This is what I get from this new news, my theory..
Grand Turismo is stepping away from driving simulator and aiming to transform into Motorsport simulator, with fia backing there corner exclusively atm, this gives pd considerable power with the manufactures its the biggest bargaining chip you could every play manufactures really don't care about cash trust me cash is just a sweetener with these deals. Prestige and adding value to there product is what they really care about. So in essence pd can go to any manufacturer now and say look what we could your product. Your vehicle would be able to drive around fia certified environments , that will show accurately what your product could do at these circuits but what do this mean for gt6 ?
I think probably nothing of any substance maybe one new track "maybe" as there is two spaces left on the track list and we know one should be zehara. But this do give good foundations to start gt7 with a bang how many assets have been held back for gt7 I am guessing a boat full and we should get quite a big evolution on the new hardware maybe not so much graphics wise and lets be honest Granturismo was never really lacking in that part but almost every area that was lacking or just prehistoric.
100% Porsche will be in Granturismo 7 in 2015 or I will eat my Cat