Polyphony Digital trying out Forza 3

  • Thread starter skingg
The reticence of KY & PD is maddening - I don't know if it's cultural (Japanese) or personal (KY), but I wish KY & PD did do more trash talking. That way we might learn more about what to expect from GT5!

It's a simple matter of fact that Turn 10 has added a lot of new features to the console racing sim genre: liveries, damage, full online functionality etc. The amount of time between the release of GT4 & the arrival of GT5 will result in PD being well behind Turn 10, if FM3 does arrive in October. The question is: will all that change when GT5 finally arrives?
In my opinion, there's one person who can get gran turismo 5 to sell more copies than the other game. That person is Billy Mays. (oxi clean guy) He has sold many units of his famous Oxi Clean and Orange Glo products. So if he can sell those produts by getting to the major points of the product. Why not GT5?
The reticence of KY & PD is maddening - I don't know if it's cultural (Japanese) or personal (KY), but I wish KY & PD did do more trash talking. That way we might learn more about what to expect from GT5!

It's a simple matter of fact that Turn 10 has added a lot of new features to the console racing sim genre: liveries, damage, full online functionality etc. The amount of time between the release of GT4 & the arrival of GT5 will result in PD being well behind Turn 10, if FM3 does arrive in October. The question is: will all that change when GT5 finally arrives?

I thought the trailer was the perfect response to Turn 10s trash talking the day before. That aside, I've been wondering if the purpose of Turn 10s trash talking was to get PD to cough up some info. None of us (besides Amar maybe) have much of an idea of what will be in GT5. I think turn 10 may have been trying to get PD to show some of its cards to counter the trash talk. PD right now knows more about Forza 3 than turn 10 knows about GT5. Turn 10 may be trying to figure out if they need to be concerned about something PD is doing. It could also be they know that PD doesn't have anything to counter what they have or they could just be blowing steam.
I'm growing tired of half-witted threads like this.

And it's not like any of them are different, they all go down the same path eventually. :banghead:
My bad because I did not see it was within one of the threads.

Also, I stumble into this :

"Forza Motorsport 3 game director Dan Greenwalt is proud of his game. More specifically, he believes that Forza 3 has surpassed all of the competition, most notably Gran Turismo. When asked how Forza is positioned against other racing stalwarts like Need for Speed and Gran Turismo, Greenwalt did not mince words.

"I'm in this industry because of Gran Turismo, let's just be frank," said Greenwalt. He then explained that Gran Turismo inspired his first "stressful" car purchase, a Mitsubishi 3000GT, saying that is was "a great car in that game, and I thought 'Oh my God, if I'm ever going to have a car, that's the car that I want.'" Then things got ugly.

"So, props to Kazunori Yamauchi-san and the PS1 team," said Greenwalt. "That said," he continued, "I feel that he's passed us the baton. Perhaps he hasn't meant to, but we have taken the genre to new levels and they've stopped evolving the genre. So again, tremendous respect to him, but I'd say the differentiator is they're old school." He conclued, "The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."


Pretty bold take.

This guy must be on drugs. No game competes with us right now. WTF It surpasses what ? It is not on the market yet. I guess this guy with freak out when GT5 will be revealed and released.
The intention of the Forza team is to get GT fans worked up. Like what we are doing. It gets Forza alot of hype. Infact Forza is getting much more hype than GT5 clicks wise right now so its obviously working.

Maybe it's getting a lot of hype..
But not in a good way in my eyes.
NOw whatever, they can say what they want, we know the real deal.
To Be fair Kaz acts like he doesn't even know Forza3 exist hahahaha

My bad because I did not see it was within one of the threads.

Also, I stumble into this :

"Forza Motorsport 3 game director Dan Greenwalt is proud of his game. More specifically, he believes that Forza 3 has surpassed all of the competition, most notably Gran Turismo. When asked how Forza is positioned against other racing stalwarts like Need for Speed and Gran Turismo, Greenwalt did not mince words.

"I'm in this industry because of Gran Turismo, let's just be frank," said Greenwalt. He then explained that Gran Turismo inspired his first "stressful" car purchase, a Mitsubishi 3000GT, saying that is was "a great car in that game, and I thought 'Oh my God, if I'm ever going to have a car, that's the car that I want.'" Then things got ugly.

"So, props to Kazunori Yamauchi-san and the PS1 team," said Greenwalt. "That said," he continued, "I feel that he's passed us the baton. Perhaps he hasn't meant to, but we have taken the genre to new levels and they've stopped evolving the genre. So again, tremendous respect to him, but I'd say the differentiator is they're old school." He conclued, "The emperor's naked, and I don't want to, you know, I don't want to slap him around, but no game competes [with] us right now."


Pretty bold take.
I thought the trailer was the perfect response to Turn 10s trash talking the day before.

The trailer is nice, but doesn't give us all that much definite information about GT5, especially about when we can expect it.

It's the extraordinary amount of time between GT4 & GT5 that leads to "half-witted" thread like this. :indiff: GT4 was a huge game in terms of sheer content, but other than graphics, was not a substantial improvement over GT3. GT5P introduced (limited) online, better physics, cockpit view, & (of course) improved graphics. GT5 is going to have to offer a lot more of an upgrade to GT4 than GT4 did to GT3 to be considered a success. I'm expecting it will, but I am a bit :nervous:
Sounds like ******** from the Forza community manager, CHE CHOU. He has trolled GT5 PLENTY of times on GAF. He claimed PS3 lacked the power to render more than 2 cars (from GT:HD), among other ridiculous things. Funnily enough, Forza 3 has 8 cars while GT5 has 16 (as well as the fact the GT5 car models are better than the ones found in FM3, which basically use lower model cars when racing, but increase the detail when you watch the replays).
The reticence of KY & PD is maddening - I don't know if it's cultural (Japanese) or personal (KY), but I wish KY & PD did do more trash talking. That way we might learn more about what to expect from GT5!
Personally, I don't like the idea of KY trash talking because the devs at Turn 10 are a bunch of attention seeking douches and thats exactly what they want. Let the games do the talking, not some idiot.
its like Developers WWE, all tis drama and talk 🤬
and to the TAKE10 dude, maybe, the GTO(3000gt) "got bad" cuz u CANT DRIVE a BASIC SPORTS CAR

some time with a g25 and gt5 should cure that.
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Because PD are "Honest" and dont talk smack, I love forza i just hate the Devs.... There so full of BS... i doubt the dev's at Turn 10 would even pick up a ps3 controler to play GT5

You for sure are wrong with that. I believe the turn10 guys were the first one to buy the GT5 prologue and I think nobody else played/examined/inspected the game more then the forza3 developers.

GT5prologoue was for sure the whole time their goal something what they have to reach or come near it. ;)
If I was PD I would be taking Turn 10s comments as a compliment because its fairly obvious they are feeling insecure about their own game which is why they are making such comments.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy Forza 2, especially all the online features but when I switch off FM2 and turn on GT5P the difference is night and day. The biggest spoiler for me in FM2 is the muscle cars dominating the leaderboards whilst remaining in the same gear for the entire lap. Only the other day was I doing 250mph in the Ford GT whilst remaining in 1st gear.

A few facts that Turn 10 won't like is you can guarantee that when GT5 is released the game will be bigger, far superior graphics, better physics than Turn 10 could ever produce. Furthermore we have the Top gear test track which will be massively popular not just for those who play video games but those who watch top Gear. A fact MS won't want to hear is if Sony market Gt5 correctly then this could see PS3 fly off the shelves. I can picture many Top gear viewers who don't even play video games buying a PS3/GT5 simply for the test track.

I might sound like a fanboy but I have owned Forza 2, GT5P since release. However im a mature gamer who knows the GT series has always been in a different class.
its like Developers WWE, all tis drama and talk 🤬

Basically, thats what I see from Turn 10 right now. They are gonna be in for a very rude awakening if the game doesn't live up to any of the hype.

Also, might want to watch the language.
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If I was PD I would be taking Turn 10s comments as a compliment because its fairly obvious they are feeling insecure about their own game which is why they are making such comments.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy Forza 2, especially all the online features but when I switch off FM2 and turn on GT5P the difference is night and day. The biggest spoiler for me in FM2 is the muscle cars dominating the leaderboards whilst remaining in the same gear for the entire lap. Only the other day was I doing 250mph in the Ford GT whilst remaining in 1st gear.

A few facts that Turn 10 won't like is you can guarantee that when GT5 is released the game will be bigger, far superior graphics, better physics than Turn 10 could ever produce. Furthermore we have the Top gear test track which will be massively popular not just for those who play video games but those who watch top Gear. A fact MS won't want to hear is if Sony market Gt5 correctly then this could see PS3 fly off the shelves. I can picture many Top gear viewers who don't even play video games buying a PS3/GT5 simply for the test track.

I might sound like a fanboy but I have owned Forza 2, GT5P since release. However im a mature gamer who knows the GT series has always been in a different class.

Well said. I also own both GT and Forza, and enjoy both, but when I fire up GT there is something about it that Forza just doesn't have.
I'm not sure if it's the player-car connection or something else, but whatever it is is missing.

I really think T10 is trying to make up for lack of content with mass marketing. It seems as if PD are KY sitting and watching with huge grins on their faces.

From what i've seen so far of Forza 3 in the trailers, i'd rather continue playing GT5:P personally. I think GT being created as a passion and Forza being created purely commercially really shows.
Reply to Biggles comment below .....

" The reticence of KY & PD is maddening - I don't know if it's cultural (Japanese) or personal (KY), but I wish KY & PD did do more trash talking. That way we might learn more about what to expect from GT5! "

It is most definitely a cultural thing. I've said it here before and I repeat myself now ... having worked for a Japanese company for 25 years I have come to know the philosophical differences in the Japanese and American business models. The Japanese culture places a very high value on the concept of "honor". I for one used to be frustrated at my company's lack of aggressive responses to attacks on our product, similar to the FMS3 PR guy's. I eventually came to realize that the merits of our products stood for themselves and the consumers in the marketplace are smarter than I thought. The largest detractor filed bancrupcy years ago while another similarly positioned American manufacturer has had massive lay-offs. My company has not laid off any workers and our market share has grown. I came to be very proud of my company as a result and share that pride in Kaz's most honorable position of talking the merits of GT5 and not degrading the Forza product in any way or making any comparisons showing Forza in a negative light .... that is the Japanese way and a far nobler approach. That same philosophical approach also carries over to the way that the company treats it's associates I might add :sly:

I might also add, that Amerian business plans are cast in one, two or three year business plans with the concept of making a lot of money quickly and worrying about the future later. By comparison, the typical Japanese business plan starts at five years with 10 and 15 year plans the norm. They value the customer's loyalty and simply try harder to build a better product so as not to "lose face". As Americans, our culture is so young, we tend to be a bit impatient. We could learn a lot from the Japanese cultural model :)
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It is most definitely a cultural thing. I've said it here before and I repeat myself now ... having worked for a Japanese company for 25 years I have come to know the philosophical differences in the Japanese and American business models. The Japanese culture places a very high value on the concept of "honor". I for one used to be frustrated at my company's lack of aggressive responses to attacks on our product, similar to the FMS3 PR guy's. I eventually came to realize that the merits of our products stood for themselves and the consumers in the marketplace are smarter than I thought. The largest detractor filed bancrupcy years ago while another similarly positioned American manufacturer has had massive lay-offs. My company has not laid off any workers and our market share has grown. I came to be very proud of my company as a result and share that pride in Kaz's most honorable position of talking the merits of GT5 and not degrading the Forza product in any way or making any comparisons showing Forza in a negative light .... that is the Japanese way and a far nobler approach. That same philosophical approach also carries over to the way that the company treats it's associates I might add :sly:

I like and respect that attitude alot:tup:
That aside, I've been wondering if the purpose of Turn 10s trash talking was to get PD to cough up some info. None of us (besides Amar maybe) have much of an idea of what will be in GT5. I think turn 10 may have been trying to get PD to show some of its cards to counter the trash talk. PD right now knows more about Forza 3 than turn 10 knows about GT5.

I'm with you, I think that's exactly the case. PD are going to be able to sneak in some last minute stuff that intrigued them from Forza 3, if, as Turn10 have said, that PD visited their booth.

Turn10 currently don't have any information about GT5 that they could add into their game...
Also seems like Turn10 are desperate for Kaz or PD to mention the words "Forza 3".

I think PD should look at other games but not reference any.
Although i think that GT4 was a better game that FM2, and i have no doubt that GT5 will be better that FM3, PD could learn a few things from Microsoft's premiere sim racing game.... for instance, Forza 1 & 2 had the whole performance category system (with D, C, B, A, and S.. with race car categories R1-R4), which PD included a form of in GT5p (as we all know....)
Kaz said that they could release GT5 just about anytime they want, so while they are polishing the game, why not include a few more features that would make GT5 better than FM3? Sounds like PD played their cards right to me....
Like alot of us, im scared of GT5 being a GT4 with better graphics, and i honestly have to admit i didnt enjoyed GT4, dont know why because i had really great/good and fun game with GT3 which was a inferior game, but i dont know why im pretty sure thise game will kick FM3 A** i mean, 5 years developing...this seems like a Killzone 2 case, it took a lot f years developing and a lot of People when first saw the trailer were flaming because no game could look that awesome, and guess what, five years after killzone 2 came with better graphics/gameplay/features than expected, and every X360 Fan were dying because the best FPS on consoles atm, and isnt on the X360.

So as my final guess, i think PD has been really smart at not leaking anything and being respectful and quiet. now we just have to wait and see what do they have for us!
Personally, I don't like the idea of KY trash talking because the devs at Turn 10 are a bunch of attention seeking douches and thats exactly what they want. Let the games do the talking, not some idiot.
Couldn't have said it better myself! 👍

That link shows a great audi commercial which is using the same tactic Turn 10 is when speaking about GT. It's just a marketing approach, no one is insulting your mother (unless you are son of GT :) )

Although I prefer the core experience in GT5P over Forza 2, I must say there is truth to the argument that Turn 10 has passed PD by with some of their features. It's things like being able to set up races with any cars, on any track, in any combination without having to grind races over and over to get access to these things that start to set Forza's approach apart. Maybe GT5 will be different and will offer more flexibility?

I also wonder if I played Forza 2 with the G25 would it approach or equal GT5P's excellent feel? I think much of what is holding Forza 2 back is the quality of the Microsoft wheel, the lack of an in car view and the graphics. All three of those will be fixed with Forza 3 if you have the money to get the Fanatec wheel that is now 360 compatible.

While I think GT5 will prevail in the end, Turn 10 is closing the gap and they are closing it quickly. Forza 3 will likely be closer to GT5 in quality than I though t it would be and it will be out before GT5 too--which is pretty amazing. Turn 10 deserves kudos for that. People who own both consoles will have a great 12 months of racing games coming up!
Judging by the manner of recent comments from Turn 10 employees (including their head himself), I'm skeptical about this supposed event taking place. I've seen them taking it upon themselves to say anything for a cheap shot at PD, and I wouldn't put it beyond them to lie about it.
Although I prefer the core experience in GT5P over Forza 2, I must say there is truth to the argument that Turn 10 has passed PD by with some of their features. It's things like being able to set up races with any cars, on any track, in any combination without having to grind races over and over to get access to these things that start to set Forza's approach apart. Maybe GT5 will be different and will offer more flexibility?
I'm not sure what you're getting at. You still have to unlock content in Froza.

Anyway, with the whining that PD could learn a few things from Turn 10, I still am not sure what else I mentioned. Doing a telemetry display isn't rocket science.

Do you want to implement crash damage? Is the best way to look at another game? Or real life?

Do you want interesting ideas on racing series and options? What better example do you have than real life?

Do you want your bots to behave like bots from another game? Or real life race drivers?

Get the point?

When you copy another game, you lose that spark of originality that sets yours apart. And really, biggles and a few others who are hoping that Kazunori sees fit to copy something from Froza is so hilarious, because Turn 10 basically ripped off everything from Gran Turismo to start with! :lol:

FM2 sold a little over 4 million copies over two years. GT5 Prologue sold almost as many copies in nearly half the time, and was a platinum seller from pre-orders. It seems no one remembers that. GT4 may sell more copies than all the Froza's combined.

So who should be - and has been - copying who? ;)
Just when you guys think Turn10 has done enough boasting, they are actually now resorting to bribing us.

Hey all. Apparently, CNET.com is having a face-off between Forza and GT.

We all know which game is we'd like to see win, so go here:


And vote for Forza Motorsport 3!

Afterwards, come to this thread and post a message letting us know you've done it.

We'll gift you a random unicorn!

It's that easy.

Do it now!

Pathetic. 👎
Yeah that has been pointed out a few times the CNET GT vs Forza poll thread, buying votes.