Poll: Would you be happy with current standard cars in a PS4 Gran Turismo game?

  • Thread starter Samus

Will you be happy with standard cars in a Playstation 4 Gran Turismo?

  • Yes

    Votes: 195 23.6%
  • No

    Votes: 632 76.4%

  • Total voters
Have to agree there, @Tenacious D . Everyone wants more options and yet wont let them when it comes to probably the biggest option of them all? ._.
Options isn't a catch-all phrase for everything anyone wants in the game. If I wanted PS1 cars in the game would you support that option? Yes, it's an extreme example, but for many people putting 10 year/2 gen old content in the game is almost as extreme.
Well, for starters, Kaz might agree with the naysayers that moving to the PS4 would be a serious meridian, and crossing it would make sense to make GT7 the glitzy all new experience so many would want to see. At the same time, he might agree with us, and give us the capacity to enjoy our much bigger car list.

And really, I think this is an entirely sensible solution, because look at the possibilities.

If GT7 is Premium only, one side will be unhappy.

If GT7 defaults with both Premiums and Standards as with GT5 and 6, one side will be VERY unhappy. :P

If GT7 includes the Standards as an optional install, both sides will be very happy.

And I really can't see any issue with this, with the possible exception of someone throwing a tantrum if a Standard car is in a room with them online. And that to me is pretty much irrational. But have the host put on the server criteria "NO Standard Cars," and we can avoid such a dictatorial host.

One more thing about the Standards. With the exception of some seriously low rez cars as mockingly exampled in the Standard thread, they would look much better with a new skin, which is really just a big texture sheet done by an artist. I can't imagine that it would take more than a day or two for a remotely competent artist to redo a skin for a car, and of course this is for a racing livery. So one artist could conceivably redo 200 cars or more in a year. Four artists could reskin all the Standards in a year, and have them looking much better. If a few modelers were involved making basic but crucial changes to make them look much better, like the sub-Premiums we're familiar with, especially if they included racing upgraded bodywork, I would be all over those. Especially with a Livery Editor, that would make for an epic GT7 to me.
You will be unhappy with circa 600/700 premium cars?

As for your last paragraph first of all it isn't that simple and second why have someone waste time doing that when they could be working on new, modern assets?
Because, one, they have done it in GT6, two, this is hypothetical speculation of what PD might be doing for us in GT7/Prologue/GT6 R etc.

PD is gonna do what PD gonna do, so I'm hoping some news comes at E3 to illuminate, along with whatever Kaz will spill for us.

By the way, 700 Premiums in GT7 would more than likely make me a happy camper indeed, but more so if Race Mod and Livery Editor is included, and Course Maker 2.5/3, and the Event Maker...
Options isn't a catch-all phrase for everything anyone wants in the game. If I wanted PS1 cars in the game would you support that option? Yes, it's an extreme example, but for many people putting 10 year/2 gen old content in the game is almost as extreme.

Correct, but as others have pointed out, any game could cater to a wide audience with options, even really extreme ones like these.

I'm against Standards, actually, although these types of options hadn't crossed my mind before. We have to do this whole installation business anyway, so we could - in theory, mind - install what we want.

Online would be a difficult thing, though. Would there be "Premium", "Standard", "Standard/Premium mix" lobbies to choose from, in that case? Sounds a bit confusing, of course. But I'm sure if PD took this seriously for reasons beyond our understanding, they'd find a way.
As I've always said about the standard/premium debate.

I'd take 200-400 Premium cars with each car company represented fairly well.

It's still a darn shame that Cadillac not my favorite company, but they've had more cars than the Cien prototype, or other companies as well not just American.

My other gripe will forever remain even though I understand GT is out of Japan I do agree must be well represented having 1,000 Skylines, 100 Lancers, 200 miatas etc etc I know overplayed joke, but it still remains that too many duplicates of the cars.
I don't think the loss of so many amazing cars is an acceptable trade off for a livery editor (which I hope doesn't happen). Because I can see there being a lot of awful custom liveries that make the cars look worse than standards thus negating the argument for getting rid of standards for aesthetic reasons.

Most games have the basic skylines or whatever but who else has the m nur or the GT LM or the kenwood NSX or the silvia 270 etc. These are the cars that differentiate GT from all other games. We would lose too many of them if standards were cut.
Its not just the livery system it's in another sense,time,time that could be spent not only making new features but also putting them into the game faster.More cars = more time it's as simple as that,if you're happy with the way PD puts out content for GT6 than by all means continue to push standard cars into GT7 because that's exactly whats gonna happen.We seen it with GT5 and GT6,what makes you think a new console is suddenly gonna make it so much easier for them,because if it was easier we'd see standard cars turn premium.
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I can't imagine that it would take more than a day or two for a remotely competent artist to redo a skin for a car, and of course this is for a racing livery. So one artist could conceivably redo 200 cars or more in a year. Four artists could reskin all the Standards in a year, and have them looking much better. If a few modelers were involved making basic but crucial changes to make them look much better, like the sub-Premiums we're familiar with, especially if they included racing upgraded bodywork, I would be all over those. Especially with a Livery Editor, that would make for an epic GT7 to me.
I know zero about car modeling but I do know some logic. I have to believe that if all it took was one man-year to redo 200 cars to the standards of the Rufs, it would be done already. It would be the biggest bang for the buck in the history of gaming.

EDIT: Just wanted to add this to further illustrate the point of what you're up against in next gen games and imagine what your standard cars will look like to the general public compared to this:
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So in fact his posts, which were comparing GT5 Standard cars and the quality improvements to certain GT6 Standard cars with direct and clear images; and your posts, which are usually dark, shrunken ones with carefully chosen angles to claim the nebulous concept of "I think they look fantastic", are nothing at all alike.

Without a muffler?? If I said that, I was typing too fast. And of course this was about Forza 4. If you have access to it, do any race with a stock car, watch the replay and you'll know exactly what I mean.
I know what you mean just as assuredly as you know what the people who talk about Dysons and Orecs mean. If you want to rally against people making exaggerations of facts to the point of losing sight of what the actual facts are, get yourself a muzzle first.

I think you keep mischaracterizing my criticism of the critics. I have basically two points:

  • Give credit where credit is due when things are good - hard to find when the goal is to get all the samples replaced
  • Don't lie to bolster your arguments - hard to find when the goal is to... well, see above
It’d certainly help if there were enough exceptions that they couldn’t be considered exceptions. It would also help if, when it was pointed out that the exceptions were exactly that and/or the many examples that are brought up that showcased the lazier aspects of PD’s sound design (for example, using wrong sound samples even when they have samples that would be reasonably close even if not "accurate") they weren’t so roundly ignored to instead talk about one or two cars.
If you want to lead the fight of informing people that not all of the cars are as horrible as the typical examples paraded around (already going to be a difficult enterprise, since Griffith500 does a very good job of that while remaining impartial), making your responses about how the examples don’t represent all of the cars in the game and why they don’t would be a much better way of doing so. Even arguing about why they weren't really improved at all, so PD could instead focus on improving them all at once, would be a fine basis for debate.
As opposed to making your responses about the conspiracy of how the “grouchers” are just trying to sully the game because they want to “make everyone miserable”, and then talking more at length about the supposedly more respectable people who agree with you rather than saying what they are even agreeing about.

If you’d like an example, I spent a good 6 months after GT5 released trying to explain to people who used the Suzuki Alto Works as proof of how awful GT5 Standards looked was that it was not indicative of what all of the GT5 Standards looked like. I also gave a probable explanation for why the Alto looked so bad, regularly posted comparisons of the car between GT4 and GT5 to show why my explanation was likely true, and gave a researched list of cars that were similarly affected by the problems that made the Alto look so bad. Despite holding the idea of Standard cars as ridiculous, I took the time to say “Hey. That’s not right. They don’t all look like that.”

You COMPLETELY missed my point. Now maybe you just hopped in here and saw the above exchange without the full context. Let me repost.

There, in case you missed it, is my request to give us the OPTION to install them. That way, no one is forced to damage their HDTVs or eyes with such crimes against graphics appearing on their screens.

Again in case you missed it, OPTIONS, everyone's buzzword, at least in other subjects.

One more time, in case you're skimming, OPTIONS.

And by the way, OPTIONS.

There's "options", like: "Hey, the ability to control how the HUD is presented would be a nice little change since it should be simple to do when there is already a menu option for it with most of the settings."

There's also "options" like: "Hey, an event creator would be an awesome option that would massively increase the game replayability; and it would just be a matter of giving the players control of something that PD normally just does themselves."

There’s even “options” for PD to include that shouldn’t be an issue in the first place because they have to purposely take the option away with restrictions, like “let the player play the online mode that made up the majority of your advertising as soon as they plop the disc in”

Then there's options that would require PD to essentially create two entirely different career modes to utilize the optional content. And to do that despite them failing to do anything of the sort for any of the DLC in GT5 (even the things everyone got). And to do that despite them having serious problems utilizing the majority of the content that comes with the base game for a single career mode. And perhaps that is why such “options” are considered unfeasible at best; or at worst an excuse to make it so that “option” is just required for everyone (like it was for GT5 and GT6, despite all of the “if you don’t like them don’t use them” protests).

That might be hard to do when I usually just pass on by little tornadic ruler shaking posts with a pony on top. I'm getting pretty good at recognizing posters who really don't contribute much actual discussion around here.
It’s funny that you say this, but then try to offer an “olive branch” as if your posting habits are my fault.

You were already were pretty good at saying something, having someone point out that what you said is inaccurate or not entirely relevant to the discussion, then act like that person had an arm growing out of their ass (you even were banned for it when you tried it on a moderator who refused to put up with it, nevermind the public warnings about it since then). You’ve been good at dismissing entire arguments out of hand as just being invalid because they were the work of “forum zombies” and “grumps” and what have you. You’ve completely ignored inconvenient points and misrepresented arguments when it was beneficial for you to do so at least as long as Zer0 has; though certainly without the level of infamy attached. You’ve even graduated to making huge, not necessarily informed points in response to something that riled you up about how “full of wrong” it is, then stating outright when someone tries to further explain their original point how not worth your time they are (this one has become a favorite of you of late, too. I especially love the times where you specifically ask someone to critique what you are saying, then do it anyway).

So where do you go from there? You constantly like to question my reasoning for posting in lieu of actually responding to what I’m saying, so I’ll make this blunt: I’m perfectly content with the knowledge that even if I burn bridges and look like an asshole in the process, so long as incorrect information isn’t spread, especially not by intentionally people who stand to gain by their viewpoint being accepted as fact, I’m operating on a net gain. Because on a fan site which has contributed several very big incorrect pieces of information being paraded around gaming journalism sites as the truth (the Alto Works from above, or the “progressive damage” system idea that sprouted up when GT5 first released), I happen to think doing so is important; and it’s a very rare exception that someone I piss off to the extent that they hold a grudge about it is someone I would ever hold in particular regard in the first place, since I’ve been here more than long enough to see that when that happens it is usually from someone who has a frequent trend of just stating things to be true with little regard for if they actually are.
Are you content with doing the same thing to try to get the blatant contempt you hold for people complaining issues dear to them (even if they are of wildly differing "objective" importance) to be held in contempt by everyone; with the only leg you usually have to stand on over actual points of fact being “someone that this subforum holds in respect said something similar to something I’m saying now”?
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(a lot of stuff)
Uhm... yeah, listen. Thinking it over, I doubt that any sort sparring match is going to matter between us, because we both look at the universe so differently. Like it would never occur to me to think that Standards would require whole new sections of A-Spec events, because I sincerely doubt that there is a single class of car that a Premium isn't there too. But, it hits, you, and you throw it out there, and...

So what? It doesn't matter. We're different, but that's just human beings for you. So, like... have an awesome life and all. :)
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A fairly large chunk of the standards are repeats, many of which already have premium versions. If they were to drop all the repeated s2000s, miatas, skylines, ect... The standard car list would be a lot less daunting of a task to recreate as premium models.
Just voted yes - as i think the other option is nothing at all as we have seen with forza. I rather have a bunch of lowres cars than just the current premiums. I mostly race standards anyways, as there is more interesting cars in them. :)👍

A fairly large chunk of the standards are repeats, many of which already have premium versions. If they were to drop all the repeated s2000s, miatas, skylines, ect... The standard car list would be a lot less daunting of a task to recreate as premium models.

👍 they really could just remove the nearly identical cars as we can tune/style most of the cars anyways.

I know zero about car modeling but I do know some logic. I have to believe that if all it took was one man-year to redo 200 cars to the standards of the Rufs, it would be done already. It would be the biggest bang for the buck in the history of gaming.

EDIT: Just wanted to add this to further illustrate the point of what you're up against in next gen games and imagine what your standard cars will look like to the general public compared to this:

This just made me remember an awesome car I have admired few times since a little boy. The Last one of them remaining is in a museum here in Finland.

Behold - The last of the street legal MB 300 SEL 6.3 Waxenberger :drool:

(400-500hp, 0-60mph 4.4s, 1/4 14,5s - for an '69 S-class :crazy:)


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This just made me remember an awesome car I have admired few times since a little boy. The Last one of them remaining is in a museum here in Finland.

Behold - The last of the street legal MB 300 SEL 6.3 Waxenberger :drool:

(400-500hp, 0-60mph 4.4s, 1/4 14,5s - for an '69 S-class :crazy:)
Be nice to see something close to that in a game...not exactly the same but here's your birthday present (yes that's from a game:eek::eek:)...
71 Mercedes 6.3.jpg
Be nice to see something close to that in a game...not exactly the same but here's your birthday present (yes that's from a game:eek::eek:)...
View attachment 167266

i was wondering which game is this? Just the fact alone that they have put such a special car in it shows the makers are true car enthusiasts. :)👍

And yes - that doesnt look anything like the GT6 Standards..:drool: (just to stay on topic ;))
i was wondering which game is this? Just the fact alone that they have put such a special car in it shows the makers are true car enthusiasts. :)👍

And yes - that doesnt look anything like the GT6 Standards..:drool: (just to stay on topic ;))
I think I posted a pic of that car in here already (or something similar) as a, "this is what standards will be up against in GT7" example. You can find it and other cars here but I think you hit the nail on the head with, "Just the fact alone that they have put such a special car in it shows the makers are true car enthusiasts"👍👍

There just won't be any room for substandard looking cars in the gaming market in the PS4 era.
@Haitauer Project CARS.

The problem with this 'optional install, everyone wins' idea is that everyone certainly does not win. Those that don't want standard cars don't win, because they will have to see them online and they might miss out on one or two more detailed models because PD had their modelers spend more time polishing turds. Every minute that PD spend doing something with the PS2 models is wasted time, because they have to go eventually. People who don't want standards in a PS4 game (the majority) do not want PD wasting dev time on PS2 models, and they would have to if they were going to be included as an optional install. Which by the way, would have to be the worst optional add on in video game history. "As an extra bonus you have the option of adding PS2 quality visuals into a PS4 game. FREE!" Gee, thanks.
The reason the whole optional install idea is fundamentally flawed is because it creates two completely separate experiences within the same game. Half the events in career mode would have to be modified because they rely heavily on standards. And then of course, those who have not downloaded the optional cars wouldn't be able to race online with those who have. It'd be a mess.
We are not 'haters', I wish people would stop labeling others with different opinions to themselves
A person who express negative comment on almost every aspect of a determinate thing can be labeled as a hater IMHO
A person who express negative comment on almost every aspect of a determinate thing can be labeled as a hater IMHO
It depends on basis by which the comments are made (being the game largely faulty on several areas).

The whole idea of having old gen cars in a current gen game is stupid, given how the distribution of the content has been made (XJ220, one of the most iconic cars have been standard for 4 years now and it hasn't been refurbished, I retch at the idea of having to play it in a similar state on a current gen basis).

If GT5 taught me something is that you need consistency in a game, I like GT6 more for how is structured (though is not factually a better game), what GT needs is being less of an structural mess, and standards do not help with that.
Comparing how detailed all the cars are in other racing games (not naming names), it's definitely a requirement to not have any standards.
I think there will be standard cars in GT6 because Kaz says that GT will make the cars "immortal" when he adds them to GT.

Taking them out would mean the opposite...I hope I'm wrong though.
I think there will be standard cars in GT6 because Kaz says that GT will make the cars "immortal" when he adds them to GT.

Taking them out would mean the opposite...I hope I'm wrong though.
I don't recall him saying that and even if he did I doubt he meant it as once a car was in it'd never be removed. Plenty of cars have come and gone.
I'd be happy with the current upgraded standards to stay, along with the addition of more premiums and upgraded standards, but because it's Gran Turismo 6, (for better or worse) I have no idea what to expect.

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