Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
dogs sleep about 18 hours per day... that's a cute one too :)

Hehe, tell me about it. We play with him for about ten minutes it seems and then goes inside and plonks himself on the lap of the nearest person and sleeps. I thought it only sleeps that much because its a puppy though...

Mishka is a beautiful dog btw. I was thinking about getting a husky instead but the long hair put me off and I dont have a very big house for a large dog.
Then my mom started calling him minu ( me-new )( dont know how to spell ) and that means cat in like french or something. Lastly when we got him his name was charley so we just added it to his name, so hes prince charley, or minu

I don't know about french, where cat is "Chat" (or Chatte, for female cats), but I do know there's a book (and a dutch movie which came out in 2001) about a cat called "Minush"...
I don't know about french, where cat is "Chat" (or Chatte, for female cats), but I do know there's a book (and a dutch movie which came out in 2001) about a cat called "Minush"...

well i looked around and typed cat into translators for just about every language and couldn't find anything. All i found was a web page some girl made about her cat named minew that has no tail. Im interested to figure out this words origin.

I actually just talked to my mom and she said her mom, who was french and spoke it fluently, would call kittens minew so ill have to look that up
I looked it up for kitten to no avail. The most i can think it may be is just French Canadian slang which seems to be the closest hypothesis at the moment.
Mishka is a beautiful dog btw. I was thinking about getting a husky instead but the long hair put me off and I dont have a very big house for a large dog.

Thanks :)

The long hair is indeed a pain. But not because of its length, but because of the shedding. She used to shed it all year, but through some treatment I gave her (bison meat pills), we've been able to control her shedding. Now instead of shedding it all, all the time, she's shedding a bit every day (almost unnoticeable) and going through massive shedding every six months, which is the normal, I think.

Anyway, I was having one my healthy sunday breakfasts this morning, and Mishka wanted a bit of it too.


Speaking of cookies, here's an old pic of my dog, Cookie. :P

I thought I'd post a few picks of our menagerie.

We've a few parrots mostly rescues or rehomes. There's mogwai an african grey, we've had him since he was 16 weeks old


We've two ringnecks, Lola a rescue and slowly recovering feather plucker and max her friend that we got to keep her company.


Then there's apple our rescued senegal.

ANd birdie our rehomed Hahns Macaw - small but really noisy and nippy but also so much fun at times.


We've also got an all black rescued cat called lilly (he's a boy but we found that out after we named him)
And dylan our yorkshire terrier, also a rescue found running around our estate.
Up till thursday we had a lovley rabbit but she died just short of her 7th birthday.

We've also had a blue and gold macaw to stay for a while last year and rescued boxer dog - I'd have kept her (fai) but the house is too small and she didn't get on with the cat. She went to a great home with steph's (my girlfriend) family.

It's kinda non stop cleaning and feeding of kids and animals in our house :) .

A few more pics of Tyson

Heres a picture of Tyson before we had him

He was 3 months old this Wednesday, I got him a bandanna.

This is what he does at night when Im on the computer, sits like that in the basket and just stares at me:lol: He's outgrown that basket now, he sleeps in a cage.

Also was looking after my aunties cats for a week while she was visiting friends in Boston. It was really funny watching the cats with Tyson. Really made him look dopey. They would sleep in his bed, eat his food creep around him and he wouldn't even notice. I hope he becomes a bit more sharper when he gets older, he's not the cleverest of dogs lets say.

The grey cat was the best, loved it when we paid him attention. He would constantly purr.
Our newest family member, Joey. The little idiot did one smart thing in life so far - jumping right into our car during heavy rain, saving himself from abandonement in the desert during a pit-stop in a trip.

His brain capacity competes with peanuts, but it's so adoreable, with that high-pitched Miau... A complete opposite of his 'room-mate', Lucia, with her long, low Meows and relaxed, lazy altitude.

And Lucia, with her trademark orange stripe:

On that note, Lucia had an accident recently - slipped off the side of the building while climbing on that construction-site stuff around our house. Almost-broken (no fracture) rear-left leg, split/worn-out nails all over, some small wounds (nothing serious), limping on the wounded foot (almost gone by now), and permanent loss of a fingernail and one of the soft thingys on the paw.
Hey Slick Rick. Tyson is just gorgeous! Its good to see people are still homing bull breeds in this country dispite a stupid government trying to poison people's perception of them!

Here's my trio


Alfie is the golden Lab, Boicy in the middle is a Bull Terrier x and gyspsy on the right is an Alsatian x.

I also have a golden tabby called (originally!) Tigger and a black and white cat called Moyles.

I get a pet everytime i get broody!
Its good to see people are still homing bull breeds in this country dispite a stupid government trying to poison people's perception of them!

Yeah I hear ya, people see him and keep telling me he's going to be dangerous when he's older. Staffie's are very friendly to people, just not with other dogs, I think thats also why people think that.

I like your Labrador, looks like you said something mean to him before you took the picture:lol: How old is your Bull Terrier btw?
Yeah I hear ya, people see him and keep telling me he's going to be dangerous when he's older. Staffie's are very friendly to people, just not with other dogs, I think thats also why people think that.
I think Pit Bulls are just as friendly as any other dogs, it will depend on how you educate it. However pit bulls are much stronger than most other dogs, so if he decides to attack someone it will do a much greater damage.
^^^ its not a pit bull as they're banned in this country!
people do believe that, but in fact its quite untrue. cocker spaniels bit more people in the uk in 2005 than any other breed! plus they're used around the world as rescue dogs etc cos they're very easy to train, very loyal and yes very strong. but any dog can be made nasty in the wrong hands.

my bull terrier is nearly 10months now. as you can probably tell hes got lots of collie in him. he has the size and build of a bull terrier, with the coat of the collie


Tyson is a gorgeous looking dog, and he will be good with other dogs if socialised from an early age. you've already started with the cats!!!

will look forward to seeing more pics of him as he grows older!
Thanks woman;) I should be taking him to puppy socialisation class next week. When he gets older the vet said he will become brindle and white, Im not too happy about that as I dont really like brindle:grumpy:....Might get some black hair dye when he gets older though :lol:

Im going to take a picture of him in the same position every month so after a year we can see how much he's grown because as owners we dont(well I dont) notice them growing because we see them everyday.
thanks for that finch!

Hey! i'm not the type of person to be worried bout a turn of phrase being taken incorrectly!
What makes the vet think he'll go brindle? he looks a lovely dark black.....

just wondered what you feed him on?
My dogs are fed on fresh raw meat (tripe, minced beef etc). it doesnt fill the dog with unnatural fats and cereals and is high in natural protein unlike complete dry foods. just builds solid 'bruce lee' muscle!

Take him to agility too, he'll love it and will do anything you tell him after that!


if you can get him to sit in the same position everytime, hes a very well trained mutt!
Haha, your dogs look very obedient.

Look at his back leg on the second picture, he's got those brown stripes....

When I first got him I fed Tyson Pedigree puppy complete or something like that but he got really bad dry skin so we switched to some better quality food by Royal Canin which has helped, his coat has been looking great.
All he's eaten is dry food. He hasnt tried any meat yet. I give him a bowl of rice once every two days which he loves though. Im worried about upsetting his stomach by giving him meat, maybe when he's older though.

Ive heard of agility training, I wouldn't mind taking him as long as its not too expensive.

Sleeping beauty is awake for a change:lol: :

btw whenever we play he always bites me, will he grow out of it or will I have to stop him?
You have to stop him from biting you (and others). It doesn't hurt now but when he grows up it will, but he won't notice that because it's just for fun and you have always let him do it.

When you go play with him and he bites you, say "No" with a firm voice and stop playing for a while. Do this everytime he bites you and eventually he'll stop.

I'm feeding my dog with Pedigree too, I've read it isn't much good but Royal Canin is just so expensive! He would be eating better than I do. :lol:
lol well I got a good deal because I was a first time customer (50% off) so I got the biggest bag I could find:sly: Had it for three weeks and theres still about 3/5 left!!
forget the word "No" if you have children cos he'll get confused if you tell them off when he isnt doing anything! i tend to use a loud 'a' phonic sound. its abrupt and draws away their attention from what they're doing. failing that, some lemon juice sprayed on their nose always makes them think twice!

you could give your dog an egg everynow and then. raw i mean. lots of protein. if you have a pets at home near you, you can buy some agility jumps from them for £15 and hey presto! food will make him do anything i'm sure. try small chunks of cheese!

did i miss the pics of your dogs Fatassbr?
also get a frizee if he likes to chase. staffies look great jumping in the air to catch them. they're so agile for beefy dogs!

can see the brindle...
'tis a pity cos the black is gorgeous!
did i miss the pics of your dogs Fatassbr?
There should be one in the previous page I believe, but I'll post some more when I get home.

And I got to remember the lemon juice trick, I have a huge lemon tree at the backyard. :lol: