I thought I'd post a few picks of our menagerie.
We've a few parrots mostly rescues or rehomes. There's mogwai an african grey, we've had him since he was 16 weeks old
We've two ringnecks, Lola a rescue and slowly recovering feather plucker and max her friend that we got to keep her company.
Then there's apple our rescued senegal.
ANd birdie our rehomed Hahns Macaw - small but really noisy and nippy but also so much fun at times.
We've also got an all black rescued cat called lilly (he's a boy but we found that out after we named him)
And dylan our yorkshire terrier, also a rescue found running around our estate.
Up till thursday we had a lovley rabbit but she died just short of her 7th birthday.
We've also had a blue and gold macaw to stay for a while last year and rescued boxer dog - I'd have kept her (fai) but the house is too small and she didn't get on with the cat. She went to a great home with steph's (my girlfriend) family.
It's kinda non stop cleaning and feeding of kids and animals in our house
