Here's the story of Jose, the Tequila, and Abraham, the Wren.
Like most of my stories, this one also starts with "So I was drinking..."
Last Wednesday (6/20/2007) I decided to get my drink on. It'd been a rough day, and I was ready for it. Weapon of Choice: Jose Cuervo Tequila. Straight, no salt or fruit. With a beer chaser.
Weeks/months prior to this, a Wren (little bird) had made a nest in our fire pit. When I say Fire Pit, I mean 6' tall, with a 5' square burn pad, complete with Granite Mantle and brick encasing Concrete Block. The little wren decided that this warm oasis was the proper place to build a nest and raise a clutch of eggs.
This wednesday, they fledged. They had hatched the week prior and were gaining ground. However, the bad news is, that one died in the nest. Three flew out with Mom and Dad and one was flopping about on the ground. This little guy, was in apparent serious distress. He wasn't able to fly or really get off the ground at all. Mom was calling for him, and he was aclling back, but couldn't fly. Sure his wings worked, and he could motor across the ground like a hovercraft, but could gain altitude. Turns out he has a spinal deformity and his legs don't function.
So DA, in his drunken state decides to scoop him up and come to the rescue. Mainly because I have a serious distaste for cats and couldn't bear the though of this little guy becoming some sleazy feral felines dinner. It was touch and go that night. Valex and I weren't expecting him to make it through the night. Turns out, our downstairs enighbor had a can of crickets for his lizard. So that meant we have food. Valex' sister was stopping buy and asked if we needed anything. ON her way over, Valex gave her a list to pick up from the pet store. She arrived with everything.
He made it through the night. We figured if he had no feeding response, he'd die. His feeding response showed up almost as we thought it. He became more and more alert. Figuring out how to "hover" around his cage, and chase crickets. He'll sleep in my hand and be quite comfortable. He's even gone to work with me a couple of days. He's home with Valex on her days off, and goes to work with me when she's working.
So, now to introduce the latest member of DA's flock, here is "
Abraham Wrenfield Stimpson" (yes, I was drunk when I named him).