his like Paul Ryan that he's "bigoted"give us a break gop, stupid crap. Cruz btw, ultra conservative, ultra opposed to affirmative action my guess, as are other gopers.... trump might not be and they attack him, idiots.
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