Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
I tried that on sunday...BIG MISTAKE!! he was farting all day:irked:

Thats funny!!! :D :D :D

Bet he loved it though eh?!

don't know if you watch that programme on tv where Julian Clarey is hosting and they've taken dogs looking for homes and trained them to agility, obedience etc, but the staffy is winning! They're so intelligent!
I dont think my dogs have any intelligence (that doesn't include gypsy cos she does!), but they do have a willingness to please and do anything for a ball or frisbee!!!

All of my aunt's pets welcoming my cousin from college last summer:

All of my aunt's pets welcoming my cousin from college last summer:

Oh no! They've blindfolded and taken a poor man hostage!

don't know if you watch that programme on tv where Julian Clarey is hosting and they've taken dogs looking for homes and trained them to agility, obedience etc,

Is that the one where they have that assault course and play stupid music while the dogs do tricks? I hate that programme. If were talking about the same program I swear someone said the staff was a cross with a another dog. Is the dog brown?

but the staffy is winning! They're so intelligent!
really? loooaads of people tell me staffs are a bit thick. My dog has done plenty stupid things so maybe its just the staff on tv.

I took tyson for the longest walk he's been on so far (half an hour). We went all over the place, he was real exited, stopping and sniffing everywhere. As soon as we got home and I stopped to open the front door he did a big wee on our door mat:grumpy:
Because he's just started going out he still thinks hes only allowed to wee and poo in our garden I think. I dont know how to let him know he can wee outside. It was a pretty big wee so I think he was holding it in most of the walk...

Any Ideas on what I should do?

He's getting some great reactions from people in the street btw. Some guy asked me if I could show his son Tyson and he invited us in we got free food and drink and he said he had a staff like tyson and would try and find us his old harness and some books next time he see's us Another random guy stopped and started stroking him on the street and we walked past a pretty young woman and she goes hey, your dog's soo sweet, can I stroke him and we started talking. She said she has a rotweiller and she normally takes her dog out in the evening so I might be taking Tyson for a walk around a certain area at a certain time often now :lol:
you keep him in a crate yeah? I bet he doesnt mess in there? Dogs won't mess in there bed, so as soon as hes old enough to have any control over his bladder, he'll stop doing that. Dogs dont usually have proper bladder control till they're bout 8 months old, so be patient. Do you have any other pets? He could be marking over them, or litterally marking his manly territory towards any dogs who live close by or visit. you males have an obsession with marking whats yours! lol
when you clean it up, use amonia free products like bio wash powder. usual cleaner/disinfectants contain amonia and thats all pee is, so it encourages them to continue 'cos he thinks another dog has left a 'message' for him!
You'll get this hot lass round to your pad just as Tyson realises what his extra leg is for.....

they do say dogs are like their owners!!!!
I took Mishka on a much-needed walk today. It was 34º freakin' degrees at work, but only 19º in the city, and very windy, so I couldn't pass up the chance at such a fresh day.

Siberian Husky... I have no papers to prove it, nor can I tell how much of it she is, since I found her, but that's as far as I can tell. A very, very small Siberian Husky (she's at the limit of shortness allowed in the breed)
Mishka looks stunning as always Diego!

such a friendly loyal face for one who had such a hard start in life!

Bring her to the lan instead of Vicky!!! (just kidding, cant wait to meet her.)
I've wanted to post a few pics showing my dog's growth for some time but I always forget to do so, but since this thread is back up...

This is Cookie before we had him, you can see some of his brothers and sisters in the back:


I believe this was his first day at home:


Cookie and Tweetie back then:


This is him a bit older:


And older:


Cookie and Tweetie now:


Close up on poor Tweetie:


I took tyson for the longest walk he's been on so far (half an hour). We went all over the place, he was real exited, stopping and sniffing everywhere. As soon as we got home and I stopped to open the front door he did a big wee on our door mat:grumpy:
Because he's just started going out he still thinks hes only allowed to wee and poo in our garden I think. I dont know how to let him know he can wee outside. It was a pretty big wee so I think he was holding it in most of the walk...

Any Ideas on what I should do?

This can be more of a problem with female dogs then it is with males, so hopefully as he gets older it will become less of a problem. When we first got Holly, our lab/retriever cross, she would only 'go' in our yard after she was house trained. A trainer we used to take her to told us to use a word or a phrase every time she 'went'. Once she got used to this word or phrase being associated with going you could then use it when you were out on a walk too. It takes a bit of time but it should work.

I've just come across a couple of pix from my wife's old mobile phone, and yes, i know it's wrong on so many levels, but i has to share with you a couple of pictures of The Cracker dressed up.

As E.T.

As Little Bo Peep:
Well, as promised in another thread, heres a couple shots of our new miniature pinscher, Spike. He's almost 8 weeks old right now, weighs in at a hefty 2.8 lbs and finally house trained (hooray!).



lol poor Cookies head looked too big for his body. Must have been hard dragging that noggin around all day. Probably got loadsa hugs and kisses when he was young, Very cute.

HAHAHA! Thats soo funny. Im saving that on my computer.

Yea when Tyson goes for a number 1 my mum says 'wee wee, wee wee.'(I dont though, I feel stupid) Its working a little. He does toilet more outside now but still mostly in the garden, probably will just take time.

Any tips on how to teach Tyson recall? If he see's another dog while off the lead he runs off and wont come back. He only comes to us when he feels like it. And what about fetch? When we throw him something he doest give it back. Greedy git:grumpy:
And Finally when I take him to puppy school he is the worst behaved dog in our class of 8. He doesnt listen or respond to anything you tell him. All he wants to do is run to the other dogs and play. He starts whining constantly if I restrain him. The only time he's quiet is if I let him suck on a treat. Its like he goes into hyper mode whenever theres a dog or two around.

Some recent pics of him:

My favorite:

'dog' tags lol

Oh yea, he's been teething recently. Three of his teeth fell out when I was playing tug of war with him. Scared me the first time it happened.
I'm not sure what 'tug of war' is but if it involves pulling ropes or clothes he's biting you shouldn't do it before he completes 6 months, it may damage his teeth formation.
Here's the story of Jose, the Tequila, and Abraham, the Wren.

Like most of my stories, this one also starts with "So I was drinking..."
Last Wednesday (6/20/2007) I decided to get my drink on. It'd been a rough day, and I was ready for it. Weapon of Choice: Jose Cuervo Tequila. Straight, no salt or fruit. With a beer chaser.

Weeks/months prior to this, a Wren (little bird) had made a nest in our fire pit. When I say Fire Pit, I mean 6' tall, with a 5' square burn pad, complete with Granite Mantle and brick encasing Concrete Block. The little wren decided that this warm oasis was the proper place to build a nest and raise a clutch of eggs.

This wednesday, they fledged. They had hatched the week prior and were gaining ground. However, the bad news is, that one died in the nest. Three flew out with Mom and Dad and one was flopping about on the ground. This little guy, was in apparent serious distress. He wasn't able to fly or really get off the ground at all. Mom was calling for him, and he was aclling back, but couldn't fly. Sure his wings worked, and he could motor across the ground like a hovercraft, but could gain altitude. Turns out he has a spinal deformity and his legs don't function.

So DA, in his drunken state decides to scoop him up and come to the rescue. Mainly because I have a serious distaste for cats and couldn't bear the though of this little guy becoming some sleazy feral felines dinner. It was touch and go that night. Valex and I weren't expecting him to make it through the night. Turns out, our downstairs enighbor had a can of crickets for his lizard. So that meant we have food. Valex' sister was stopping buy and asked if we needed anything. ON her way over, Valex gave her a list to pick up from the pet store. She arrived with everything.

He made it through the night. We figured if he had no feeding response, he'd die. His feeding response showed up almost as we thought it. He became more and more alert. Figuring out how to "hover" around his cage, and chase crickets. He'll sleep in my hand and be quite comfortable. He's even gone to work with me a couple of days. He's home with Valex on her days off, and goes to work with me when she's working.

So, now to introduce the latest member of DA's flock, here is "Abraham Wrenfield Stimpson" (yes, I was drunk when I named him).


That's pretty cool that you did that. I really like the name you gave it :lol:

A little bit ago I got some better pictures of my cat as he was sleeping. We finally figure out how is name is spelled and what it means too. We named him Minou (me-new) because my mom said that my grandmother would always call cats minous. I searched through translators to no avail but was finally told that it means Kitty in French.

He is quite an amazing cat. He likes to play fecth with me whenever i throw a Dasani cap (It's thinner so he can pick it up in his mouth). He has learned to recognize certain words with certain things too. If we say "goodbye" he'll start meowing up a storm because he doesn't like it when we leave. Just recently whenever i say "I love you" he starts yipping if you could call it that (not a full meow, just little chirps sort of). And the thing he most recognizes is when we say "do you want a treat". Once we say that he bolts up from wherever he is and runs into the kitchen to await his treat, lol.

He has gotten so big in the time that we've had him it's surprising. He's not even a year old.


Any tips on how to teach Tyson recall? If he see's another dog while off the lead he runs off and wont come back. He only comes to us when he feels like it. And what about fetch? When we throw him something he doest give it back. Greedy git:grumpy:
And Finally when I take him to puppy school he is the worst behaved dog in our class of 8. He doesnt listen or respond to anything you tell him. All he wants to do is run to the other dogs and play. He starts whining constantly if I restrain him. The only time he's quiet is if I let him suck on a treat. Its like he goes into hyper mode whenever theres a dog or two around.

We started taking the Cracker (Jake) to a dog trainers when we first got him because he was so untrainable and unsociable with other dogs. To be quite honest it didn't do much good - he's a Fox Terrier (cross maybe?) and an adult rescue dog that had been badly abused, so really there was little chance of him ever being 'normal'. My best advise would be to try whistle training. If your dog is still young and trainable you should be able to teach him to instantly return when you use the whistle. It's pretty complicated stuff so you'd be best off getting a book on it, you'll need a proper good-quality whistle from a hunting shop (or online equivalent). Most terrier breeds are pretty bad at being recalled but starting early gives you a good chance. We just take Jake to places where no other dogs go, or just places where you can see others coming from a distance :rolleyes:

When you are training him or taking him to a class, you can get him to concentrate on you with treats. Always have some in your hand, try to get him to sit when he's distracted and reward him with a tread when he does so. He should start concentrating more on you and his potential treats then he does with other distractions.

Our two dogs, especially the retriever :rolleyes: are bad at letting things go once they've fetched them. We usually ignore them until they've let go of what ever object they've retrieved. Once they've let go i will slowly reach down to the toy, quick movements generally make them want to lerch for them too, trying to get them to sit and stay until you are ready to throw it again. Offering treats works for this too.
Cool little bird you got there Der Alta, my pet doves have another three eggs in their cage ready to hatch, which would bring the count up to 9 doves, from two....