Porsche's Contract With EA

How much would you pay for GT7 To Get Sub-License for PDI to add Porsche's To Gran Turismo 7?

  • I'm PORSCHE CRAZY! I would Pay $89.00 For GT7 to Get Sub-License From EA to add Porsche to the game!

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As bad as NFS is its still selling better than other racing games: https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspe...ts_most_disappointing_games_in_2015_you_wont/

The same for Battlefield I don't think there is a better selling FPS right now. They can pull it out every year so why not to do it?

In German: http://www.speedmaniacs.com/News,Assetto-Corsa-und-Porsche-Zu-Gast-bei-Kunos-Simulazioni,8647
Two months of converting the hardest car to replicate. Freakin' hell.

Let's say Kaz kept Porsche on speed dial since GT2. Maybe even since GT1 because Ruf cars were modelled back then. I'm convinced that Manthey-Racing trailer is a prelude to one of their cars in the game.

If Kunos developed the Porsches in one year's time, PD would have only just started during GT6. That would yield 6 cars in 3 years or if they started last year, 1-2 cars that PD can make Gr.N/Gr.4/Gr.3. I'm calling the Manthey-Racing 911 in those 3 guises.
Isn't it most likely that they simply didn't want to pay whatever amount of money to a rival studio for a car brand (and only have limited access to that said brand, like T10 has)? We don't know how much money is into play, neither if the price varies between third and first party studios. We don't know if EA sees GT has a rival franchise for them, since is the only racing game franchise that sells more than their NFS games.

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on where Kaz wants to take the franchise this time around and if Porsche fits into the scheme of things. If SMS and Kunos can afford the license, there's no doubt PD can afford it but we'll have to see how it plays out.

Well the direction of the franchise leads right into Porsche's path. This motorsport focus makes Porsche even more desirable, since they have cars to fit in every category so far (maybe except Gr.B, but we never know), and Porsche is a huge name in motorsport, so it would make sense. Well, without that EA deal in the middle, the chances of GT getting Porsche is bigger. Will it be on launch? I doubt it, most likely will be a DLC, unless the game gets a later launch date, that gives them enough time to implement Porsche.
Wow, you guys are completely bent out of shape over this... PD/Sony will not pay for car rights, Porsche charges for car rights, it's an simple as that. Kunos were approached by Porsche directly, but they had to pay a fee, Kaz has in the past made it absolutely clear that PD will never pay for cars to be featured in any games, so unless that stance changes, stop clinging on to hope.
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Wow, you guys are completely bent out of shape over this... PD/Sony will not pay for car rights, Porsche charges for car rights, it's an simple as that. Kunos were approached by Porsche directly, but they had to pay a fee, Kaz has in the past made it absolutely clear that PD will never pay for cars to be featured in any games, so unless that stance changes, stop clinging on to hope.
First, no one is bent out of shape, we're having a friendly discussion. Second, unless you have a source I'm not aware of, we have no idea what Porsche's arrangement is with Kunos. They may well have traded off the licensing of the cars for Kunos's effort in modeling and tweaking base AC game for use in the Porsche Experience Centres around the world. Third, I don't recall Kaz ever saying he won't pay for licensing. Got a link to that?
First, no one is bent out of shape, we're having a friendly discussion. Second, unless you have a source I'm not aware of, we have no idea what Porsche's arrangement is with Kunos. They may well have traded off the licensing of the cars for Kunos's effort in modeling and tweaking base AC game for use in the Porsche Experience Centres around the world. Third, I don't recall Kaz ever saying he won't pay for licensing. Got a link to that?
Licensing must be the biggest part of a racing game. Of course, they pay for cars (except VGTs...) It's just a matter of pride from Poly. Maybe they refuse to pay EA I suppose a lot of money for a sub license of Porsche brand. With PC2 having Porsche, I don't see any excuses for poly if we don't see them.
Licensing must be the biggest part of a racing game. Of course, they pay for cars (except VGTs...) It's just a matter of pride from Poly. Maybe they refuse to pay EA I suppose a lot of money for a sub license of Porsche brand. With PC2 having Porsche, I don't see any excuses for poly if we don't see them.
There was no mention of paying a fee to EA in the post I responded to, just a generic, "PD will never pay for cars to be featured in any games".
With PC2 having Porsche, I don't see any excuses for poly if we don't see them.

I'm pretty sure every developper out there is currently knocking at their door, so ultimately the Porsche people themselves will choose who gets dibs and who doesn't. Maybe they don't really care about seeing their cars racing against fictional cars with made up specs and "alien" technologies, you know. :P
Why the big deal about Porsche anyway...
They're just a tarted up VW Beetle with the engine positioned way too far backwards...
Basically, sub-licensing (and a very costly one). If I recall, Turn 10 sorta had some leverage as they for abit had exclusive rights to Ferrari on Xbox (Though were far more generous then EA before they decided to discontinue that) so they easily had more bargaining power then anyone else to get Porsches in DLC packs.
I see. Still a little bit odd though. Since FM2 came with Porsche at release, I mean.
Why the big deal about Porsche anyway...
They're just a tarted up VW Beetle with the engine positioned way too far backwards...
I know right:lol:. What a terrible design. Just imagine what would happen if they too something like that to the racetrack:lol::lol:. Oh the humiliation:ill:. Oh wait....
They may well have traded off the licensing of the cars for Kunos's effort in modeling and tweaking base AC game for use in the Porsche Experience Centres around the world.
That is what I considered as well. What else highlights AC other than car handling? Some other developers can offer much more from other areas, yet they have no P-es in their games. Money should not be an issue here. Either P has special arrangement with Kunos (what could PD offer?) or GT series in current shape can't satisfy demands P has on its mind (what Fred mentioned above).

Or maybe PD is already waiting in the line.

...Where exactly did you read this? :confused:
There's a supernatural phenomena in the press world known as "interviews", they happen quite regularly.
First, no one is bent out of shape, we're having a friendly discussion. Second, unless you have a source I'm not aware of, we have no idea what Porsche's arrangement is with Kunos. They may well have traded off the licensing of the cars for Kunos's effort in modeling and tweaking base AC game for use in the Porsche Experience Centres around the world. Third, I don't recall Kaz ever saying he won't pay for licensing. Got a link to that?
That very same interview is on this very same website, find it yourself instead of trying to force someone to go look for it because you desire to be "right" so badly in the same passive-aggressive manner that plagues this forum and regularly turns it into a cesspit of negativity.
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There's a supernatural phenomena in the press world known as "interviews", they happen quite regularly. That very same interview is on this very same website, find it yourself instead of trying to force someone to go look for it because you desire to be "right" so badly in the same passive-aggressive manner that plagues this forum and regularly turns it into a cesspit of negativity.
That's not how it works. You made the claim, you have to back it up, I don't have to do your research for you. Link please and a time stamp would be nice.
I'm pretty sure every developper out there is currently knocking at their door, so ultimately the Porsche people themselves will choose who gets dibs and who doesn't. Maybe they don't really care about seeing their cars racing against fictional cars with made up specs and "alien" technologies, you know. :P
I like the fantasy race cars from Poly : Jaguar gr3 or the Hyundai grB. It's something fresh because in the end, we always see the same cars in every racing games. However these VGTs racing cars (except the FT1 gr3)... It kills all the effort of Poly to make the racing convincing.
I hope to see Porsche in GTsport but it's not a manufacturer that will make GT a good game. So far AC is a great simulator but not a great game on consoles. More features and a bigger budget will make AC a serious alternative to Gt or Forza.
I'm pretty sure every developper out there is currently knocking at their door, so ultimately the Porsche people themselves will choose who gets dibs and who doesn't. Maybe they don't really care about seeing their cars racing against fictional cars with made up specs and "alien" technologies, you know. :P

Yeah, let's start a discussion with conspiracy theories about why a brand wouldn't want their cars on the highest selling racing game...
There's a supernatural phenomena in the press world known as "interviews", they happen quite regularly.

That very same interview is on this very same website, find it yourself instead of trying to force someone to go look for it because you desire to be "right" so badly in the same passive-aggressive manner that plagues this forum and regularly turns it into a cesspit of negativity.
The usual translation for responses like this is "I made it up but hoped people wouldn't call me on it"
That very same interview is on this very same website, find it yourself instead of trying to force someone to go look for it because you desire to be "right" so badly in the same passive-aggressive manner that plagues this forum and regularly turns it into a cesspit of negativity.
Protip: don't accuse someone of being passive-aggressive when you're being passive-aggressive too.

The usual translation for responses like this is "I made it up but hoped people wouldn't call me on it"
In this case, definitely. I don't remember ever seeing anything to this effect, and I've been here for 8 years!
I'm not going on a article searching goose-chase just because your white privilege said so.

You can change your current attitude, or find your time at GTPlanet cut short.

You've been asked to back up a relatively simple claim. The onus of proof falls on you, not on others to do your research for you. That's how discussion works. This isn't up for debate.
Why the big deal about Porsche anyway...
They're just a tarted up VW Beetle with the engine positioned way too far backwards...

....?!! Clarkson, is that you? :P

There's a supernatural phenomena in the press world known as "interviews", they happen quite regularly.

I agree that they happen regularly, but there's nothing supernatural about them. Unless, the said interview was concocted out of thin air....
No thank you, I'm sweet enough.
Either supply a source and direct link for it or accept that you will not be believed by a single person on the site.

Its quite simple, you made the claim you back it up, oh and the AUP is quite clear that we do not tolerate members making deliberately missleading posts.

As such your next post will cover two important points:

  1. Either a direct link to the interview or a retraction of the claim
  2. A change in attitude
Yeah, let's start a discussion with conspiracy theories about why a brand wouldn't want their cars on the highest selling racing game...

It's not conspiracies, it's a debate. And in a debate, you need a side with the rose-tinted glasses off, that sees different options and has different opinions. That's what keeps the conversation alive.

Highest selling racing game or not, they've only released 2 games in the last 7 years, and nothing on the current gen... Why would Porsche's PR people consider giving the rights to Polyphony Digital first if they can't be promised their assets are going to be used in a timely and correct matter?

And, how can an LMP like the 919, that was built to follow a very strict and specific set of rules from a real racing organisation even stand a chance of competing against the VGT cars we see in the footage going against 908s and R18s, that are built out of the minds of engineers and designers who were told to create a car with technologies that do not even exist for a series that does not exist either? Where does a turbocharged V4 with an electric motor (I'm dumbing this down here) compare with a laser pulse motor, or a hydrogen fuel cell, or pneumatic cylinders (which doesn't actually make sense) and a 7L V10 that somehow makes the car weigh less than the current LMPs? Unless Porsche "builds" a VGT car, but then with PD's quick-time integration, that would get added to the game about 2-3 years later, and then we're back to square one. The very basis of the VGT vs LMP Gr.1 in GTS is flawed, but that's another story for another thread.

My point is, these are all details that might not be important to the PR people at say, Hyundai, Mazda or Audi, but given Porsche's history, it might be something that ticks them off. Again, this is speculation, but it's something to think about before going off on PD or before hoping too much... I can't imagine Ferrari being too happy about a 458/488GT3 virtually competing with a VW Golf built to similar specs.